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This is one of The St Jude Thaddeus Prayer Groups
Request and Thank You Pages
The Group is for requesting a miracle through Divine Intervention

St Jude Thaddeus is known as the Patron Saint of Miracles and Helpless Cause.

You need not be of any particular faith to belong to this prayer group
Just believe

We do not ask for money but
Many of our members have contributed to keep the Prayer Group Pages online
We will send anyone contributing over $25.00 the special Gift

You will get the Image of Jesus Crucifix Icon
which is made by the Hand of God In nature
and said to provide protection from harm
and God's Blessings to those who possess one

While it is not necessary to contribute
Those that do contribute will get the gift and
quick and special placement
of their posts on the Group's pages

Details are Further down on this page

A thank you message is requested to help others know about the
power of prayer and St Jude's Miracle Working Powers

If you can help one of those in need
Use the email buttons and Contact the webmaster and if I can
I will put you in touch with
the person you want to help

Use the following email button



Share this Page on Facebook

New Prayer Group posts are usually added within days


This page is just one of a dozen for the St Jude Thaddeus Prayer Group

Read the Many Thank You Messages to St Jude Thaddeus
if you think Prayer does NOT work
You should be convinced it does work

More Thank You to St Jude Thaddeus Messages and requests
are found on the Prayer groups other pages
Our main page is at


Now Some Requests and Thank You posts
Followed by the details on how to get the Crucifix Fish


Here is an example of a person in true need
Jackie's request will be included In Your Prayers

Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 19:38:32 -0400

Like your page says, I came across this page for a reason.

I was searching for prayers for a miracle. Powerful prayers.
My father, the most wonderful, loving, man in the world, is facing jail time.
Simply because he is taking the fall for a business that he owned.
Rather than fight, he is taking his punishment.
He has already lost his job, his retirement, filed bankruptcy, and now,
the attorney general wants to put him in jail for 3 - 7 years.
He killed no one, yet drunk drivers get lesser sentences.
This man is my rock. My husband and I turn to him for everything,
and he is my son's best friend,
we can't lose home for 3 years, let alone 7.

I ask for help in prayer that everyone involved
in this case show compassion and not give him jail time.
I'm asking for some miraculous intervention to occur
and that the judge overseeing his case give him house arrest,
or something lesser. My father has always been the type of man that if
he saw a man on the street without a coat, he would give up his own to give to that person.
This selfless, wonderful man doesn't deserve this harsh of a punishment.
The only thing that could help now is a miracle.
I turn to God, his angels and saints for this.
Thank you. Something led me to your page.
I'll be making my donation now as well.
You don't have to send me anything, just promise me to pray.
I need my father.
Much love and prayer to all those facing difficulties


Here is Jackies Response to me after she contributed $25.00 to keep this page online
and received the Image Of Jesus Fish Bone

Subject: Re: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 21:57:43 -0400
Thank you for the gift of the Crucifix Fish Bone.
Amazingly, it arrived when my dad was sitting at my table
as we were talking about plans for how to handle situations as they came up.
We are both touched by your thoughtfulness.
With everything going on in our lives,
it's been very hard for our family to keep having faith and believing in good.
Your prayer page, that simple letter and gift you sent,
has done much to restore some of that lost faith in humanity.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
I'm sure God led me to your page for a reason,
and I know we will never forget this kindness you have shown.
May He forever hold you in His hands. You are amazing.
Thank you


An urgent request from a friend of the prayer group -
Please consider helping him -
contact him directly if you have a job.

Date: Mon, 31 Aug
Subject: I need a miracle BIll
Date: Mon, 31 Aug

Good Morning and I hope you are well.
I unfortunately lost my very well paying job last week in a very surprising move,
and I am 3 months away from complete and utter destitution.

Further, not only will I be in the streets, but so will my 3 kids and my ex-wife,
as they rely almost completely on me.

Would very much appreciate you putting my plight up on the prayer page;
unfortunately, my girlfriend Kim Stotsky, never came back to me :
( (so I have to move on from that)...

Getting the right thing and within 2 months is supremely important.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.
(815) 354-6784


Here are more Thank You Messages


From: Jaz O'k

Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 11:14 AM
Subject: Prayer Page Request or Thank You or Info

  To whom it may concern.
Hello I am jazzy, and I just want to Thank you for ever and ever
my dreams came true because I believed in
and prayed to St Jude for a miracle
 now I'm hoping in faith and prayers for a high School diploma
I'm in school every Saturday and I'm working in healthcare too.
.Since May of 2016 I've been with the agency. 
 I help the elderly and sick. I've made friends and money for the work .

Thanks so much for praying for me. 
I sent in the request for the job on June 2015
started praying and opening up my heart to St Jude 
 It worked and in my heart I trust and believe it could nothing else matters ever,
not have happened without the sacred miracle from St Jude.

 Deep in my heart and soul I trust in Jesus and St Jude.
There are no doubts ever -
this miracle was from St Jude when I requested  a job.
  Thank you I wish my family was closer since I lived in New York for 8 years.
Jazzy 10/2/2019


From: dianakbg@iclou
Subject: Prayer Page Thank You or Info
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2
thank you most holy apostle St. Jude Thaddeus faithful servant
and friend of Jesus, for answering my prayer.
My son got his promotion. I promise ,
O blessed st. jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor,
to always honor you as my special and powerful patron,
and to gratefully encourage devotion to you.


Info about the Crucifix Fish Icon
and how you can assure your prayer request or
Thank You message is added quickly and with high placement
and help us keep this page online

Many of those who visit this page often have asked me
if they could send me money to help
keep these pages online

I will not refuse

Those contributing a minimum of $25.00
will get 1 Crucifix Icons as well as
special quick placement of their requests or Thank You Messages

You can send any amount you want through the Pay Pal LINK Below
You need not be a member of PayPal
and you can use your debit and credit cards

Those contributing $25.00 get 1 / $45.00 get 2 /$60.00 get 3 Crucifix Icons

Just Click on the drop down menu
and choose your option directly below


Contribute HERE


If you can NOT contribute I will add your request for help to our other request page
As I have time
Again I can not guarantee quick placement if you do NOT contribute

Click Here for the Printable Text version of the prayer


The Main Prayer Group Page To St Jude is HERE

From: Chelsea Brown
To: ""
Subject: The Prayer Page TY Thank you so much St. Jude for opening up your heart and hearing my prayer!
I know with your help that I will be reunited with my dog Reese very soon!!!!
I'm forever grateful to you St. Jude for all you have done
and continue to do for me!!!! I love you St. Jude!!!!


Now a request that is very pressing - PLEASE include it in your prayers
The family made a contribution

-------Original Message-------
From: Rick Drie
Subject: The Prayer Page
My mother Mary has been in Hospice several
months and was stable but not really improving.
She got worse 5 days ago and they told us
she's now in the final stages of life. Doctors say
she has no life threatening illness keeping her
from improving but she's just lost the will to
live and given up trying to get better.
Her family is praying for a miracle, standing by her
and doing everything humanly possible to
encourage, support and urge her to eat and fight
harder but her spirit isn't willing.
She's always been a fighter and taught us all to never,
ever give up while there's the smallest chance
of life left so we're doing just that because she
truly has so much to live for.
they told us she's not responding and
won't wake up and it could be 24 hours to a week is all the time she has left.
Urgent prayer is our only hope now and faith that
God will heal her mind, body and spirit.
Please pray for her life to be saved with a full
recovery and to return to her the belief she has
everything to live for and the will to live and work
to get her life back.
Thank you for all your prayers and may God bless.


From: Joel Davi
To: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page
Please pray for me, Cyndi Diane Hack, to be alive and have a real life again and to get better.


Subject: The Prayer Page
Good evening Bill,
I have had prayer requests in the past, and the miracles that have come to life for me
and my family will forever be engraved in our hearts.

I have yet another prayer request for a divine intervention from my savior, Jesus Christ, and the wonderful St. Jude.
My fiancee, Jose, has been fighting a child support case for the last 17 years.
He was allegedly named the father of a young boy,
and without any tests he took on the financial obligation of this child.
Jose has paid support, but has also had some horrible kidney issues of his own,
and also lost a few jobs here and there. The childs mother is relentless.
She does not care about his circumstances at all.

She recently got in contact with the court and made a lot of false accusations as far as his past and present work history,
which has brought him back to court tomorrow.
The judicial system does not see or care to see Jose's struggles over the years, even though,
during hard times, he always manages to pay something.
He pays the minimum right now, but that's because of what unemployment pays him weekly.

I am asking for a what seems like a miracle. Jose does not want to go to court, but he has to.
He has to show them he is trying his best.
Please, everyone, pray for Jose to have the strength to go tomorrow,
and help the judicial system see it too.
Help them see that he's a good person, who is giving what he can right now.
Please allow him to come home tomorrow and not face incarceration.
Also, please, grant all of those seeking spiritual intervention now and in the future.
I really appreciate it, may GOD bless each and every one of you.
O:-) Dianna


From: Lisa Quir
To: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page
This is Lisa Quir from Ireland. I wrote to you some months ago to say thank you for your wonderful site.
And also to say thank you to St Jude for granting my request
for which I am so very grateful. I say the prayer everyday for I know there is strength in numbers
and it helps all the others. I am unfortunately in need of another request.
It's hard for me to say much about it only that I have a particular problem
that is taking a terrible toll on me mentally right now .
I need desperately for it to go away or for me to gain control over the fear it is causing me.
I'm asking for this burden to be lifted from me so I can be myself again .
It's making it very hard for me to function at all right now
and as a mother I need to be there for my children in everyway
especially mentally and emotionally. I beg St Jude to grant me my request..
Thank you all so much
Lisa Quirke


From: Maureen Angle
Date: 05/23/14 19:17:06
Subject: From The Prayer Page

I would like to send a heartfelt "Thank you" to My Lord Jesus Christ, St Jude Thaddeus
and all who prayed for my daughter Annabelle and I.

Back in November, I sent a very emotional prayer request to St. Jude Thaddeus and the
Angelfire prayer page, asking for intercession with our very strained mother/daughter
relationship. The story is too long to even recap, but I will say I wasn't sure if it was even
possible to repair the damage that had been done. I am elated and excited to say that our
relationship has experienced the miracle of an answered prayer and I give all glory to St. Jude Thaddeus and Almighty God!!

A lost cause mended beyond belief. I keep pinching myself :)
What an AMAZING Saint you are! I will spread your marvelous name to the
ends of the earth along with Jesus our healer and comforter!
Praise God and thank you all for the time and effort put into all these hopeless causes.
It just goes to show.. They are NOT hopeless with God and miracles happen with prayer.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
Kind Regards,
Maureen Angle



Subject: Prayer Requests For Ghosts
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 22:08:52 -0700

Prayer Request for Wendy wld semi trucking Transport of Hay Lakes , Alberta ,
Prayer Request for Mr. Wayne Joseph Lessard and wife Marlene sick with throat cancer
Prayer Request for Mr. Gerald Fortier of Quebec and Edmonton , Kanada ,
daughters Natasha Fortier and Vanessa Jackson stepdaughter their two cats and two dogs
gerald fortier ghost has pancreas cancer and hotchkins desease his brain is shrinking
natasha's boyfriend darcy has a broken jaw
Prayer Request for Janusz on work visa in edmonton , kanada
Prayer Request for Władek Władysław Zborowski
Prayer Request for Arek Arkadiusz śmiech he has a blog WWW.AREKS7.BLOGSPOT.COM
Prayer Request for Andrzej Józef Czerwinski of sosnowiec poland and edmonton alberta
Prayer Request for Mr. Kazimierz Kozina and brother Waldek and father ryśiek and mother
Prayer Request for my child
Prayer Request for my cousin in poland in mysłowice + katowice PL piotr siedlaczek and agnieszka siedlaczek
agnieszka siedlaczek is pregnant
Prayer Request for Mr. Tom Leszczewski

Prayer Request for Mr. Łukasz Siedlaczek
in Jesus Christ name ,
Prayer Request for Mr. Rafał Zazuniuk
there are other men and women
in Jesus Christ name
Reply to e.mail adres :


From: lovenah To:
Subject: Prayer request
Date: Tue,
Hello,26 Aug 2014 10:48:40 -0800 I stumbled upon your page while searching for a miracle prayer on google. I would like to make a prayer request.
I am unemployed since many years and I really need a job, ideally a job in a foreign country,
where I can migrate with my daughter, my mom, and my husband.
I really wish to get away from my birth country -
I see no good future here for me or my husband, kid and mother.
Please pray for me. God bless you all!
If I'm successful I will donate some money to your page.
Kind Regards,


Now the next three posts are from Daphenie B ,
Thanking St Jude after her prayer was answered,
You see - By our Prayer group members
Including her in your continuing Daily prayers
you have been heard and her requests was answered

Daphenie has added another request
and promise to send a contribution to keep this page online From: Daphe Bend
Date: 7/3/2014 1:53:26 PM
Subject: Re: Prayer Request for my Daughter
I asked for prayer on June 29th 2014 and prayed the miracle prayer for my daughter and on July 2nd 2014,
I got the great miracle news that she was accepted at the St. Dominic High!
We are so grateful for the answered prayers and thank all my brethren who also prayed for us.
God Bless all of you!


From: Daphe Bend
Date: 7/3/2014 2:32:02 PM
Subject: Re: Prayer Request for my Daughter
Thank you very much.
I am unemployed at the moment but will remember to contribute once I am employed.
It is my desire that God keeps this prayer site running on the web.
God Bless.
Daphe Bend


From: Daphe Bend
Date: 7/3/2014 2:00:04 PM
Subject: Prayer Request for Financial Aid
Dear Brethren,
I kindly request prayer for financial aid or windfall for all my needs to be met and also the funds necessary to conclude an important transaction.
I have faith that all will be well.
Thank you for your prayers.
God Bless
Daphe Bend


From: Linda Mushab
Date: 05/26/14 02:19:49
I can't travel or ask for a job because I failed a paper& when I redid it I failed again .
.it's now 2years and.everything in my life can't move forward without this paper.
..I pray for a miracle in my life that this retake goes away..
.opportunities to open in my life


From: Douglas Roehr
Date: 2/15/2014 12:58:01 PM
Subject: St. Jude Thank You!


Subject: The Prayer Page
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 11:21:56 +0000
I am in deep financial problems I need urgent help. I rarely have enough food for myself and is always in debt I need financial assistance .
I cry everyday to the lord and hope something is going to happen.

Richards mkwa


Patricia Mullin

Date: 05/27/14 02:46:49
Thank you St. Jude for your intercession.
Thank you in asking God to help me receive 100% Service-Connection Disability (T&P)
in such a quick and efficient manner.
It demanded a miracle and you came through!
I am now able to take care of myself and my family.
I ask that you continue to take special interest in my family and our situation
and help us to build a stronger and loving commitment to God and each other.
Help us to discover all of God's blessings and glory through you
so that not only is my faith strengthened,
but that I will do the Lord's Will and service.
May my family continue to be strengthened by power of prayer
and the mercy of our loving God.

I will be ever mindful of this great favor you have given to me
and will always honor you as my special and powerful patron. Thank you,
Thank you, Thank you St. Jude. Amen.
Kind Regards,
Douglas R - USA


This next one if from someone who donated to keep this page online
From: bachani via PayPal
Date: 04/09/ 17:53:46
To: The Prayer Page
dear sir,
please request St. Jude to bless us- regards-
hiro,rajni,sharad,rohit,aarti,asha,ruhaan,harchandrai bachani and family


From: E,Pere
Date: 05/26/14 22:28:34
I am pleading with having the intercession of Saint Jude Thaddeus in my case.
I am soon to lose my home, due to a wrongful foreclosure, and will be homeless.
I need for the patron Saint Jude to intercede in this case to help me and my family remain in my home.
I need to appeal my case with the court, however, money is dire and
if I don't will lose everything, will be out in the streets.
Oh, Saint Jude please listen to my humble prayer for in you
I direct what you feel is the best for me, not necessarily what I desire.
Please rescue me and uplift my faith,
for I only serve you via our Almighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
and his father Jevohah.
I trust in you and believe that can accomplish the impossible since
you are the saint that will help when there are lost causes.
Deliver me and I shall repay this great debt within the 7 days granted and will publish my gratitude.
E. Pere
Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier- Mother Teresa of Calcutta


-------Original Message-------
From: Syrus_Wilso
Date: 03/31
Subject: The Prayer Page
Hello prayer group my name is Syrus Wilso im writing you all to ask if you all would please offer prayer for me
i have court today at 1:30pm in Lake County Florida
the State wishes to have me thrown in prison
but please pray for me to walk free with no jail or prison time thank you so much


From: Monica Adrid
Date: 03/24/
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
This Monica adrid I'm as for help to pray for my husband to come to me, were mariied for 27 yrs.
pls help me pray for him. His name is jessie a


Subject: From the Prayer page
I took the blame for my Brother and now I have to go to court. It's my third offense and am looking at a ten year license punishment.
I did this because I didn't want my brother to get in anymore trouble but now I'm scared.
It wasn't me. Please pray for me. Amen.


I don't have much extra time to address the following message
but thought someone who is in our prayer group
might be able to answer this man

From Prabhu Simon -- ( )
To Prayer Page Fools
Oct 16 at 1:24 PM

God is fake ill prove if any one can challenge reply to me .... at

this next post is what Prabhu requested three days previous to sending me that notice

Prabhu Simon To The Prayer Page
Please pray that i get her back my common friend has cum down from uk and talking to her
pray tat god speak through her and help spk the rite thing and mainly jo undestand and
take me back ....


St Jude Thaddeus
Worker of Miracle and Help of Hopeless Causes

You need NOT be Catholic to ask for help, as YOU CAN READ on the Thank You Page

Please use the EMAIL contact links on this page
and send me your request and I will post it here --- None are too insignificant

After your prayer is answered
it is required you publish a Thank You to St Jude within 7 days
Send your Thank You St Jude message to me and will post it on
the Thank You Message Page HERE
Read the Many messages from those who's prayers have been answered

I have had ONLY one request to remove a request from this page
The women ( Renee ) said she felt prayer should be between her and God
she did not mention anything about ALL the others who would be praying with her
Lets include her anyway -- "St Jude please grant Renee Her needs"



Use ONLY the following email to contact us with your prayer request or inquiry

Send Your Email HERE


First a Thank You Message Lisa Q Jan 22 at 5:15 PM
To The Prayer Page
Hi, I have been praying the novena for nearly six months now and wanted to say
how much it is helping me through some very difficult times in my life.
I am so grateful to Saint Jude for helping me on a daily basis
and also to you for putting up this site in order to help others.
It is the best thing anyone can do for another person .
Giving them help and hope in times of need
and showing them that they are not alone.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Lisa Quirk
From Ireland.


-------Original Message-------
From: Robert Marshl
Date: 06/21/14 22:53:37
Subject: From the Prayer page
My 17 year old son seems to be very disturbed,
has been angry with his family for the past 6 years and it has gotten progressively worse.
We need help he talks to no one at home,
he is excessive on the computer and now he is experiencing constant body twitching
and it is impossible for us as parents to communicate with him.
Please Say a pray for his healing and deliverance.
Yours in Christ


NOW some prayer requests that need extra help


From: jernail evans
Date: 06/15/14 17:02:19
Subject: From the Prayer page
My name is jernail Evans. Tomorrow morning i have to undergo surgery, a c-section.
Please st. Jude see that me and my unborn son Noah get through a safe delivery.
Thank you st. Jude for getting me through a extremely difficult 9 months.
I love and appreciate everything you've done for me and my children..
Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus Christ. Amen


This request is from a woman From the U.K.
who sent A large contribution and did not want the Image Of Jesus Icons
Please add her request in a special Prayer

From: "Stellamaris Nicholso
Date: 11 Jan 20:23
Dear Friends,
I call you friends because all people of God are heir in his kingdom.
Please pray for my son Alexander who has been accused of rape and the CPS are meeting in
2weeks time to discuss whether he will be charged. If found guilty, the sentence is
8years. He is just 19.
Their conduct at the bail hearing shows that they have decided that he is guilty.
It is true he slept with the girl but he said she consented. Now she and the police had come
up with this rape story.
I am so anxious l cannot pray.
Please help me for l believe that God is in this matter somehow. I must confess that there
was a time l prayed to God to arrest my son, his behaviour was nothing shirt of
diabolical, he acts recklessly. He seems to know everything.
However, l believe him when he said the young lady consented.
Please help me pray to God for pardon. His whole life will be destroyed were to be given
such a still punishment.
Also pray for the young lady and her family members for healing and forgiveness.
I will yet praise God through this email.
Thank you.


From: James Macha
Date: 2/17/2014 12:42:45 PM
Subject: Re: Reference: Donation1 Help Keep the Prayer Page Online - Donation from James P
Only thing I can think of at moment is a simple prayer for my financial situation to turn around
and get better due to some debts I'm struggling with.
Thanks for any prayers & my prayers go out others on your website as well.


From: LJKip Ech
Hi Bill,
Please post my prayer request to St. Jude. I am recently struggling with family and financial
problems since late last year. I pray for peace of mind and forgiveness for me and my
family. I pray for financial assistance to help me settle with the debts and bills so my son
and husband and I will be together. I promise to pray for everyone else as well. I know
that with everyone's prayers, everything will be alright. Thank you everyone and God
bless us all!


suraj abrah
To The PrayewrPage
Jan 7 at 3:15 PM
I am in a desperate and dire situation for a job, as I am the only bread winner.
I am without job since long time
and very upset / frustrated mentally & physically.
I attended 2 interviews last month and heard 6 candidates have been chosen
by 1st company.

I humbly request you to kindly pray for me to be one among
those 6 candidates chosen for the job. Otherwise to get a Job in the second company
or any suitable Co. Please help me.

Thanking you,
Suraj Abrah


Evelyn Mung***
Dec 19 at 3:13 AM
Dear Prayerpage,

I have spent a sleepless night after it has been confirmed that my youngest sister is still
seeing her abusive 'husband'. My sister and this man only lived together for a short while
and have two children - the second of whom he told my sister to her face that he did not
want because he had not planned to have another child.

He starved her. He has beaten my sister. He has verbally abused her. Mostly unemployed,
he is uses her money and refuses to share his whenever he finds temporary work. He
has cheated on her countless times and taunts her about his conquests. He infected her
with HIV. I suspect that the UTI she says

Now he is coming around saying that he wants to see his children. My sister Katherine pays
for everything the girls have from their home to school to food to clothing. These are
children who are well loved and cared for and in a stable environment.

Please pray for my sister Eleanor that she may see the light and walk out on this man who is
an anchor. Holding her down when she is capable of so much more. Please pray that
Eleanor sees the beauty and blessing that she is that needs to flourish, far away from this
destroyer of her and her children.

I will donate USD 25 early January 2014 whether or not the novena comes to pass.
Everlyn Omb*** Mung***


From Tammy
To The Prayer Page
Nov 21 at 10:43 PM
At this moment I have absolutely no money,, I am dead broke so when I get some money
I will contribute to this website so that u no how desperate I am...
I have a prayer request but no money so please pray for me!!
I work 6 days a week working about 55 hours a week and my husband is laid off again,
, so the money that I make barely pays our bills
,, and we absolutely have no extra money and rite now I don't have any extra
to buy groceries for this week or to put gas in our vehicle's!!!
Please pray that some how we get some extra money,
, I have 3 kids and I need to buy groceries this week and I want to give my kids a thanksgiving dinner,
,we don't have a lot of food in our cupboards!!
And I need money for gas so I can get back in forth to work every day!!
I only make 8.25 an hour and my husband only gets 150 every 2 week's right now!!
I'm worried about Christmas just being a month away
so I need a miracle blessing come into my life so please grant me a miracle blessing and grant the requests
of all who are seeking a spiritual intervention now and in the future,,
I promise I will forever be grateful to u and assist in helping others find u!!!
Please hear my prayer thank u!!
Tammy D Lynch


On Friday, November 22, 2013 12:46 PM, Gael wrote:

Good am to all.. I really want to have Crucifix fish skull bone for my family protection.
I will donate on monday. May I request to pray for my sister Charlene.
She encountered a work problem and for our situation right now,
she doesn't need to quit her job because I have no work.
Please give her peace of mind that she may enjoy her work together with her true friends.
She's crying right now as I am writing this request. I really love her please protect her from
any misinterpretations. Please I need a miracle prayer for her.

I will double my donation if this prayer will be answered.
May I also request to be successful in my online job,
may this business will worked out for the sake of my family.
I want to spend more time together with them.
May Jesus hear our prayers.
I truly believe HIM and HE knows all of my plans I will surely do what I have said/promised to HIM.


Gael Contributed to keep this page online and here is A second request from Gael
To The Prayer Page

I thank you Bill for posting my prayer request yesterday.
I was really glad when I saw your email. I gave my contribution today. ;-)
Please continue praying for my request last time, I know that this group can help me to protect my sister from her work.
May God heal the heart of her officemate Greys so that it will not cause for some trouble.
Kindly post my another request on your page, thank you.

I really need a miracle prayer for what I had experience last time,
I was in SG, there was a doctor name Darius and he can predict the future.
Just for fun he shared his present prediction for us one by one.
The first thing he said If I love marriage?
It seems like it depends on me,
he doesn't see that I will be married.
For me, I will surely say YES because marrying is a dream come true.
It affected me and I think too much. Before, I was at peace,
I wasn't thinking of a man who will love me for the rest of my life
but now it really bothers me, he also said that I will get my job in SG
and it will lasts for about 7 years
that's why I came back here in PH. I pray and ask GOD what's his plan for me?
I don't want to be miserable in my whole life. I want to have a loving husband,
I want to have kids in short I want to have a FAMILY of my own.
And that's what makes me happy. Please pray for me.

My niece Urice Carlin 6 yrs old. Since birth she can't speak and she cannot hear anything,
I know that you will help me to pray for her situation.
I want her to fully experience the real beauty of life.
Dear God I need your miracle healing for her.
I still believe in YOU.
May you grant my desires in life at the right time in God's will. Thank you.

Please include prayers for the victims of typhoon haiyan.
May all of them build their own house as soon as possible for their protection.
Thank you for all the supports in our country.
May Jesus bless you all. I hope that all of my requests will be granted.



Now SOME Thank You to St Jude Messages and more Requests

From Michael Potvin looking for Kim Stotsky

Now A Thank You from Michael Potvin

From Michael Potvin looking for Kim Stotsky
Date OCT 9TH 2013
Subject: Thank You St Jude Thaddeus

Good Afternoon. I had to share some good news with you...
After about 1 month of not speaking, Kim had reached out to me this past Thursday,
and we have been speaking a little bit here and there...
We spoke again last night and while part of her is convinced that there is no way we can make it
due to our constant fighting and her daughter's disdain for me,
she admitted that she wants to be with me and wants to reconcile,
and "of course I want to be with you if we didn't have all of our issues"...So we are going to take it "one day at a time", and "speak when we can"...
So I don't know if we are considered "reconciled", but I know that St. Jude interceded for me,
softening her heart and getting her to reach out to me,
even though she initiated the break up. From here,
I need to woo her all over again, show her I am patient and not fight with her.
She will see that I have changed and as she said to me,
she wants me to be the person again that she ran to...

Please tell St. Jude thank you for me and once again, he has never failed me..
.Thank you St. Jude,
I Love You and I will not stop saying this prayer of intercession until Kim
and I are back together for good....


Here is an email I received from Michael Potvin regarding Kim:

Good Morning and I hope you are well. I wanted to ask you a question about the Novena.
Said love interest, Kim, has again been entertaining thoughts of moving to California,
through her company, because of the allure in making more money.
To your point of "if it is meant to be, it will be",

I just want her to be happy, even if that means her moving to California.
We are not 100% back together yet and are still taking it one day at a time;
she said the other day that she needs to see action from me -
not just words in order to consider getting back together fully.
So "we" are not a consideration in her decision making process to move to California..
.I just know that if that happens, we would be done forever

My question is, can I say the Novena so she will receive a blessing and get the break(s) that she needs?
Even if it means her destiny is to go to California and I never see her again?
Again, I just want her to be happy, fell not so frustrated or under the immense amount
of pressure she is under; I want her to have the "break(s)" she so richly deserves...

She is so frustrated with constantly killing herself working in a very challenging sales job,
just to see most of, if not all of her money, go to take care of the Mom...
and her Mom is a true albatross around her neck (God forgive me for saying that)..
. Plus, her ex-Husband is truly not interested in holding up his financial end of the bargain
of taking care of their one child...
Kim does not get the child support for her one child,
as my Ex-Wife gets for our 3 children from me..
.She gets nothing right now as her ex-Husband lost his job months ago,
is not actively trying to find a job,
and is pursuing a pipe dream of getting a fledgling (after 10+ years) BMX bike company
off the ground; which has never made any money to date.

Unfortunately, she does not have a faith she can rely on, and believes she can only rely on herself
(she has many great points, and this one is not one of them)...
I would very much hope that St. Jude could intercede for her,
through my prayers, even if it means it is to the complete detriment of she and I as a couple
Most people say Novenas for Money, Jobs, Love, health of loved ones...
basically for things they need.

I really want something for her even if it completely does not benefit me.
The way I look at it is, if she goes to California, especially after St. Jude intervenes,
than we really weren't meant to be and
I would be able to let her go with a clear mind and heart...

Appreciate your thoughts and I look forward to hearing from you.
Michael Potvin


From: Ricardo Mccla
Date: 04/01/14 20:28:15
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Hi,i been in a three year relationship,and
she walked away for a nother guy,and we know we were soul mates,
we have 7 kids involved from 12 to 3, been suffering,with out them i now have high blood pressure
,and my nerves cant stop shaking,can't hardly eat.or sleep,
id love to have my family back.i feel lost with out them
.its about 3 mouths i haven't see or heard from her
please pray for me i my heart hurts so bad.


From: Holli Malouf
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page

Please obtain God’s blessings on all couples that will be married on October 5,2013.
May they have a faithful and loving marriage.
Bless them with a day of beautiful weather and safety for all traveling to and from their wedding.


From Sharon Mabe
TO the Prayer Page
Thank You

I have been praying the St. Jude prayer for 11 days now.
I would like to give thanks to St. Jude for answering
some of the things that I ask him to pray for me.

I understand that if I don’t send any money with this, it will be awhile before my thank you is posted.
That is okay cause I have no money what so ever.
But at least I do know that I have sent my request
for my thank you to be posted. And so does St. Jude and the Lord.

I pray that my request be heard for the obstacle that are keeping me and Michael apart to be
removed. So far, two of those obstacles have been removed. I also ask for St. Jude to
bring Michael closer to me and to remove the fear that Michael has of being hurt,
breaking my heart and his family turning against him. I also prayed that Michael would come
to be so that we can get on with our lives and be happy. I know in my heart that God
wants us together.

Good Morning Bill,
I was really amazed when I seen your email this morning when I got to work.
I was actually thinking of my St. Jude Prayer that I had prayed a couple of months ago,
but it looks like from the email that it wasn’t sent out until yesterday.
But anyway, in my previous prayer request, the two obstacles that had been removed have returned
, and things seem to be worse now. Michael isn’t even speaking to me.
I don’t know what is wrong I just know that I miss him so much.

So, if you don’t mind I would like to make another prayer request.
I also find it really odd that I received this email from you
when I was thinking of my St. Jude prayer on my way to work.
Is God , Jesus Christ or St. Jude trying to tell me something? If so, what?
Please if you have any guidance please share it with me.
Thank you

Now Sharon Mabe's Most recent prayer request:

From Sharon Mabe
Subject: Prayer request

My Prayer Request is:
I feel as if I am losing the love of my life.
When I met Michael, everything in my life seemed so meaningful.
I felt as if I had found that missing piece of myself that I have been searching for all my life.
I felt whole. Michael is a true believer in our Father,
and I know that he has brought me closer to our Father than I have ever been.
I know that Michael loves me too, but there are obstacles that are keeping us apart.
I won’t go into very much detail,
but there is this woman that every time that Michael leaves her
she will harass and stalk him until he goes back to her.
(And no, they are not married or have children together.)
She is a true manipulator, and I am sure that he feels
that is the only way he can have peace is to return to her,
but when he does, he is miserable as well
because of the way that she treats him.

I love this man with all my heart and soul.
I finally felt alive, happy and loved.
I truly had a genuine smile,
not one that I had to put on just to hide the emptiness in my heart.

I know in my heart that God wants us together to do his work for him.
The reason that I know is because God has spoke to me
and keeps telling me not to give up, that he wants us together.
Everything seemed to be working out for us,
until the woman played her tricks again and now
Michael won’t even talk to me, and I don’t know why.
Like I stated earlier, I know that God wants us


Please St. Jude pray for me and Michael.


From: lady_j1682
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Thank you St. Jude for interceding my prayer. I had prayed for you to find jobs for my sister and I,
as we are both unemployed and struggling to keep afloat.
On the 6th and 7th day of my novena, we both received news of a second interview both scheduled on the same day.
I do believe that we will get the jobs because of my faith in you.
I also know that you will intercede my other request to reunite with my boyfriend within the coming days.
I love you St. Jude and thank you so much for answering my prayers.


From: Ruth Aut
Sent: Fri, Aug 16, 2013 10:06:24 AM
I want you to send my thanks to st jude thaddeus
Can you please add the following to your website
My thanks:
Thank you st jude thaddeus for helping me at work, healing me and answering all my prayers.
Thank you
Ruth aut


Ruth Aut
Thank You
I have made a small donation
to thank st jude thaddeus for answering my prayer and the unexpected money I received.
May he continue to answer all my prayers and answer all the prayers of ALL other people in need.

Thank you
Ruth Auta


THIS NEXT request is from someone who donated $25.00
From: Anna Giddin

Pls pray for me a sinner, our finances are upside down and my job is stressing me out request relief.
Pls pray for my daughter Auliya who doesn't have health insurance and has been diagnosed with Porphyria
Pls pray for my sons John Luc safety he is stationed Camp Humphrey Korea
Pls pray for my co-workers, my family and my husbands family.

For the first in my life, I wanted what all wise man say can't last;
what can't be promised or made to linger any more than sunlight.
I don't want to die without having felt its warmth on my face.Thankyou


From: Paul Gravelle To: Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 11:05 PM Subject: The Prayer Page TY From: Paul Gravell
Subject: The Prayer Page
my name is Paul I need a big miracle in my life and have been praying since 1984...
St Jude I have prayed to you since 1984 for my intentions.
Please grant my needs
pray with me Paul


From: David Smal
Subject: The Prayer Page

I need help! I have said Novenas before , some have astounded me , some have yet to be answered.
I am about to lose my house to foreclosure . I have been working with the bank
of 6 years now . Only to given wrong information or down right lied to. Every
attorney gives different answers , all want way more than I can afford . I the
past 3 years I've had 3 heat attacks n a stroke , maybe this is Gods way of
relieving me from the pressures of owning a home . My children want there home,
therefore I will do what I have to keep it.
I've prayed for his will, so maybe this is his will. However , I'm
asking for a miracle to save my home with a mortgage I can afford
Thank you
Please let me know if there's anything I can do or pray for on my side.
Thank you , many blessings for providing such a page .


From: dolphi rego
Subject: Re
St Jude I have wronged others and need forgiveness.
I am most sorry for my transgressions and hurtful actions
PLEASE LET MY FAMILY and friends forgive me so I can have peace and happiness
Signed Dolphi

From: Carrie Batzl
Subject: The Prayer Page
Please help me pray for my friend, Leah, who has Stage 4 cancer. Ask God to
grant her complete healing. This situation needs a miracle. Thank you.


From: Laura Ros
Subject: Hear My Prayer St Jude

God brought John into my life when I had given up on love and God allowed him to heal a lot of my past hurt.
Please St Jude I pray that you bring John and I
together in a strong bond of love for one another and allow John to love me like I love him.
I pray that you allow John to feel the love for me that I have for him.
I pray that John and I grow in a strong bond of love for one another and proclaim to each other our desire
to love one another fully, unconditionally and to allow our hearts to grow together
as we share our whole lives together and with each other.



From: "Rajaret, Louis"
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Dear Prayer Group,
I am a very talented pianist, songwriter and singer. I play the organ lot at weddings. I have applied to join a music agency called Lark Entertainment.
My request is that my application to join them is successful as I would love to break into the music industry as this is my dream.
My second request if I may is that I find a loving husband as I live on own. Thank you so much for allowing me to put my requests on your page,


From: Monica

Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Please I need all the help my son is in jail and he has 2 kids.
Ages 5&4 and now they can give him 10 years of time for violating probation .
His kids are his life he has some custody of his children because he fought for them
and the children do think he is at work and do not know in reality where he is
please I beg of of all I ask is that the judge just releases him back on probation and not to serve his Time
.please pray for him mark Anthony
just to be released and stay on probation please pray that the judge has
a Heart so my son can be with his children please amen



From: Vickey Lall

Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 10:01 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page
Thank You, St. Jude for your intercession to Jesus on behalf of me and my siblings.
Trinidad and Tobago


From: Alfred Ojiamb
Subject: Prayer request
Kindly pray for me to get a job and for financial breakthrough to clear my graduation fee balance
before next months deadline.thankst


From: Nimisha Bard
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
My 11 mohth old cat not come home for 1.5 months help him come home soon
Regards nimisha


From: lexi baghe
Subject: need prayers please
I pray that God will allow the one who is constantly on my mind and heart to open his heart and
to come back to me so that we can build a relationship with one another and to be a family.
If it is in the highest and best good of all concerned,
please make him realizes how wonderful I am,
realize how much he loves me, realize how much he would miss me
if I were no longer part of his life.
Please God let me hear back from him in the next few weeks that he is coming back.


Subject: Prayer
> From: chargergirl6
> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 03:26:18 -0400 >

> > My prayer is that me, Sylvia, and the man I love, Austin,
will be together and married in the holy Catholic Church. Thank you and God bless! >
> Sent from my iPhone


From: Sylvia
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 6:02 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page

Please pray for me as I had a microdiscectomy surgery yesterday for sever sciatica pain.
Im feeling better but lost some feeling in my right foot.
Please ask lord our god to help me heal soon.
I know that he watched over me yesterday and now I hope to be completely healed.
Thank you so much for all prayers as I know that god is good.... Sylvia


From: Sneha Allum
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 7:38 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Please pray that my exboyfriend returns in my life again and pray that he will always love me and he will never leave me.
Please St Jude please do a miracle for me.
I still love him a lot and want him back in my life.I can't live without him.I don't know why he left me
but i want you St Jude to bring him back in my life and make him love me unconditionally
.I also pray for all those who are in troubles.
St Jude please do a miracle for me,return me my love St Jude,i beg of u.


From: Tina Schiave
Date: 08/18/13 09:11:52
Subject: From the Prayer Page

Please help me for a pray that l can say for my son as on Tuesday he has court
and l don't want him to go to jail cause of one silly mistake that another person dragged him into...
My son is a child still and I want the judge to give him anything else but jail .
.. He doesn't deserve jail ... He is better out ...
cause he has a wife and a mortage and even l need him
Please send me a prayer
Thank you


From: "typed3@" Cc: Chris Conn
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 7:35 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page

Typed3@ is my email address. I please ask you to post my prayer request
on the website. This means so much to me. Thank you so much in advance- Chris

Dear Saint Jude it has been a little over a year since my girlfriend and I have
broken up. I have prayed every day without fail. I love her so much and miss
her with all of my heart. It has been difficult for me to understand why we are
not together. I am asking for a miracle to bring her back to me as I vow to
always make her feel like the way I truly feel for her. I will love her
Unconditionally and pray for the miracle that she can open her heart again to
me. I pray for all who are seeking the spiritual intervention especially those
with any missing loved ones. I hope and pray for everyone seeking a request to
Saint Jude truly gets their miracle and blessings. God Bless and may saint Jude
always be watching us and helping us in the times we need him most. Please
Saint Jude I come to you with a miracle which I feel only you can intercede with.


From: Tammy Gilbe
Subject: Request or Thank You To St Jude

I need u to pray for my finances,, I need like 5,000 dollars to b caught up on all my bills,,
we got married in August and I over spent and now it seems its taking us for ever
to get caught up on my bills please pray

I have a couple requests more that's needs to b take.n care of soon!!
One is tht my 9 year old son keeps throwing horrible fits,, for no reason at all!!
I don't no how to deal with it he's 9 when will he stop?? He's a hyper boy and just has to much energy please pray for us,
,, he has ball fits

Here is another thing I need to b prayed for,, my husband needs a full time job,
, he's been working at this job for 3 years but works during the summer gets laid off in the winter,
, winter is almost coming now and he's gonna b getting laid off there's a full time position
thts gonna b coming and please pray that he gets it!!
He works for Osceola road commission,,


From: charles opar
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 10:45 AM
Subject: Pls pray for me

Please pray for me to our Lord Jesus Christ for the gift of His divine mercy on my career
especially at this period of transition to another company; May the Lord bless me, bless the
works of my hands and grant me job security. May the Lord also bless my family with
good health, safety from accidents, sustained bread, peace of the mind and of the body, to
the glory of His name, amen.

Best Regards,
Charles Opar


From: Chris Rooney Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 11:15 PM
Subject: it works

I started praying the st. jude prayer presented on your pages
and my prayer was soon answered.
I had asked to find a truck, a place to live and everything begin to fall into place

thank you st. jude

Chris R


From: maryann bellanto
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 7:16 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page

Thank you so much St. Jude for Helping myself & my friend find a job & for the couple of dollars help from our neighbor.
We love Jesus & we love you St. Jude.
Thank you so much.


Please St. Jude can you ask Jesus to help my friend Shirley C. & myself do well at our new job so that we can keep it
& take care of our rent & bills.
We worry so much that we will not succeed.
Please ask Jesus to help us keep this job.
Thank you so much St. Jude. We love you! We love Jesus!

Maryann & Shirley


This next request is from someone who bought two Crucifix Fish Images Of Jesus

June 11th 2013

. You know what they say, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of".
Dear Lord, please help Stephanie get through this health scare and be here for her husband and children.
If it is cancer, please let it be curable and treatable so she can live her life free of worry.
Thank you, dear Lord, from the bottom of my heart.


From: Jo Zaba
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 11:06 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Thank you St. Jude for the answered prayer.
Every time that i prayed and needed help you are the one
that i can turn to and you always answered my prayers. Thank you very much St. Jude!


From: Rhonda Wells
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 11:14 PM
Subject: Prayer Request
JOB 5:2 " For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the simple."
"Pure Love Will Never Return To You Void" Tyler Perry's, 'Why Did I Get Married Too
(John 14:27)“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Please Place my incarcerated son Marques T. on this prayer list. I tried to raise him right but his actions and bad associates lead to his arrest.
I know that he had been influenced by older men who knew better but thought leading him in the wrong direction was funny.
He has been angry for along time but his father didn't desert him he died.
I'm praying that God opens his eyes and he is lead in a plain path because he has 4 children that greatly miss him;
and that during his incarceration he doesn't harm anyone and no harm comes to him.
He worked two jobs , I don't understand why he is facinated by the ungodly way these clowns live.


From: dianarobinson
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 3:14 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page
My mother had a stroke and is partially paralzed on the left side. She talks only sometimes.
This all happened 2 days after I had my baby on June 1st 2013.
I think she has lost hope and the rehab facility said they are going to stop working with her soon because she does not want to get better although she can.
I am requesting a miracle that my mother can show dramatic changes in the next couple of days.


From: Sara Sh Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:17 PM
Subject: Second email Re: Urgent prayer for someone one who is on drugs

I pray to St Jude that you please help me for hopeless cause in the name of my saviour Jesus Christ.
My name is Saijal and I pray that a man named Danny Joe of Warren, Michigan forgives me and tell me
he loves me so I can help him get off drugs and care for him. My mom does not like Danny
because she felt he is not good, so he stopped talking to me on 06/22/13.
Then on 07/14/2013 he texted me and told me sorry and he understands about my mom
and then on 07/19/2013 he stopped talking to me again with no explanation.
I even tried calling him.

I think he wants me to choose between him and my mom
but my mom is sick and I have to help her and he knows this and
still he stopped talking to me with no explanation on 07/19/2013.
please St. Jude I ask you to grant me that you please let Danny love me
and forgive me because my heart is pure and I really only want to
save him from drugs and I ask please do a miracle that he confesses he loves me
and that is willing to do anything it takes to be in my life and that he comes to me tells me he
forgives me because I am so clueless as to why he stopped talking to me again and I even wrote
him a forgiveness letter to his work in Troy, MI
for him to forgive me and that he asks to marry me and love so I can save him.
Please I ask this request be granted and come to pass ST Jude in savior Jesus Christ name.
I will tell so many people about St Jude and give a donation to this website if my this comes to pass.
Thank you Amen.
Saijal (Sara)


From: Lance Brown
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 7:54 PM
Subject: reconciliation with my wife

My wife left me 6 months ago and stated that she did not love me anymore I found out that she committed adultery.
And she recently got into a car accident because she was drinking.
She should not have survived the wreck. I'm asking for prayer over her that God will open her eyes
to the truth that is seen in me and the live that I have for her.
I hope God brings my wife back to me and I plead the blood of Jesus over
a reconciliation over our marriage her name is Jenna Lea P and my name is Lance Brown please pray
that we will reunite with more love compassion understanding truthfulness
and that we will seek God in all we do. I pray that our hearts will mend shape conform and
reconnect with each other and no man or woman can break the bond that we have for each other.
And we will be faith full to each other and trust will be key and more amazing than before.
Our love will be never ending and till death do us part amen


From: janet speleti
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2013 7:15 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page

Please pray for my twenty five year old son. Give him the strength to finish school do well at work. HE IS SAD HE HAS NO ONE TO SHARE
HIS LIFE WITH. He needs someone to love and love him back the same way. Please pray for him. He has come so far.
Thank you HE is my only son and his name is Nick.


From: Anoop Madhavan
Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 3:15 AM
Subject: Prayer Request for the Job


From: Mona Bro -
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 9:20 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hi -
I have visited your website a few times, and admire your passion to help find missing children. I pray alongside with
you for the many missing children, believing they will go home safely. Thank you for your compassion and prayers.

I have a request of my own - I've hesitated to send it because it has nothing to do with missing children. My (ex)
husband left me and our 3 very young kids (they were 4 yr old twins and 6 yr old) about 2 years ago. I struggle
every day to put food on the table for them, cloth them, keep them active to develop them...
We rely very heavily on my ex, who is slowly cutting them out of his life, and does not want to assist with bills anymore.
But most important is the need to provide them with a home in a safe neighborhood. I have prayed for stable
employment but for some reason, I feel that God is pushing me to stay with what I'm doing, even though
I haven't made a dollar in 6 months (it is a commission job). Every other door is closed, and God keeps
opening this one wider. I pray that He blesses me in this venture,so that I may be a blessing to others.
I prayed a novena to St. Jude to be able to move to a specific neighborhood, for the safety and development of my 3
kids. Please, will you pray with/for me? The house is on Kelly Ave.

Thank you so much, and I will continue to pray for others with you.



From: Joan M. -- jamarie
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 7:42 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

I am in dire need of a miracle in my finances. I know and believe in the power of St. Jude as the worker of miracles.
At this time, I desperately need to rebuild my mother's home that has deteriorated badly and also to pay off some debts.



From: Sherri Ba
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 11:18 AM
Subject: prayer requests

my name is sherri and my mom paula has stage 4- cancer. lung problems,etc, dad is blind,health,etc,
URGENT A BUYER COMES AND MOM-DAD SELL the house and they get a 3-bedrom home a great one.
hospital-chemo-radiation bills all piled up all bills canceled matt-cathy moves out of my home, mike doesnt move to e-town.
restore mike and tonis marriage and she ebcomes a better mom/ miraclous miracles 4-me mom and dad.


Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 6:36 PM
Subject: prayer request (Jessie Leal)
Prayer Page, (Please, may prayer partners pray for me, please!)
This is my prayer request:
St. Jude please heal me of
my acid reflux.

Jessie Leal TX.


From: Sara Shaw
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 11:03 PM
Subject: second reply

I pray to St. Jude worker of miracles that he does this big miracle for me for a hopeless cause
named Dan Joe Aquilr of Warren, MI. I told him about my mom and how she is strict and
will not let us be friends because my mom figured out that Dan is not good. But I ask St.
Jude for this miracle that Dan Joe Aquil Jr of Warren, MI tells me he loves me after
reading my letter and e-mail and asks me Saijal S to marry him. Because he is on all types of
drugs and his mom spoils him and I am afraid in 5 to 10 years he will not be here. So
please do a miracle because I do not want Dan Aquilr to die and I request and grant that Dan
Joe Aqulir tells me he loves me and wants to marry me within this month July. On my
birthday he told me he does not want to talk to me because I said I can not leave my
mom and move in with him. So that is why he is angry and threatened to get a
restraining order on my birthday. Please do a miracle for me St Jude let him see I am the only
girl he loves and decides in his heart and soul that he wants me in his life forever and
wants to marry me. Otherwise he will die alone like this because he takes so many
drugs. Please in return I will tell 400 people about St. Jude and give a big donation. I promise.
My name is Saijal Sh


From Louis Todd Nalan Yami


From: Jeanryd Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:13 AM Subject: From the Prayer page...The case. My name is Jean D. I am in deep legal trouble. Pray that St Jude intercedes in my favor and pulls me out of a mess that I have helped created. Only a miracle, only the hand of God can take



From: kate w
Subject: From the Prayer page
Please pray that my husband Chris finds a better paid job that will help our family pay the existing debt.



From: sarahwhit
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
My husband and I have separated in our marriage and I prayed this novena and asked for clarity and strength with my life and situation.
I was given a plan and as a result and my marriage is now being worked on.Thank you St. Jude. I am devoted.



From: Cara Start
Subject: Thank You to Saint Jude
Thank you, Saint Jude for showing me a sign that you are helping me and that you have successfully interceded on my behalf.
I am very grateful. Please continue to pray for me and fulfill my special petition. Also, please pray for others asking for your help.
Thank you.
*Please do not include my full name or email. Thanks :)


From: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page
I need big ifinancial help for my daughters marriage


From: Lynus Wu
Subject: From the Prayer page
I have a girlfriend of 4.7year, she recently says that her family cannot accept us. Hence, she ask for a break up.
Tho we are still together now, i pray that she will still love me whole heartedly and her family will accept us.
I am willing to take care of her and her family. All I ask for is a commitment to this relationship.
I will go through all the bad times and good times with her. Please just bring her back to me and sustain this relationship.

Thank you


From: laura tan
Subject: need your help pray for me
Shalom, Please help me pray for me....
i already break up with boy friend about 7 months, but i still loving him and always cry because missing him so much.
please pray for me, God will give me once more chance to back with him again.
please pray for me, God can help me show me the way how to soften his heart and make him love me again.
i really need him in my life. please help me with your prayer.


From: Menaka
Subject: prayer request
dear lord,ma relationship has lot of complications.I loved him like hell.he too same.problems after problems kept coming for
which i never had a solution.I always made sure things were not going wrong because of me.he broke up..i want his love back.each minute
without him makes my life hell.please make him feel me .we seek your blessings.its only in your hand that make things better for me god.
please show some hope god..please god i am really greatful to you....amen


From: " Danielle "
Subject: The Prayer Page

Dear Bill,
I believe in the power of prayer and found this website.
I hope you will post this and I thank you in advance for the faith and prayers.
Please help me pray that the Love of my life returns to me.
That he finds it in his heart to love me like he used to and that we can fulfill our lives together like we promised each other before.
I believe that we are meant to be and that he is my one and only. Please grant me the returning of my best friend, love of my life, and heart's desire.

There is nothing I would wish and pray for more than to be with him again.
Thank you and God Bless,



From: ronnie murra
Subject: Help for my husbands retirement

Hello and bless all. My husband was just elected our new town Marshall and with the job new responsibilities.
He took an 11000 a year pay cut hoping to save his retirement. They took that also.
He is fourth three years old and has worked all his life.
He's a good cop, dad grandfather husband and just a good and fair person.
He loves his job but he won't be able to continue if they don't offer a retirement plan.
We really need this for our future.
Thank you and please bless those effected my super storm sandy.



From: cpasquale
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers.
I asked that my daughter be able to meet someone and have a wonderful relationship with and it seems that it is in the process of working out.

Thank you so much for answering this request.


From: Kevin B
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hi my name is kevin bradley jr. today has been a troublesome day.
My father is battleing alcaholism and is in denial.he was in a car accident but is ok
hes faceing years of jail time hes a good father but battles his demons please pray for the best outcome in court for him
and pray to rid his alcahol addiction


From: Martha
Subject: From the Prayer page

My name is Martha Chapman and I say this prayer each day. I know it works
This week is a challenging week for me and II need a miracle and any
and everybody in the world to pray for me and my entire family.
I especially would like to ask specifically for prayer for Jamil, Tarik and Nasai chapman
and their individual needs.


From: Erik Lipt
Subject: St.Jude petition

Please pray to St.Jude for me I am in terrible debt and have no work
I sell thing but sales have been slow. Thank you Erik


Use ONLY the following email to contact us with your prayer request or inquiry

Send Your Email HERE


From: Marie Rick
Subject: From the Prayer page

I had a stroke which resulted in left side paralysis.
please pray for restoration of my left side so that I may be independent again.
I cannot walk or get to the bathroom on my own.
Am totally dependent on caregivers for my every need.
before the stroke I was a very independent person
So I am in grief over my loss.

I apologize I cannot give money for your website because my son has taken over my finances
And I cannot access my funds. it is most important that I recover.
So that I can be independent Again.
thanking you in advance.
Marie RicK



From: manoj yeo
Subject: Re: Pray for me

: manoj yeol wrote:
please pray for me i am facing lots of financial problems please pray that lord should help me for repaying my loans which are on high rate of interest
please pray that i should be able pay the amount balance which i had brought from private money lenders, i have no way to get money form else
ware please pray i am in need of your prayer support please also pray for my court case please pray that lord should take out from all this court cases”


From: Kim
Subject: The Prayer Page TY A prayer of Thanks (please do not publish my full name/email/screen name)

If you could, please avoid my full name/email/screen name. Just simply Kim or initials KB is fine.
A simple prayer of thanks to St. Jude for showing me strength and and how faith and prayer starts to answer prayers.
Thank You for the Great site.


From ajune_89
On Fiverr.vcom

I would appreciate it if you could add my prayer to the prayer list:
I pray that my eyesight (vision) heals and improves, so that I can see with high acuity and my
vision is clear as day. I pray that I won't go blind. I pray that I do not need to use
glasses/spectacles/contact lenses. I pray that my eyesight heals and gets cured so I may be able
to see naturally with perfection. Thank you.

Thank you so much for this..


From: Helen Dembi / NANCY ROCK
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Please print this request and thank you to St. Jude; thank you for keeping this website; I will continue to support it financially.
Thank you
Thank you St. Jude for the continued help you have given me for my request.
You have blessed me with so many answers and provided so much guidance, and I will always praise you and spread your word.

Helen Dembi

and now a request
St. Jude, Please intercede for Matt G. who has a terminal brain tumor and currently undergoing treatment.
He is a very good man, and his children need their father as they grow up.
Please ask our Lord to heal Matt. Thank you St. Jude for all of the blessings and gifts you have given to me and so many.

With love and graditude,
Helen Dembi



From: Helen Dembi
: Thank you Note which I have just donated for
I have just donated for this thank you.
My heartfelt thanks to St. Jude, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Our Dear Lord for quickly answering my request to have my health insurance crisis fixed so
I would not be without health insurance. I found out a mistake had been done at my bank while I was unexpectedly in the hospital for a month.
I had asked for several automatic payments to be stopped, but my bank stopped all of my automatic payments including my COBRA payment.
COBRA said no matter what the reason they would not reinstate my insurance even with a letter from the hospital, my surgeon, or bank.
I was hysterical and did not immediately know what to do so as always I prayed to St. Jude to please intervene and as our Lord for help.
This happened on a Thursday. and by Monday, my dear friends at the insurance company had saved the day for me.
I knew that St. Jude had intervened and asked God to send down his blessings upon me once again.

Thank you St. Jude and my Dear Lord for always being by my side.

Helen Dembi


From: Helen Dembi
St Jude,
I once again ask you to intervene to our Lord for this request that I continue to pray for that will affect my future and future of my two sons.
I ask that my former long-time employer not press charges against me for the wrong that I did.
They are aware I am making the wrong right and want to continue to change lives and make a difference in the community.
I ask that the employer and court look at all of the lives I have touched, the work I have done in the community,
the illness I was suffering from and have always sought help for and not make this public nor press charges.
The only ones who will be hurt from this going public are my two boys;
I punished myself for so many years that I just worry about my sons.
I am guilty and I was truly the only one who got hurt
so I ask that this be dealt with privately so I can get a new job where I can make a difference.
I am someone who has the ability to make a big difference in the community if I have the opportunity to do so.

Thank you St. Jude for always intervening, and thank you Dear Lord for helping me learn how to listen, pray, forgive, understand, praise, and worship.
Your loving child,



Here is a prayer request to find a missing person

Please Pray so Gary Price, 60, Missing February 28, 2013, from Williams Lake, BC is Found

Info about GARY and over 200 others missing from British Columbia since 2000 is Here
Gary Price was reported missing on March 3 by a family member. Gary was last seen in Likely, BC and lives in a remote area past Yanks Peaks.


Here is a Thank You Message

From: Teri Rub
To: Subject: prayer publish St. Jude, Thank you for all your help. For interceding for me and answering my prayer.

I will encourage devotion to you always.


From: dhr
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, we are in desperate need of a financial blessing in order to keep our home, This seems like an impossible task,

However I believe that Miracles do happen so please keep us in your prayers.


From: ibis pen

St. jude helper of the helpless. I have a desperate situation.
I am about to be eveictec from my home on friday. I need money to pay
before then. I dont know how to put the words toghter my heart is
heavy .Im scared for my children as i look at the baby i get more
desperate. I cry as i write this I know you can feel my despair.
I beg you St. Jude as I am at my lowest point. I ask you worker of miracles
to help my family. I dont know how to pray but I have always looked to
yu my St. Jude as my gramma looks to you. Amen

( I want to thank you for offering this help of prayer you are a light
in a very dim tunnel and I want to thank you for your help when I have
received none from anyone else not even my family.
These tears i shed as i thank you are as sincere as my words, thank you.)


From: Veronica
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Hello my name is Veronica I prayed to St. Jude asking him to please let my best friend talk to me again she didn't talk to me for 5 days straight
we work together so it made me feel bad that she wouldn't talk to me she was mad at me for some reason
I didn't know why but I prayed to St Jude that she would talk to me before she went to her other job
because it was her last week there where we work together, she's talking to me now
and I thank St. Jude for that.

I will also like to ask for your prayers please I am pregnant and just last week they told me that
I have a single artery in my umbilical cord so the baby may not form right or have problems
I am naming him Santiago Jude
and my boyfriend are also struggling with money and we only have one car so I ask for rides home
all the time because he works later than I do he works a lot more than I do so I am praying to St. Jude everyday asking
him to please help us in this time of need.



Here is a plea from a very good friend of one this pages sponsors

Joe Loforte
Cape Coral FL:
To all my friends: My mother was recently diagnosed with many TYPES OF cancer and give 6 months to live
Please pray for her and our family
for those of my friends who are going through some issues right now--
Let's start an intention avalanche.
We all need positive intentions right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand.
May I ask my "FB Family," wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste,
and share this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all
those who have family problems; health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares.
Do it for all of us for nobody is immune.
I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support.
I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith,
love, and spiritual healing for all in need.


Now some requests from the webmaster of this page
ASKING St Jude to help find ALL the missing children women and men,
whose families need to know what happened to them,

Here is one of the most pressing requests for a Miracle

Special help is needed for the family which the following web page is about
Jeremy and Maryne Baylis are trying to rescue their children


Here is a request from someone on FaceBOOK
Cynthia Caron Lostnmissing
I took an emergency flight to Ohio.
Please pray for my 73 yr old mom who suffered a massive stroke and lay on her couch, coffee table overturned for over 24 hours.
She is paralyzed on right side and has no critical condition.
Thank you.


16 year Old Antoinette Garrison was Missing
From Fort Collins Colorado
Thank You for praying for her safe recovery
Click Here for details


From: anne wooff
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 2:33 PM
Subject: {Phoenix Coldon and Lisa Renee Irwin, Baby Kate, and Baby Gabriel
There are missing people we have been focusing on at We Demand Change thru facebook.
These are four names, two from Missouri my home state who have been missing a year or almost a year
...Lisa Irwin, a year Oct 4 and Phoenix Coldon will mark a year missing Dec 18.
Hopefully both will be found, recovered, or tips will lead authorities to closing these cases for good.

Thank you

Anne W.


- A more comprehensive list is found
is the "More Missing Person Cases"

PLEASE ADD your voice by signing the petition
one of our prayer group members has drawn up - seen
-- then share the info with Everyone


From: Betty T
To: ""
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I spent the last several years helping out my parents financially and with the tasks around the house.
They have both passed on now and I had to take on the burden of the bills they left behind in order for my daughter and I to keep the house we lived in.
I also had to take out a 401K loan to pay off my sisters who never even came to visit my parents.
Anyway my Daughter was raped when she was 16 and has since developed PTSD/Bipolar disorder. She is having many cycles of this right now and was recently hospitalized.
The Doctors are telling me this could take quite a while to bring her out of this, and she is unable to work at this point.
When she is manic I am unable to work because she needs 24 hour supervision.
This is really putting me in financial trouble, I can’t get a loan, the bills are piling up and I need to keep her treatments going.
I really need some spiritual healing for both Amanda and myself, a financial blessing so I can keep the bills paid,
and I could use some support from my “family” who does not even call to see if we are okay.
I feel alone and isolated. Please God I need your help right away, I can’t take much more.



Use ONLY the following email to contact us with your prayer request or inquiry

Send Your Email HERE


From a Fiverr Donator
Hi My prayer request is this:
I desperately want to continue on in my Third and final year of study but unable to do so
because of a failed resit paper.
I pray that the exam board, my tutors, coordinators open their hearts to me and reconsider my case favorably
and allow me to proceed to Level 3. I hope you can help me with this and pray for me..
God willing. Thank you.


From: digitalldes
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 3:28 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

I made a donation with what I could afford at the moment,
once my pray will be answered I will be able to make a bigger donation:
Confirmation number: 7S382430F
Purpose:Help Keep the Prayer Page Online Reference:Donation1Contributor:digital

Hi my name is Johnny and
I would be very grateful if your prayer group would include me in your prayers as well.
These are my desires and they mean a lot to me:
Please help me to be more positive and to see more good things on people, situations and places.
Please help me to achieve my goals from my list of goals
Please help me to heal my body and my life, to be more healthy and fit.
Please help me to open the flow of abundance of health, happiness, success, love and money in my life. Please Help me to increase my income and become a millionaire to be able to help my life, the life of my loved ones,
the life of my friends and all of those who are in need.
Please help me to sell my parents old house
Please help me to have more clarity in my life
Please help me to become an Australian Permanent Resident
Thank you

P.S.: Kindly don't include my email id on the page. Thanks!

D Have a great day.


From: Christine
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2012 10:14 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Please jus use my first name not email. Hi I feel like I have lost my soul mate.
His name is tim we both made mistakes in our friendship.
I would like for him to realize his faults for us to forgive each other and be in a real commited relationship.


From: Marisol
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 8:42 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I need prayer for my husband James A. Hearne. He suffered respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest soon after. It took 25 minutes to restart his heart.
He is now life support. There is minimal brain function left. He could end up in a permanent vegetative state, or he could slowly deteriorate and die by this weekend.
James is anywhere from hours to days away from being brain dead. James is only 35 years old.
He has a minuscule chance of surviving and even a smaller chance of waking up.
This is a truly impossible case.
I need for St Jude to intercede for me to cause the edema is James brain to go down.
And for his brain function to be restored to normal levels, for him to wake up, and to be fully restored to perfect health.
I want to take my husband home.
Thank You.


From: Shima K
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 5:05 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
I have religiously prayed St. Jude's novena for 9 days, and I am waiting for my prayers to be answered.
I would be very grateful if your prayer group would include me in your prayers as well.

St. Jude please help cure my mother and RP of their illness and help them get healthy and live a happy, medicine-free life.
Help my sister find true love and settle down and live a happy, long and blessed life.

Lord, also please help me and RP get back together with deeper love for each other.
Kindly help him feel and realize his forgotten love for me and come back to me soon.
Shower us with your blessings, Lord, so that we can marry each other and live a happy, loving, long and blessed married life together.
You know my intentions are pure and genuine and that I truly love RP and cherish all the moments we have been together.

I am praying to you with lots of hope and faith and know it in my heart that you wont let me go empty-handed.

St. Jude please help
P.S.: Kindly don't include my email id on the page. Thanks!


From: samirah
To: ""
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2012 9:31 AM
Subject: d


From: Danielle Redd
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 9:35 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I would like for you to post this prayer request on your website.
Saint Jude I ask for your intercession and help with returning my boyfriend Micheal back into my life.
It's been almost three weeks now since I've seen or heard from him,
he suddenly just stopped talking to me or having any contact with me whatsoever.
I don't know what went wrong or why he ended the relationship.
I love him very deeply, we have been together ten years and I would like to see our relationship continue.
Please help me I'm in despair and I feel hopeless I feel my situation is hopeless.
All that I ask is your help in returning him into my life.
Please bring him back to me, please reunite us back together again.
I humbly ask this of you and will publish your prayer and my thanks online if you help with this request.
I promise to spread your name to others in return for your help.
Saint Jude, please help, I'm so desperate. Please bring him back. Thank you.



From: John Mann
Cc: Linda Joyce Mann
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 11:02 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I need prayers to help me deal with my unstable daughter she needs help. I have to save my grandson so she must live with me but won't get help!!!
I need a miracle please pray for me so that God could let me find the answer!!! I am desperate!!! If not for me but for the welfare of my grandson!!!

Linda Mann


From: Jillian Ceg
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: St. Jude Prayer request
Thank you St. Jude for listening to my prayers during these difficult financial times.


From: sandra johns
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 11:00 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

For the past three years I have had a tremendous struggle financially. I'm raising two sons on my own. Anything that has to do with money,
I am having a great deal of bad luck. The power went out in our neighborhood due to a storm.
Unfortunately, the power also went out at my place of employment which set me back on paying the rent for July. My landlords are very heartless to the situation.
I'm also backed up in bills as well. I am in dire need of a financial blessing. My boys love it here in our nice quiet neighborhood.
I don't want to have to move AGAIN. This is our home. I'm trying everything in my power to keep it.
There are even times that I cannot feed my family. Please pray to take this burden off of my shoulders.
I am also so afraid of losing my job. I need this job. I have so many problems in my life going on right now.
Then there's school coming soon. I want to be able to buy my sons the school clothes and shoes that he needs.
I am in desperate need of so much help. I am in such a need of a financial blessing.
Please. I even may have to return our washing machine which is a necessity when school starts.
Thank You Sincerely,



From: "Donald D. Ramsey,
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:07 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear Friends, I just made a donation (small) to fund the page.
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME, Donald D. Ramsey, that Saint Jude will obtain me, quickly,
the funds I need to REPLENISH MY CHECKING ACCOUNT for all my bills sake
and that he please, ensure in mercy, that my low wages be a thing of the past and that I take home weekly from now on a minimum, PLEASE, of $550 after taxes and
deductions due to aged parents, bills, need to support church, save for future expenses, support the poor, promote the rosary, promote St. Jude too.
Thank you, please pray fervently for me,

SAINT JUDE THADDEUS for these vital intentions and God love all of you. Donald D. Ramsey,


From: "Donald D. Ramsey,
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 2:19 AM
Subject: Bill:

St. Jude Thaddeus, please obtain the complete healing of my dear mother's failing eyesight.
It is breaking her heart and catapulting her into nearly suicidal depression. Please, Saint Jude Thaddeus,
heal her, her name is Estelle Janet Ramsey.
She is 82. It is being caused by Macular Degeneration,
plus cataracts that the stubborn doctor won't remove and CAN.
Thank you Saint Jude, AMEN. Kind Regards Donald D. Ramsey, Miami, FL


From: Lori Si
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10:31 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

My Daughter is Pregnant and her baby’s father is not a good fit. Please give her the strength and courage to realize she does not need to be with him.
She can do this on her own. She has been so unhappy for so long..please ask St Jude to intervene on her behalf and bring her the happiness she deserves.
Lori S


This next request is the kind I hope you add a special request for when saying your novena

It reminds me how blessed I am and how many people are in dire need of help from a higher power


From: Kendra Wagener
To: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page
please pray for Kristen Alcorn, abducted from her home on 5/2/12 in TN. Pray for her to return safely to her home.
pray for her family.
Update: KRISTEN HAS BEEN FOUND - Praise be to St Jude


From: Jeffrey C
Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2012 7:34 AM
Subject: St. Jude Prayer Request

Thank you so much for your St. Jude page.
I have a prayer request, and I would be most grateful if you could include it in your intentions.

I have been in a loving relationship for over two years and that is all now being complicated by severe illness.
I ask for the intercession of St. Jude to Almighty God in the Trinity to preserve this relationship from the stress and destructive power of terminal illness.
That, if we cannot be granted health, that at the least we have each other until we leave this world.

Please pray for the health of both PJF and JRC of Dublin, and that illness may not tear us apart. '

Thank you, I really do not know what else to do, and am trying desperately to hold on to hope.



Use ONLY the following email to contact us with your prayer request or inquiry

Send Your Email HERE


From: Jordan Vira
Sent: Saturday, July 1, 2012 2:22 PM
I would like to request prayer on behalf of all the Poor Suffering Souls in Purgatory.
May their souls, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

********* To:
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2012 3:07 AM
Subject: For missing
Pray that we find a missing love one who was last seen in 1991,family are worried here is pix of him


From: Marilen
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2012 11:33 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
Prayer request to St Jude:
Please help me to be able to get a definite date on my start of work/training from my new job until early next week.
I beg you St Jude. I badly needed to have this job to sustain all my financial obligations as well as for my own tenure.
Likewise I surrender to the Lord and to you St Jude all my worries and fears,
please help and protect me and my loved ones. thank you
Marilen T


From: "polsinelg
Sent: Sunday, July 8, 2012 11:28 AM
Subject: Prayer Request
Please pray that my husband and I can conceive, carry and bring into the world our own healthy children.

Thank you,


This request is from Karen
JUNE 3,2012


This next one is from Noel
Submitted June 2nd 2012


From Thomas B
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, JUly 1ST 6, 2012 9:43 AM
Subject: I PRAYED FOR A JOB and found one
If you are looking for a job Your prayers may have Just been answered
I found a job ON this prayer page
to the Prayer Page Please post as a Thank You too so other looking for jobs might get one

Its steady work and above average pay
see this ad Click HERE


From: Sheryl S
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, July 4th, 2012 9:13 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I am seeking your help in prayer at this time. I am in a very desperate situation and I need a miracle real fast.
My financial situation at this time is dismal and my heart is heavy. I was told by my lawyer that I need to file for bankruptcy because
I have no money and one of my creditor is taking me to court and the case is upon us.
I don’t want to file for bankruptcy as I don’t believe that is the best option for me.
I did take out the debts with others and its gone out of control because I was off work for a while due to illness.
I am willing to pay back and I don’t know what to do.
This is my last alternative and I hope I can get some help.
I need a financial miracle to have my debt paid in full and
I won’t have to go to court and I won’t have to stress much anymore.



There is a woman on Face Book Susan Murphy Milano who is in dire need of help
here is a plea from her for help
Lets get it for her

Message from Susan Murphy Milano
This is Susan- today they removed 23.1 POUNDS of fluid from my belly. I feel as though I've just returned from labor.
Please continue the prayers, emails and cards you've been sending they brighten my soul. This is the 1st day
in weeks where I am actually able to have enough energy to post this brief note



From: "M.B
To: ""
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2012 2:59 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
For the past two years I have been going through a divorce. My left me while pregnant, after only one and one half years of marriage.
I have three young children from my previous marriage who reside with me full-time,
therefore it was so painful that she left me and filed for a divorce.
My beautiful daughter was born almost two years ago, and she has made it so difficult to see her regularly.
I love my toddler daughter so much.
She also refuses to allow my three children who are the best kids in the world to see their sister.
The funniest thing is after all the trouble she has given me, I still miss her, and love her very much.
Each day that goes by I feel worst. All of the wonderful things me and my wife did together constantly play in my head.
I pray to St. Jude for my wife to stop the divorce and be united with me.
I am a great father who has been blessed with wonderful children.
I pray to St Jude to touch my wife’s heart and Love me as much as she did the day I married her.

Sincerely, I’m so sorry but please do not publish my name or email address.



From: Ron S
Sent: Saturday, July 3, 2012 12:04 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I would like to request prayer to St. Jude for what now looks like an impossible financial miracle in my life.
I have a friend who wants to relocate to live with me,
but neither of us have the finances in the physical world to make this happen.
But I believe that the finances that are needed will be provided!

Use ONLY the following email to contact us with your prayer request or inquiry

Send Your Email HERE


One of the Pages with Requests and Thank You Messages for Help From St Jude Thaddeus, Miracle prayer post a thank you to st jude for granting a miracle
susan murphy milano You need not be of any particular faith to belong to this prayer group
Just believe pray to find a missing person get my husband back ask to get my wife to return, for financial help,
money needs with contributions donate for help what prayer saint can I pray to for help a miracle

can you help one of these people Looking for
people to help who need help

Requests and Published Thank You Messages for Help From St Jude Thaddeus.

Miracle prayer post a thank you to st jude for granting a miracle.

Public thank you messages to Saint Juse Thaddeus Pray Group Novena Miracles

susan murphy milano need a miracle for her cancer to go away

You need not be of any particular faith to belong to this prayer group.

Just believe and pray.

And we might be able to find a missing person get my husband back

ask to get my wife to return, for financial help,
money needs with contributions donate for help what prayer
saint can I pray to for help I need a miracleCure cancer

make my cancer go away

My health get better