This is the First Page I placed on the web
for my St Jude Novena Prayer Group in 2006
I have had to add pages regularly since then
to keep up with requests for divine interventions
and Thank You messages for prayers answered
Here is a stunning fact: there are billions of pages on the web
- why did you find this one ?
Please take time to find the reason
You are the
Visitor to this page since it was put online
To me it is not astounding so many people are seeking help through prayer
and have found this page out of ALL the pages on the web
We Never remove the requests and
Thank You messages from the designated pages
Unless requested to do so
I formed this Group in 2006 To Pay it Forward
for blessings I had received previously after praying to St Jude
I had no idea I would need help myself again in the future
Then In Dec 2018 I was diagnosed with Ureter / Kidney cancer
I posted my need - the Group members prayed
and once again I was given a miracle
I beat the cancer and on Sept 27 2019
was told it is gone am I am cured
Please TAP
to read about my battle with this dreaded disease
I want to thank all those who prayed with me
and Thank St Jude who granted me my requests over the years
I assure you I still pray everyday for fellow members There is nothing to do to join Anyone can submit a prayer request NO reason is too insignificant and all requests will be posted Here is a special request from Bill Madden on Facebook ++++++ I will post your request as quickly as time permits It is a prayer group for people of ALL faiths --- In addition to reading requests for others in need I add pages for new requests There are 10,000 members and Please understand we are limited in our time This started out as The St Jude Novena Prayer group ***** Requests and Thank You messages -- This page was put on the web TO Help those in need We get SO many requests to add Send your requests --- I do not post full names or email addresses any longer You will receive an email with the links to the pages your request IS posted on Read the THANK YOU PAGE IF you think our efforts do NOT work Now a link to the printable Prayer Page
++++ If you found this page and can help one or more of our members +++++++++ Use the following email to contact us Add your voice to the thousands of others *** Email your prayer request or Thank YOU MESSAGES ********++++******** Rita Minch ritaminch ***** From: jude be
Sent: Friday, April 26,
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com +++ TAP HERE - it is for a man THERE ARE now almost a dozen Pages **** We hope this next few paragraphs ++++++ IF you have contributed to help For those not contributing your post will be added as I have time ****** Once again, we in the U.S. are shocked
In light of the terrorist group ISIS 's attacks *BONUS * Made in Nature By the Hand Of God Get a few and send them to soldiers Anyone WHO LIVES IN THE LOWER 48 U.S. The webmaster of this page has one BUT Again Free Shipping in U.S. It can be shipped outside the Lower 48 U.S. Those living in the U.S. can use the PayPal Button below I REPEAT It can be shipped outside the Lower 48 U.S. ********* Once More: If you have any problem making the PayPal Contribution +++++++++ **** Now more requests and Thank You posts from Group Members From: Mary Stoks marystoks ***** Here is a Thank You message From: Jaz O'k
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 11:14 AM ****** You have found the The Main Page for the Group Novena Prayer to St Jude Thousands of others will be praying with you IF you can help one of the needy PLEASE contact the webmaster ******** NO request is too insignificant When I started this page I received about 10 emails per WEEK - We offer a Novena Prayer to St Jude as a Group https://cruci34.angelfire.com/printprayer2.html https://cruci34.angelfire.com/pray2.html ********* ********* THIS WAS TWEETED: *********
We pray everyone who emails me and seeks help from St Jude ********* ********** This first prayer request is pressing +++++++++ Now More requests Date: Tue, 19 Apr 09:46:33 -0400 Diana's is the newest case I have built a page for
********** If you have a missing loved one ^^^^^+^^^^^ carlc I cannot afford a lawyer and cannot afford to replace
the $14,900.00 Lord jesus savoir ********* ********** Here is a Thank You Message ++++++++++ Here is a POST found ON Face Book - and a member requested it be added here ********* And Follow me On Face BOOK too ********* Here is a request FROM A VERY GOOD friend of this page ********* Subject: Prayer Page Thank You or Info Now a request from someone who made a contribution ********* From: Chelsea Brown ******** Here is an example of a person in true need Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
********* I don't have much extra time to address the following message
From Prabhu Simon -- ( simon.prabhu4@gmail.com )
God is fake ill prove if any one can challenge reply to me .... at simon.prabhu4@gmail.com this next post is what Prabhu requested three days previous to sending me that notice Prabhu Simon
To The Prayer Page *************** NOW HERE AE some of the requests and thank you mesaages ********* From: Maureen Angle ********* Cindy Schul 5:35 AM
Subject: A prayer for unmerited favor
Thank, God bless. ************* Subject: From the Prayer page God bless This next request is from someone who live in Ottawa, Ontario Canada +++++++++ Thank You
Date: Fri, 27 +++++++++
From: Linda Mushab ********* Annette ********* From: Jo Zaba
Thank you St. Jude for the answered prayer. ********* From: Chris Rooney
I started praying the st. jude prayer presented on your pages
thank you st. jude
Chris R ********* ********* By request and from a suggestion of someone who is a member of the St Jude Prayer Group Pages It is said to provide protection and Good Fortune to anyone who posseses ONE Along with each Image Of Jesus On A Fishbone ********* Here is the most recent page with the latest Prayer requests We have been online for about 3 years and ********* Again, I have received inquiries from members of The St Jude Prayer Group I will Not refuse anyone who wants to do that Those contributing will get special placement of their requests or Thank You Messages on 6 of our designated request pages You can send any amount you want to the Pay Pal Link directly Below Those GIVING over $19.99 or more to keep this page online ********* OR to get An Image of JESUS -- Made by the Hand of God in Nature The webmaster of that page is also the webmaster of this page ~~~~~~ Those not contributing will be placed on ********* The Posting of a Thank You message in a public medium is requested to help others know about the Again your posting will be up within hours of when the contribution has been seen The Thank You to St Jude should be published Within 7 days after your prayers are answered Hundreds have already have had their prayers answered As you will read some have had their prayers answered after just a few recitations The Saint Jude Thadeus novena prayer is found on these pages The prayer is to be said Again: Any one, regardless of beliefs can Send me a message with YOUR special needs We are banding together to ask for help From Financial Needs to prayers to Find Missing Women Children and Men ********* +++++ + + +++++ Use ONLY the following email to contact us with your Prayer Request Thank You messages or inquiry *** --- See OUR section below for some of the missing person
Please be patient these pages have a lot of info on them
Share this URL = ( http://pray.1sta.com ) with the Millions of believers and non believers who are cyber citizens
on Face book ******** Praying for job ? ***** There are hundreds of Millions of pages on the internet -- Why did you find THIS ONE ?? EVERYONE Needs help at one time, The reason might be so you can help one of those in need Maybe YOU Found this page to pray to Find MISSING Women Children and Men IF it was to read stories of those whose prayers have been answered IF you are here to ask for help through prayer, **** ALL Those things can be done here We will also publish the Thank You, After you receive you requested help, which is part of the process *********
Info about GARY and over 200 others missing from British Columbia since 2000 is Here ********* Especially those with a missing loved one - who need some peace
********* The Thank You Messages will be posted on From a Face Book Posting It is my belief that there is strength in numbers ******* Now More info you should read, or book mark this page to read it later Here is one Prayer request which you should find very pressing - *********
except say the prayer
there is a printable copy of prayer linked later
From prayers to cure cancer
to finding a missing loved one
to help with finding or keeping jobs
Email Your Request OR Thank You
and you will be included in all our collective prayers
with the many others I receive DAILY
seeking Divine Intervention who have found themselves
in seemingly hopeless situations
We are 10,000 strong and Pray as one
There is strength in numbers
ADD your voice Please
on this page - you will also find Thank You messages
from those whose prayers were answered
I invite ALL to add your request and pray with our Prayer Group
and Thank You messages
thousands of requests and Thank You messages
on our Prayer Group Pages
But over time morphed into a Prayer Group for all who need prayers answered
St Jude Thaddeus is recognized as the "Worker of Miracles"
and Patron Saint of seemingly hopeless causes
Join us in this prayer group and pray and pray for Divine Interventions
To Saint Jude for help
We have formed a group of thousands of people
who are willing to pray EVERY day
with and for each other
we can NOT post all of them quickly
they will be added and included on the Request Pages as we have time
IF you have sent a request or Thank You Message
to be included You will get an email from me --
then you must look on the request or Thank You pages to see your post
It can take a while for it to get added
Once on the request or thank you pages
Use the "ctrl" and "f" on your keyboard
and type in your first name
You should be taken to the post
You may have to hit the "find" or "search" option in the box that appears
Print it from the link
or book mark it so it is with you at all times
Please contact me and I will put you in touch
with your prayer request or to post a Thank You Message for prayers answered or
your offer to help
- there is strength in numbers
Sun 13-Oct- 08:03 PM
Thank you st. Jude for prayers answered.R.M
Subject: Request or Thank You To St Jude
Good Morning,
I am writing for a prayer request.
This is for my nephew Joseph and the difficulties he is encountering recently.
Please pray for him with me.
My mother named me Jude after a difficult birth with me,
Saint of the Impossible, please help me pray.
Thank You,
who has been associated with this parayer group for years
He has been diagnosed with ureter cancer
with requests and Thank You messages
they are updated as I get requests
are not offensive to anyone
Remember you came here for help
Don't let my views stop that from happening
I ask you to Pray for Donald Trump
We believe he will move forward and do the things
mentioned in the oath he took
The last president has failed at that
keep this Prayer Group online
your request will be posted on our pages within hours
and I will send you an email when and where it is posted
by the many recent shootings and loss of life.
We need to pray to end these terrible events.
Please ask St Jude to give our Law Enforcement Officers better judgement,
and ask they be protected from those who would kill them.
We beseech you to Give our leaders the mindset to help resolve
the gun problem in The U.S.
we ask all who join our prayer group to
add to your request to St. Jude by asking for an end to the threats and attacks perpetrated by ISIS
and to give our leaders the wisdom to
bring about the demise of ISIS and all groups
who's aim it is to injure or kill God Fearing humans
I don't ask for money
but many of the members of the group
have made contributions
to help keep this Prayer Group online
read the info below for Those not living in the U.S.
Those who make a contribution
using the PayPal Button below
will get get one of the
Image of Jesus On the crucifix Icon with each contribution
With Each of these icons
You will get the FREE Legend of The Crucifix Fish Card
Display it with your Crucifix Fish Icon
Each item ordered will come with The collectors Display Card
It is said to bring Protection From Harm to ALL who possess one
AND contributes $20.00 will receive one of these spiritual relics
with FREE shipping
and has received protection from storms and unexpected financial help
but shipping charges will apply
if you don't live in the U.S. you need to email me
your address and I will send a shipping quote
to be added to your contribution
to send your contribution
BUT for out of U.S. there is a shipping charge in addition to the $20.00 contribution
email me for a quote
For each contributions -- you get a gift -
the Image of Jesus on Fish Icon
which is called the Crucifish or Crucifix Fish
1 for $20.00 -- 2 for $40.00 -- 3 for $60.00 etc.
Choose the amount you want to contribute
from the drop down menu
Then CLICK the PayPal "Add to Cart" button below
or need a shipping quote Please Notify Me
Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 12:27 PM
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Subject: Prayer Page
Please prayer for my daughter joleen and her husband Wayne and their baby wayne
please prayer for there marriage to be always faithful trust respect and love
and to heal their negative and bad thoughts and banish all evil and
suicide away
from them amen
and help with their depression and anxiety amen
thank you st jude
Mary S
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com
Subject: Prayer Page Request or Thank You or Info
To whom it may concern.
Hello I am jazzy, and I just want to Thank you for ever and ever
my dreams came true because I believed in
and prayed to St Jude for a miracle
now I'm hoping in faith and prayers for a high School diploma
I'm in school every Saturday and I'm working in healthcare too.
.Since May of 2016 I've been with the agency.
I help the elderly and sick. I've made friends and money for the work .
Thanks so much for praying for me.
I sent in the request for the job on June
started praying and opening up my heart to St Jude
It worked and in my heart I trust and believe it could nothing else matters ever,
not have happened without the sacred miracle from St Jude.
Deep in my heart and soul I trust in Jesus and St Jude.
There are no doubts ever -
this miracle was from
St Jude when I requested a job.
Thank you I wish my family was closer since I lived in New York for 8 years.
Jazzy 10/2/
worker of Miracles and Help of Hopeless Causes
and I will put you in touch with the person
you want to help
From prayers for finding a job to
Finding a Missing Loved One ( two of those we have prayed for have been found ALIVE !!!
the Missing persons section below
I now get many more per day
you can imagine the time I have to put into keeping the "Prayer Request"
and THE "Thank You Message" pages updated
thus the time to post your prayer requests has been lengthened exponentially
This is one of the Prayer Group Pages with prayer requests
and Thank You Messages to St Jude Thaddeus for prayers answered
More of Those requests and thank you messages are posted further down on this page
and most are found on the many other
Prayer Groups Request and Thank You pages seen at the following links
HERE IS THE url with the Prayer
And a link to the printable Prayer Page
Print it from this link
or book mark it so it is with you at all times
Our main page is at
Sarah pe @becklakebum
St Jude Miracle Prayer Novena miracles do happen after saying this novena prayer
cruci34.angelfire.com/prayer.html @2findthemissing
even if they are not listed on the request page immediately
receives the help they seek
Here are more requests and thank you messages
and needs Immediate attention
From Rosario
Subject: Prayer Page
From: zacaale
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
My daughter Diana Zacarias, had been missing since 04/02/2016.
She went on a trip to Grand Canyon National Park
she was last seen around the South Rim.
Please help.
More info to come soon
this next note is from the Prayer Page Webmaster:
If you have any info on Diana Zacarias Disappearance
Email it to me and I will forward it to Diana's Family
and see to it it is posted on a
website built for Diana Zacarias 's Missing person Case
Missing since April 2 nd 2016
Diana Zacarias :
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information
I will build a FREE page
like this one to help find
Diana Zacarias
for your case -- at no cost
A prayer of need from ‘Carl Hagenn’
regarding to obtain a Free lawyer
help Carl and the return of his car that was towed
and then classified as
an ‘abandoned vehicle’
then the tow company in Phoenix Arizona took-ownership
of the year 2001 jeep Cherokee, the Towing company
in Pheonix Arizona
now owns Carl Hagen’s car.,
seems this is legal, the regristration was revoked
the tow truck company took ownership of the car.
deliver Carl
from evil
from a group member who made a contribution
From: diaakbg@iclou
Subject: Prayer Page Thank You or Info
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com
thank you most holy apostle st. jude, faithful servant and friend of jesus, for answering my prayer.
My son got his promotion. I promise ,
O blessed st. jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor,
to always honor you as my special and powerful patron,
and to gratefully encourage devotion to you.
Pray for Bonnie Kernan
for a friends of his and his wife's
it requires immediate attention
From Janet Burro Virg
My sister, Jeannine needs all our prayers
as she just went into ICU with some serious bacterial problems.
I am so worried about her.
Thank you, Jan
From: jmangus42@hotmail.com
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2016 23:20:41 +1000
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com
Thank you St Jude for your intercession
,my son Raymond can now have his liver operation
,we still have to pray
but so Thankful his treatment has gone this far.
I will honour your power and always encourage devotion to you. AMEN
To: "PrayerPage@yahoo.com"
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Thank you so much St. Jude for opening up your heart and hearing my prayer!
I know with your help that I will be reunited with my dog Reese very soon!!!!
I'm forever grateful to you St. Jude for all you have done
and continue to do for me!!!! I love you St. Jude!!!!
Please include Jackie's request In Your Prayers
From: jackieschmal@icloud.com
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Like your page says, I came across this page for a reason.
I was searching for prayers for a miracle. Powerful prayers.
My father, the most wonderful, loving, man in the world, is facing jail time.
Simply because he is taking the fall for a business that he owned.
Rather than fight, he is taking his punishment.
He has already lost his job, his retirement, filed bankruptcy, and now,
the attorney general wants to put him in jail for 3 - 7 years.
He killed no one, yet drunk drivers get lesser sentences.
This man is my rock. My husband and I turn to him for everything,
and he is my son's best friend,
we can't lose home for 3 years, let alone 7.
I ask for help in prayer that everyone involved in this case show compassion and not give him jail time.
I'm asking for some miraculous intervention to occur
and that the judge overseeing his case give him house arrest,
or something lesser. My father has always been the type of man that if
he saw a man on the street without a coat, he would give up his own to give to that person.
This selfless, wonderful man doesn't deserve this harsh of a punishment.
The only thing that could help now is a miracle.
I turn to God, his angels and saints for this.
Thank you. Something led me to your page.
I'll be making my donation now as well.
You don't have to send me anything, just promise me to pray.
I need my father.
Much love and prayer to all those facing difficulties
but thought someone who is in our prayer group
might be able to answer this man
To Prayer Page Fools
Oct 16 2013 at 1:24 PM
Please pray that i get her back my common friend has cum down from uk and talking to her
pray tat god speak through her and help spk the rite thing and mainly jo undestand and
take me back .... Prabhu
Date: 05/23/14 19:17:06
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Subject: From The Prayer Page
I would like to send a heartfelt "Thank you" to My Lord Jesus Christ, St Jude Thaddeus
and all who prayed for my daughter Annabelle and I.
Back in November, I sent a very emotional prayer request to St. Jude Thaddeus and the
Angelfire prayer page, asking for intercession with our very strained mother/daughter
relationship. The story is too long to even recap, but I will say I wasn't sure if it was even
possible to repair the damage that had been done. I am elated and excited to say that our
relationship has experienced the miracle of an answered prayer and I give all glory to St. Jude Thaddeus and Almighty God!!
A lost cause mended beyond belief. I keep pinching myself :)
What an AMAZING Saint you are! I will spread your marvelous name to the
ends of the earth along with Jesus our healer and comforter!
Praise God and thank you all for the time and effort put into all these hopeless causes.
It just goes to show.. They are NOT hopeless with God and miracles happen with prayer.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
Kind Regards,
Maureen Angle
Here is someone who needs our prayers -- I saw a post from her on twitter and added her here Lets Make this one work
nicki d
Cancer Patient. Is 4 months to live really 4 months?
I'll never know because my mom is making me get chemo
in hopes it gives me a year & there's a cure by then.
God Bless You Nicki d
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Please pray, God my daughter is making bad decisions and
she has been taking drugs for awhile now.
God please giver her the strength to overcome this addiction for good.
God please reunite her witb her two lovely boys
that need her and her family.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
From: smartgal2005@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 19:55:08 +0000
Dear all,
I am really thankful to God that I found this page.
My name is Sandra from Nigeria.
Pls do help me pray the novena for a miraculous breakthrough
in every area of my life especially the area of job.
I am presently unemployed and I need a job to sustain myself
and support my family.
From: jackiebluelondon@yahoo.ca
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:56:28 -0500
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Please I'm asking for a prayer request I'm in financial difficulty and I want to come out of it
I to start having money instead of living from pay cheque to pay cheque having no money.
and it would make me so happy to pass it would be a stepping stone in my life
something my daughter would be proud of me for thank u for this prayer request.
If you have a job anywhere near there please contact her
J Marquis (jmarquis59@gmail.com)
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
I am a single woman who is over 45, lives alone. I do not have children. I cannot find work for 3 years,
I live on low income. My family lives far away I cannot live there due to economic hardship.
I cannot find any friends here and the men I meet are not nice or leave me.
My only friend here died suddenly last april his family left him in the morgue,
he trully care for me and protected me like a father.
Lately things have been getting worse I try and try to get work, find good people for friends.
I was mostly alone at xmas but my sister came with gifts as she was closeby.
Some in my family are sick of my situation,
I had 2 abusive partners one 5 years, one 4.
Met awful men since last year I am a good person honest and I expect that back.
Lately my sisters are fedup and pretty well dont want to talk much
to me although i know they love me my situation never changes.
They get upset when my mom tries to help me at times with money
Im the only one in need and I dont ask her she offers me.
So now they cut me off of help
they dont feel I should have a computer i need to have one for the music
and job search
I live in a city with a long winter that is very cold and have no car.
Recently i joined a dating site and I met 3 very good decent men who really seem interested
but none live here.
I am hoping ONE will workout to be my soulmate,
I think my whole life could change.
They already say they miss and like me alot and one is coming to see me in 2 days.
I just dont want more lies and hurt. I cannot have kids
but I want to get married in a church and if possible have a baby
but soon it will be too late for a baby-
its now down to maybe 6 months for that.
I also applied to a job I really like but unsure if I will get it,
in medical esthetics it what I love and I Have alot of medical background
but this city does not seem to want to hire me,
not sure if its ageism or race or what.
I cannot continue like this being alone is worse than a disease its like a slow death.
I have tried everything here people dont want to mingle much ..
J Marquis
Subject: From the Prayer page
From: divya.daivegan@gmail.com
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Dear sir brother
My name is divya please pray for me that I shld I get gud life partner
and soon I shoild get a gud liffe partner.
And please send me st. Jude prayer for unmarried people to get married soon
Date: 05/26/14 02:19:49
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
I can't travel or ask for a job because I failed a paper& when I redid it I failed again .
.it's now 2years and.everything in my life can't move forward without this paper.
..I pray for a miracle in my life that this retake goes away..
.opportunities to open in my life
To Prayer page Nov 30
Lord I need you my family needs you. My husband is struggling and can't beat his drug
addiction only you can help break his bondage. Please break the bondage all the evil people
have on him please let them get out of his life so he can be the husband and father you want
him to be. Please go to him and show him the right way. We are hurting and need your help.
Please help. He left and didn't contact me after a month. Now again he has stop contacting
me. Whatever it takes even if he needs to go to jail. We need you please forgive my sins and I
thank you for going and taking my husband and family in your hands in your protection and
breaking the bondage Of all the evil people my husband is with. I give up your will be done
but please show me what it is I am struggling with depression and I am very scared. In Jesus
name amen.
From Michael Potvin looking for Kim Stotsky
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Every time that i prayed and needed help you are the one
that i can turn to and you always answered my prayers. Thank you very much St. Jude!
I need a job badly -
I live in Illinois and any job would be fine.
Subject: it works
and my prayer was soon answered.
I had asked to find a truck, a place to live and everything begin to fall into place
and received an answer to her prayers
for her relationship to be mended and her financial situation to improve
She me asked to post this next information before getting to the list of Prayer Requests
The Above Icon / Relic IS not hand made
But made by the hand of GOD in nature
It is the Crucifix Fish Skull Bone with the Image of Jesus on the Cross
If you want to help keep our prayer group page on line
-- You can get one and
your Prayer Request OR Thank You Message will be placed
on all of the prayer groups pages
PLUS you will receive an email with the links to the pages which present your request or Thank You
you will get a Card With the Legend of the Crucifix Fish
More on this Mysterious Religious Item Below
( as of nov 2015 There are many pages for Our St Jude Novena Prayer Group in ALL )
trying to find out if they can send me money to keep this page on line
Just Click and fill in the form
will receive an Image of Jesus Hanging on the Cross
on the Crucifix Fish Skull Bone
AND Bonus Card with the Legend of the Crucifix Fish
Plus the quick posting of their requests and messages
Again You will have your request or Thank You Message
posted on 6 of the Prayer Group Pages
within hours of my receiving the notice of a contribution
Click here to order An Image of Jesus on Fish Bone
and he gives us ALL the proceeds from any one we send to him
a webmaster is the person who makes these pages appear online
to me that is quite an accomplishment too
I found Our Webmaster after I read a story he had on one of his pages about a miracle
and asked him if he could build and maintain the pages you see now for our prayers group
He said he could - Thank You Bill
the request page seen at this link
as we have time
Again -- Those contributing to keep these pages on the web
will have their Request posted on at least FOUR of our Request Pages -
St Jude's Miracle Working Powers AND THE POWER OF GROUP PRAYER
If your prayers are answered -
to satisfy that: send me your thank you messages and I will post them
on the page designated for "Thank You Messages"
through our group
Please read the many messages I have received from those who's prayers have been answered
Click HERE for the Thank You St Jude Thadeus Page
There is a Link to a printable version of the prayer too
a minimum of 9 times per day until YOUR prayer is answered
and I will post it on our prayer request page as I find the time
for all types of seemingly impossible situations
Click Here for the Printable Text version of the prayer
So you can have it with you and say it any time
Send Your Email HERE
and the families we are praying for
Try to read all the pages or bookmark them so you can
peruse them at your leisure - You will not regret it
And if you just stopped here out of curiosity feel free to contact me
with a request or comment
Read this
my step son found one here it IS FOR REAL
Finding this page was No Fluke, was it fate ?
I am sure you will find the reason you found it
IF you take the time to read this page
and decide for yourself what you were sent here for
IF THE reason for you finding this page was to find the prayer to request intervention
to receive some type of favor or miracle
From St Jude, Patron Saint of Miracles and Hopeless Causes...
OR TO POST A Public Thank You for having received an answer to your prayers
If so contact us and we will put you in touch with the person you want to help
-- which is a request I get often
or to read how miracles have resulted from prayer or to
find out if prayers do work, this page offers you proof
you have found a group of people who are willing to help you pray
you will find prayers were answered for everything Missing Persons found to Health / Medical Needs to Relationships to Financial / Money aid
No need is TOO insignificant
AS WELL AS You will find A PRINTABLE VERSION of the prayer
Please remember the others who are in need too and include them in your prayer request
together OUR voices can get through......
Here is prayer request to find missing persons
Please Pray so Gary Price,
60 Missing February 28, 2013, from Williams Lake, BC
is Found
Gary Price was reported missing on March 3 by a family member. Gary was last seen in Likely, BC and lives in a remote area past Yanks Peaks.
Besides providing a venue for people to pray as one voice for each other
As you will see I support an effort dedicated to Finding the Missing
I have included info about the missing and the effort to find them
As I feel it is one of the bigger things families face each day Read some of the other requests submitted for inclusion in this collective prayer
on The Prayer Request Page
and Please get the link to the printable version of the prayer by
Clicking Here for the Page with the link to the
Printable Text version of the prayer
So you can have it with you and say it any time
Send your request / needs HERE
I will post your prayer request and Thank You to St Jude
after your request is granted, on the designated linked pages
Our recently added Thank You Page seen
By posting a Thank You to St Jude after your prayers have been answered
- you have fulfilled the requirements of posting a public acknowledgement of the power of prayer
by Gary D Buzz Workman
Click here to visit the page
and by including ALL others WHO SEEK HELP in OUR prayers
and joining our voices, we can help each other be heard
Robin Roberts Host of ABC's Good Morning America
Needs your Prayers Again
5 years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer and beat that
Now doctors say she has developed Myelodysplastic Syndrome A Blood Disease
she is undergoing chemotherapy and is scheduled for a intense series of blood transfusions in the future
Please include her in your prayers
It seemed like an interesting gift to give and it was very appropriate timing
I would like to ask that you post a link to the "Image of Jesus on A Fish Bone" on your website
And I will continue to pray as requested and ask St Jude Thadeus to grant Everyone's prayers
to protect soldiers, and find the missing
My friend loves the Crucifix Fish and has it mounted in a display case in her sitting room
Her health has improved immensely
Thank you St Jude and Thank All those who prayed together on the prayer page
((( Next is a Response I was sent about Rolandias Post:
Dear Bill, I saw Rolandias prayer request on your page, found the crucifix fish and I bought a few
I kept one and have seen amazing things happening in my life,
I was given an unexpected windfall from a friend who passed away
and now I am giving the CRUCIFIX FISH bone to other friends -
Each is thrilled to receive it AND one has recovered from a Life threatening injury
in what the doctors described as "A Miracle"
Thank You for sharing and posting the info on this miracle of nature
Terry )))
From the webmaster of the prayer page
To Terry, I will include your story on the prayer page and have posted a link to the Image of Jesus Icon.
Bill - Webmaster of the PRAYER PAGE
The owners of the page for the Crucifix Fish have also agreed help keep this prayer page on the net
That is why the link is found here
They give us 50% of any sale generated by the prayer group pages
It helps defray expenses for us
So we ask that you visit it and consider buying some OF THE Crucifix Fish
You can help make sure this page is on the net and active
A Few other things then we will get to the Novena Prayer Info
I know many do not believe in Prayer and Miracles
BUT my experience with it is: I needed a miracle and
a prayer novena to St Jude the Patron Saint of Hopeless causes was suggested
- I tried it and My prayers were answered.
Again Click Here for the Printable Text version of the prayer
So you can have it with you and say it any time
and look for the link to the pages WITH the many Thank You messages for prayers that have been answered too
You need not be of any particular faith
You don't have to believe in Saints
As some of those who share their stories indicate
This page was set up to share the Power Of Prayer
I know many do not believe in it But I choose to
You will find a novena prayer on this page which has worked for me
and you can read emails sent to me from others who have had their prayers answered
I also ask that those who invoke this prayer include all others who seek help
With OUR voices joined, God can hear us.
What harm would it do to try
I ask you to Just read this page carefully and join us in raising OUR voices together * Please help Keep this page on the internet By Using the Sponsors Services and products seen at the bottom of this page ********* First before getting To the Prayer that can help you in your needs Please consider Doing Something to assure you are in Gods sight and you have his ear Join my efforts to help even more people ********* I say the novena prayer everyday AND ALWAYS INCLUDE my hope for missing children women and men everywhere to be found ********* ********* *********
+++++ + + +++++
Because there are so Many *********
CLICK BELOW to Send this Page to someone you know Post a notice of this page on ANY forums that allow such posts Google - " Miracle Prayer Forums"
Tweet ******** **** Please Share on Facebook ***** Here is an Amber Alert Runner
Again: I am trying to Pay It Forward ********* ****** There are other websites which are comprehensive informational resources on asbestos-related diseases,
Many of these men and women were exposed at work or during their military service and
The site is a great resource for . ********* I also ask you to Join a Face Book Group ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Please Jesus and St Jude patron of hopeless causes and worker of Miracles ********
I instruct everyone who seeks help to say the prayer UNTIL it is answered ********* Here is the Miracle Story
paralyzed from the waist down ********* Now Here are some of the most touching & interesting emails requests AND THANK YOU Messages I HAVE received ********* ********* This next request is from someone who made a $40.00 contribution and
You know what they say, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of". ************ Date: Sat, 28 Nov From: Mona Bro -
Hi -
I have a request of my own - I've hesitated to send it because it has nothing to do with missing children. My (ex)
Thank you so much, and I will continue to pray for others with you.
********* From: Ricardo Mccla
From: Holli Malouf
Please obtain God’s blessings on all couples that will be married on October 5,2011. ********* From: Laura Ros
God brought John into my life when I had given up on love and God allowed him to heal a lot of my past hurt. ********* Cc: jss95357@yahoo.com
Jessie Leal
TX. ********* From: Joan M. -- jamarie
I am in dire need of a miracle in my finances. I know and believe in the power of St. Jude as the worker of miracles.
Joan ********* *********
my name is sherri and my mom paula has stage 4- cancer. lung problems,etc, dad is blind,health,etc, *********
From: Jeanryd ****** From: NANCY ROCK / Helen Dembi
Please print this request and thank you to St. Jude; thank you for keeping this website; ********* *********
From: Helen Dembi
From: dhr
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, we are in desperate need of a financial blessing in order to keep our home, This seems like an impossible task, However I believe that Miracles do happen so please keep us in your prayers. *********
From: Veronica
I will also like to ask for your prayers please I am pregnant and just last week they told me that ********* From a Fiverr Donator ********** From: Christine *********
From: digitalldes
Have a great day. ********* From: John Mann
Linda Mann
********* ********* From: sandra johns
Sandra ********* ********* From: "Donald D. Ramsey,
Dear Friends, I just made a donation (small) to fund the page. Donald D. Ramsey, ********* From: "Donald D. Ramsey,
Bill, ********* From ( name withheld on request ) *********
You know the BIG C is scary.. ********* From: Dena Gr
I want to Thank St. Jude with all of my heart for helping me clear a legal issue which could have been a very ugly situation. Diane *********
From: Karla
Hello, please post this:
I have been praying to St. Jude fervently the past few days, and I am already starting to see positive, reassuring answers to my prayers.
********* ********** This request is very disturbing and I wrote to the person who submitted it: ********* From Thomas B *****
--- On Tue, 7/1/12, Angela wrote: From: Sybil DC
I came across your page and would like to post my thank you to St Jude for the prayer request he has granted after
"Thanks to St Jude for all my prayer requests that have been granted"
Thank you. **********
From: Lucy D
Dear St Jude,
Thank you very much for answering a prayer request and I feel much relaxed with one less worry.
Thank you.
Lucy D
Sent: Tuesday, JUNE 30, 2012 7:16 AM *********
From: Todd S *********
From: Carrie Yazzie-Tsosie-Morse *********
Note This NEXT mans comment to Ask St Jude to From: Joe C.
Here is an update from Joe,
From: Joe Car
Here is yet another update from From Joe C expressing Thanks To St Jude *********
Here are A few additional exceptional *********
From: Hugo G ********* Here is a plea from a very good friend of one this pages sponsors ******** Now I need to impart other Important Info
Special Prayers are ASKED FOR by a friend of this page ********* From: anne wooff Thank you Anne W. ********* - A more comprehensive list is found PLEASE ADD your voice by signing the petition Here are a few of the requests for help in Missing person Cases WE PRAY to find ALL the THE Missing We need to STOP MISSING PERSON CASES ***** Here is a pressing request from FaceBook ********* And another request for prayers ~~~~****~~~~ NOW My Missing person prayer group Section ****** ********* Anyone with information regarding Amos Mortier ~~~**~~~ ******* ********* ****** ******** And see the Thank You Page HERE *** ***** Kristi Merrill and Kristen Alcorn -- Here is a request from Kristi's Mom Bryn Barton: Another Missing Person Found From: Kendra W
Here is a special request from a prolific Missing Person notice poster found on Face Book - Marcia Ann: "I HAVE A FAVOR TO ASK OF ALL MY FELLOW MISSING PEOPLE POSTERS on Face Book ********* This request for prayers to find a missing person Kristen Alcorn was ANSWERED - She was found Here is the notice that was posted ********* *************** ********
~~~~~~ We must pray that 2 1/2 year old Gabriel Johnson ~~~~ And visit the Jessie Foster Face Book Page at ******** Michelle Parker / Orlando Florida
******** Andrew Parker ******** ********* ********* ********* Brooke Avery ********* ********** ********* ****** ********* *** Lets also concentrate on Lori Jean Lloyd *** *********
Jennifer Marteliz More Know Facts about Jennifer Lynn Wilkerson Last Seen in: Lubbock, Texas
Jennifer was last seen wearing a red halter top, blue capri pants and black flip-flops. ******
I am the founder of a very important effort which can help tens of millions of families Please, Sign Our petition
N.A.S.A. and our
Military should be made to use technology they have developed ********* Now more Requests and Thank You Messages: ******** ***** There is a woman on Face Book Susan Murphy Milano who is in dire need of help Message from Susan Murphy Milano
READ ABOUT Susan Milano 's situation HERE
From: "ks
Dear Bill, *********
Dear Bill, ********** I received this email ON FEB 7TH From: E G ********* From: "usps23464
My wife and I have been going through tough time. We have been married 21 years and have a 19 yr old daughter and a 13 yr old son. Even before this I got my wife in an extra marital affair. ********* I want to add another thank you to St Jude as he has once again seen his way to help me *********
Some Thanks You's WERE posted above and more are seen I use the website in the hopes others can get some help through prayer ************ Here is the prayer "St Jude Thadeus Worker of Miracles and Help of Hopeless causes, and My saviour Jesus Christ ************ I repeated it, over and over again, many, many more times per day than the required 9 times I estimate I said it over 25,000 times during my 2 1/2 years of therapy and recovery from my spinal cord injury +++++ + + +++++ You can start your own Pay It Forward String "Paying It Forward" is a little practiced theorum by which one person does something Help me perpetuate my Pay It Forward String and start your own Pay It Forward engine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are more of the published giving of Thanks I list prayer requests which I have received, from oldest to newest Again I implore you to include ALL those who seek help in your prayers ************* Bill Tomsck - Cape Coral FL -- Thank you Again, Saint Jude for granting my requests you have never failed to answer me....... ******
Dec 27th 2009
Dear Bill I Do not practice any religion and came across your site I read your miracle story and the messages sent to you by some of the others who have received answers through praying I did NOT Believe that a mortal being such as a Saint was capable of helping On the 10th Day my request was answered, Thank you Bill for your taking time to post this page and Thank you to St Jude for helping an unbeliever
John S. Boston MA
********* ********
May 15th 2006
from Audrey: Hello, ~~~~~~~
and Another Thank You
St Jude thanks for answering our prayers in having our
After my son was turned down for a job,
You should show you deserve to receive your request for help from St Jude
doesn't it make sense that IF YOU show your intentions to help others
YOUR Prayers will be answered more readily
Please sign the petition above and show you are willing to help others
And I am sure St Jude will HELP YOU
Read about The Miracle recovery from a paralyzing Spinal Cord Injury
The story link is found further down on this page
Look for the Picture OF Mickey Mantle and two boys
Click Here for the Printable Text version of the prayer
So you can have it with you and say it any time
Prayer Requests from those
who have contributed to keep this page online
and want to be included in the prayers
I have started a new page
The Prayer Request Page
Or someone you are trying to help
or know you are trying to help them through prayer !
Tweet This page PLEASE
It will help get more
People involved in helping you too
If the back ground is yellow there is an active Amber Alert Somewhere In the U.S.
Place your cursor on the Missing's UNDERLINED Name and Click
by offering the prayer found on this page
AND doing my best to help others
and were created to help the millions of people who were exposed to asbestos, a cancer causing mineral.
Google Mesothelioma Help
are now suffering from asbestos-related diseases,
such as mesothelioma cancer, a devastating and nearly always fatal disease.
for the Missing and Abducted
HERE -- then PLEASE Do Something
And help with the effort
and show St Jude you are willing to help others in return for his blessings
we pray that Amy Patterson, Susan Powell, Holly Bobo and ALL the thousands of missing children women and men are found,
they need to be returned to their families
Watch Nancy Grace for updates
AND PLEASE let Ms Grace know she is mentioned here
AND pray for her too to START to educate the public about the effort to
Find Missing children women and men seen HERE
and continue to say it for others who seek divine intervention
The prayer was repeated while laying in the hospital paralyzed
I promised to do EVERYTHING I COULD possibly do if the prayers were answered
and the ability to walk was returned
The prayers were answered AND I am trying to keep my promise
- Trying to help others and Pay It Forward
given little chance of ever walking again,
prayed to St Jude to be healed and and St Jude answered
there are many many more on the linked "Request" pages ( see the links )
received two Crucifix Fish Images Of Jesus
June 11th 2013
Dear Lord, please help Stephanie get through this health scare and be here for her husband and children.
If it is cancer, please let it be curable and treatable so she can live her life free of worry.
Thank you, dear Lord, from the bottom of my heart.
From: kakadujnrcc@yahoo.
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Subject: Please pray for me
Please pray for me that our Lord Jesus Christ may bestow His divine mercy on me granting on me job security;
May the Lord bless my family too granting upon us good health,
healing and divine favours to the glory of His name, amen.
Best Regards,
Charles Opara
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 9:20 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I have visited your website a few times, and admire your passion to help find missing children. I pray alongside with
you for the many missing children, believing they will go home safely. Thank you for your compassion and prayers.
husband left me and our 3 very young kids (they were 4 yr old twins and 6 yr old) about 2 years ago. I struggle
every day to put food on the table for them, cloth them, keep them active to develop them...
We rely very heavily on my ex, who is slowly cutting them out of his life, and does not want to assist with bills anymore.
But most important is the need to provide them with a home in a safe neighborhood. I have prayed for stable
employment but for some reason, I feel that God is pushing me to stay with what I'm doing, even though
I haven't made a dollar in 6 months (it is a commission job). Every other door is closed, and God keeps
opening this one wider. I pray that He blesses me in this venture,so that I may be a blessing to others.
I prayed a novena to St. Jude to be able to move to a specific neighborhood, for the safety and development of my 3
kids. Please, will you pray with/for me? The house is on Kelly Ave.
Date: 04/01/14 20:28:15
To: prayerpage@yahoo.com
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Hi,iv been in a three year relationship,and
she walked away for a nother guy,and we know we were soul mates,
we have 7 kids involved from 12 to 3, iv been suffering,with out them i now have high blood pressure
,and my nerves cant stop shaking,can't hardly eat.or sleep,
id love to have my family back.i feel lost with out them
.its about 3 mouths i haven't see or heard from her
please pray for me i my heart hurts so bad.
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
May they have a faithful and loving marriage.
Bless them with a day of beautiful weather and safety for all traveling to and from their wedding.
Subject: Hear My Prayer St Jude
Please St Jude I pray that you bring John and I
together in a strong bond of love for one another and allow John to love me like I love him.
I pray that you allow John to feel the love for me that I have for him.
I pray that John and I grow in a strong bond of love for one another and proclaim to each other our desire
to love one another fully, unconditionally and to allow our hearts to grow together
as we share our whole lives together and with each other.
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 6:36 PM
Subject: prayer request (Jessie Leal)
Prayer Page, (Please, may prayer partners pray for me, please!)
This is my prayer request:
St. Jude please heal me of
my acid reflux.
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 7:42 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
At this time, I desperately need to rebuild my mother's home that has deteriorated badly and also to pay off some debts.
From Louis Todd Nalan Yami
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 11:18 AM
Subject: prayer requests
URGENT A BUYER COMES AND MOM-DAD SELL the house and they get a 3-bedrom home a great one.
hospital-chemo-radiation bills all piled up all bills canceled matt-cathy moves out of my home, mike doesnt move to e-town.
restore mike and tonis marriage and she ebcomes a better mom/ miraclous miracles 4-me mom and dad.
My name is Jean D. I am in deep legal trouble.
Pray that St Jude intercedes in my favor and pulls me out of a mess that I have helped created.
Only a miracle, only the hand of God can take
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
I will continue to support it financially.
Thank you
Thank you St. Jude for the continued help you have given me for my request.
You have blessed me with so many answers and provided so much guidance,
I will always praise you and spread your word.
Helen Dembi
and now another of my requests
St. Jude, Please intercede for Matt G. who has a terminal brain tumor and currently undergoing treatment.
He is a very good man, and his children need their father as they grow up.
Please ask our Lord to heal Matt. Thank you St. Jude for all of the blessings and gifts you have given to me and so many.
With love and graditude,
Helen Dembi
From: Paul Gravelle
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
From: Paul Gravell
Subject: The Prayer Page
my name is Paul I need a big miracle in my life and have been praying since 1984...
St Jude I have prayed to you since 1984 for my intentions.
Please grant my needs
pray with me Paul
From: Helen Dembi
I have just donated to keep this page online - thank you.
My heartfelt thanks to St. Jude, the Blessed Virgin Mary,
and Our Dear Lord for quickly answering my request to have my health insurance crisis fixed so
I would not be without health insurance.
I found out a mistake had been done at my bank while I was unexpectedly in the hospital for a month.
I had asked for several automatic payments to be stopped, but my bank stopped all of my automatic payments including my COBRA payment.
COBRA said no matter what the reason they would not reinstate my insurance even with a letter from the hospital, my surgeon, or bank.
I was hysterical and did not immediately know what to do so as always I prayed to St. Jude to please intervene and as our Lord for help.
This happened on a Thursday. and by Monday, my dear friends at the insurance company had saved the day for me.
I knew that St. Jude had intervened and asked God to send down his blessings upon me once again.
Thank you St. Jude and my Dear Lord for always being by my side.
Helen Dembi
St Jude,
I once again ask you to intervene to our Lord for this request that I continue to pray for that will affect my future and future of my two sons.
I ask that my former long-time employer not press charges against me for the wrong that I did.
They are aware I am making the wrong right and want to continue to change lives and make a difference in the community.
I ask that the employer and court look at all of the lives I have touched, the work I have done in the community,
the illness I was suffering from and have always sought help for and not make this public nor press charges.
The only ones who will be hurt from this going public are my two boys;
I punished myself for so many years that I just worry about my sons.
I am guilty and I was truly the only one who got hurt
so I ask that this be dealt with privately so I can get a new job where I can make a difference.
I am someone who has the ability to make a big difference in the community if I
have the opportunity to do so.
Thank you St. Jude for always intervening, and thank you Dear Lord for helping me learn how to listen, pray, forgive, understand, praise, and worship.
Your loving child,
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Hello my name is Veronica I prayed to St. Jude asking him to please let my best friend talk to me again she didn't talk to me for 5 days straight
we work together so it made me feel bad that she wouldn't talk to me she was mad at me for some reason
I didn't know why but I prayed to St Jude that she would talk to me before she went to her other job
because it was her last week there where we work together, she's talking to me now
and I thank St. Jude for that.
I have a single artery in my umbilical cord so the baby may not form right or have problems
I am naming him Santiago Jude
and my boyfriend are also struggling with money and we only have one car so I ask for rides home
all the time because he works later than I do he works a lot more than I do so I am praying to St. Jude everyday asking
him to please help us in this time of need.
My prayer request is this:
I desperately want to continue on in my Third and final year of study but unable to do so
because of a failed resit paper.
I pray that the exam board, my tutors, coordinators open their hearts to me and reconsider my case favorably
and allow me to proceed to Level 3.
I hope you can help me with this and pray for me..
God willing. Thank you.
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2012 10:14 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Please jus use my first name not email. Hi I feel like I have lost my soul mate.
His name is tim we both made mistakes in our friendship.
I would like for him to realize his faults for us to forgive each other and be in a real commited relationship.
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com; Prayer@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 3:28 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
I made a donation with what I could afford at the moment,
once my pray will be answered I will be able to make a bigger donation:
Confirmation number: 7S382430F
Purpose:Help Keep the Prayer Page Online
Hi my name is Johnny and
I would be very grateful if your prayer group would include me in your prayers as well.
These are my desires and they mean a lot to me:
Please help me to be more positive and to see more good things on people, situations and places.
Please help me to achieve my goals from my list of goals
Please help me to heal my body and my life, to be more healthy and fit.
Please help me to open the flow of abundance of health, happiness, success, love and money in my life.
Please Help me to increase my income and become a millionaire to be able to help my life, the life of my loved ones,
the life of my friends and all of those who are in need.
Please help me to sell my parents old house
Please help me to have more clarity in my life
Please help me to become an Australian Permanent Resident
Thank you
P.S.: Kindly don't include my email id on the page. Thanks!
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com
Cc: Linda Joyce Mann
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 11:02 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I need prayers to help me deal with my unstable daughter she needs help. I have to save my grandson so she must live with me but won't get help!!!
I need a miracle please pray for me so that God could let me find the answer!!! I am desperate!!! If not for me but for the welfare of my grandson!!!
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 11:00 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
For the past three years I have had a tremendous struggle financially. I'm raising two sons on my own. Anything that has to do with money,
I am having a great deal of bad luck. The power went out in our neighborhood due to a storm.
Unfortunately, the power also went out at my place of employment which set me back on paying the rent for July. My landlords are very heartless to the situation.
I'm also backed up in bills as well. I am in dire need of a financial blessing. My boys love it here in our nice quiet neighborhood.
I don't want to have to move AGAIN. This is our home. I'm trying everything in my power to keep it.
There are even times that I cannot feed my family. Please pray for.me to take this burden off of my shoulders.
I am also so afraid of losing my job. I need this job. I have so many problems in my life going on right now.
Then there's school coming soon. I want to be able to buy my sons the school clothes and shoes that he needs.
I am in desperate need of so much help. I am in such a need of a financial blessing.
Please. I even may have to return our washing machine which is a necessity when school starts.
Thank You Sincerely,
To: Prayer@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:07 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME, Donald D. Ramsey, that Saint Jude will obtain me, quickly,
the funds I need to REPLENISH MY CHECKING ACCOUNT for all my bills sake
and that he please, ensure in mercy, that my low wages be a thing of the past and that I take home weekly from now on a minimum, PLEASE, of $550 after taxes and
deductions due to aged parents, bills, need to support church, save for future expenses, support the poor, promote the rosary, promote St. Jude too.
Thank you, please pray fervently for me,
SAINT JUDE THADDEUS for these vital intentions and God love all of you. Donald.
To: prayer@yahoo.com
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 2:19 AM
Subject: Bill:
St. Jude Thaddeus, please obtain the complete healing of my dear mother's failing eyesight.
It is breaking her heart and catapulting her into nearly suicidal depression. Please, Saint Jude Thaddeus,
heal her, her name is Estelle Janet Ramsey.
She is 82. It is being caused by Macular Degeneration,
plus cataracts that the stubborn doctor won't remove and CAN.
Thank you Saint Jude, AMEN.
Kind Regards
Donald D. Ramsey,
Miami, FL
I have multiple milanomas.
They took one out the other day and they will be taking more off on the 2nd of May.
I so appreciate the prayers...
I am kinda of a private person when it comes to things like that..Thanks,
To: Prayer@yahoo.com
Sent: June 11, 2012 11:00 AM
Subject: My Thank You to be posted on Prayer Page
I will be forever grateful and will continue to pray for help, not only for myself and my family but for all who invoke his help!
Thank you St Jude, Jesus, Mary and all of the saints in heaven.
To: "PrayerPage@yahoo.com"
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 9:43 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I'll continue to pray to God and ask St. Jude to keep interceding for me, so that my prayers will be fully answered.
It is only through this prayer and intercession that these urgent prayers will be able to be granted, and I'm confident that they will be.
Thank you God, and thank you St. Jude for interceding for us in our needs.
Her Sister needs to seek advice and help
from someone who can show her the danger she is placing herself and her son in
To: "PrayerPage@yahoo.com"
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2012 9:43 AM
Subject: I PRAYED FOR A JOB and found one
If you are looking for a job Your prayers may have Just been answered
I found a job ON this prayer page
to the Prayer Page Please post as a Thank You too so other looking for jobs might get one
Its steady work and above average pay
see this ad Click HERE http://www.classifiedads.com/other_jobs_jobs-ad13046215.htm
From: Angela
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2012, 4:59 PM
Please post for me (using first name only please) as my prayers have ways been answered by St Jude:
"It's hard to believe in this world sometimes that prayer is the only answer you need but it's so true.
Each time I despair about things, as long as I turn to St Jude and pray the 9 day novena,
my prayers are answered. Without fail. Unequivocally.
Pray with your heart and soul. Include the Holy Mother and Lord Jesus Christ and
you will see your prayers answered too. "
Thank you.
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2012 2:34 AM
I completed my 9 day novena.
In Jesus's name.
The D'Costa Family
Best regards
Lumen D'Costa
Sent: Friday, July 1, 2012 7:20 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I am ever so grateful. I continue to pray for your further help in the other problems that I am experiencing.
I pray that everyone who come and ask of your help will find their requests be granted too.
Subject: Re: Thank You and update
Hi Bill,
Miracles do happen!
I just want to thank St Jude and the Lord and for everyone who helped me pray for my request.
I just received a call from the company that I like to work with and they are offering me a job offer!
I am so happy that my prayer was answered.
I am ever thankful to St. Jude and the Lord! I am still in my second day of the novena and my miracle already happened.
I will continue to pray and finish the novena and I will include everyone.
Again, thank you, thank you!
From: Isela K
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2012 10:59 PM
Subject: Saint Jude
I prayed and leaned on Saint Jude in my darkest hours after losing my
baby girl last year.
I even prayed the novena in desperate attempts to
conceive once more this past January since I felt most desperate.
did not get pregnant then but with time
I realized the novena was not
a "I will pray to you if you grant me this" prayer.
I had finally
learned to pray with my heart and to let go and believe.
I asked for
patience and to accept what God had planned for me
and to always have
hope. I am happy to report that I am pregnant once more!
Happy and
hopeful for the future!
Thank you Saint Jude for never letting me stop
To: "footeze622@yahoo.com"
Date: Friday, April 8, 2012, 4:48 AM
Dear Sir,
My name is Todd and I am a proud son of a Vietnam Vet. My father took his own life on April 8th 2010.
I am struggling with his death, well not so much his death, more the way that he lived.
He suffered many years mainly due to the Vietnam War.
My dad was a great man, sensitive, and the bravest man I have ever met.
Today he has been gone one year, I am not handling it well.
I often think of him and he haunts my dreams a lot.
My mother who remained with my father before and after he returned from the war died of Lung cancer the previous year.
My father attempted suicide many times since my mothers death.
I dont know why i am telling you this.
i guess i just want to talk with someone who has gone through the same thing that my father did.
Anyhow, I am afraid that i may lose my life also.
I have struggled with depression and take meds to cope and have attempted suicide myself being rushed to the hospital twice.
I dont know the horrors of war, but I can look at someone and tell you who has.
My dad had ptsd and flash backs atleast once a week for many years.
Anyhow, I just wanted to say to you "Thank you"
for your service to our country, and for your time today.
God Bless You,
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Tuesday, MaY 29, 2012, 11:51 AM
Bill, I was overwhelmed with burden.
A notice came in the mail from my Church,
asking for prayers to St Jude for an impossible mission that a group was undertaking.
I prayed to St Jude, I thankfully say that St Jude answered and obtained for me a blessing of help, and care.
Thankfully I will join any group that announces that miracles happen
when we pray to the Special Saint of God, the Saint given the most
challenging circumstances. Prayers are answered when ask for the intercession of St Jude.
"Bless everyone that visits your website during their own special time of need"
This man is in dire need of intercession and yet remembers to ask that
ALL who request help receive their needs:
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Sunday, May 26, 2012, 3:23 AM
I am at the lowest point in my entire life.
Three days ago, my 28 year old son was diagnosed with a brain tumor that has already spread significantly.
We have already visited a neurosurgeon and the news is not very good. Our son,
Michael will need to have surgery in the next seven days,
followed by extensive radiation and chemotherapy. It looks like this is a grade 4 mass and unfortunately,
it appears as if this tumor is the Glioblastoma multiforme Monster!
Bill, 25 years ago, St. Jude answered my prayers for Michael’s brother that was very sick as an infant.
He had a full recovery and St. Jude is my very special hero.
I need to call upon St. Jude again for his help to ask our Lord Jesus Christ to spare the life of my son.
If Michael has Glioblastoma, there is just a 4% survival rate. Bill, would you please join in with me
and pray to St. Jude and ask him to spare Michael’s life? If you truly knew Michael,
you would understand very quickly that he has a lot to offer others and
I am begging God to please spare his life.
I am medically trained and I know that the only way Michael will survive is through the power of prayer.
I am into the third day of the Novena for Michael. I am truly desperate and hopeless due to Michael’s condition.
Thank you for your website. I am so glad that St. Jude answered your prayers and reversed your paralysis.
I am happy for the other prayers that were answered by St. Jude for people on your website.
I will keep you posted on Michael’s surgery and progress.
I ask St. Jude to please help me during the most difficult time for my son Michael.
I ask him to give him comfort during this time of need, suffering and pain.
The Danny Thomas and my personal story of intervention 25 years ago for Michael’s brother
is giving me hope for my son Michael.
As with Danny Thomas, if St. Jude could show us a sign of hope and comfort and spare Michael’s precious life,
I will dedicate the rest of my life doing everything I possibly can to support St. Jude’s Research Hospital.
I will also dedicate the rest of my life to spread the word of the power of St. Jude.
May God bless everyone that visits your website during their own special time of need. I will keep you posted.
Thank you- Michael’s Dad, Joe
please keep including him and His son Michale in your Prayers
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2012, 2:55 AM
I am following up from the prayer notice that you posted for my son Michael. on Dec 26th
I wanted to thank St. Jude, you and all of the people worldwide that are praying for a recovery for Michael.
Two weeks ago, Michael had brain surgery for his malignant cancerous tumor.
Unfortunately, due to edema and some bleeding, Michael required a second surgery approximately
48 hours following the first operation.
His condition was very unstable and we were worried about permanent neurological complications.
After our son’s second surgery, he experienced difficulty in speaking
and his neurological status continued to be somewhat unstable.
We continued to put our faith in God and the power of St. Jude.
To our amazement, twenty-fours after the second surgery Michael’s speech and neurological function improved tremendously!
This was after the completion of the 9th day of the St. Jude novena! I am so grateful to St. Jude for hearing our prayers.
There is no question in my mind that St. Jude’s power allowed our son to survive the second emergency surgery.
In addition, St. Jude, through the power of God, is allowing Michael’s speech to make significant improvement.
Michael is now home from the hospital recovering. In about a week,
Michael will begin radiation therapy. This will be his next battle.
I would humbly ask that everyone continue to pray for Michael’s recovery.
Please ask St. Jude to intervene once again and give the “radiation” the power to shrink the tumors
with no damage to his neurological function
Please ask everyone to pray to St. Jude to give this 28 year old man the strength to keep a
positive attitude to endure radiation and chemotherapy for a miraculous recovery.
Since this tumor cannot be cured by medical intervention, we need a miracle to put it into remission.
On December 23rd, my life changed forever. I hope and pray to God that a cure be found for cancer.
Words will never describe how painful it is for a parent to see their loved one suffer.
I pray for Michael and everyone that needs St. Jude’s help on a continuous basis.
Bill, I also pray for you and everyone that has posted their own special needs on your website.
I am confident that St. Jude will continue to hear our prayers.
and to ALL those who have added their voice to pray in unison
for each other
Thank You messages to St Jude
I received, they make my effort worth it:
Subject: RE: From the Prayer page
Date: Sunday, June 19, 2012, 8:26 PM
Not too long ago I was browsing the Internet for prayers
since I was in need of moving jobs because of a weird job
schedule on current job. I also worked during Thanksgiving
and I was going to work over the Holidays with no break.
I found this prayer to St. Jude and this very helpful
website and read all testimonials and I decided to give it a
try... After almost a month of praying I recently got a the
Job that I start right after Christmas.
Now on my new Job I will make more money and its Monday
through Friday and weekends off plus good schedule too, 7am
to 4:30pm. Now I get to spend time with my family during
Something to keep in mind I kept praying it until my prayer was answered.
Hugo G
from His Face Book Page
Joe Loforte:
To all my friends My mother was recently diagnosed with many cancers and give 6 months to live
Please pray for her and our family
for those of my friends who are going through some issues right now--
Let's start an intention avalanche.
We all need positive intentions right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand.
May I ask my "FB Family," wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste,
and share this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all
those who have family problems; health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares.
Do it for all of us for nobody is immune.
I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support.
I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith,
love, and spiritual healing for all in need.
to Find the 2000 Children Women and Men
who go Missing in The U.S. EVERY day
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 2:33 PM
Subject: {Phoenix Coldon and Lisa Renee Irwin, Baby Kate, and Baby Gabriel
There are missing people we have been focusing on at We Demand Change thru facebook.
These are four names, two from Missouri my home state who have been missing a year or almost a year
...Lisa Irwin, a year Oct 4 and Phoenix Coldon will mark a year missing Dec 18.
Hopefully both will be found, recovered, or tips will lead authorities to closing these cases for good.
"More Missing Person Cases" Section
one of our prayer group members has drawn up - seen
-- then share the info with Everyone
which I ask those who are praying with us to included in your prayers
and help return them to their families
and we pray for the Mis Guided, WHO FAIL to see the benefits
of the system we support to find missing women children and men, that they be enlightened
see the links AND sign the Petition below to see to it that is done
Cynthia Caron Lostnmissing
Cynthia Caron is the founder of Lostnmissing
I took an emergency flight to Ohio.
Please pray for my 73 yro mom who suffered a massive stroke and lay on her couch, coffee table overturned for over 24 hours.
She is paralyzed on right side and has no speech...in critical condition.
Please bear with my absence but my team can assist if needs.
Thank you.
and help from a face book friend
From Debby Penne:
Asking each of you to say a little prayer for me, please.
Tomorrow I have to go have a MRI, as have been having migraines and some other symptoms.
Could be lots of things, I realize, but due to my eye sight failing fast among a few other things,
my doctor has been honest in what they are looking for. Just asking for a quick prayer. Thanks
Two of the missing listed here have been found alive
Keep Praying FOR all the other missing to be found
Amos Mortier is Missing
From Fitchburg (Madison) WI.
We need to Find this young man
is urged to call his Family
at (608) 347-7363
Amos was last seen November 8, 2004
at his school Madison Area Technical College.
In Madison Wisconsin
His last cell phone record was at 1:20 p.m.
His dog Gnosis was located three doors down from his home
Dylan Redwine missing since Nov 19th 2012
near 2300 County Road 500 Bayfield Colorado
Please help find him
Morgan Harrington's Case Need to be solved
Universtiy Of Virginia Area
Click HERE Help the Family AND Police Solve this crime
Amy Charron is Missing
Houston Texas - Click HERE Find this Woman Click Above
16 year Old Antoinette Garrison was Missing
Click Here for details ON THE CASE
for the Thank you message posted for by the family
Kristi Merrill Has Been Found
Petition For Kristi Merrill Case
Kristi Merrill Was Fond Alive There is More to do
Linnea Lomax
Carmichael CA.More Info on Linnea Lomax
Linnea Lomax
Carmichael CA.Another page for Linnea Lomax
- Kristen Alcorn
To: PrayerPage@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2012 5:01 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Thank you St. Jude, thank you Holy Trinity, thank you prayer warriors for praying for my special request.
The prayer for Kristen Alcorn to be found safely was answered.
She was found along side the road near her home. Here is the news channel 2 article:
An Amber Alert issued for a 15-year-old Cookeville girl was cancelled after the girl was found lying alongside a road about a mile from her home.
Maj. David Dukes with the Cookeville Police Department said Kirsten Alcorn was conscious when she was found around 3:30 a.m.
Officers said evidence found at the residence suggested a possible abduction, and an Amber Alert was issued.
Maj. Dukes said a passing motorist observed the girl on the side of the road.
She was taken to Cookeville Regional Medical Center to be examined although police said she had no noticeable injuries.
Detectives said they have conducted an initial interview with Alcorn and are not ruling anything out.
The investigation is ongoing.
Click Here for more on his case
I am asking you to pray for both of them please,
if you could take the time to say a prayer for Emma
(just a simple prayer asking God to give her strength because her back is hurting so bad
from all the lifting she has had to do)
could you please do this for her?
Please. Emma is many states away from me and I can't get there;
could you please say a prayer and thank you so much."
Marcia Ann
( webmaster ) There is no further info on the case
But I am waiting to get more and will post it when it arrives
Kristan Alcorn has Been found and the Thank You Message has been posted on the
Thank You Page seen HERE
From: Kendra W
To: "PrayerPage@yahoo.com"
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2012 2:37 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
please pray for Kristen Alcorn, abducted from her home in TN.
Pray for her to return safely to her home.
pray for her family
Kendra W
is found
Click HERE for more of the info on the Gabriel Johnson case
Jessie Foster
Click here for Jessie Fosters info web site
She is Missing and Missed by her mother Glendene Grant her Family and friends
This link HERE
Michelle Parker
Andrew Parker is Missing He needs to be found
Click HERE for his Face Book Page
Phoenix Coldon
has gone missing from St Louis Missouri
We need to find her NOW
Click here for details
There is a Face Book Page for Phoenix Coldon seen
Please visit it and Get more info on this Case
Baby Lisa Irwin
needs to be found in Kansas City Missouri
HERE are the latest developments on the case of
10 month old Lisa Irwin
is Missing
Brooke Avery
Missing from Barre Vermont
This case needs to be solved
Please Clcik Here to read the "Info" on Brooke Avery 's Disappearance
Hailey Dunn Missing from Texas
Need to be found
Hailey Dunn is Missing
from Colorado City Texas
Since Dec 27 2010
Click HERE
To See Hailey Dunn 's Face Book page
On March 21st Nancy Grace has been reporting a body has been found
in "Big Springs" Texas ( the name of the town is actually "Big Spring"
Big Spring is over 300 Miles from Big Springs
This is not the first gaff Mr Graces "crack" research team has made
send Nancy Grace a message from the media link ABOVE
asking why she ignores the SOLUTION presented elsewhere on this page
To Find the missing......
Be Outraged and Let your voice be heard
Holly Bobo Missing from Tennessee
Click HERE for a page for her
and pray with us for the return of Holly Bobo to her family
Click HERE
for MORE info on Missing Bobby Smelcer
Joanie Hall
Click Here for More info
CLICK HERE for the missing person info for Lori Jean Lloyd
Missing Rosemary Day
Who's missing person info is HERE
Missing Since: November 15, 1982 from Tampa, Florida
A Satellite View of the area where Jennifer was last seen
Jennifer Marteliz Disappearance are found
Jennifer Marteliz missing person case was submitted to me by Judy Green
through the "Add my Missing person case" link on my main web site
Last Seen on: 7/13/2004
Height: 5' 5 "
Weight: 110 lbs.
Age: 26
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown with red highlights
Date of Birth: 12/9/1977
Race: White
Sex: Female
She has several tattoos:
a small ladybug on the right rear of her neck,
a dragon that wraps around her right ankle,
a red rose with a small snake wound around the stem on her upper left arm,
a butterfly on her back,
a rose on her right wrist,
a fish on her stomach, a tattoo around her left leg
and she sometimes wears a lip ring.
Click Here for more about the Jennifer Lynn Wilkerson Case
Besides providing a venue for people to pray as one voice for each other
As you will see I support and am involved in Finding the Missing
You can do more to help the effort to Find The Missing and show St Jude you are willing to help others
and he in return will be more likely to help you
We have an online petition because:
families have an empty seat at their Holiday Tables
because of a kidnapping, abduction, human trafficing or other causes
step up and Do Something
800,000 Americans are reported missing EACH YEAR
Please help convince the media to see the light
and agree to inform the public about the existing technology which could help
find the missing quickly and safe
and Educate yourself about the technology which exists
to assist police in finding these Abducted Children, Missing Women and men and solve other crimes
within minutes of them being reported
Sign It HERE
It is an effort which should be presented to the Public by the media
But is being kept quiet
here is a plea from her for help
Lets get it for her
This is Susan
- today they removed 23.1 POUNDS of fluid from my belly. I feel as though I've just returned from labor.
Please continue the prayers, emails and cards you've been sending they brighten my soul.
This is the 1st day in weeks where I am actually able to have enough energy to post this brief note
To: prayer@yahoo.com
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: Yahoo! Auto Response
I"m not exactly where to post my thanks
Several weeks ago I asked for prayers for James F.Smith and his wife. James is suffering from
a terrible illness and was in the midst of having severe respiratory problems and increasing
Thank you for your prayers; they have been answered. Thank you St. Jude. I believe in you and
miracles. I ask for continued prayers for strength, recovery, quality of life and health.
Praise and thank the Lord.
Kathleen S
PS Please don't post my e-mail address. Thank you.
Subject: St. Jude
Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 10:37 AM
Thank you for your inspiring web site. I have received significant blessings from the novena prayers to St.
Jude outlined in your webpage. I have been inspired by your concern for missing children by making a
donation to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children today.
God bless you and all the lives you touch through God's grace.
It’s the second time I’m writing to you.
ST Jude did help me and I am honored to keep my promise of saying thank you.
What he did for me is unreal and I don’t know how to thank you for passing on this prayer.
St Jude, I asked you to help me and you did ..i hope that the other request will also be realized
as it’s the most difficult one but thanks for making me obtaining the visa in order to see him.
I would like to encourage everyone to pray you and honor you. You are indeed the patron of desperate causes.
Thank you God and My lord jesus And our lady of perpetual succor,for hearing my prayers
I love you all. Without you I don’t think I would have get it today.
I will follow u everyday of my life and will encourage people to see what the power of God is.
God I cant thank you enough but I promise to keep on praying every single day
and St Jude I will thank u till the end of my life.
Thank you again.
And thank you Bill for Publishing my thank you.
God bless you
I told the sender to pray and seek help and counsiling
PLEASE Include her in OUR prayers:
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Monday, February 7, 2012, 11:28 AM
I'm writing to you because I came across your website while searching for help -
basically a miracle and searching for help from St. Jude.
I am truly broken at this very moment of my life.
I have struggled my whole life, nothing has ever come easy and every step is just a constant battle.
And, I find myself right now at the lowest point of my life
with no where to turn and no one to turn too.
I humbly request and pray to St. Jude to bless me with a miracle.
I am struggling financially and simply can not take anymore.
Everyday is a nightmare and I wake up and hate that I'm alive.
My whole life has been one big constant battle.
I have no happiness, no will to even live anymore.
I have always worked hard and it's never good enough.
I got laid off from my job in September and I can't make ends meet.
I have fallen behind on my bills,
I don' know where my next dollar is going to come from
and I can't take anymore.
I am in desperate need of help.
On top of everything, the man I have been in love with for the past 8 years
has once again left me and chosen alcohol and his friends over me.
I spent the Holidays alone, Christmas, New Years - every year it's the same thing.
I am alone. I don't want to live this way anymore.
I can't live this way anymore. I am not strong enough.
All I ever wanted out of life was to be comfortable. To not struggle.
To be happy for a change.
I have suffered for so long now and I feel lost, alone and completely broken mentally, spiritually and physically.
I am truly at the lowest point in my life and I need help.
I beg St. Jude to come into my life today and bless me with the miracle
I so desperately need so I can for once know what it's like to be happy in life.
To be free of the horrible struggle I am faced with every single day and to be able to help my Father and my family.
I pray to St. Jude to please grant me the miracle I need today.
Take away my pain, take away my suffering and take away my hurt.
I cant take anymore. Please St. Jude - help me today.
Bless me with the miracle I request and come into my life and lift me up.
Bless me with the financial miracle I need to put an end to my struggles and
please help the man I love be strong in his heart to come home to me for good and choose me over alcohol.
I beg you St. Jude,, please hear my prayers today
and PLEASE REMEMBER ALL others who are in need too and help them in their request.
Thank You,
Elizabeth GUIDICE
Sent: Sunday, July 3, 2012 1:13 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
This past September I passed out at work.from pain. I was taken out in an ambulance and never returned.
We went 6 months without any pay from me. I was by far the bread winner.
I just got approved for.part federal employees disability.
We went from doing good to awful financially.
I can't explain the hurt I feel. I stayed with her because I do love her.and I.don't believe in divorce.
I feel you made a commitment for life. I ask for prayers to bring us back together. It's going to take a miracle.
I appreciate the prayers especially since I can't tell anyone all this.
For obvious reasons and because I.don't want her to look bad however I'm starting to feel like a floor mat.
Thank you - God bless.
Thank you St Jude Thadeus for helping me I will continue to spread the word
and ask others to recognize your powers.
W. T.
and to Thank Saint Jude for Miracles Granted
to say a minimum of 9 times per day until your prayer is answered:
It is followed by a link to a Printable version
I ask you to grant me ( say your request HERE AND ADD " and grant the requests
of ALL who are seeking a spiritual intervention especially "Grant All those seeking missing loved ones now
and in the future that they are found and protect all soldiers everywhere they are in danger"........" )
THEN continue AND add a Hail Mary after each repetition of the prayer
and I continue to envoke it today and it has worked in some form almost every time
Click Here for the Printable version of the prayer
So you can have it with you and say it any time
nice randomly for another and that person in turn does something nice for some else
so on and so forth until many people are doing nice things for many others
from who have received answers to their prayers
I publish their thanks in this public medium as required to finalize the process
they also serve as testimonials to the power of prayer
Please send me your requests to be added
and THERE IS A Link to a page with Thank You messages
BR>BUT THOUGHT what the heck its worth a try
I was wrong. I started to say the prayer you offer on your page
Pray for Kristy Donelson
Read her story HERE
I saw your site and I am amazed without fail every time I see miracles happening in prayer.
I hope you would post my thank you letter to St Jude, thank you:
Dear St Jude, thank you very much for interceding to God and Jesus to let my O Level
certificate be found with my mother and not thrown away by accident, which i thought
it was, months ago. That night, my parents were looking for it and i asked St Jude
to intercede to God to let it be kept with my mum. In the end, it was indeed with my
mother so as a result, all my worries about losing the certificate was gone and i
was saved from getting into trouble especially with my father. Thank You God and
Jesus for hearing this intercession too.
incarcerated son released early so he can be with us this
christmas. St Jude, you have always been there whenever we
needed your help, thank you for helping us, May the
most glorious heart of Jesus be adored forever, Amen.
Joseph Camilleri May 22.2006