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to read more on this possiblity
A "Venus Cuff" law is proposed for GPS trackers in Michigan
More Info coming soon
HERE IS A PAGE WITH more info on Venus AND THE Law
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Would unmanned drones help find missing / abducted
women children and men?
We need to help educate others about the effort
to Stop these atrocities,
there is a solution seen at
This link Here
Please sign our petition and then share the links and URL with ALL your Friends
The petition is seen at
Please Step Up and ADD YOUR Voice
UPDATE: Venus Stewart Story has been featured on Dateline NBC
After 11 days of testimony, jurors deliberated only three hours March 11, 2011 before finding Douglas Stewart Stewart was convicted of first-degree premeditated murder and conspiracy to commit first-degree premeditated murder. He is serving life in prison without parole. Venus has never been found Her family and friends are dedicated in the search for her. A Venus Stewart Face Book Page is Here
Another Web Site for Venus is here ********* With over 2000 Americans Reported missing EACH DAY, The time would be well spent, If those who post those notices would take a few extra minutes a day By adapting the technology for use by Law Enforcement the Until then we must continue to post the notices and Pages like this one Please sign the petition seen on this page and ADD YOUR VOICE to the cause ********
I placed a link to Venus Stewart's case at The Main site for AND I also posted Venus' Case We also have a petition to ask the media to educate the public who can then request our elected officials to step up ********** ****
Our main web site with "More Missing Persons" is found ++++++ ********
Venus Rose Stewart: not yet found
guilty in the 2010 death of his estranged wife, Venus.
I am determined to stop the need for NEW missing person notices in the future seen online and on Face Book
helping educate others about the online petition
to get our elected officials
to adapt existing real time military unmanned military drone
or satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
to Help find the Missing
and drastically reduce other crimes within MINUTES of the crime being reported
Existing REAL TIMEunmanned drone picture taking and transmitting technology
our military has developed and used for decades to protect our troops
WE Can save victims and spare tens of millions of families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one in the future
AND SAVE billions of dollars on the over 800,000 searches done for the missing EACH year
Our Effort to Find Missing Children Women and Men
AND drastically reduce other crimes
using existing drone or satellite surveillance technology systems
HERE -- http://findthemissing.vze.com
At This link
HERE = http://trenton.2truth.com
This link has scenarios of how the systems would work to Finding the missing children women and men
Using the existing system
and adapt the system for use by ALL Law Enforcement Agencies
That Petition is found IF you click the banner below
Click HERE
Jerry Walker Jerry Walker
I am posting this site PRO BONO
and will do the same for any missing person
IF I am contacted from the email link below
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details
Pray for Missing Persons
Join Our Prayer Group
a Page for Your
Missing Person CaseHERE are more pages we have built
Please take a look at the Jennifer Kesse case too
Just Tap Here
Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Solomon or Solomen
If you would like to have a case listed
Email Me, Bill
HERE with the details, URLS to link to, any pics you have
and the text you want in your case bio
Contact HLN AND CNN shows through this link
Contact Nancy Grace - Jane Mitchell - ALL THE OTHER SHows
ask them to help
The Most recent case I have built a page for is:
Diana Zacarias
Missing since April 2 nd 2016
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon April 1st 2016 Click HERE for more Information ![]() |
If you have a missing loved one
I will build a FREE page
like this one to help find
Diana Zacarias
for your case -- at no cost
lynhartblue ShortURL.com
http://venusstewart.1sta.comVenus Stewart is Missing Michigan Missing woman
child man use satellites to find the missing dateline NBC
husband Doug Douglas Stewart guilty life without parolebody not yet found