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connection to Missing Person cases
Colton Barrera Is Missing from Russell, Kansas,
We Need to find him
Colton Barrera has been missing since September 26th, 2008
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by clicking the Follow Button below
This page has a lot of info on it
Please look at the whole page
You may find something that can save yout life
This is the URL to cut and paste into any ONLINE
Sites you visit: https://www.angelfire.com/cruci34/ColtonBarrera.html
You can Use "ctrl" "+" or "-" on your keyboard to adjust text size on your Monitor ***** Would using unmanned drone surveillance technology find the missing - Here is another of our pages with more missing persons - you might know one **********
< *********
There have been ******** **********
Colton Barrera went missing from the Skate Park in Russell, Ks. After his best friend dropped him off.
Colton Ross Barrera - White - Age 17 (2008)
Date of Birth: October 22, 1990
5'9" - 135 lbs. *********
If you have any information about this case, please contact:
We at the FCB ( Find Colton Barrera ) Face Book Page seen HERE are friends, family and supporters of our cause to find our friend, Colton The more people that know his face the better the chance of us finding our friend So PLEASE take your time to look at all of his pictures on the Face Book Pictures page.
We believe it would
Please sign the petition found on this page
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details
Pray for Missing Persons
Visitors to this page
Since it was placed online March 2012
We Will Build a page for your case
We will build a page for you
These Cases Need to be solved
Missing Minority Victims
Click HERE
for more Information
Colton Barrera was supposed to have been in touch with Justin when he wanted to be picked up. He was never heard from again.
No major tips have arisen. He had no logical reason to runaway. Colton may have been abducted.
Missing since September 26, 2008 from Russell County, Kansas
Endangered / Abduction / Runaway
Brown hair; brown eyes
Russell County Sheriff's Office
Deputy Jeff Von Lehe
Case 08-479
Date Reported: September 26, 2008
Please help by adding / liking this group and inviting your friends to join
Now More on this case
It has been over 3 years since Colton Ross Barrera walked out of his house and disappeared. According to his friend "Peewee" Colton up and driven to a local outdoor skate park to meet friends. Colton was supposed to call "Peewee" when he was ready to leave. By "Peewee"s account, that call never came. And Colton Barrera never came home. Police in Russell,Kansas are baffled, we at Find Missing on Face Book are stymied, friends and family heartbroken. Why would Colton leave his wallet, identification, Did he plan to leave ? Was he lured out ? Was he even at the skate park ? Lynda Kerby is Coltons mother. Hear her story on the archived WebSlueth.com Radio show . Someone, somewhere knows what has become of Colton Ross Barrera. Maybe that person didn't even know he was missing? Maybe....that person is you. Listen to her story. Have you seen Colton Ross Barrera? The WebSlueth.com Radio Show Call-in lines took calls, Listen to the Archived show - You Don't want to miss this! Play in your default player
Here is an email and message posted on Face Book with updates on THE Colton Barrera case
Please educated your self about the effort
to use existing real time satellite surveillance picture taking technology
which could be adapted for use by Law Enforcement
to Find the Missing Quickly and drastically reduce other crimes using this existing drone technology system
Next is a page explaining How we can Find
Missing women, children and men Safe and Quickly
Using Drones
Next is a page explaining
How we can Find
Missing women, children and men Safe and Quickly
Using Drones
on how we can Find the Missing Safe & Quickly Using Drone Technology ![]() | The Time has come to Use All tools |
OUR Main site attempting to convince our elected officials to implement this method
Is Found HERE -- http://findthemissing.vze.com
AND We have page which has scenarios of how the existing systems could be adapted for use by Law Enforcement
to Finding Missing children women and men
At This link
HERE = http://trenton.2ya.com
We also have a petition to ask the media to educate the public who can then request our elected officials to step up
and adapt the system for use by ALL Law Enforcement Agencies
That Petition is found IF you click the banner below
for the Missing Click HERE for more Details ![]() | Pray for Missing Persons |
a Page for Your Missing Person Case ![]() | HERE are more pages we have built |
Please take a look at the Jennifer Kesse case too
Just Tap Here
Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Solomon or Solomen
July 2nd 2015 Click HERE for more Details ![]() |
is Missing Click HERE for more Details ![]() |
We are dedicated to Help Find the Missing and will build a page for any case that is presented to us
Colton's case is also seen on the following web site:
We Will Build a page for your case![]() |
We will build a page for you |
The Most recent case I have built a page for is:
Diana Zacarias
Missing since April 2 nd 2016
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon April 1st 2016 Click HERE for more Information ![]() |
If you have a missing loved one
I will build a FREE page
like this one to help find
Diana Zacarias
for your case -- at no cost
Now read about the V.ALRT
and watch the Video about it below too
The V.ALRT Multi-Purpose is a personal electronic warning and
notification system
Can be used to find and locate
a lost, missing or abducted person
summon help for a person who needs any type of help
like and elderly or invalid person who has fallen
Limit 2 per order
Is $30.00 too much
to help protect your family and loved ones ?
to proect you loved ones Click HERE for more Details ![]() |
The following video presents info on the V.ALRT system
which can help find a loved one who may have been abducted
needs some other type of help
Send a question to me Police need to cooperate fully with families of the Missing ****** ***** ***** Our main web site with "More Missing Persons" is found I and others, pray the missing are found every day see This link HERE ************
This page was put on the web by If you would like to have a case listed on our main websites "More Missing Persons Cases" Section The URL to cut and paste and use when posting this page ****** This case is also featured on many of our other sites ***** Here is a Code Amber Alert Notifier - If the banner is yellow there is an active Amber Alert
~~~~~ Here is another of our pages with more missing persons - you might know one ******** ******** ********* Two missing girls in Evansdale Iowa Lyric Cousins Cook, Elisabeth Collins
Unlike many other organizations, groups and individuals seen online to 'Find The Missing" ********* All you need do is ask the org you are going to donate to for a Of course there are some which are 100% volunteer. I would send my money to those ********
if you are not sure how this works
Here is the Mitrice Richardson Case
Which happens too often
and her Father - Michael Richardson's fight to get justice for his daughter
Why do parents and loved ones of the missing have to endure such pain and agony
The solution presented in the petition seen on this page
would make it easy for police to solve these crimes
PLEASE READ THE petition HERE and ADD Your Voice
I am posting this site PRO BONO ( FREE )
and will do the same for any missing person
IF I am contacted from the email link below
the Group "Find the Missing" on Face Book -- Please "Like" Us
Email Me HERE with the details, URLS to link to, any pics you have
and the text you want in your case bio *********
to Your Face Book Status Update or News feed is https://www.angelfire.com/cruci34/ColtonBarrera.html
The Main site for
"Find the Missing"
Is Found HERE -- http://findthemissing.vze.com
It has the section OF "More Missing person Cases"
Please stop and see if you can help with Any OF THEM
CLICK HERE Missing From 11/19/2012 Bayfield CO
If you have pages for the missing, you have my permission to cut and paste the html codes
for any of the notices you see on my missing person pages
from the "view page source" right click option
you will need to save the images to your PC
all we ask is that you post credit for where you found it
HERE = https://www.angelfire.com/cruci34/dylanredwine.html
Transgender teen
Dashad "Sage" Smith Is Missing Please help Find Her
Charlottesville, Va
Hailey Dunn is Missing
from Colorado City Texas
Since Dec 27 2010
Click HERE
To See Hailey Dunn 's Face Book page
On March 21st Nancy Grace has been reporting a body has been found
in "Big Springs" Texas ( the name of the town is actually "Big Spring"
Big Spring is over 300 Miles from Big Springs
This is not the first gaff Mr Graces "crack" research team has made
send Nancy Grace a message from the media link ABOVE
asking why she ignores the SOLUTION presented here
To Find the missing......
Be Outraged and Let your voice be heard
David Cisneros is Missing
Colorado Springs CO.
Click HERE Find this young man Click Above
Kara Rose Alongi is Missing
Clark New Jersey - Click HERE Find this Woman Click Above
Lyric Cook, Elisabeth Collins
Missing Evansdale Iowa Cousins
I fund this completely by myself
I NEVER asked for NOR would I accept any money
Some of these Orgs, Groups and individuals ask for donations
and they are allowed to use up to 70% of the money donated or given to them
to pay the salaries of 'Presidents and Founders", CEO's and those who run the Org.
The other 30% goes for operating expenses
schedule of how their money is spent
If they can't supply you with a report with specific figures - Don't Donate
LostNMissing Cynthia Caron Head administrator
Dawn McQueeneys Page on Face Book![]() |
Found Safe - Please Stop and Share |
Here a face book page run By Donna Smethers for the missing
missing children albums runaways
Help the
Find Missing Children Group
Contact HLN AND CNN shows through this link
Contact Nancy Grace - Jane Mitchell - ALL THE OTHER SHows
ask them to help