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Cold Missing Person Cases
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The Webmasters Face Book Group ID
IS " Find the Missing " Please like us for more on the Missing
FIRST OF all - This page has the details and MORE about the Karen Johnson Swift Case We ALL need to DO MORE to prevent these crimes ***** ***** Would using unmaned drones or Satellite picture taking technology ****** Karen Swifts Body has been found *********
As of There have been no new updates since Karens Body was found https://cruci34.angelfire.com/Diana_Zacarias.html ********* Another cold case I built is: for Her body has also been found
********** If you have a missing loved one
I am determined to stop the need for Most of the missing person posts Time would be well spent IF those people would spend additional time What needs to be done is; adapt for use by Law Enforcement the Please sign the petition seen on this page and ADD YOUR VOICE to the cause ******** IF you are as tired of hearing about and seeing posters for PLEASE READ and Sign the Petition by Clicking Below Sitting in front of TV cameras and talking about these cases ~~~~~**~~~~~ ******** If you visit Face Book you are inundated with ***** Now read about the V.ALRT The V.ALRT Multi-Purpose is a personal electronic warning and Can be used to find and locate ****** Limit 2 per order Is $30.00 too much ********** The following video presents info on the V.ALRT system Send a question to me The following link to the Tabitha Lynn Franklin Case is a sample of the type Of Page
Tabitha Lynn Franklin Needs to be Found ********* Update on Karen Swift Her Body was found Dec 10th 2011 NO SUSPECTS - Read more of the latest details on this page Karen Swift ( Karen Johnson Swift ) ********* Karen Swift's, body has been found near a cemetery off Harness Road Near Rt 78 There are no suspects Please read this page and the "Warning Section" below Police have cordoned off the area around the cemetery off Harness Road near Rt 78 Police have disclosed the tire was flat from a drywall / cement board screw They are checking ALL houses under construction in the area ********* See more satellite Photos of that area below The police are also investigating a possible connection to a string of There is now some speculation that the Swift case could be related to the other murder discoveries It could also be a copycat to throw off police This page has Information which needs to be shared with as MANY people as possible CLICK HERE to Share this Page on Facebook ~~~~~~~ The HLN Network Nancy Grace show gave out wrong misleading information ( This happens too often on her show )
The family and friends of a Karen Swift missing for more than 2 weeks appealed for her safe return, as search
Karen Johnson Swift, 44, was reported missing by her husband, who last saw her in their Dyersburg, Tennessee, See the satellite photos below of the area she went missing from Below
The mother-of-four had just come home from a Halloween party with her daughter. It was also reported on the Nancy Grace show -
Friends of Karen Johnson Swift said it's 'not in her nature' to leave her family
Her white 2004 Nissan Murano seen in the poster was FOUND at approx 5:30 a.m. Cell Phone Pings have provided no clues as of yet. Anyone who may have seen it on the road
Within days Authorities said they found several items in their search, including some clothing.
Dyer County Sheriff Jeff Box told the station that his office is waiting on DNA tests to confirm whether or not
Search: Crews led by the Dyer County Sheriff's Office have been scouring the area looking for clues in the
Box told the Dyersburg State Gazette: 'We are searching for anything of interest. And we are still inspecting
The 44-year-old has not been seen by anyone other than immediate family since she left a Halloween party
Friends of the woman have come forward, saying they suspect foul play because Mrs Swift would never
During the first week of November 2011 -- Carrie Engelhardt, a friend of Swift's, told FoxNews:
Her husband David, whom she was divorcing, told police he last saw his wife at home after she returned from the
Mr Swift said they spoke briefly before he went to bed, but he has not talked to reporters about his wife. She
She has two sons in college and two daughters aged seven and nine. The youngest girl 'just cries' and will
Her cell phone is also missing. Police said it was last used at about 5am on Sunday when Mrs Swift accessed the
On Saturday, the sheriff's department arrested a neighbor who has been accused of poisoning two dogs, one of
That suspect, 39-year-old John Hogshooter, was charged with animal cruelty in the case, according to the State Gazette.
The paper reported that Karen Swift had tried to speak to Hogshooter about her dog weeks before she disappeared,
The sheriff's office has not said whether or not he is suspected of being involved in Mrs Swift's disappearance.
Karen Johnson Swift's husband says he last saw her at their Dyersburg, Tennesee, home
She has two sons in college and two daughters aged seven and nine. The youngest girl 'just cries' and will
Her cell phone is also missing. Police said it was last used at about 5am on Sunday when Mrs Swift accessed the
Cops are working with the phone company to pinpoint its last location. Her husband has not been named as a suspect in the case. Karen went missing just 80 miles from Holly Bobo And very close to 5 other women CLICK HERE Note the plentiful wooded areas in the area of her house Below ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********* I hope it builds a fire under you to join our effort We are doing everything we can We present info on the real time, satellite surveillance and picture taking capabilities and technology We have a page with Scenarios of how the system would work at ******* All the details can be found at Karen Swifts, Michelle Parkers, Jennifer Kesse And many more cases are also listed in the "More Missing Persons Cases" Section there
Step Up AND see to it the BUT the media and our elected officials are ignoring attempts to Please READ the linked pages to educate yourself about this proposed solution Share the info you find with ALL others and HELP the effort We can spare families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one Again: Please See and sign our petition at We need to use the real time Satellite Surveillance Technology we have developed
I would like to offer my sincerest condolences to Karen Swift 's Family
everyday that ALL the missing would be found
PLEASE read this entire page to find out how you can HELP
have solved this crime and reduce other crimes ?
Read about that possibility on this page
Her Killer is still at Large
Pics and more below
Diana Zacarias
Missing since April 2 nd 2016
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information
I will build a FREE page
like this one to help find your missing loved one
or Help solve your cold case - at no cost
posters and crime stories posts seen on Face Book and on TV show Like Nancy Grace
helping educate others about the existing technology
which could end an abduction within minutes
of the crime being reported
Existing REAL TIME unmanned drone surveillance capability and picture taking and transmitting technology
which our military has developed and used for decades to protect our troops
missing women, children and men and other crimes as I am
You have an opportunity to DO SOMETHING
and be informed about our effort to accomplish this
YOU can see to it ALL crimes are drastically reduced
Victims are rescued and other crimes solved quickly
To sign the petition to help get the proposed solution in Place
DOES LITTLE to prevent them and very seldom solves them
We know of a possible solution -- seen on this page and our military has used the technology for decades.
I will either build a page for
your MISSING person active or cold case at no cost to you
OR place links to your existing pages or posters on my pages at no charge
I have over 40 pages online
Click to get a page for your case See pages we have built at no cost
Pages about missing persons
It is my goal to reduce the
number of those posts by reducing the number of missing persons
and watch the Video about it on the link
notification system
a lost, missing or abducted person
summon help for a person who needs any type of help
like and elderly or invalid person who has fallen
to help protect your family and loved ones ?
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details
which can help find a loved one who may have been abducted
needs some other type of help
if you are not sure how this works
I will build for any Missing person case
And then Place a similar link on my other 80 pages for the Missing Tabitha Lynn Franklin
Tabitha Lynn Franklin
Missing from Dyersburg TN =
and see satellite pics of the area where her body was found
went missing from her Dyersburg Tennessee Home Oct 30th
Click here for a larger satellite view of Karen Swift 's home
click on the following pic to see a zoomed in Satellite Image of the area where the car was found -----
Click here for a larger satellite view of the area where her car was found
The Dyersburg, Tennessee Mother of 4 had been Missing Since Sunday Oct 30th
to educate yourself about the ways we can Find The Missing quickly
Click On the Pic for a close up larger version of the crime scene area
The area is about 2 miles from Her home and 2.7 miles from where her car was
found with a flat tire the morning she went missing
4 bodies found in or near cemeteries in the Memphis Area
Police believe those are the work of a serial killer
PLEASE SHARE the Page On Face Book by Clicking on the Share Link Below
The Webmasters Face Book Group ID IS " Find the Missing " Please like us for more on the Missing
by giving the impression Karen Swift went missing Nov 14th --
the Sunday before Karen's case was presented on her show
Two guests remarked "She went Missing this past Sunday" and "She went Missing Sunday" -
Karen Swift Went Missing Sunday OCT 30 TH around 5:00 a.m.
Ms Grace finally made corrections to this info
BUT ONLY after she was sent many messages
teams scoured the area for clues.
home early on Sunday October 30, 2011
Karen had left the home late Saturday night Oct 29th to pick her 9 year OLD DAUGHTER from a sleep over
and her daughter had fallen asleep in the room with Karen
about a quarter of a mile from the home with a flat tire.
Pointed headed in the direction of her home. Police need to know where she had gone that morning
with ANYONE insdie between midnight AND 5:30 a.m. Sunday OCT 30th
please CALL Police
at 731 - 285 - 2802
but cannot yet be sure whether they belong to Karen Swift
the items belong to her.
disappearance of Karen Johnson Swift
other potential evidence, which we have recovered.'
voluntarily leave her family.
'It’s not in her nature. We’re really concerned and
worried because it’s been over a week now.'
party to drop off their children.
filed for divorce on October 11.
'hardly eat' now, Mr Johnson told ABC.
internet on the device.
which belonged to the Swift family, in early October.to Karen Swift
but he was not home.
'hardly eat' now, Mr Johnson told ABC.
internet on the device.
Nancy Grace guest Pat Brown an 'Expert' criminal profiler does not think they are connected but others disagree
The other cases are presented below
FOR A larger version of the Swift Home
in the satellite photo seen below
You may become angry after reading the next link
to assure these crimes are stopped
and the missing are found quickly and safe
OUR military has been developed, perfected and used for decades to protect our troops and provide vital information on our adversaries
This Technology should be adapted for use by Law Enforcement to find Missing Children, women and men QUICKLY and SAFE
and drastically reduce ALL other crimes
This Link Here HERE
THE Main page for our effort to get our leaders to adapt the existing real time satellite surveillance
picture taking technology
proposed solution is adapted by Law Enforcement to help them
Do their jobs more effectively and to better ends
wE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY to find the Missing WITHIN Minutes of them being reported
and solve MOST OTHER crimes also within MINUTES - YES MINUTES
Adapt the existing system of real time satellite picture capturing capabilities for use by Law Enforcement
AND ADD your voice to the petition
HERE http://sign.1sta.com
to implement the solution to the scourge of crime and Missing Children, Women and Men cases
which sweeps our nation
Plus all the other benefits this would provide to everyone
This link here for more on the possible solution to Finding The Missing
WITHIN Minutes of them being reported
for our military since the 1970's and adapt it for use by Law Enforcement
to Bring Missing children women and men home Quickly and Safe
and spare millions of families the pain of dealing
with a missing loved one
We fully understand the usefulness of HLN hosts Grace and Jane Mitchell putting the face of the missing on TV
and thank them as they are among the very few that give
exposure to the missing in the mainstream media We can NOT understand why they refuse to tell their viewers about the petition and allow those viwers to decide
if it is something they would like to see in place
We would hope they would consider at least mentioning the petition
And why don't they show Picture in Picture during their broadcasts which would show the missing
We have seen enough of Nancy 's Darling Children
I repeat, Please Please Sign the Petition
to ask the media to educated the public about the technology
and help get the System put in place
PLEASE join the prayer group for ALL the missing seen
At This Page Here -
There is a special request to find Karen Swift and ALL the missing on that page
Add your voice to the thousands of others who are praying with us
Visit the Face Book page for Karen Swift's Case at this link HERE ********* ++++++ ********
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details
Pray for Missing Persons
Join Our Prayer Group
a Page for Your
Missing Person CaseHERE are more pages we have built
Please take a look at the Jennifer Kesse case too
Just Tap Here
Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Solomon or Solomen
In both English and Spansih These Cases Need to be solved Missing Minority Victims Click HERE for more Information ![]() |
CLICK HERE ![]() ![]() | Missing From 11/19/2012 Bayfield CO https://www.angelfire.com/cruci34/dylanredwine.html |
Morgan Harrington
Here is what the link to the page For Morgan Harrington's Case
looks like on my other pages
Morgan Harrington's Case Need to be solved University Of Virginia Area Click HERE ![]() ![]() | Help the Family Solve this crime |
Transgender teen Dashad "Sage" Smith Is Missing ![]() | Please help Find Her Charlottesville, Va |
David Cisneros is Missing Colorado Springs CO. Click HERE ![]() | Find this young man Click Above |
Click Here to sign the Petition to help find Derricak Henagan
Where is Derrick Henagan ?
Please help his family find Him
Here is The Heather Nicole Broadus Murder Case - Long Beach CA. Aug 2010
Here are the six cases which have occurred Again: Criminal Profiler and frequent commentator on HNL shows Pat Brown Now more cases that need attention ********* ********** ***** ********** **** ********* Katelyn Markham ******* Holly Bobo Country Singer Whitney Duncan's cousing is missing ******* Lauren Spierer *********** Paige Johnson AND ********* Jacque Sue Waller ~~~~~~~ This is the end of those six cases Agian Is there a Connection ? Pat Brown Does Not thinks so BUT others do ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now another high profile case Police say the Florida mom who appeared on "The People's Court" television show went missing the day her episode aired.
within a few hundred MILES of each other
some as close as 30 miles apart
Note the similarities in appearance of the victims
Is the Knoxville Area Next ?
Dover TN is near the middle of ALL these crimes
says there is NO CONNECTION ? Others disagree
Note Dover TN is near the middle of all these disappearances
Find Lindsey Baum
and PLEASE PLEASE look at the Lindsey Baum FACE BOOK PAGE AT
This link
Kate Markham has gone Missing
from Fairfield Ohio
Please CliCK THIS link and Read the Face Book Page
info to help Find Katelyn Markham
Click on pic
for a Close Up satellite view of the location Katelyn Markham was last seen
she was wearing levi 's
AND Help
Bring Holly Bobo Home Safe
There is a reward fund
For Ms Bobo But I can Not Post the info here
Google "Reward Fund and add any of the names you see in this section to
see if there is a fund for that case and PLEASE donate
Click Here For Info on Lauren, We need to Find Lauren Spierer
Click On the satellite picture above
For a blow up version of the last place Lauren Spierer Was Seen
Paige Johnson NEEDS to be found
Please Visit this Link for more info on Paige Johnson 's Case
Click Here For Details on Jacque Sue Waller
Missing from Cape Girardeau, Missouri June 1st 2011
The family of Jacque Sue Waller, a missing mother of young triplets from Cape Girardeau, Missouri,
said today she was a victim of domestic abuse. The family believes her estranged husband,
whom police have identified as a person of interest,
is involved in her disappearance.
Michelle Parker
Missing from Orlando Florida
Click Here for a Page for the Michelle Parker Case
Michelle, who runs a "Mobile Tanning Service" went missing after a segment of People Court
in which she and the father of her children appeared to settle a contentious financial Situation.
We plead with anyone with information to call Crimeline at (800) 423-8477 IF you have any info about Michelle Parker
Click Here to see a larger pic of the area
The HLN Nancy Grace Show has also presented the Michelle Parker case and is Urgently requesting help with Finding Michelle Parker
Grace reported a body was found and was being "Fished out of the water as I speak" one night on her show
That Body turned out NOT to be Ms Parker.
Jennifer Lynn Wilkerson Last Seen in: Lubbock, Texas
Jennifer was last seen wearing a red halter top, blue capri pants and black flip-flops. ****** ~~~~**~~~~ The satellite surveillance technology proposed by us
The recent Trayvon Martin killing/murder case points out the need for the system we propose.
Please read the article about Trayvon 's Case at ***** I ask AGAIN: PLEASE Sign the Petition to See to it the solution to Solving crime / And once again it could be used to rescue missing children, women and men Within Minutes of them being reported missing Sign the Petition by Clicking Below ********* ********* ******** ***** ********* ********** Police need to cooperate fully with families of the Missing ******
Susan Powell is still missing in Utah - is Steven Powell a Suspect or Not Cox Family wants to know page is here https://cruci34.angelfire.com/SUSANPOWELL.html **********
Haley Dunn Haily Dunn Big springs texas big spring Body found
https://cruci34.angelfire.com/MichelleParker.html https://cruci34.angelfire.com/KarenSwift.html serial killer cereal killer Memphis Tennessee Cemataries Semataries semitaries tHIS IS HER PAGE wearing levis
Last Seen on: 7/13/2004
Height: 5' 5 "
Weight: 110 lbs.
Age: 26
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown with red highlights
Date of Birth: 12/9/1977
Race: White
Sex: Female
She has several tattoos:
a small ladybug on the right rear of her neck,
a dragon that wraps around her right ankle,
a red rose with a small snake wound around the stem on her upper left arm,
a butterfly on her back,
roses on her right wrist,
a fish on her stomach, a tattoo around her left leg
and she sometimes wears a lip ring.
Click Here for more about the Jennifer Lynn Wilkerson Case
could provide police with evidence of a crime - WITHIN MINUTES of it being committed -
guilty parties would be seen in pictures committing the acts. Leaving no excuse for police to NOT make an arrest
All the confrontations and mishandling of the case
could have been avoided IF the system were adapted for use by Law Enforcement.
saving victims and sparing tens of millions of individuals and families the pain of being crime victims.
and be informed about our effort to accomplish this
CLICK HERE to help
James Joseph Martin Was Killed by a hit and run driver in Apopka Florida
Here is the info on the Hit and Run case
which could have been solved using The technology we present on this page
CLICK Here for a large version of the poster
Here is the Mitrice Richardson Case
Which happens too often
and her Father - Michael Richardson's fight to get justice for his daughter
Why do parents and loved ones of the missing have to endure such pain and agony
The solution presented in the petition seen on this page
would make it easy for police to solve these crimes
PLEASE READ THE petition HERE and ADD Your VoiceKathy LaMadrid Needs to be Found NOW Kathy La Madrdid -Missing since 2004
https://www.angelfire.com/cruci34/NASA.html Karen Swift case on Nancy Grace Show HLN Vinnie Politan
Jerry Walker Jerry Walker
30 https://www.angelfire.com/cruci34/NASA.html https://www.angelfire.com/cruci34/MichelleParker.html
like the Virginia Tech Shooting CLICK https://cruci34.angelfire.com/KarenSwift.htmlhttps://cruci34.angelfire.com/KarenSwift.html