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Please Follow Me on Face Book
and share the word about this
Effort to Help Find Missing Persons
by clicking below

I build Free Pages for missing minorities
in ANY language
I have so far done Spanish, Hindi and English Russian

Construir páginas libres para las minorías que falta
en inglés y en Español

Me ofrezco a la comunidad española
la alternativa de publicar información
sobre las personas desaparecidas en su idioma.
Usted debe enviar la información en
español y en inglés,
junto con las fotos y los carteles de
la persona desaparecida y enviarla por
correo electrónico a mí en los
enlaces de esta página
voy a utilizar un traductor en línea programa
para comprobar su presentación

Haga clic aquí para ver una versión más grande de este cartel
Click Here to view a large image of the above poster


Tap Here
to read more on the Heroin Epidemic
connection to Missing Person cases

Join the Prayer Group
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons


This page was constructed to help minority families find their loved ones

I am now building Missing Person Notices in Any language
so If you are sending me a case
to include here
You must send it in Both English and the language you want it translated into

I will use an online Translator to check your submission


We know Police give missing people of color a low priority
It is my hope my efforts will help the families of the missing minorities get some answers

My twitter ID is @ifindthemissing

I will either build a page for your
missing loved one's case at no cost to you
OR place links to your existing pages about your case
on my many pages for the missing at no charge
I have over 80 pages online





I have been contacted many times about The Stacey English Case

Stacey English
Body has been found


The Jose Caballero case is
Presented in both
English and Spansih
El caso de José Caballero es
en ambos
Inglés y Español

Jose Caballero
since Aug 18th 2016
Help the Family Find Jose

For Jose Caballlero's Info Page
Pulse aquí
para página de información de Jose Caballlero

To get a page
for your case

See pages I have built for the missing


You can Use "ctrl" "+" or "-" on your keyboard
to adjust text size or images on your Monitor


Please we beg you,
Share this page on FaceBook
and Tweet this page from the Links supplied below


Add your own hashtag to the tweet



Each time
you go online
this page with
your friends
ON Face Book

Just Tap HERE
to Share on Facebook
and add a header to your post

the URL TO put in the text box there IS


I will post ANY missing person's or cold case info
in the "More Missing Persons Cases" section
found on our many web sites
see some HERE

ALL you need do is email me the info and URL of your cases page

to send me your case or to get more info on our effort



On this page
Read about a unique new device


The V.ALRT Multi-Purpose is a personal electronic warning and
notification system

Can be used to find and locate
a lost, missing or abducted person
summon help for a person who needs any type of help
like and elderly or invalid person who has fallen



Antes de llegar a la
información de casos de personas desaparecidas de la minoría
que siento es mi deber
Dile a los lectores de mi persona desaparecidos páginas
¿Cómo puede proteger a sus seres queridos

es $30,00 demasiado
para ayudar a proteger a su familia y seres queridos?

Before getting to the
Missing Minority Persons cases info
I feel it is my duty to
tell the readers of my Missing person Pages
how you can protect your loved ones

Is $30.00 too much
to help protect your family and loved ones ?


Limit 2 per order

Get the unique V.ALRT
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details

Your Loved Ones need this

And Follow me On Face BOOK too

and how we can find them quickly -
save lives and spare the families of the missing so much pain

An estimated 800 to 1000 minority men, women and children are reported missing EVERY DAY

Would using our unmanned Drone Surveillance capabilities
OR Satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
help find these missing persons and reduce other crimes ?
We know it would
and the cost would be negligible compared to the results

See the Petition linked below on this page
It's the least you can do - IF you really want to help

If that technology had been in place -
the three young women found in Cleveland
would have been found almost immediately
after they were reported missing over a decade ago

The story of Amanda Berry, Michelle Knight
and Gina De Jesus
( whose missing person profiles have been posted on my pages page since
I was emailed about the cases in 2009 )
was given tons of exposure NOW after they were found -- Alive

But the story is Old News now
and even Nancy Grace moves on and never mentions many past stories
she alsways PROMISES to "NOT stop investigating
until " I " ( Nancy ) get some answers"


HOW MANY MILLIONS WERE SPENT ON JUST the three Cleveland girls over those 10 years ???
99% of that taxpayer money could have been saved
and the families of the girls/women would have been spared
the pain they endured over the last 10 years - IF -----


Had the systems been in place over the Boston Marathon
the Bombers would have been in custody within Minutes of them being seen in the crowd
Thereby saving the life of Sean Collier the M.I.T. Policeman killed by them
and it would have saved the millions of tax dollars spent to find them
and the Hundreds of millions of dollars lost by businesses in this event --- IF ----

Who wants to help find Missing Minority Women Children or Men ?
It seems the TV shows who cover these crimes
Pay little attention to
minority, low income, inner city missing cases and
The police just do cursory investigations

It appears as though income and race dictate how much response
a missing person will get from Law Enforcement and the Media -
You can NOT dispute that


Is $30.00 too much
to help protect your family and loved ones ?

Read about a device which can
help find a missing person later on this page

The amazing Cleveland story received major exposure
when the three women were miraculously found alive

Where have the police and media been since those women / girls went missing 10 years ago ?

The police will say - We had no good leads and
We received inaccurate tips
The media will just put a spin on their participation
to make it seem like they did
much more than they actually did

We offer THE solution

Click Here
To familiarize yourself
with our proposal and then Sign The Petition at the link
to adapt existing unmanned drone and satellite picture taking technology
to find ALL missing women children and men
and solve other crimes

In addition the technology we present would reduce ALL other crimes

Share this with EVERYONE on your social Media outlets and
Ask Celebs you follow on Twitter to RT ( ReTweet ) THE URL FOR THIS PAGE
( short url is )
Long URL is --


With over 2000 Americans Reported missing EACH DAY,
I am determined to stop the need for NEW missing person notices in the future
seen online and on Face Book

The time would be well spent,
If those who post those notices would take a few extra minutes a day
helping educate others about the online petition
to get our elected officials to
adapt existing real time military satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
to Help find the Missing
and drastically reduce other crimes
and find the missing safe,
within MINUTES of the crime being reported

By adapting the technology
for use by Law Enforcement the
Existing REAL TIME unmanned drone and satellite
picture taking and transmitting technology
our military has developed and used for decades
to protect our troops
WE Can save victims and spare tens of millions of families
the pain of dealing with a missing loved one in the future
AND SAVE billions of dollars on the over 800,000 searches done
for the missing EACH year

Until then we must continue to post the notices and Pages like this one

Please sign the petition seen on this page and ADD YOUR VOICE to the cause


We could reduce the numbers of these crime so the activity of POSTING
so many Missing Person Notices
if the technology and system presented here were in Place

I will post ANY missing person's case and info
in the "More Missing Persons Cases" section
found on our many web sites
see some HERE

ALL you need do is email me the info and URL of your cases page

to send me your case or to get more info on our effort


Get his unique device
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details

Families need this



Since the Mid 1970's Our Military has developed, and perfected
real time high resolution satellite surveillance picture taking technology
and unmaned drone surveillance techniques
which could Help Find Missing Minority Children Women and Men
WITHIN MINUTES - YES MINUTES of them being reported
and it could drastically reduce other crime

BUT it could also be used to prove someones innocence or guilt

Our goal is to spare tens of millions of families the pain of dealing
with a missing loved one OR becoming a crime victim in the future

We all know when a minority person is reported missing
NOT much attention is given to the case

This capability to take pictures from satellites in space
and transmit them back to earth within seconds
or use of unmanned drones could find missing women children and men
WITHIN MINUTES - YES MINUTES - of them being reported Missing
and police could solve many other crimes in that time span too

OUR MILITARY has had this technology for decades and It has been keep secret because
It was being used to protect our troops, it is now being phased out for more updated systems

The satellites will be left in orbit to die, why are we allowing them to waste the money spent
when they could easily adapt the system for use by Law Enforcement

It is indisputable


Next is a page explaining How we can Find
Missing women, children and men Safe and Quickly
Using Drones


Next is a page explaining
How we can Find
Missing women, children and men Safe and Quickly
Using Drones

Click HERE To read scenarios
on how we can
Find the Missing
Safe & Quickly
Using Drone Technology

Also See pages I have built
for the missing

There would be no EXCUSE for Police Ignoring any case

HERE is a link to our page with more info on our proposed answer to these atrocities


IF we could convince our elected officials to get that technology adapted for use by Law Enforcement
there would be no Further reasons for them not Giving 100% attention to EVERY CASE
there is no doubt the technology would ease the burden on the police
and free them to give UNDIVIDED attention to EVERY MISSING PERSON case
Find the victims quickly and capture and prosecute the criminals
and save Billions of dollars on searches and investigations in the process

Having this system in place would also drastically reduce ALL other crimes because
Once the criminal see they will be caught within MINUTES - they will not commit the crimes

Please take the time to at least educate yourself about our cause
and read how the existing system would work at
If adapted for use by Law Enforcement
HERE are 2 scenarios of how it could work


Then research the "Proof" section on
Our Main Web Site
AND then look for the "How You Can Help" section

You can help most by using the links and letters found on the Main Web Site and
contacting ANY minority Social Activists Like Rev AL Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and
Celebrities Lauren Lake, Tyler Perry, Link Wendy Williams, Mo'nique, Tavis Smiley, Will I. M., Sherry Shephard
and outspoken TV pundit Lauren Lake etc....
please email this page to all local and network Media
and ask that they become involved

OR send the message seen HERE


Then Please Share this page ( ) on Face Book and tweet it from the share buttons Below


Again: If you want to read how the technology would work
Go To

This link HERE


I have built a page for Diana Zacarias
Missing since April 2 nd 2016

Diana Zacarias :

Diana Zacarias 's Case Needs to be solved
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information

Help the Family Solve this case


If you have a missing loved one
I will build a FREE page
like this one to help find
Diana Zacarias
for your case -- at no cost

Here is the link to my page where you can submit your info
on your loved ones missing person case


Now some of the cases we have built pages for


A Spanish Language Case

Transgender teen
Dashad Smith Is Missing

Please help Find Him
Charlottesville, Va



satellite surveillance technology proposed by us
could provide police with evidence of a crime - WITHIN MINUTES of it being committed -
guilty parties would be seen in pictures committing the acts. Leaving no excuse for police to NOT make an arrest

The recent Trayvon Martin killing/murder case points out another use for the system we propose.
All the confrontations and mishandling of the case
could have been avoided IF the system were adapted for use by Law Enforcement.

Please read the article at

It educates everyone how we can stop these crimes IF we REaLLY WANT TO
We are Trayvon - and he is everyones son


And then Sign the Petition to See to it the solution to Solving crime /
saving victims and sparing tens of millions of individuals and families the pain of being crime victims.

And once again it could be used to rescue missing children, women and men Within Minutes of them being reported missing

Sign the Petition by Clicking Below
and be informed about our effort to accomplish this
Again PLEASE sign the petition to Stop Crime


Click HERE
For some more info on Missing Black Children , Women and Men
Send emails to the organizations about our proposed solution


Again we beg you: ADD your voice to Our Effort
Please Sign this precomposed petition / letter and it will be sent automatically to The President
and the senders SPECIFIC Senators and Congressmen and some media outlets from

CLICK HERE TO Get Involved

The Petition is hosted on the website The same site that hosts the Caylee's Law Petition


The issues of "Invasion of Privacy" and "Big Brother" fears are dealt with in more detail on our main web page



Here is the Mitrice Richardson Case
Which happens too often
and her Father - Michael Richardson's fight to get justice for his daughter

Why do parents and loved ones of the missing have to endure such pain and agony

Police need to cooperate fully with families of the Missing
The solution presented in the petition seen on this page
would make it easy for police to solve these crimes
PLEASE READ THE petition and ADD Your Voice


Here is an Amber Alert Runner
If the back ground is yellow there is an active Amber Alert Somewhere In the U.S.
Place your cursor on the Missing's UNDERLINED Name and Click


Here are some cases that have been sent to us
and require your attention


This next case was one
solved in Cleveland Ohio
when 3 girls who had beem missing for years were found

Gina Dejesus
Cleveland, Ohio

Missing since 2004 - Georgina Gina Dejesus


Naketa Leiba missing from Miramar Florida
Naketa got off her school bus and was never seen again
Her mothers school had received a bomb threat
that afternoon and her mother was
not able to pick up Naketa from the Bus Drop
a Few texts were exchanged with Mom then Silence


We need people from EVERY TOWN IN The U.S.
TO ACT and sign the petition and share the info on this page


Click here for More Missing Minorities Cases


Click Here for More Missing Persons Cases

Missing Persons of America Blog
Jerrie Dean - Founder
This site lists the missing by Month and State and name
it is one of the most comprehensive sites on the web
Well Done Ms Dean



Here is the Mitrice Richardson Case
and Michael Richardson's fight to get justice for his daughter

Why do people have to endure such PAIN AND AGONY ?




Here is a video which proves the technology is in place
and was used recently to Kill Osama Bin Laden

Click Here to view the video

Please Use this url when sharing this video --
The above video is more proof that we have developed and perfected satellite
surveillance systems which can capture pictures 24/7 of any spot on earth.

Why isn't this being used to assist Law Enforcement with finding missing / abducted women children and men and
drastically reduce ALL other crimes.

Once the criminals would be made aware that they will b e caught WITHIN minutes of committing their crime I am
sure they would see it was useless to go on committing them See for more ways the
existing technology could be used.

N.A.S.A. and our military have developed and perfected these systems since the late 1960's and in those 40 odd
years have honed it to amazing capabilities. Most are top secret BUT I am sure all our adversaries are aware
of what those capabilities are the so the "Top Secret" label is not valid.

If you think about our past 'Top Secret" programs Like the SR-71 high altitude high speed recon aircraft from
the 80's and 90's - it was denied it ever existed for 10 years. The same with the F-117 Stealth Fighter and
B-2 Stealth Bomber ----- Both of those were kept under cover for over a decade.


Here is one GREAT Site
The missing-and-abused-kids Daily
Maz Stone is the Founder -
see people who really care about the Problem of the missing and abused


In my opinion Nancy and the rest of the TV hosts on HLN go through the motions of covering a story
about a black missing person or black crime victim IF there is some way to sensationalize the case facts

Grace should spend more time showing pictures of the missing instead of her darling children

for a bit more on Our Effort


Help Find Missing Children!
Help the
Find Missing Children Group



Contact CNN AND HLN shows through this link

Contacxt Nancy Grace - Jane Mitchell - ALL THE OTHER SHows
ask them to help


Click HERE for the Justice for the Missing site



We never ask for money But
some members who have submitted cases
have offered to contribute
to keep these pages online
We have set up a way to contribute
and offer a gift to those who live in the Lower 48 of the U.S. who do so

For each $20.00 of contributions
to help keep these pages online
-- you get the gift shown
the Image of Jesus on Fish Bone
which is called the Crucifix Fish or Crucifish
It is said to bring Gods Blessings and
Protection to anyone who possesses one

And each Icon come with a 5x7 "Legend of the Crucifix Fish"
Displayable Casd

CLICK here for the Contribution Page

If you have any problem making the Contribution
Please Notify Me


Before getting to the
Missing Minority Persons cases info
I feel it is my duty to
tell the readers of my Missing person Pages
how you can protect your loved ones

Is $30.00 too much
to help protect your family and loved ones ?


Limit 2 per order

Get the unique V.ALRT
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details

Your Loved Ones need this

phoenix coldon is missing help find phoenix coldon

Free SubDomains


Dylan Redwine missing since Nov 19th 2012
near 2300 County Road 500 Bayfield Colorado

Please help find him


Details On Dylan Redwine

Missing From 11/19/2012 Bayfield CO


Spanish Missing Person cases
I will post your case here