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Cold Missing Person Cases
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The Webmasters Face Book Group ID
IS " Find the Missing " Please like us for more on the Missing
This website also presents a LINK to a Prayer Group page for the missing
Please add your voice to the prayers
Join the Prayer Group to pray missing person are found
This page presents information about dozens of missing persons
1st is Diana Zacarias
Her Body has been found
FIRST OF all - This page has the details and MORE about the Karen Johnson Swift Case We ALL need to DO MORE to prevent these crimes ***** Now Please Click on the "Tweet" button to be Diana Zacarias was Missing Her body has been found Her parent want to thank ALL who ** If you have ANY More info If you know someone who visited If Diana sent you any pictures on April 2nd I will also post any new developments ^^^^^^×^^^^^^ The initial cause of death is from falling down a slope Diana Zacarias, who lived in Louisiana, On the day she went missing Among her belongings are a T- shirt that says ******** During My research I have uncovered a troubling fact There is no central data base The Park Service says they don't have the money Local police have no jurisdiction Please help get some exposure for this problem There is a grave injustice in that How does one go about Getting the attention of the TV netwok shows like Dateline and 20/20 ^^^^^^*^^^^^^ I have listed Diana Zacarias ' case Diana's case is also listed on the following links ********* ********** ++++++ ********
I would like to offer my sincerest condolences to Karen Swift 's Family
everyday that ALL the missing would be found
PLEASE read this entire page to find out how you can HELP
taken to your "Twitter" page
AND just send the tweet which has been propagated for you
and had not been seen since 04/02/2016
near the bus terminal at the
South Rim of the Grand Canyon
Helped during the search
Click Here to send your email
and I will forward it to her family
the Grand Canyon around that time
PLEASE show them this page
make sure you send them
on this page as soon As they are received by me
was a 22 year old Hispanic female
5ft 2 in tall, she weighs between 100-105 pounds.
She has a little mole on the right side of her forehead
she wears glasses and she has a surgical scar on the back of her neck
Diana Zacarias has Very short hair.
she was probably wearing black leggings,
purple fleece jacket, black hiking boots
and a pink lacoste baseballl hat.
"Pray More - Worry Less"
and probably she was wearing a small silver religious medal.
there are thousands of unsolved Missing Persons
who have gone missing in Our National Parks System
and no one knoes how many people are / have gone missing
to thoroughly investigate the cases
and are rarely called in to help find the missing persons
because most of the National Parks are so remote
the local police are small operations ( 2 to 5 men )
we give billions to foreign countries
and then say we don't have funds to take care of our own citiznes
I have not been successful in my attempts
In both
English and Spansih
These Cases Need to be solved
Missing Minority Victims
Click HERE
for more Information
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details
Pray for Missing Persons
Join Our Prayer Group
a Page for Your
Missing Person CaseHERE are more pages we have built
Please take a look at the Jennifer Kesse case too
Just Tap Here
Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Solomon or Solomen
July 2nd 2015 Click HERE for more Details ![]() |
These Cases Need to be solved Missing Minority Victims Click HERE for more Information ![]() |
Posted June 29th 2016
Victoria Texas Needs to be found Click HERE for more Information ![]() |
Updates about Lori Jean Lloyd will be added as they are received ********* The link on the pages looks like the following For ********** ******* ********* I received this plea for help on
Subject: Prayer Page ^^^^^*^^^^^ If you have a missing loved one ^^^^^+^^^^^ It is still a contention of ours that The drones are scheduled to be taken out of service There is a link to a petition below Please share this page on twitter and FaceBook ***** The technology presented in the above link can potentially help IF you are as tired of hearing about Again, PLEASE READ and Sign the Petition below Be informed about our effort to accomplish this Had this technology been in place over San Bernardino Ca. The same can be said for the Boston Bombers, The Paris Terorists We have recently started using similar drones to protrect our borders ******* An example of this system is seen if you ***** Now read about the V.ALRT The V.ALRT Multi-Purpose is a personal electronic warning and Can be used to find and locate ****** Limit 2 per order Is $30.00 too much ********** The following video presents info on the V.ALRT system Send a question to me And Follow me On Face BOOK too
Diana Zacarias is Missing since 04/02/2016 Diana Zacarias missing daughter loved one Help find the missing Diana Zacarias found to be missing from National Park Grand Canyon hhttps://cruci34.angelfire.com/cases_1.htm
Touch Here for info on this cold case
Lori Jean Lloyd
she went missing on Feb 11, 1976.
Her last known destination was a 7-11 store in
Kettering, OH
Click here for a larger picture of the area where she was last seen
Hopefully with your prayers More info will come soon
is Missing
Click HERE for more Details
Diana Zacarias :
In the Grand Canyon
Click HERE for more Information
July 2nd 2015
Click HERE for more Details
Tue, 10 May 2016
I immediately added links to Levoy Taljit on the Prayer Group for the Missing pages
And on some of my other Missing Person Cases Pages
From: sylvina.williams1@gmail.com
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Good night
I read your Group Prayers Site for the Missing
and I'm asking your help
in praying for my son Levoy Taljit
Lavoy went missing since December 2012.
I am desperate for answers and hope your prayers help
Thank you.
Read more about this case HERE
Taljit's abandoned Toyota Raum
was found on a trail about 20 miles
off the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.
and would like them added to the Prayer Group for Missing Persons
or need a page to help find your missing loved
I will build one at no cost
Unmanned military drones could help solve many missing person cases
as well as other crimes within minutes of them being reported
why are we wasting them ?
asking our leaders to consider this approach.
in addition to sending it to the Network TV shows Like Dateline and 20/20
show THE ACTUAl abduction being committed
and where the victim was taken in high definition and extreme close ups etc. etc.
missing women, children and men and other crimes as I am
You have an opportunity to DO SOMETHING
which presents more info on this solution and asks
Our elected officials to adapt existing
military unmanned drone or satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
for use by Law Enforcement to find Missing Children women and men
and quickly solve other crimes
and help protect us from terrorists
YOU can see to it these acts are drastically reduced
Victims are rescued and victim's families given some peace
the shooters would have been located within minutes
and most other crimes
and they are proving to be effective >
To sign the petition to help get the proposed solution in Place
Click here to see a close up version of the above picture of the area
where Caylee Anthony's Body was found ( taken from space )
the picture has been altered to show what is possible
and watch the Video about it below too
notification system
a lost, missing or abducted person
summon help for a person who needs any type of help
like and elderly or invalid person who has fallen
to help protect your family and loved ones ?
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details
which can help find a loved one who may have been abducted
needs some other type of help
if you are not sure how this works
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details
Pray for Missing Persons
from the South Rim Grand Canyon Please help and Pray for her safe return
Diane Zacarias
join the Prayer Group to find the missing
Click Here for a Page for the Michelle Parker Case
">https://cruci34.angelfire.com/prayer_for_the_missing.html pragyer group for missing woman children and men