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This page presents Information on the Tabitha Franklin Case
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This page was built at the request of Stacey White
If you would like to donate to the Tabitha Lynn Franklin Gifts for children Fund
you can send check or money order to
Dodge City Town Hall
130 Howard Circle
Hanceville, Alabama 35077
PLEASE INDICATE it is to go to the Tabitha Lynn Franklin Childrens Fund
PLEASE share it on FaceBook by * The Webmaster of this Tabitha Franklin is Missing page ******** Would using our military's Satellite Picture taking and transmitting technology or Drone surveillance capabilities ********
You can help stop these atrocities By getting involved at
Contact the Webmaster if you need a page built for a missing person case ******** The following link to the Tabitha Lynn Franklin Case is a sample of the type Of Page
Tabitha Lynn Franklin Needs to be Found Now to the Tabitha Franklin Case
Mr. Tomck,
Tabitha Lynn Franklin is Missing, My name is Stacey White She was supposedly picked up by an ex boyfriend Unfortunately he did not divulge this info until 2 weeks later after Tabby's father reported her missing. She is a white female with blue eyes and blond shoulder length hair.She is 5'6 and
Her NCIC #is M448329067 her report # is 090800281 in Cullman county,
Alabama ---
Her birthdate
I have attached a pic of her along with the one taken 7 months
After several phone calls from him saying he would get her and her
Thank you........
And here are the Links to other Pages I have built for the missing
Tabitha Lynn Franklin Needs to be Found If you would like to donate to the Tabatha Lynn Franklin Gifts for children Fund *****
************ Next are sites with info about our effort to stop these crimes Our solution is based on the facts: We have the satellite picture taking and transmitting technology Educate yourself then share the info you find with everyone == any way and anywhere you can ******** ********
has 2 pages found on Face Book - "Finding Missing" and "Find the Missing "
Please like us and read the time lines and Walls and join the effort to Find the Missing
And PLEASE share our info with everyone
help find Missing Persons quickly and safely
- we believe in most cases it would
and in addition, other crimes would be drastically reduced
Read how this might be possible further down on this page
Get Presidrnt Obama to Instruct NASA and Our Military
to ADAPT the technology we have paid for to assist Police and Find the Missing
We Will Build a page for your case
We will build a page for you
I will build for any Missing person case
And then Place a similar link on my other 80 pages for the Missing
This link goes back to this page Tabitha Lynn Franklin
Tabitha Lynn Franklin
and on Aug.13,2009 my sister in law Tabitha Lynn Franklin
became a missing person from Cullman, Alabama
she may have gone to Hueytown Alabama. 60 miles south of Cullman
and taken to his place of business where he states he dropped her off
and then did some errands but upon returning he said she was gone.
weighs 140ibs.She has 4 tattoos, a rose on her right ankle a scroll on her left arm
an angel on her right arm and a butterfly in between her shoulder blades.
in charge
of the case is Inv. Randy Frost lead Investigator.
She was suppose to be wearing a
black dress when she left and his is the last number on her cell phone.
is 9-15-80 she is 29.
before she became missing when her ex had beat her so severely she blacked out when
she awoke she heard him digging into the ground, after begging for her life and
promising to stay with him he let her go, she stole his car took it to the
police and filed a report.
children if she didn't drop the charges, she did and now she is missing!
Stacey White
Again contact me IF you need a page Tabitha Lynn Franklin
Tabitha Lynn Franklin
you can send check or money order to ,
Dodge City Town Hall
130 Howard Circle
Hanceville, Alabama 35001
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Jason Allen Ashley
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Patricia Lalonde
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We have a solution presented in the Petition ( furthest on the right )
and need Your Help Getting the attention of those who can implement it
and IF Adapted for use by Law Enforcement it would
Drastically reduce crime and spare tens of millions of families
and individuals the pain of dealing with a missing loved one
or being a crime victim
Our Main Website
Read How Technology Would Work
40% of Missing are Minorities
ADD Your Voice
Our Efforts Main Web Page How the system Would Work Find Missing Minorities Sign The Petition HERE
We Will Build a page for your case
We will build a page for you