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Tap Here for Data on
connection between Afghan Heroin and Missing Persons


Three missing women from Orlando Florida
Jennifer Kesse
Michelle Parker
Tracy Ocasio Or Traci Ocasio

You are the

visitor since this page
was placed online in 2008
it has been updated often


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and share the word about this Effort
to Help Find Missing Persons
by clicking the Buttons below

First is the Face Book button - just tap on it


Now to follow me on Twitter

The cases presented have
baffled police

Jennifer Kesse has been Missing from
Orlando Florida for over a decade

Except for Caylee Anthony, the Jennifer Kesse and Michelle Parker
disappearances have received more air time
on Cable and Broadcast TV
than any cases in years

Jennifer's dad - Drew Kesse has hosted
his own show on internet radio
as well as having been interviewed many times
on the Greta Van Susteren show Here is more on the Jennifer Kesse Case
In an interview I did with Drew Kesse -
Jennifers Father
he told me he he firmly believes Jenifer has been
abducted for human sex trafficking

There are many similarities to
other cases in Orlando
which are presented later

Here is a video showing
the POI in The Kesse Case
please watch it closely
someone knows the person shown
that person could be YOU


Visit Jennifer's Family's Website for her case

There is another excellent article
about Jennifer Kesse 's disappearance
if you tap HERE

In addition Michelle Parker
disappeared from Orlando
in Nov 2011 just hours after she was seen on People Court
Her SUV was found
less than 1/4 mile from Jennifer's residence

All the Details on The Michelle Parker case
are found HERE

And Tracy Ocasio or TYraci Ocasio Has Been missing
from Orlando Florida since 2009
She too was last seen near Jennifer's apartment

Click Here to get the info
on Tracy or Traci Ocasio

Please help find Tracy or Traci Ocasio, Michelle Parker and Jennifer Kesse



Tap Here
to read more on the Heroin Epidemic
connection to Missing Person cases
and find out who was responsible for
the skyrocketing heroin supply
you will be shocked the info
has been kept from you

Now more Missing person cases

Join the Prayer Group
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons

Join Our Prayer Group


Is a Loved One Missing
We Will Build
a Page for Your
Missing Person Case

HERE are more pages we have built


Michelle Parker is Still Missing



Sarah Lee Stern is Missing

Tap HERE for the details
and add Sarah Lee Stern to your prayers


Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Solomon or Solomen




Now The Most recent cases I have built a page for:


Ember Graham missing
July 2nd 2015
Click HERE for more Details

Help the Family Find Ember


Diana Zacarias
Missing since April 2 nd 2016

Diana Zacarias 's Case Needs to be solved
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information

Help the Family Solve this case




Jose Caballero
since Aug 18th 2016
Help the Family Find Jose

Now read about the V.ALRT
and watch the Video about it below too

The V.ALRT Multi-Purpose is a personal electronic warning and
notification system

Can be used to find and locate
a lost, missing or abducted person
summon help for a person who needs any type of help
like and elderly or invalid person who has fallen


Limit 2 per order

Is under $45.00 too much
to help protect your family and loved ones ?

Get the unique V.ALRT
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details

Your Loved Ones need this


The following video presents info on the V.ALRT system
which can help find a loved one who may have been abducted
needs some other type of help

Send a question to me
if you are not sure how this works


And Follow me On Face BOOK too
