You are the
visitor to this page since it was placed online May 2016
This Missing Person Prayer Group page was built to
Pray for ALL the Missing
to give online exposure
to the frightening number of missing person cases
Anyone can submit a request for prayers
for a missing person
to This Prayer Group
Please Follow Me on Twitter
and share the word about this page
by clicking the Follow Button below
You can help by tweeting this page or sharing it on Face Book
Please Share this Page ~~~~~~~ * Now Click on the "Tweet" button to be +++++ This page's URL to share on other online sites is ******** It is disturbing to see so many There are links to pages which ***** Now to the reason for this page -- Please join and pray for ALL The Missing We pray as One and ****** Visit the Printable Prayer Page Link seen on this page ***+++*** You need NOT belong to any particular religion There is NO sign up process to join Our Online Prayer Groups -------------- To send a prayer request Here are some of the many cases that are baffling and
on Facebook
Click on this text
to be taken to your
Face Book Page
taken to your "Twitters" page
AND just send the tweet which has been propagated for you
new Missing Person Cases on Face Book each day
we can drastically reduce the need for those posts
present a few solution to protecting your family
and for finding the missing - quickly
by using unmanned Military drones
This page is our Prayer Group for Missing Persons
Not only those listed on this page
Our voice has been heard
and some of those prayed for here have been found -
a few were found safe
to get your copy of the prayer
and carry it with you at all times
to pray for help finding missing persons
to join this missing person Prayer Group
Just send us an Email
with a prayer request for help from a higher power
for a missing person and your notice
Will be posted on this
Prayer Group Page
send us the details on the case
just join the other members in saying the prayer
Need help Being Solved
Now we start showcasing the Missing persons we pray for
Ellen Wagen
Thu 07-Nov- 08:59 AM
Please pray for missing 17 year old boy,
Abe Gonzalez, in Island Lake IL.
He has been missing Since Nove3rd
We need to find him. Please pray. We need help.
Read Deails
HERE Please.
Submited By Ellen Wagenknecht
Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Somolom
July 2nd 2015 Click HERE for more Details ![]() |
Jose Caballero since Aug 18th 2016 ![]() |
For Jose Caballlero's Info Page
Some of the cases Listed On this page
May have been solved - Please notify me If they have
Sarah Lee Stern is Missing
Tap HERE for the details
and add Sarah Lee Stern to your prayers
a Page for Your Missing Person Case ![]() | Click Above for Examples of the pages we have built |
There is no fee to join this Prayer Group
or to have a page built or
to link existing page to my high traffic missing person sites
but we do accept contributions
to defray our cost
to keep these pages online -- see below
This page was placed online in conjunction
with other Prayer Group pages
see a partial list later on this page
This page is Special
It presents a chance to pray as a group
in a non denominational venue
fpr missing women, children and men
and for familys who are missing a loved one
Email us if you would like a case added to this Prayer Group
The only requirement we have is:
you say the Prayer
and ask for intervention in finding the missing persons listed here
TWITTER FaceBook and other social media
We also post notices of your case
We have thousands of members and we pray as one
There is strength in numbers
Send an email through the link above and we will send you
an email with a copy of the prayer
This page also has a link
to the Special Printable Prayer
further down
as well as links to some of the webmasters other Missing person cases pages
If you have a missing loved one and
need a page built like the ones seen on this page
for your missing loved one
Here is the link HLN Show host Nancy Grace has presented many of the cases And Follow me On Face BOOK too
°°°°°°° Next here is the link to https://cruci34.angelfire.com/print_prayer_missing.html ++++++
Now to the missing we are praying for ** ++++++++++ ,\ Posted June 29th 2016 ********** Drew Kesse, Father of Jennifer *****++***** Another woman has gone missing in a National Park .. Diana Zacarias. There are NO accurate records and no central information bank It is apparent the predators know the parks are Local Poice have no jurisdiction in our National Parks We give Billions to foreign coutries Now read about Diana Zacarias and prayer for her https://cruci34.angelfire.com/Diana_Zacarias.html Here are more of the Missing Persons we are praying for ********* ******** Updates about Lori Jean Lloyd will be added as they are received ********* Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 18:51:40 -0700 ********* The list continues at the link found ******** Here is another Missing person case to include in your prayers The drones are scheduled to be taken out of service There is a link to a petition below Please share this page on twitter and FaceBook ***** The technology presented in the above link can potentially help IF you are as tired of hearing about Again, PLEASE READ and Sign the Petition below Be informed about our effort to accomplish this Had this technology been in place over San Bernardino Ca. The same can be said for the Boston Bombers, The Paris Terorists We have recently started using similar drones to protrect our borders ******* Now another way to help stop these abductions ********** An example of this system is seen if you ***** +++++++++ Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 01:16:19 -0500 ^^^^^^^^^ Pray for Jennifer Jesse, Tracy Ocasio and Michelle Parker Police say the Florida mom who appeared on "The People's Court" television show went missing the day her episode aired.
Michelle Parker, 33, was last heard from late Thursday afternoon, Nov 17th when she sent a text message saying she was in We plead with anyone with information to call Crimeline at (800) 423-8477 IF you have any info about Michelle Parker ^^^^^^+^^^^^ ^^^^^+^^^^^ *****++***** We never ask for money But CLICK here for the Contribution page If you have any problem making the Contribution ********* ××××× ***** +++++++++ Since starting our prayer groups in Jan 2010 -- Please use the email links The other Prayer Group is for needs *****++***** Again, We never asked for money But CLICK here for the Contribution page If you have any problem making the Contribution ********* *+*+*+*+* Now more of our other Prayer Groups Pages https://cruci34.angelfire.com/pray2.html ********* >Now here are some of the missing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+^^^^^ Now before getting to some of the missing persons which we pray for we want to present some info which can ^^^^^+^^^^^ It is a contention of ours that ******** ++++++++++ These next six cases have occurred Could they be the work of a serial killer ? ********* Update on Karen Swift Karen Swift ( Karen Johnson Swift ) Her Body was found Dec 10th 2011 near a cemetery near her home There have been bodies found in Memphis in and near cemeteries NO SUSPECTS - BUT HUSBAND David Swift IS a POI ( Person OF Interest ) ********* Holly Bobo ******* Lauren Spierer *********** Paige Johnson AND ********* Jacque Sue Waller ~~~~~~~ This is the end of those six cases Agian Is there a Connection ? Pat Brown Does Not thinks so BUT others do ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michele Rene Dickerman ***************** ~~~**~~~ Anyone with information regarding Amos Mortier ~~~**~~~ ~~~~~ Here is another of our pages with more missing persons - you might know one ~~~~~ All we ask is that you post credit for where you found it ******** ******* The Jose Caballero case is Tap HERE ********
********** ***** Diana's case is also listed on the following links **********
to my page where you can submit your info
on your loved ones missing person case
Please read the instructions carefully
found on this page and
often requests help with Finding Missing persons
Mrs. Grace constantly says "My Prayers are with the Family"
this page offers the chance for thousands more voices to be heard
The Printable Prayer
to find a missing person
it is the Newest page
in our Prayer Group to find missing persons
it has it's own Special Prayer
asking for help in finding a missing person
you need to say it daily
IF you join THIS Special Prayer Group
carry it with you to say when you have spare moments
PLEASE remember to include =
ALL families with missing loved ones
Again there is strength in numbers
and a reminder to send info on any
Missing Person Case you want added to our prayers
Marine Troy Galloway
is Missing
we need your prayers
Victoria Texas
Has been found
Click HERE for more Information
Thank you for your prayers
Has A Radio Show which can be heard online on Tues and Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m.
Friend Drew ON HIS Face Book for more detials
Mr Kesse Accepts Calls and emails at drew.kesse@kesseonline.com
It is a fact that thousands of women men and children
hundreds of the cases go unsolved
for those missing in Our National Parks
locations to find a victim
and the parks don't have the resources to initiate quick / thourough searches
because of the rural locations most are small deor partments
with 3 to 5 officers
You would think the FBI would be in charge
But there seems to be no one documenting the cases
But can't find the money to help our own
Shame on us
Diana Zacarias is a missing person case I have built a page for
Missing since April 2 nd 2016
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information
Touch Here for info on this cold case
Lori Jean Lloyd
she went missing on Feb 11, 1976.
Her last known destination was a 7-11 store in
Kettering, OH
Click here for a larger picture of the area where she was last seen
Hopefully with your prayers More info will come soon
Subject: Prayer Page
From: sylvina.williams1@gmail.com
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Good night
I read on your website for prayer request and I'm asking your help
in praying for my son Levoy Taljit
Lavoy went missing since December 2012.
I am desperate for answers and hope your prayers help
Thank you.
Read more about this case HERE
Taljit's abandoned Toyota Raum
was found on a trail about 20 miles
off the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.
is Missing
Click HERE for more Details
- Pray for Timmy's safe return as well as other crimes within minutes of them being reported
why are we wasting them ?
asking our leaders to consider this approach.
in addition to sending it to the Network TV shows Like Dateline and 20/20
show THE ACTUAl abduction being committed
and where the victim was taken in high definition and extreme close ups etc. etc.
missing women, children and men and other crimes as I am
You have an opportunity to DO SOMETHING
which presents more info on this solution and asks
Our elected officials to adapt existing
military unmanned drone or satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
for use by Law Enforcement to find Missing Children women and men
and quickly solve other crimes
and help protect us from terrorists
YOU can see to it these acts are drastically reduced
Victims are rescued and victim's families given some peace
the shooters would have been located within minutes
and most other crimes
and they are proving to be effective >
To sign the petition to help get the proposed solution in Place
and Missing persons cases
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details
Click here to see a close up version of the above picture of the area
where Caylee Anthony's Body was found ( taken from space )
the picture has been altered to show what is possible
Subject: Missing Person Pages
From: hvnangel1967@
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Please help me pray to find a missing young lady from Lubbock Tx named Zoe Campos
I know God is more than able thank you
Rhonda Gom
CLICK Here for a Page for
with i fo on tbe Jennifer Jesse and Michelle Parker Cases
Michelle went missing after a segment of People 's Court in which she and Dale Smith the father of her children
appeared to settle a contentious financial Situation.
the Waterford Lakes neighborhood, the Orlando Sentinel reports.
Click Here to see a larger satellite pic of the area
Text link
to read about mostly ignored Missing Minorities cases
some members of our prayer group have offered to contribute
to keep these pages online
We have set up a way to contribute
and offer a gift to those who live in the Lower 48 of the U.S. who do so
For each $20.00 of contributions
to help keep these pages online
-- you get a gift -
the Image of Jesus on Fish Bone
which is called the Crucifix Fish or Crucifish
Please Notify Me
Tracy Ocasio
AND Jennifer Kesse went missing 5 miles from each other
Morgan Harrington's body has been found
aND HER MURDERER plead guilty
click here more Info
Friends said that Harrington, an education major who lived off campus in an apartment in Blacksburg, VA
drove 2 1/2 Hours to Charlottesville, VA where she went for a Metallica concert
BUT left the University of Virginia's John Paul Jones Arena
before the group came onstage. They were not sure why.
Her purse and cellphone were later found outside, said a friend of Harrington's - A. Melvin
Melvin's younger sister was Harrington's roommate and had attended the concert with her.
Harrington's car, in which they traveled to the concert,
was still in the parking lot after the event Melvin said.
missing from Ohio for over year
we contunie to receive thousands
of prayer requests for a wide variety of different needs
through the email links on the pages
found on the specific groups pages
which range from needing miracles for health reasons
to financial help
legal help, to relationship mending and to find jobs
those other prayer requests are listed on my other Prayer Group Pages
some members of our prayer groups have offered to contribute
to keep these pages online
We have set up a way to contribute
and offer a gift to those who live in the Lower 48 of the U.S. who do so
For each $20.00 of contributions
to help keep these pages online
-- you get a gift -
the Image of Jesus on Fish Bone
which is called the Crucifix Fish or Crucifish
Please Notify Me
Our main page is at
women, children and men cases
to be included in your prayers
if you find any that have been solved PLEASE
send and email with that info
help drastically reduce the numbers of Missing person cases
and thus help clear Facebook of the thousands of posts to help find the missing
Unmanned military>
Morgan Harrington's Case Need to be solved
Universtiy Of Virginia Area
Click HERE God Bless Morgan
within a few hundred MILES of each other
some as close as 30 miles apart
Note the similarities in appearance of the victims
Is the Knoxville Area Next ?
Criminal Profiler and frequent commentator on HNL shows Pat Brown
says there is NO CONNECTION ? Others disagree
Note Dover TN is near the middle of all these disappearances
Missing from Dyersburg TN =
Police are looking into the Possibility of a serial killer CLICK HERE
for more of the latest details
and satellite pics of the area where her body was found
Karen Swift went missing from her Dyersburg Tennessee Home Oct 30th
Click here for a larger satellite view of Karen Swift 's home
click on the following pic to see a zoomed in Satellite Image of the area where Karen Swifts vehicle was found ----- Click HERE for the Larger Satellite Surveillance Picture
Country Singer Whitney Duncan's cousin Holly Bobo is missing from Tennesee
AND Help
Bring Holly Bobo Home Safe
There is a reward fund
For Ms Bobo But I can Not Post the info here
Google "Reward Fund and add any of the names you see in this section to
see if there is a fund for that case and PLEASE donate
Click Here For Info on Lauren, We need to Find Lauren Spierer
Click On the satellite picture above
For a blow up version of the last place Lauren Spierer Was Seen
Paige Johnson NEEDS to be found
Please Visit this Link for more info on Paige Johnson 's Case
Click Here For Details on Jacque Sue Waller
Missing from Cape Girardeau, Missouri June 1st 2011
The family of Jacque Sue Waller, a missing mother of young triplets from Cape Girardeau, Missouri,
said today she was a victim of domestic abuse. The family believes her estranged husband,
whom police have identified as a person of interest,
is involved in her disappearance.
Help Find Michele Rene Dickerman
Click HERE for more Info on Her case
Missing since 2001 From Thurston County Washington
Amos Mortier is Missing
From Madison WI. Wisconsin
We need to Find this young man
is urged to contact his family at (608) 347-7363
Steven Kraft Jr Info
We need to Find this young man
Missing from Benton Heights Mich
Since Feb 15th 2001
If you have pages for the missing,
and would like to add any of the cases found on my pages
you have my permission to cut and paste the html code for those pages
from the "view page source" right click option
you will need to save the images to your PC
HERE = https://www.angelfire.com/cruci34/prayer_for_the_missing.html
Presented in both
English and Spansih
El caso de José Caballero es
en ambos
Inglés y Español
Jose Caballero
since Aug 18th 2016
For Jose Caballlero's Info Page
Pulse aquí
para página de información de Jose Caballlero
for your case
CLICK HERE See pages I have built for the missing
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details
Pray for Missing Persons
Join Our Prayer Group
a Page for Your
Missing Person CaseClick Above for Examples
of the pages we have built
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information
July 2nd 2015
Click HERE for more Details
For the Missing Minority Page I built
and My page for Missing Michelle Parker
she too might be with her loved ones
if she had the device
The Valrt can Save A loved ones Life Click HERE for more Details ![]() |
These Cases Need to be solved We will build a Spanish web site too for Missing Minority Victims Click HERE for more Information ![]() |
Please Help And
Share Stevens Page on Facebook - Just by Clicking HERE
Click HERE to
HELP Find Charles Horvath-Allen
Help Find Timothy Pitzen
This case was made more tragic by the death of His Mother
Adam Clifford is Missing
and then see "More info"
Angel “Ito” Garcia was last seen on his red Honda 85 cc dirt bike with several Geico stickers on it
, police said, and it is very unusual for Garcia not to call his family.
Here a face book page run By Donna Smethers for the missing
missing children albums runaways
********* Lori Jean Lloyd More info is found HERE Again More info is found HERE With More info to come soon ********* And there is a new page with Info on THE Joanie Hall Disappearance at Here is the video done by Dena for Joanie
Click Here for More on Gabriel Johnson ********* ************ And another Cold Case...... There is also a page with INFO ON Rosemary Day 's Case at For The FACE BOOK page with the info on Rosemary ( after getting there hit "see more" ) ********* ********* There is a Candle Light Vigil for Bobby Smelcer Missing -- Saturday, November 19 · 6:30pm - 8:00 pm ******** ***** ********* ********* ***** ********* I feel obligated to impart this info:
Two weeks and after many attempts to inform her of her misinformation by sending messages top her CNN Show page contact link
ANY misinformation can hurt AND DELAY a case, it is irresponsible to report otherwise *** *********** ******* ******** Jacque Sue Waller ********* ********** **** UPDATE ON THIS NEXT CASE ******* The New Developments More recently Natalee Holloway 's father has used archived Goolge Earth Pictures The Aruba authorities refuse to inspect the site *^* ~~~~^^^~~~~ **** ***** **** **** *******
The NaMus page ( National Missing and Unidentified Persons System ) ********* CLICK HERE for MORE Another twist to the Karen Mitchlell case is a composite sketch of a suspect
He subsequently spent time in a federal prison on charges related to two firearms ******* ********* ++++++ UPDATE ********* ******* ******** ********* Here is a new page for Charles Arlin Henderson ******* *********** ****
******** ******* ********** **** ***** ~~~~~~~~~~ ******** ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ***** ********* *** **** ********* ********* *********** ****
******* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********** ***** ****** Again, I am pleading with you to send an email to ALL your favorite personalities *********** Another Website for Tabitha Tuders *************** *************** **************** ****** ~~~~~~~~~~ ************ ********** *****
******* ******* Here is slideshow for some Missing In 2010 ************ *********** ****
***************************** ********** ************* **** ***** ********* Debbie Key **** **** ********* ******** Some cases in which the victims have been found, most have NOT been resolved ********* ********* Here's a case which has ended well for the family ************ ********* ******** *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~ *********
Click Here
To Help Find
Colton Ross Barrera
- White - Age 17 when he went missing in 2008
Missing since September 26, 2008
from Russell County, Kansas
Date of Birth: October 22, 1990
5'9"; 135 lbs.
Brown hair; brown eyes
Submitted By Missing Children Albums Admn found on Face Book
CLICK on PIC to be shown a larger version
Lori Jean Lloyd
went missing on Feb 11, 1976. Her last known destination was a 7-11 store at this address.
3613 Wilmington Ave
Kettering, OH
Click here for a larger picture of the Scene
More info about Lori Jean Lloyd at this Face Book page HERE
With More Pictures
Joanie Hall This Next case submitted by By Dena Denise Rush, someone who did not know
but feels a connection to her and her case
Dena also runs the Face Book Page for "Finding Joanie Hall"
Watch The Video -- The Goal is 'Finding Joanie Hall"
Joanie Hall
Missing from Warrenton Oregon since Sept 1983 Dena Deinse Rush's Face Book Page "Finding Joanie Hall is found HERE
http://findingjoaniehall.alturl.comIt seems police have leads but ARE Doing Nothing
Gabriel Johnson
from Dec. 22-27, 2009. Anyone with information is asked to call the FBI at (210) 225-6741
or the Tempe Police Department at (480) 350-8311.
Elisabeth Johnson
If you saw these two PLEASE CALL POLICE
I will post more info on Gabriels Search as/IF it becomes available
Also see "Bring home Gabriel Johnson"
HERE === http://www.facebook.com/groups/251236072296
and Join / Like the Face Book group: "No Plea Deal"
HERE --- https://www.facebook.com/groups/nopleadeal
Rosemary Day
This link HERE
CLICK HERE FOR More Info at the
Main Help Find Rosemary Day Face Book Page
Bobby Smelcer Is Missing
Click on Poster for a larger version
And visit Bobby Smelcer Is Missing on Face Book
And Join the Bobby Smelcer Missing Face Book Group HERE
MORE INFO On the Candle Light Vigil IS HERE
Khalid and Ahmed Abubakar and Anisa ARE MISSING
Click HERE for the details
Missing Sisters Rosalin ( Rozlin ) AND Fawn Abell
Diane Booth 's son is missing - I am Waiting for more details to place HERE
SteveN Marchi AGE 43
Missing From Atlanata Georgia 08/12/2011
Marie Hanson has been found But Read Her page
So she will not have died in vain
My prayers are with her family and I hope they will become active
in OUR effort so we can stop these crimes
Amy Patterson is missing from Cape Coral FL
Lee County authorities Daniel Ray Proctor her ex husband whom she recently started dating again
is in custody for other offenses after an extended search for him
- he is a person of interest in Patterson's disappearance.
there were many"Facts" TV host Grace erroneously reported:
For the few days she featured the case of Cape Coral Florida Teacher Amy Patterson as the "Case du Jour"
Ms Nancy was reporting Amy Paterson was last seen
in Pine Island Florida and showed her satellite pictures
of the supposed area where Ms Paterson went missing,
In reality the location she was giving info to the public about
was 180 miles from the actual last sighting location
( There are two location named Pine Island in Florida one is an incorporated city in Hernando County 40 Miles North of Tampa
The other Pine Island is an island with multiple cities and towns located on the Gulf Of Mexico in Lee County Florida
180 miles south of the other "Pine Island"
The Town of Bokeelia on The Island in Lee County
is where Amy was last seen,
the Island is connected to Cape Coral by a Bridge
and posting her error on her blog and Her Face Book page
Ms Grace finally corrected her error BUT did not say she had been giving out wrong info --for TWO WEEKS
She just started to give out the correct info without ANY reference to her mistake
We need to Find Gail Nowacki Palmgren ~ NOW
Sarah Townsend Missing from Florence Township, NJ. May 12th 2011
her body was found on Friday, May 13, 2011
nearby where her abandoned vehicle was found
No Foul Play is suspected AS OF NOW
in the Natalee Holloway Case
of the Island of Aruba to show a construction site
of a Marriott Surf Club from 2005
where an eyewitness has told
Dave Holloway, Natalees Father
he saw a man who he believes is Joran Van der Sloot
Bury a female body
stating Marriott Corp said there was
no construction at the site in 2005
the satellite images appear to show differently
for for the latest Nov 2104 Satellite View of the same area in the previous photo
Read about those developments
in The Natalee Holloway missing person case
We need to Find Maddy Harris - NOW
New Group to Help Find Ashleigh Pettman from Kelowna B.C.
-- More info to come from Sandy Mills More info to come
Please help us find Zachary Pittman
Rebecca and Rusty Porter -
missing from Willard, Missouri since April 17, 2011.
Click Here for Case Details
The Family needs answers
for Jerrod Johnston is HERE
Click Here for more
on the Karen Mitchell Case
Her disappearance is treated as a kidnapping-homicide case
she was last seen along Broadway IN Eureka California on Nov. 25, 1997,
walking to the Coastal Family Development Center, where she cared for children.
She was almost 17 -- just five days short of her birthday --
and living with her aunt and uncle, Annie and Bill Casper, in an unincorporated area of the county.
It resembles the infamous Bobby ( Robert Durst ) who has property near Eureka and was know to visit often
A jury in November 2003 Acquitted Durst of murder
even though he admitted cutting up Galveston neighbor Morris Black's body
and dumping the parts into Galveston Bay in trash bags.
he carried around several states with him while he was a fugitive from the murder charge in 1981
Tracy Lynn Myers
Missing Since: June 25, 2000 from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Click here to Find Nick Coppola
Last seen in Warrenton, MO.
Missing since December 12, 2010
Venus Stewart j's
husband, Doug or Douglas Stewart was found guilty for her death
and is serving life without parole
her body has never been found
the case has Ben featured on Dateline NBC
A "Venus Cuff" law is proposed for GPS trackers in Michigan
More Info HERE
Help Locate Susan Ryan
Click HERE
Help US Find Beth Bentley
IS A Link to the Face Book Page for Beth Bentley is Missing
Charles Arlin Leon Henderson
Missing Since: July 25, 1991 from Moscow Mills, Missouri
If you have any information concerning this case,
please contact: Lincoln County Sheriff's Office 314-528-8546
Click HERE
Samuel Littleton was arrested in the disappearance of
84-year-old Richard Russell
and his 85-year-old wife, Gladis
Read a story about this case HERE
We need to Find Sherry Jean Leighty
Find Michael Adams - Join the effort here
Help Find Delorna O'Connor and Tyler Capeletti
Please help spread the word for missing Zilphia Craig, 47 of Detroit Michigan.
She is a blind female and her family misses her terribly.
They need to know where she is.
Help us bring Bonnie Lee Dages Home
Lets find Jenni-Lyn Watson NOW
Debbie Willis
A very old cold case that needs your attention
A special case which could have been solved using the system we present
Carissa Nwene = April 15 1994 to November 16 2007
There are more further down the page
Zahra Baker
Remains Found - Hickory North Caroline
Help Find Jamie Grissim
Jennifer Lehman had been missing
from My Home town area since Friday, August 13th 2010.
Her body was found in submerged vehicle in a pond
Foul Play is NOT Suspected
Jennifer Byers-Hernandez & her 7yr old son, Junior are missing.
They were last seen in the Modesto, CA area. On or about August 24, 2008.
Laura Partridge - Date Missing: Dec. 4, 1974
A case that needs much more attention
The family want more answers
Stacey Lynn Mckinney
Where is Derrick Henagan ?
Please help his family find Him
Find Lindsey Baum
and PLEASE PLEASE look at the Lindsey Baum FACE BOOK PAGE AT
This link
and any tv, radio shows and newspapers in your area
and tell them to get onboard
AND One More site for TAbitha Truders is HERE
is a page with Info ON Madison Riley- GraY
Read her story and be educated as to the dangers that are out there
Here is Madison Riley-Gray's FB page
Frances Ann Young - Missing and Missed
Tom Ray Starkel
Missing since December 5, 1979 from Palmdale, Los Angeles County, California
Chad Austin Killen HAS BEEN FOUND
Adji Desir
Missing From Imokalee FL
If you know ANYTHING about Patricia Marie Viola's disappearance,
we beg you to call Detective Sgt. James Lemakos or Sgt. James Sepp of the Bogota Police Department
the contact number are listed on the Link
Above is an age progression photo Of Particia Marie Viola to Age 50
Curt Ramlackhan was last seen on Sunday May 16, 2010.
Click Here to Watch
Diamond and Tionda Torres Bradley
were kidnapped on July 6th, 2001 from Chicago Illinois. Without proper media coverage,
these sisters and so many other missing children may never be found.
The website has a link to a petition to get TV Stations and Network Shows
to display pictures of the Missing 24/7. Its another solution whose time has come......
And see Penny Coursey Olliff FB page for more
A Florida Cold Case _ Trenton Duckett
Nancy G interviewed the Mother - Melinda Duckett and hours later Melinda Duckett committed suicide
The FAMILY SUED Grace and she settled out of court ?????
Help Lori Bolton Finder Her Sister In Law Cerilla Doyle
Stop and Contact Bill Widman- And Help Find DEBBIE KEY
Submitted By Bill Widman
Help Find Shoshana Renee Geiser~~MISSING ~~Since De. 19, 2009 from Sylvia, Ohio
A Face Book Page With Missing Notices is HERE
CLICK Here for more info on Tracy Leigh Gardner - Tetso
Jennifer Lehman had been missing
from My Home town area since Friday, August 13th 2010.
Her body was found in submerged vehicle in a pond
Foul Play is NOT Suspected
The notorious "Tot Mom" Casey Anthony
Celina Cass
West Stewartstown, New Hampshire - Celina Cass's body has been found.
She went missing from her bed when her parents went to wake her up Tuesday morning on July 26, 2011
according to police reports. Celina Cass, of West Stewartstown,
was last seen on her computer in her family’s home at 9 p.m. Monday, July 25, 2011
--- Her Step Father is a person of interest
Jacqueline Jax Whittington Missing from West Texas Jacqueline "Jax" Whittington
Has Been Found Jacqueline Jax Whttington
Has Been Found
Kristy Cornwell's body has has been found
Call 706-835-2900 with tips AS her MURDERER IS TILL OUT THERE
Hasani Campbell
https://www.angelfire.com/cruci34/Find_The_Missing/Ember_Graham_Missing.htmlHere is a special page to pray for missing women children and men
CLCIK HERE to pray for missing people