We must use every tool we have to find the missing and reduce crime
We are Not Doing that
Would using Satellite picture taking and instant transmitting technology
OR/AND the use of unmanned drones
help find missing persons and reduce other crimes ?
We know it would
Read about that possibility on this page
Even the Smallest Police Departments CAN USE THE technology presented on this page -
All we need do is adapt the already existing technology
at minimal cost to taxpayers
For Decades
Our Military has been using and perfecting a Satellite Pictures Taking and Transmitting System
which has the ability to see and identify objects as small as a Baseball
If they admit to that -- I am sure their capabilities are even greater
This technology can and should be adapted for use by Law Enforcement
Read this page and the links
To be informed and Please Sign the Petition seen below and then Share the info with Everyone -- PLEASE
If anything you read on this page stirs your interest, it is our hope
you will educate your self more fully about what we propose
Please add your voice by signing the online petition seen below
If your as tired as I am of
watching TV and seeing news about a missing child, woman or man OR other crimes EVERY DAY
or logging into Face Book and seeing post after post about crimes and missing women children and men
Then it is time we do Something to eliminate those situations
For those of you that have "Invasion of Privacy" and "Big Brother" Concerns we invite you to read
this section of our main page
Please let the page load fully -
there is a lot of info HERE
If you really want all the details to make an educated choice --
visit our page with ALL the benefits, drawbacks, and other pertinent info
Visit This Link
Over 800,000 Americans are reported missing EVERY YEAR - that's over 2000 PER DAY
The numbers of other crimes committed is staggering
We have the ability to drastically reduce those statistics and provide a safer environment for us ALL
For Decades our Military has had the capability to take high resolution,
real time, close in satellite pictures from space and transmit them back to earth within seconds
They also have unmanned Drones with similar photo capture and transmitting abilities
( it is reported they can easily identify objects as small as a dollar bill )
The pictures can also be stored for future reference as explained below
Our Military has developed, perfected and used this technology to protect our troops SINCE JUST AFTER VIETNAM
The technology was used in part to track Osama Bin Laden
Now imagine what this could mean to Law Enforcement if they had this capability
to track and find Missing, abducted women children and men and respond to other crimes
WITHIN MINUTES using this system
The most important result would be: Tens of millions of families would be spared
the long term pain of dealing with a missing loved one or being a crime victim
Even the Smallest Police Departments could use it to observe ANY crime scene AND FOLLOW THE CRIMINALS TO WHERE THEY WERE
in almost real time ( there would be about a 30 second delay )
Missing and abducted women, children and men could be found and rescued within MINUTES of being reported
ALL other criminals like
Robber, car thieves, home invaders, murderers, rapists and criminals who had committed
ANY crime could be tracked and apprehended that quickly
In cases where any crime happened in the recent past like finding a body
- a murder - rape - car theft - ANY CRIME
could access they system and go back in time to see who was there
and then move forward in the picture timeline to see where the suspects went
and dispatch units to save victims and property and arrest the criminal,
they were tracked by a satellite and caught on camera committing the crime
It would mean police would lighten their burden. It would also in all probability
lighten the case loads for our court system -
Why ? --
How could the perps deny they committed the crime when they are seen in pictures in the act.
In fact, if Americans could begin to think outside the crime fighting box and adopted this
eye-in-the-sky idea we could realize an annual, collective saving of tens of billions of dollars in search costs,
police investigations and overtime, prosecution and court costs for lengthy trials.
I know you have seen or heard about many many more cases
which gone for weeks,months and years and have cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars
See some at the Link Below "More Missing Person Page"
"The search for missing (California) woman, Lacy Peterson, cost millions of dollars and
the trial for her husband Scott cost at least a million more.
The same for the search for Stacy Peterson from Illinois missing sine 2007
( her husband Drew Peterson is on Trial for another murder right now
And think of all the years of pain Lacy's and Stacy would have been spared as well.
Then multiply that by ALL the families with missing loved ones you see on TV
where the victims are missing for days weeks, months, years
in some cases searches have gone on for decades - The costs soar ---
Now here is our proposed solution
Request our elected officials to change any laws that might infringe on the ability of Police to use such technology
then for them to move forward to adapt the existing technology for Police
The online petition to get that done is below
Please stop and sign it
It also asks the media to inform the public about the solution and elected officials to
Start the process to get it put into place
There are some articles about our effort - PLEASE READ the last few paragraphs in This one
by noted TV host and crime reporter Diane Dimond
We have other web sites with more info -
If you want to be angry at our elected official for ignoring
this solution --- PLEASE read scenarios on how the system would work
Visit this link
Here is a sample picture of what could be done
Click HERE for the Larger Picture
And now until we can get our proposal put into use we must
continue to post notices about the missing
I do that
More Missing Person Pages CLICK HERE ![]() | See pages we have built FOR MISSING PERSON CASES at NO Cost |
Amos Mortier is Missing From Fitchburg (Madison) WI. | We need to Find this young man |
Anyone with information regarding Amos Mortier
is urged to call his Family
at (608) 347-7363
Amos was last seen November 8, 2004
at his school Madison Area Technical College.
In Madison Wisconsin
His last cell phone record was at 1:20 p.m.
His dog Gnosis was located three doors down from his home
Here is prayer request to find a missing person
Please Pray so Gary Price, 60, Missing February 28, 2013, Williams Lake, BC
is Found
Info about GARY is Here
Gary PGary was reported missing on March 3 by a family member. Gary was last seen in Likely, BC and lives in a remote area past Yanks Peaks.
This can be found on the prayer group for St Jude workers of Miracle help of hopeless causes
page seen at this link HERE
Dylan Redwine missing since Nov 19th 2012
near 2300 County Road 500 Bayfield Colorado
Please help find him
Joanie Hall![]() |
Gabriel Johnson![]() |
Patricia Lalonde![]() |
Finding Joanie Hall | Gabriel Johnson | Patricia Lalonde |
***** ******** *** ***** Please sign the following Petition to ask: we can solve crimes with existing military satellite surveillance picture taking and transmitting technology https://cruci34.angelfire.com/missingpersonpages.html
We can revolutionize the way Police respond to missing person cases rescue victims and ALL other crimes and solve crimes with existing military satellite suveillance picture taking transmitting technology we must use every tool we have to find the missing satellite picture taking imaging capture archiving https://cruci34.angelfire.com/NASA.html#priv< href="https://cruci34.angelfire.com/findthemissing.html">https://cruci34.angelfire.com/findthemissing.html jessica ridgeway WESTMINSTER WESTMINISTER Colorado CO unmanned drone surveillance satellite picture capturing and transmitting capabilities
Jason Allen Ashley
Colton Barrera
Phoenix Coldon
Face Book PageRosemary Day
Hailey Dunn Jason Allen Ashley
Cotton Berrara Phoenix Coldon Case Info
ON Face BookRosemary Day Hailey Dunn
Amy Charron WAS Missing
but has "turned up" Click HERE A very strange Case - Click Above
16 year Old Antoinette Garrison Is Missing
Please Help Find Her
Click Here for details
Found - Kristi Merrill Carmichael CA
Kara Rose Alongi is Missing
Clark New Jersey - Click HERE Find this Woman Click Above
Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers: Overturn the recent ruling against the family of missing Billy Smolinski
Click HERE
Billys Family Needs Our Help
spare families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one missing abducted walk away person woman
child man women children men elderly runaways senile posts on Face Book and news ON TV can be eliminated use every tool
we have existing military satellite picture technology find missing woman child man antoinette garrison
fort collins co Americas Most Wanted John Walsh Christina Whittaker Young kristi merrill antoinette garrison