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since it was posted on April 26th 2012


Would using Satellite or unmanned drone picture taking technology help find missing persons and reduce other crimes ?
Read about that possibility on this page


Here is another of our pages with more missing persons - you might know one


Help Find Jason Allen Ashley

See THE LINKS To his face Book pages below

Email the webmaster of this page

and share the following URL with everyone you can
Cut and paste that URL into any notices of missing you see on Face Book
Tweet it and add it as a comment on any
online sites you find about crime

This page will be updated with any New Developments as We get them
So Book mark it

Here are the links to his Face Book Pages

Have-you-Seen-Jason-Allen-Ashley and

the other is Help Find Jason Ashley

PLEASE READ and Sign the Petition to get our elected officials
to adapt existing Military Satellite Surveillance technology
for use by Law Enforcement
The Missing could be found WITHIN MINUTES
And most other crimes could be solved as quickly
while sparing tens of millions of families the pain of dealing
with a missing loved one or of being a crime victim

Be informed about our effort to accomplish this
YOU can see to it these crimes are drastically reduced
Victims are rescued and other crimes solved quickly
Educate yourself and cut and paste then share the info and URL ( http://sign.1sta.com )
On all online sites you use
and with ALL you come in contact with

To sign the petition to help get the proposed solution in Place

Sitting in front of cameras and talking about these cases
DOES NOTHING to prevent them and very seldom solves them
We know of a possible solution -- presented in the petition
and our military has used the technology for decades.


The pictures below are the place where Jason Was last Seen
Our Military has the technology to get a much closer satellite view
But we are not using it to stop crime

Jason Please, if your out there and see this page contact the webmaster
There must be a reason for your disappearing
I can help you tell it


Email the webmaster of this page

Emails will be in confidence

Page Built by "Finding Missing" seen on Face Book
Contact us if you have a missing Person Case you would like added
to the More Missing Person Cases" Section seen on Our Main Web Site at

Contact HLN AND CNN shows through this link

Contact Nancy Grace - Jane Mitchell - ALL THE OTHER Shows
ask them to help



Susan Powell is still missing in Utah - is Steven Powell a Suspect or Not - the Cox Family wants to know
https://cruci34.angelfire.com/SUSANPOWELL.html SUSAN Cox Powell

