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Find Lori Jean Lloyd

You are the

Visitor to this site
Since it went Public Oct 28th 2011
It is our hope you can offer some info to help Find Lori Jean Lloyd



Here is the Short URL for this page
Cut and paste it onto any pages you visit
To help get the word out


There are Links to other cases on this PAGE too

Lori Jean Lloyd
went missing on Feb 11, 1976.
Her last known destination was a 7-11 store at this address.
3613 Wilmington Ave
Kettering, OH

Click here for a larger picture of the Scene


Please post this SHORT URL on ANY site you want to share this info with

AND VISIT the LoriJean Lloyd Face Book Page and "Like"


More info Coming Soon


I placed a request for prayers for Lori Jean Lloyd on a Prayer Group Page seen at

Join the Prayer Group
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons

link to Lori Jean Lloyd case on many of my other Missing Person sites

Please Join Our Effort to Find Missing Children Women and Men
AND drastically reduce other crimes
using existing unmanned drone and satellite surveillance technology systems
At This link

This link has scenarios of how the unmaned drones
would work to Find the 800,000 reported missing children women and men each year
Using existing equipment and technology

We also have a petition to ask the media to educate the public
then request our elected officials to step up
and adapt the system for use by ALL Law Enforcement Agencies
That Petition is found
IF you click the banner below

Click HERE


I am posting this site PRO BONO ( FREE )
and will do the same for any missing person
IF I am contacted from the email link below

Our main web site with "More Missing Persons" is found


Again: If you would like to have a case listed

Email Me HERE with the details, URLS to link, any pics you have
and the text you want in your case bio


Unlike many other organizations, groups and individuals
making money off missing persons cases
I fund this completely by myself
I NEVER asked for NOR would I accept any money
Many of the so called "non profit"
Orgs, Groups and individuals who ask for donations
are allowed to use up to 75% of the money they get in
to pay those who head or work for the the Orgs.
thus many are making a living off misiing persons cases



Again: Please educated your self about
the existing technology which could be adapted for use by Law Enforcement
to Find the Missing Quickly and drastically reduce other crimes using existing
satellite surveillance technology systems

Our Efforts Main site
Is Found HERE --

AND I have page which has scenarios of how
the existing drone and satellite systems
could be adapted for use by Law Enforcement
to Finding the Missing children women and men
At This link

We also have a petition to ask the media to educate the public who can then request our elected officials to step up
and adapt the system for use by ALL Law Enforcement Agencies
That Petition is found IF you click the banner below

Click HERE

More cases OF THE Missing

Click here for more on Susan Powell

ON FEB 5TH 2012 - WE WERE AMONG THE first to report
Josh Powell blew himself up and killed his two sons

This should prove to any doubters that he was guilty
There was a major failure in the Child Welfare system which led to the deaths of the two children


Click Here for more on Michelle Parker

Michelle Parker Case in Orlando Florida has baffled everyone
Again her children were turned over to the main suspect Dale Smith


Karen Swift has been found BUT There are no suspects
Please HELP by reading about this case

I think someone involved in crime reporting
may be involved in the 7 to 9 recent cases
near Karen Smiths location
- Find Karen Swifts murderer
------------------Levi Page---------------


Contact HLN through this link
but don't hold your breath
HLN doesnDC America 10 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D Steel Gazebo't want these cases solved easily or quickly -
they'd have little to report on
and Nancy Grace can only talk about the "twins" so much
before it gets nauseating

Contact Nancy Grace - and - ALL THE OTHER Shows
ask them to help



If you would like to have a case listed

Email the webmaster Bill Tomsck HERE with the details,
URLS to link to, any pics you have
and the text you want in your case bio

Help find Lori Jean Lloyd Missing from Kittering Ohio
find missing children women and men using NASA technology military satellite surveillance to solve crimes
has Gabriel Johnson been found