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Prayer Group Page
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Read about the Image of Jesus Icon
which is made by the Hand of God In nature
Further down on this page
It is said to bring Gods Blessing, Protection and Good Fortune to Anyone who possesses one

Contribute and receive one FREE


This is just one of the Prayer Group Pages with prayer requests
and Thank Messages to St Jude Thaddeus
Some of those requests and thank you messages are posted further down on this page
and more are found on other Prayer group pages at
Our main page is at




Here is an example of a person in true need
Please include Jackie's request In Your Prayers

Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 19:38:32 -0400

Like your page says, I came across this page for a reason.

I was searching for prayers for a miracle. Powerful prayers.
My father, the most wonderful, loving, man in the world, is facing jail time.
Simply because he is taking the fall for a business that he owned.
Rather than fight, he is taking his punishment.
He has already lost his job, his retirement, filed bankruptcy, and now,
the attorney general wants to put him in jail for 3 - 7 years.
He killed no one, yet drunk drivers get lesser sentences.
This man is my rock. My husband and I turn to him for everything,
and he is my son's best friend,
we can't lose home for 3 years, let alone 7.

I ask for help in prayer that everyone involved in this case show compassion and not give him jail time.
I'm asking for some miraculous intervention to occur
and that the judge overseeing his case give him house arrest,
or something lesser. My father has always been the type of man that if
he saw a man on the street without a coat, he would give up his own to give to that person.
This selfless, wonderful man doesn't deserve this harsh of a punishment.
The only thing that could help now is a miracle.
I turn to God, his angels and saints for this.
Thank you. Something led me to your page.
I'll be making my donation now as well.
You don't have to send me anything, just promise me to pray.
I need my father.
Much love and prayer to all those facing difficulties


Here is Jackies Response to me after she contributed $25.00 to keep this page online
and received the Image Of Jesus Fish Bone

Subject: Re: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 21:57:43 -0400
Bill, V Thank you for the gift of the Crucifix Fish Bone.
Amazingly, it arrived when my dad was sitting at my table
as we were talking about plans for how to handle situations as they came up.
We are both touched by your thoughtfulness.
With everything going on in our lives,
it's been very hard for our family to keep having faith and believing in good.
Your prayer page, that simple letter and gift you sent,
has done much to restore some of that lost faith in humanity.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
I'm sure God led me to your page for a reason,
and I know we will never forget this kindness you have shown.
May He forever hold you and your wife in His hands. You both are amazing people.
Thank you


If you are in a position to help one of those requesting it on these St Jude Novena prayer group pages

Email US HERE -
and We will put you in touch with the needy person - IF WE CAN

This is just one of the Prayer Request Pages for those who are in need

This page is a continuation from
Our main page for the St Jude Novena Prayer Group
which is found HERE

There are at least 7 pages for this Prayer Group
and more are added as we get requests and Thank You to St Jude Messages

The many pages are updated AS we have time
But you can assure your request is posted quickly
See details below

We present the requests I have received from those who have joined our prayer group seeking help through prayer

Remember You will be included in ALL the prayers from
all Those who have ask us to post a request
and ALL those who seek some type of intersession

we ask all who participate:
PLEASE include in your prayers, ALL others who seek assistance

Use this email ONLY = do NOT use any other email address
I have provided links to send an email with yor request throughout these pages

Send Your Email --


Many of the requests posted here are to find Missing Loved ones and some have BEEN found alive
See those below

The requests are NOT in any particular order

You can assure your request is added
on ALL our Request Pages
within hours of me seeing your email
and help us keep this page online
Many of those who have visited this page are aware it cost money to put a page on the INTERNET along with time to keep it updated
and have asked me if they could send me money to help keep these pages online

I will not refuse

If you do contribute your request will get posted within hours of my seeing
your contribution has been made
You can send ANY amount you want to the Pay Pal LINK Below
Just Click and fill in the form

Only those living in the lower 48 U.S. will get
the Crucifix Icon
All others will get the quick posting of their requests
on most of the prayer group pages
and Everyone will get an email with a link to the page your request is on


Many of the St Jude Thaddeus Novena Prayer Group members
recognize the time such an undertaking consumes
and have contributed to keep this group page online

I do NOT require a contribution BUT I will not refuse them

Those sending money will have their request or Thank You Message
posted within hours of my receiving the notice of a contribution

Again: Anyone who lives in the Lower 48 U.S. - making a contribution will assure
quick placement of their request OR Thank You message

Those LIVING IN THE lOWER 48 u.s. AND contibuting over $19.99
will receive an Image of Jesus Hanging on the Cross
on the Crucifix Fish Skull Bone
Again it is Made by the Hand of God in Nature
it is donated to us by one of our sponsors
We get 100% of any contributions and the money supports this page

The Crucifix Fish is descibed further down on this page

Requests OR Thank You Messages with contributions will be placed
on most of our various prayer group pages
and you will receive an email with the links to the pages your request or Thank You is on

Those not contributing will be placed on
this page as we have time

Those sending money to keep these pages on the web
will have their Request posted on MOST of our Request Pages -

The Posting of a Thank You message in a public medium is requested to help educate others about the
St Jude's Miracle Working Powers AND THE POWER OF GROUP PRAYER

Again to those who contribute AND LIVE ELSEWHERE
your message will be up within hours of when the contribution has been seen

You can help keep this page online by contributing ANY AMOUNT

Your Thank You to St Jude should be published in a public medium
Within 7 to 9 days after your prayers are answered
If your prayers are answered -
to satisfy that: send me your thank you messages and I will post them
on the page designated for "Thank You Messages"
Please read some of the many messages
I have received from those who's prayers have been answered
Click HERE for ONE OF the Thank You St Jude Thaddeus Pages

As you will read some have had their prayers answered after just a few recitations

The Saint Jude Thadeus novena prayer is found on these pages
There is a Link to a printable version of the prayer too

The prayer is to be said
a minimum of 9 times per day until YOUR prayer is answered

I repeat: Any one, regardless of beliefs can Send me a message with YOUR special needs
and I will post it on our prayer request page as I find the time

We are banding together to ask for help
for all types of seemingly impossible situations

From Financial Needs to prayers to Find Missing Women Children and Men


Click Here for the Printable Text version of the prayer
So you can have it with you and say it any time

+++++ + + +++++

By request and suggestion of someone who has used this page and received an answer to her prayers
I HAVE ADDED a link to a Mysterious Icon
It is NOT man made BUT made by the hand of GOD in nature

It is the Crucifix Fish Bone with the Image of Jesus on the Cross
The legend of this icon tells it brings God Blessings and protection to ALL who posses one

Any one contributing over $19.99 will receive an Image of Jesus on the Cross Fish Bone

Again if you contribute your posting will be up within hours of when the contribution has been seen

Otherwise it may be delayed in being posted

Read More About The Crucifix Fish Bone Image of Jesus
on one of our sponsors pages


Click Here for the Printable text version of the prayer


IF you contribute I will post your prayer request WITHIN MINUTES OF MY SEEING a contribution has been made
or Thank You message ON 6 OF THE pages linked from this site
BUT Everyone should Send their prayer requests here


In Most cases I will not post your complete name

St Jude Thadeus
Worker of Miracle and Help of Hopeless Causes

You need not be Catholic to ask for help, as YOU CAN READ on the Thank You Pages linked from this main page


Sarah pe @becklakebum
St Jude Miracle Prayer Novena miracles do happen after saying this novena prayer @2findthemissing

TWEETED FROM @2realm -- I made contribution and got the Image Of Jesus Icon - Its amazing TO @2findthemissing


Please use the contact links on this page
and send me your request and I will post it here --- None are too insignificant

After your prayer is answered
it is required you publish a Thank You to St Jude
Send your Thank You St Jude message to me and will post it on
the Thank You Message Page HERE
Read the Many thank you messages from those who's prayers have been answered

I have had ONLY one request to remove a request from this page
The women ( Renee ) said she felt prayer should be between her and God
she did not mention anything about ALL the others who would be praying with her
Lets include her anyway -- "St Jude please grant Renee Her needs"


Now the prayer requests and thank you messages




Here is a Thank You Message
From: dianakbg@iclou
Subject: Prayer Page Thank You or Info
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2
thank you most holy apostle st. jude, faithful servant and friend of jesus, for answering my prayer.
My son got his promotion. I promise ,
O blessed st. jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor,
to always honor you as my special and powerful patron,
and to gratefully encourage devotion to you.


An urgent request from a friend of the prayer group -
Please consider helping him - contact him if you have a job.

Date: Mon, 31 Aug
Subject: I need a miracle BIll
Date: Mon, 31 Aug

Good Morning and I hope you are well.
I unfortunately lost my very well paying job last week in a very surprising move,
and I am 3 months away from complete and utter destitution.

Further, not only will I be in the streets, but so will my 3 kids and my ex-wife,
as they rely almost completely on me.

Would very much appreciate you putting my plight up on the prayer page;
unfortunately, my girlfriend Kim Stotsky, never came back to me :
( (so I have to move on from that)...

Getting the right thing and within 2 months is supremely important.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.
(815) 354-6784


Next is a request that is very pressing - PLEASE include it in your prayers
The family made a contribution

-------Original Message-------
From: Rick Drie
Date: 2/2/2014 8:06:26 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page
My mother Mary has been in Hospice several
months and was stable but not really improving.
She got worse 5 days ago and they told us
she's now in the final stages of life. Doctors say
she has no life threatening illness keeping her
from improving but she's just lost the will to
live and given up trying to get better.
Her family is praying for a miracle, standing by her
and doing everything humanly possible to
encourage, support and urge her to eat and fight
harder but her spirit isn't willing.
She's always been a fighter and taught us all to never,
ever give up while there's the smallest chance
of life left so we're doing just that because she
truly has so much to live for.
Today, Sunday 2/2/2014, they told us she's not responding and
won't wake up and it could be 24 hours to a week is all the time she has left.
Urgent prayer is our only hope now and faith that
God will heal her mind, body and spirit.
Please pray for her life to be saved with a full
recovery and to return to her the belief she has
everything to live for and the will to live and work
to get her life back.
Thank you for all your prayers and may God bless.


This next request is from a woman From the U.K.
who sent A large contribution and did not want the Image Of Jesus Icons
Please add her request in a special Prayer

From: "Stellamaris Nicholso
Date: 11 Jan 20:23
Dear Friends,
I call you friends because all people of God are heir in his kingdom.
Please pray for my son Alexander who has been accused of rape and the CPS are meeting in
2weeks time to discuss whether he will be charged. If found guilty, the sentence is
8years. He is just 19.
Their conduct at the bail hearing shows that they have decided that he is guilty.
It is true he slept with the girl but he said she consented. Now she and the police had come
up with this rape story.
I am so anxious l cannot pray.
Please help me for l believe that God is in this matter somehow. I must confess that there
was a time l prayed to God to arrest my son, his behaviour was nothing shirt of
diabolical, he acts recklessly. He seems to know everything.
However, l believe him when he said the young lady consented.
Please help me pray to God for pardon. His whole life will be destroyed were to be given
such a still punishment.
Also pray for the young lady and her family members for healing and forgiveness.
I will yet praise God through this email.
Thank you.


From: LJ
Date: 2/10/2014 8:15:47 AM
Subject: Request to St Jude for the return of my beloved
Dear Prayer Page Group,
(Please don't publish names written in my request.)
Please pray for a miracle that my beloved fiancé and love of my life return to me.
I love him with all my heart. May God and St Jude soften his heart,
grow back with fierce love for me and have the courage/strength/will power to come back to me.
I promise to love, respect and take care of him for the rest of my life if he comes back. I will forever be grateful.
Please also pray for my family.
We are in financial need and being asked to move out of the home we've known all these years.
We pray for a financial miracle that we may build our house and move on to a better peaceful life.
Please also pray that all our papers needed for home loans be granted and completed.
We pray that the bank will be understanding of our plight and help
us grant our much needed home loan.

Please don't publish names or my email address written in this request.
---simply ljb---


From: Maureen Angle
Date: 05/23/14 19:17:06
Subject: From The Prayer Page

I would like to send a heartfelt "Thank you" to My Lord Jesus Christ, St Jude Thaddeus
and all who prayed for my daughter Annabelle and I.

Back in November, I sent a very emotional prayer request to St. Jude Thaddeus and the
Angelfire prayer page, asking for intercession with our very strained mother/daughter
relationship. The story is too long to even recap, but I will say I wasn't sure if it was even
possible to repair the damage that had been done. I am elated and excited to say that our
relationship has experienced the miracle of an answered prayer and I give all glory to St. Jude Thaddeus and Almighty God!!

A lost cause mended beyond belief. I keep pinching myself :)
What an AMAZING Saint you are! I will spread your marvelous name to the
ends of the earth along with Jesus our healer and comforter!
Praise God and thank you all for the time and effort put into all these hopeless causes.
It just goes to show.. They are NOT hopeless with God and miracles happen with prayer.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
Kind Regards,
Maureen Angle


From: Linda Mushab
Date: 05/26/14 02:19:49
I can't travel or ask for a job because I failed a paper& when I redid it I failed again .
.it's now 2years and.everything in my life can't move forward without this paper.
..I pray for a miracle in my life that this retake goes away..
.opportunities to open in my life


-------Original Message-------
From: Syrus_Wilso
Date: 03/31
Subject: The Prayer Page
Hello prayer group my name is Syrus Wilso im writing you all to ask if you all would please offer prayer for me
i have court today at 1:30pm in Lake County Florida
the State wishes to have me thrown in prison
but please pray for me to walk free with no jail or prison time thank you so much


From: Monica Adrid
Date: 03/24/
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
This Monica adrid I'm as for help to pray for my husband to come to me, were mariied for 27 yrs.
pls help me pray for him. His name is jessie a


From Joanna Robinson:


From: James Macha
Date: 2/17/2014 12:42:45 PM
Subject: Re: Reference: Donation1 Help Keep the Prayer Page Online - Donation from James P
Only thing I can think of at moment is a simple prayer for my financial situation to turn around
and get better due to some debts I'm struggling with.
Thanks for any prayers & my prayers go out others on your website as well.


Evelyn Mung***
Dec 19 at 3:13 AM
Dear Prayerpage,

I have spent a sleepless night after it has been confirmed that my youngest sister is still
seeing her abusive 'husband'. My sister and this man only lived together for a short while
and have two children - the second of whom he told my sister to her face that he did not
want because he had not planned to have another child.

He starved her. He has beaten my sister. He has verbally abused her. Mostly unemployed,
he is uses her money and refuses to share his whenever he finds temporary work. He
has cheated on her countless times and taunts her about his conquests. He infected her
with HIV. I suspect that the UTI she says

Now he is coming around saying that he wants to see his children. My sister Katherine pays
for everything the girls have from their home to school to food to clothing. These are
children who are well loved and cared for and in a stable environment.

Please pray for my sister Eleanor that she may see the light and walk out on this man who is
an anchor. Holding her down when she is capable of so much more. Please pray that
Eleanor sees the beauty and blessing that she is that needs to flourish, far away from this
destroyer of her and her children.

I will donate USD 25 early January 2014 whether or not the novena comes to pass.
Everlyn Omb*** Mung***


lijy mary
To The Prayer Page
Dec 12 at 12:03 PM
Dear Brothers n Sisters in Christ,

I ask you all to please pray for salary increase for my husband,
Abin who is working in Abu Dhabi,
to increment his salary to a good amount.
Please pray that I also be paid soon from January 2014 for working in the Research Centre
after working there for 6 months as trainee.

Thank you so much
In Jesus Name, Amen


Dec 8 at 3:08 PM
Please pray for me and others that is in need i need you to help me in this my husband
left me for another woman one year ago and now he only call me when
wants sex but i love him but everything i try fails I'm asking for
st.jude to help me in my needs i need my husband back and the money
to fix my and my teeth that is$22.000.00


Jordan Vira
Dec 2
Our electric has been shut off for several days now.
Please pray for me and my family that God will give us
the continued strength to overcome this difficult situation
and May His Will be done in our lives
and let us accept Thy Will. Amen
-Jordan Vir
-Eleanor Vir
-Kyle Jone
-Kylen Vir
-Kayden Vir


Nov 27 at 6:32 PM
Please only display my first name.
I have a trauma in my psyche which leaves me either overwhelmed with
desire to grow healthily into joy and cannot, or which I end up
avoiding and living happily without any joy or comfort when direct
loving is present as a possibility for me to truly respond to.

The only solution has been to actually cut off from the trauma AND joy
together, as I said, but it is horrible when I feel the difference,
from time to time, for only a second or two, between what I am feeling
and what life can be like.

I pray for all good things, but most of all, to have direct healing of
the trauma, through a dream from God, since attempting to release it
directly in conscious life has not worked.

In Jesus' name. Make me his servant; release me to love and joy fully,
with no shutdown, no feigning.


From Sharon Mabe
TO the Prayer Page
Thank You

I have been praying the St. Jude prayer for 11 days now.
I would like to give thanks to St. Jude for answering
some of the things that I ask him to pray for me.

I understand that if I don’t send any money with this, it will be awhile before my thank you is posted.
That is okay cause I have no money what so ever.
But at least I do know that I have sent my request
for my thank you to be posted. And so does St. Jude and the Lord.

I pray that my request be heard for the obstacle that are keeping me and Michael apart to be
removed. So far, two of those obstacles have been removed. I also ask for St. Jude to
bring Michael closer to me and to remove the fear that Michael has of being hurt,
breaking my heart and his family turning against him. I also prayed that Michael would come
to be so that we can get on with our lives and be happy. I know in my heart that God
wants us together.

Please St. Jude pray for me and Michael.


Good Morning Bill,
I was really amazed when I seen your email this morning when I got to work.
I was actually thinking of my St. Jude Prayer that I had prayed a couple of months ago,
but it looks like from the email that it wasn’t sent out until yesterday.
But anyway, in my previous prayer request, the two obstacles that had been removed have returned
, and things seem to be worse now. Michael isn’t even speaking to me.
I don’t know what is wrong I just know that I miss him so much.

So, if you don’t mind I would like to make another prayer request.
I also find it really odd that I received this email from you
when I was thinking of my St. Jude prayer on my way to work.
Is God , Jesus Christ or St. Jude trying to tell me something? If so, what?
Please if you have any guidance please share it with me.
Thank you


Now Sharons Most recent prayer request:

From Sharon Mabe
Subject: Prayer request

My Prayer Request is:
I feel as if I am losing the love of my life.
When I met Michael, everything in my life seemed so meaningful.
I felt as if I had found that missing piece of myself that I have been searching for all my life.
I felt whole. Michael is a true believer in our Father,
and I know that he has brought me closer to our Father than I have ever been.
I know that Michael loves me too, but there are obstacles that are keeping us apart.
I won’t go into very much detail,
but there is this woman that every time that Michael leaves her
she will harass and stalk him until he goes back to her.
(And no, they are not married or have children together.)
She is a true manipulator, and I am sure that he feels
that is the only way he can have peace is to return to her,
but when he does, he is miserable as well
because of the way that she treats him.

I love this man with all my heart and soul.
I finally felt alive, happy and loved.
I truly had a genuine smile,
not one that I had to put on just to hide the emptiness in my heart.

I know in my heart that God wants us together to do his work for him.
The reason that I know is because God has spoke to me
and keeps telling me not to give up, that he wants us together.
Everything seemed to be working out for us,
until the woman played her tricks again and now
Michael won’t even talk to me, and I don’t know why.
Like I stated earlier, I know that God wants us


Now some of the prayer requests
to include in your prayers


Maria Monserrat Julieta Martinez

Nov 13 at 9:45 AM
Please help pray for me. I am from the Philippines although I am not anywhere near the
typhoon destroyed areas I am also in need of prayers. I have been at financial low for so
long. I am a single mother of 3 beautiful boys. Their father who is touch and go with us is also
now in a very grave financial crisis and is facing law suits left and right.

St. Jude, you are the saint of miracles. I implore you to whisper in your cousin’s ear.
I am in urgent need of a financial windfall.
It may be wrong to purchase lottery tickets but it seems
to be the only way to pay off all my debts and his debts and for our family to start anew.
If it be granted to me, it will also help a lot of poor people that have lost family
members, homes and property in the south of the Philippines.

If you are not happy with me my dear saint , I pray you look kindly to my children that the
Lord almighty has blessed me with. I know the Lord loves children as He has said let the
children come to me. I beg you St. Jude to look kindly at my request, in Jesus Name.


On Friday, November 1, 6:38 PM,
Cassandra Dz I pray for the return of my ex James, we have had a troubling relationship due
to his insecurities, closing himself off to those that love and care for him,
his troubled childhood and my ability to handle it all, he recently left me and
my heart shattered, I handled the situation all wrong, driving him crazy out of
desperation. I pray for the healing of my heart and loss of the anxiety of being
left, and I pray that he pulls his walls apart and allows himself to love me
again. I pray that he finds the strength to forgive me for the pain I caused him
and that I can forgive him for the pain he caused me. I pray that he finds the
strength to allow himself to return to me and that this time our relationship is
blessed and stronger than ever before.i pray that we learn to accept each others
flaws and work out our differences. I have no money to give but I promise I will
send my contribution with my thank you because I know that prayer works and my
desires will be fulfilled.

Thank you


Maureen Angle
To PrayerPage
Nov 1 at 7:39 PM
Dear Saint Jude...
please help with a Divine restoration of the relationship between my daughter Annabelle and I.
I made so many mistakes as a mother, but loved and laughed a lot...
in her 14 year she no longer would comply to the rules of the house...
no matter what I did, she would not comply.
Her father, my ex-husband, has put me down to her, telling her things that were not true...
planting seeds of destruction...he seemed to want her to disrespect me...
it worked which caused more fighting even to the point of physical altercations with my beautiful daughter.
Its unbelievable how this has happened.
Me trying to be a good mother has turned into a nightmare.
I feel that my right to be her mother
and protect her with guidelines was manipulated, making me look like
I'm mean and unreasonable. I adore my daughter,
but there has been so much pain and hurt
and betrayal from both of us that I know only God can fix this situation

. The last time she was rude and disrespectful, I packed her suitcase.
I cry all the time for doing this...
she is staying at a friends house and no longer communicates.
I don't know how to approach her or mend this broken trust and respect and love...
I ask for forgiveness and that she is protected by Jesus and all the saints and angels.
I thank you in advance for any intercession possible,
in Jesus Name I pray.

Maureen A.


From: Jordan Vir

Please pray for me and my family for God's Will to be done in our lives and let us accept Thy Will. Amen

-Jordan Vira
-Eleanor Vira
-Kyle Jones
-Kylen Vira
-Kayden Vira


From: Joanita Asiimw
Subject: Pray for me
For once in my life. I feel lost..
.my best friend of ten years has left me, my sister is in jail,
I cannot afford to help family back home,
not dire where this monthS rent is coming from.
I need a new job. Please pray for me..


From: Kelseynkyl
Subject: The Prayer Page Thank You or info
Hi my name is kelsey hope lina campos im a 17 year old young mother
yes im young i know and its hard being a mom this young
i ask you to please pray for me to have the ability to continue
on being strong for my daughter
i recently just got dumped by my love of my life of 3 years he said he didnt love me anymore
i ask you to pray for my family back and give me the strength and patience to deal with my heartache.
I wanna give up so bad i need this so much i just want my family back together doing it all by myself
being this heartbroken is becoming so hard for me..
. PLEASE guide me to happiness for my family i love him truely and
pray that he will too my family is everything
now im left with broken pieces me and my daughter dont deserve this pain


From: "Thompson-Overstr, Kathi" >BR> Subject: The Prayer Page
I pray that my husband who was led astray let’s God back into his life.
I pray to reconcile with my husband and that he come home so that we can rebuild our marriage and family with God’s divine intervention,
and that we stay close with God once we are together again and
lead our lives listening daily to His word.
I ask God to protect and restore my marriage.


From Michael Potvin looking for Kim Stotsky


Here is a more recent email I received from Michael Potvin regarding Kim:

Good Morning and I hope you are well. I wanted to ask you a question about the Novena.
Said love interest, Kim, has again been entertaining thoughts of moving to California,
through her company, because of the allure in making more money.
To your point of "if it is meant to be, it will be",

I just want her to be happy, even if that means her moving to California.
We are not 100% back together yet and are still taking it one day at a time;
she said the other day that she needs to see action from me -
not just words in order to consider getting back together fully.
So "we" are not a consideration in her decision making process to move to California..
.I just know that if that happens, we would be done forever

My question is, can I say the Novena so she will receive a blessing and get the break(s) that she needs?
Even if it means her destiny is to go to California and I never see her again?
Again, I just want her to be happy, fell not so frustrated or under the immense amount
of pressure she is under; I want her to have the "break(s)" she so richly deserves...

She is so frustrated with constantly killing herself working in a very challenging sales job,
just to see most of, if not all of her money, go to take care of the Mom...
and her Mom is a true albatross around her neck (God forgive me for saying that)..
. Plus, her ex-Husband is truly not interested in holding up his financial end of the bargain
of taking care of their one child...
Kim does not get the child support for her one child,
as my Ex-Wife gets for our 3 children from me..
.She gets nothing right now as her ex-Husband lost his job months ago,
is not actively trying to find a job,
and is pursuing a pipe dream of getting a fledgling (after 10+ years) BMX bike company
off the ground; which has never made any money to date.

Unfortunately, she does not have a faith she can rely on, and believes she can only rely on herself
(she has many great points, and this one is not one of them)...
I would very much hope that St. Jude could intercede for her,
through my prayers, even if it means it is to the complete detriment of she and I as a couple
Most people say Novenas for Money, Jobs, Love, health of loved ones...
basically for things they need.

I really want something for her even if it completely does not benefit me.
The way I look at it is, if she goes to California, especially after St. Jude intervenes,
than we really weren't meant to be and
I would be able to let her go with a clear mind and heart...

Appreciate your thoughts and I look forward to hearing from you.
Michael Potvin


From: Sammy Kiambuth
Subject: Prayer Request.

My name is Sammy Kiambuthi,
I am married and we had our wedding last year 2012.
My wife has been unfaithful to me and very uncooperative.
It is getting hard to raise our 3 children and am not well financially.
Two weeks ago she left and now am kindly asking for prayers to bring her back home.
I believe the group prayers will work miracles.
Bless you all.


From: Holli Malouf
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page

Please obtain God’s blessings on all couples that will be married on October 5,2011.
May they have a faithful and loving marriage.
Bless them with a day of beautiful weather and safety for all traveling to and from their wedding.


From: William19
Subject: From the Prayer page>BR> Please intercede for me St Jude for my miracle to be answered I have no money
my husband has left please let him get in touch and so every thing will be ok
and for my daughter to be happy thank you


From: "megskowalewski1
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2013 6:23 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page

I have been praying almost every night for that last 9 months that
my ex boyfriend (frank) and I can get back together.
I really hurt him when we broke up back in December of 2012,
and I've prayed for him to forgive me and prayed that we can get back together,
but I'm desperate for help.
I know that Frank is the guy I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with,
and I feel that God separated us to show me that
I shouldn't take him for granted as I did so much before, and that I should appreciate him.
Please pray for me
Megan Kowalewski


From: Robyn Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page

Dear Saint Jude. Please hear my struggle and pain. Please help me in my time of need.
My soul mate, my one true love has broken up with me
and won't give me another chance.

His feelings have changed from the ups and downs we had.
He said he will always feel and care for me.
He even got me an eternity ring before our relationship ended.
We planned our future.

Please remind Danny of how much he loves me
and for us to reconcile our differences.

Please help heal his pain and for him to see me in a new light and miss me and love me again.
Please fix our relationship.
I love him with all my heart despite the pain he's put me through.
We can both repair this and move forward with your help.
Danny needs to forgive me in his heart for my mistakes and remember the beautiful things about me.


Freom Guddy


This next request is from someone who bought two Crucifix Fish Images Of Jesus

June 11th 2013

. You know what they say, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of".
Dear Lord, please help Stephanie get through this health scare and be here for her husband and children.
If it is cancer, please let it be curable and treatable so she can live her life free of worry.
Thank you, dear Lord, from the bottom of my heart.


From: Douglas Roehr
Date: 2/15/2014 12:58:01 PM
Subject: St. Jude Thank You!
Thank you St. Jude for your intercession.
Thank you in asking God to help me receive 100% Service-Connection Disability (T&P)
in such a quick and efficient manner.
It demanded a miracle and you came through!
I am now able to take care of myself and my family.
I ask that you continue to take special interest in my family and our situation
and help us to build a stronger and loving commitment to God and each other.
Help us to discover all of God's blessings and glory through you
so that not only is my faith strengthened,
but that I will do the Lord's Will and service.
May my family continue to be strengthened by power of prayer
and the mercy of our loving God.

I will be ever mindful of this great favor you have given to me
and will always honor you as my special and powerful patron. Thank you,
Thank you, Thank you St. Jude. Amen.
Kind Regards,
Douglas R - USA


From: Mona Bro -
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 9:20 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hi -
I have visited your website a few times, and admire your passion to help find missing children. I pray alongside with
you for the many missing children, believing they will go home safely. Thank you for your compassion and prayers.

I have a request of my own -
I've hesitated to send it because it has nothing to do with missing children. My (ex)
husband left me and our 3 very young kids (they were 4 yr old twins and 6 yr old) about 2 years ago. I struggle
every day to put food on the table for them, cloth them, keep them active to develop them...
We rely very heavily on my ex, who is slowly cutting them out of his life, and does not want to assist with bills anymore.
But most important is the need to provide them with a home in a safe neighborhood. I have prayed for stable
employment but for some reason, I feel that God is pushing me to stay with what I'm doing, even though
I haven't made a dollar in 6 months (it is a commission job).
Every other door is closed, and God keeps
opening this one wider. I pray that He blesses me in this venture,
so that I may be a blessing to others.
I prayed a novena to St. Jude to be able to move to a specific neighborhood, for the safety and development of my 3
kids. Please, will you pray with/for me? The house is on Kelly Ave.

Thank you so much, and I will continue to pray for others with you.



FFrom: Ayesha ayeshared
Subject: Prayer for me
I was diagnose herpes virus which has no cure... I know.
GOD has start punishing me of my tresspasses in him but still hoping ang praying that God.
Will send his power of healing to heal me.... ST. JUDE... SAINT OF THE DESPERATE..


From: purvisri

Subject: The Prayer Page BR> I'm in need of a miracle,please pray for me. I have a spinal cord injury due
to motor accidents in 2007,am a paraplegic. Can't use both m legs and my
right arm. If the Lord can just give me 1 leg and ability to operate my right
arm will be so greatfull Plzzz pray for me.
My name is purvis
God bless


From: Toni Der
To: prayerpage
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
My name is Toni and I,am requesting prayers for myself and for my family and friends their families
and the world. First and foremost,I would like to thank our Holy Lord Savior
for letting me wake up this morning and for the wonderful blessings
that he has bestowed upon me and my family.
I listen to the news and it is very depressing what people are doing all the tourmal thats taking place poor innocent children
lives being destroyed for what control,dictatorship,to control the oil they have so much greed
and that,s the basis of all this corruption that,s going on in this world today.
So I pray that Our Lord takes all of this unholiness away.
I, pray to Our Father Lord jesus to answer my prayers today,
I am going to a situation may be losing my section 8 voucher that I truly need to pay my rent
all because of a misunderstanding ,
I am praying for forgiveness from my daughter for not paying more attention to this situation because I could,ve
cause her to lose her voucher also, she is my only child
I Love her more than life her my mother and my grand children

I, wouldn,t purposely do anything to hurt her or for that matter know one else I
, have a good heart and it goes out to children,elserly and animals
I, wouldn,t purposely harm anyone. I,AM ALSO praying for my arthritis, prediebetic,high colesteral,sleepapnea
,high blood pressure and a very strange feeling under my left foot,
and my mothers arthritis and corpal tunnel syndrome crippling her hands,also
I,need prayers said for my daughter Tammy and my unborn grandchild to be born normal and healthy,
also Dear Lord please watch over Kaylan and Sean my other grand kids
keep them safe and healthy and wrap your arms around them always to keep them safe
Oh Heavenly Father I, know that I,ve requested a lot of prayers but, also pray every day so
I,am asking for a little assisstance from you and all the Saints because
I, truly love and pray to them daily

. Please pray for me to become a better christain,a better mother,daughter,sister,friend
and I, request special prayers for Charles and his blind mother he is also blind.

Please pray for my dear friend Deborah who has cancer and all the poor little homeless people,
and homeless and abused animals.
Please Pray for all my request my Special Saint St. JUDE,
I adore you and you have answered my prayers in the past
please help me with these prayers also Thank You.

Toni P.S please watch over me and my new home and make my home safe and happy
always keep theives away and also help me with my finances
so I, can get some money to purchase a car to travel home to see ny mother and family
I am 5 hrs away from home because of the katrina hurricane.

My love and faith is with you at all times.

Thank You


From: velma ajug
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page

For Financial Blessings to enable me resolve pending financial issues
For a successful fibroid surgery and divine healing
There is a man I am dating whom I love and care about but another married woman
by the name of Frances has refused to leave him alone, may God remove her
completely from his life
For my businesses to grow and prosper
For spiritual growth


From: Paul Gravelle To:
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
From: Paul Gravell
Subject: The Prayer Page
my name is Paul I need a big miracle in my life and have been praying since 1984...
St Jude I have prayed to you since 1984 for my intentions.
Please grant my needs
pray with me Paul


Veronica Campbe To The Prayer Page Hello,
This has been the hardest year of my life. My boyfriend left me and took my four year old
I am pregnant with his child. I am struggling to find a job and I am renting a room with
my other son. Can you please pray for me? Thank you, desperate mother.


I don't have much extra time to address the following message
but thought someone who is in our prayer group
might be able to answer this man

From Prabhu Simon -- ( )
To Prayer Page Fools
Oct 16 at 1:24 PM

God is fake ill prove if any one can challenge reply to me .... AT

this next post is what Prabhu requested three days previous to sending me that notice

Prabhu Simo To The Prayer Page
Please pray that i get her back my common friend has cum down from uk and talking to her
pray tat god speak through her and help spk the rite thing and mainly jo undestand and
take me back ....


Suzanne To The Prayer Page Dear St. Jude,
You are God's faithful friend and patron saint of desperate causes.
I humbly seek you in this desperate hour.
I thank you in advance for your blessings upon my mom and bringing her healing in her final days.

God, we need you as we ask for miracle we so desperately need,
to heal my mom of her cancer and make her well again.
The Lord has blessed our family with many gifts.
We thank Him dearly, and now, we come to Him in prayer,
asking St. Jude to bestow the ever precious gift of healing that Christ gave to you for the healing for my mom.

Thank you St. Jude for your intervention as we ask for this miracle today.

Please St. Jude, heal my mom. Jesus,
I praise your name now and forever. Amen.


To Prayer Page

please pray for me and my family to recieve a $ 10,000 money blessing.
we are in serious need of one. we are behind on house note, car note etc .
Pray my husband gets a better and higher paying job.
Pray the Lord will bless me on my job. And pray that Kelvin & Carlos will be released from prison by next year.

Thank you Lord.



Louis a Mthembu
To Prayer Page

Everything in my life is going wrong I don't have a job I can't go back home
I couldn't go even for my mothers funeral caused nothing is going right for me at all
I'm bagging for a miracle in my life
please I'm in darkness here I don't even know what to say to God anymore

I need Lord God my server to change my life in Jesus name Amen


Erica Flemmin To Prayer Page

St jude miracle worker of god pray for me that happiness will come back in my life
and that my ex will soften his heart and put the pass behind and come back to me

also to remove his stubbornness and selfishness to reconcile our broken relationship of 10 years
also pray that I will find away to pay off my debts
and bring my family back together again.


vinita e To The Prayer Page
Please pray for me to St. Jude

For our love needs his miraculous healing.
Pray for me and the man I love Biju. Please heal the broken relationship.
Fill his heart with love and respect for me and remove all the differences
and bring us close to each other with your miraculous healing.

Restore our trust in one another and strengthen our love.
Walk with us and bless our love;
this is the man I vow to love and honor and with your help we will soon get married
and raise our children together in love.

Erase any doubt that may be in his mind about our love and our relationship
and keep us focused on each other
and develop immense love for one another
and can begin a new life together as a loving couple.

Please bring visible and speedy help, where help is almost despaired of.
come to my assistance in this great need and please bring close
to each other and help us to get married this year.

Saint Jude, I promise to be ever mindful of this great favor,
to always honor you as my special and powerful patron,
and to gratefully encourage devotion to thee.



From: "benbanda@
To: prayerpage
Subject: The Prayer Page
I would prayers for the healing and restoration of my relationship with
Nombulelo Shinga. We separated on the 16th of July 2013 and even Though we
occasionally talk, we dont meet nor share much anymore. She has told me in my
face that she has completely shut the door for our reconciliation. We are both
saved and stay 600kms apart. I love her and would love to marry her. Pls pray
for me and her that God will intervene and restore what we had and that we may
proceed to get married as we had initially planned.


rom: Rhonda Wells
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 11:14 PM
Subject: Prayer Request
JOB 5:2 " For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the simple."
"Pure Love Will Never Return To You Void" Tyler Perry's, 'Why Did I Get Married Too
(John 14:27)“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Please Place my incarcerated son Marques T. on this prayer list. I tried to raise him right but his actions and bad associates lead to his arrest.
I know that he had been influenced by older men who knew better but thought leading him in the wrong direction was funny.
He has been angry for along time but his father didn't desert him he died.
I'm praying that God opens his eyes and he is lead in a plain path because he has 4 children that greatly miss him;
and that during his incarceration he doesn't harm anyone and no harm comes to him.
He worked two jobs , I don't understand why he is facinated by the ungodly way these clowns live.


From: dianarobinson
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 3:14 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page
My mother had a stroke and is partially paralzed on the left side. She talks only sometimes.
This all happened 2 days after I had my baby on June 1st 2013.
I think she has lost hope and the rehab facility said they are going to stop working with her soon because she does not want to get better although she can.
I am requesting a miracle that my mother can show dramatic changes in the next couple of days.


From: Sara Sh Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:17 PM
Subject: Second email Re: Urgent prayer for someone one who is on drugs

I pray to St Jude that you please help me for hopeless cause in the name of my saviour Jesus Christ.
My name is Saijal and I pray that a man named Danny Joe of Warren, Michigan forgives me and tell me
he loves me so I can help him get off drugs and care for him. My mom does not like Danny
because she felt he is not good, so he stopped talking to me on 06/22/13.
Then on 07/14/2013 he texted me and told me sorry and he understands about my mom
and then on 07/19/2013 he stopped talking to me again with no explanation.
I even tried calling him.

I think he wants me to choose between him and my mom
but my mom is sick and I have to help her and he knows this and
still he stopped talking to me with no explanation on 07/19/2013.
please St. Jude I ask you to grant me that you please let Danny love me
and forgive me because my heart is pure and I really only want to
save him from drugs and I ask please do a miracle that he confesses he loves me
and that is willing to do anything it takes to be in my life and that he comes to me tells me he
forgives me because I am so clueless as to why he stopped talking to me again and I even wrote
him a forgiveness letter to his work in Troy, MI
for him to forgive me and that he asks to marry me and love so I can save him.
Please I ask this request be granted and come to pass ST Jude in savior Jesus Christ name.
I will tell so many people about St Jude and give a donation to this website if my this comes to pass.
Thank you Amen.
Saijal (Sara)


From: Lance Brown
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 7:54 PM
Subject: reconciliation with my wife

My wife left me 6 months ago and stated that she did not love me anymore I found out that she committed adultery.
And she recently got into a car accident because she was drinking.
She should not have survived the wreck. I'm asking for prayer over her that God will open her eyes
to the truth that is seen in me and the live that I have for her.
I hope God brings my wife back to me and I plead the blood of Jesus over
a reconciliation over our marriage her name is Jenna Lea P and my name is Lance Brown please pray
that we will reunite with more love compassion understanding truthfulness
and that we will seek God in all we do. I pray that our hearts will mend shape conform and
reconnect with each other and no man or woman can break the bond that we have for each other.
And we will be faith full to each other and trust will be key and more amazing than before.
Our love will be never ending and till death do us part amen



Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 6:36 PM
Subject: prayer request (Jessie Leal)
Prayer Page, (Please, may prayer partners pray for me, please!)
This is my prayer request:
St. Jude please heal me of
my acid reflux.

Jessie Leal TX.


From: Joan M. -- jamarie
Sent: Tuesday, 2013 7:42 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

I am in dire need of a miracle in my finances. I know and believe in the power of St. Jude as the worker of miracles.
At this time, I desperately need to rebuild my mother's home that has deteriorated badly and also to pay off some debts.



From: Sherri Ba
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 11:18 AM
Subject: prayer requests

my name is sherri and my mom paula has stage 4- cancer. lung problems,etc, dad is blind,health,etc,
URGENT A BUYER COMES AND MOM-DAD SELL the house and they get a 3-bedrom home a great one.
hospital-chemo-radiation bills all piled up all bills canceled matt-cathy moves out of my home, mike doesnt move to e-town.
restore mike and tonis marriage and she ebcomes a better mom/ miraclous miracles 4-me mom and dad.


From Louis Todd Nalan Yami



From Fiverr Member chefstaenfuego sent on Friday, March 2013 04:20

Please pray for financial success for me. My name is Bri
I am having some tough times with finances.
I am about 50 lbs overweight and want to lose about 40-50 lbs for a wedding in October.
I just wish I was more blessed financially and health-wise. Pray that I may find the motivation, drive,
and luck to succeed in these areas in my life and that they may start my pathway to success,
as soon as possible!
Pray that I may improve talking to GOD and having a better relationship with my Catholic religion.



From: sarahwhit
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
My husband and I have separated in our marriage and I prayed this novena and asked for clarity and strength with my life and situation.
I was given a plan and as a result and my marriage is now being worked on.Thank you St. Jude. I am devoted.



From: Cara Start
Subject: Thank You to Saint Jude
Thank you, Saint Jude for showing me a sign that you are helping me and that you have successfully interceded on my behalf.
I am very grateful. Please continue to pray for me and fulfill my special petition. Also, please pray for others asking for your help.
Thank you.
*Please do not include my full name or email. Thanks :)


From: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page
I need big ifinancial help for my daughters marriage


From: Lynus Wu
Subject: From the Prayer page
I have a girlfriend of 4.7year, she recently says that her family cannot accept us. Hence, she ask for a break up.
Tho we are still together now, i pray that she will still love me whole heartedly and her family will accept us.
I am willing to take care of her and her family. All I ask for is a commitment to this relationship.
I will go through all the bad times and good times with her. Please just bring her back to me and sustain this relationship.

Thank you


From: laura tan
Subject: need your help pray for me
Shalom, Please help me pray for me....
i already break up with boy friend about 7 months, but i still loving him and always cry because missing him so much.
please pray for me, God will give me once more chance to back with him again.
please pray for me, God can help me show me the way how to soften his heart and make him love me again.
i really need him in my life. please help me with your prayer.


From: Menaka
Subject: prayer request
dear lord,ma relationship has lot of complications.I loved him like hell.he too same.problems after problems kept coming for
which i never had a solution.I always made sure things were not going wrong because of me.he broke up..i want his love back.each minute
without him makes my life hell.please make him feel me .we seek your blessings.its only in your hand that make things better for me god.
please show some hope god..please god i am really greatful to you....amen


From: Kevin B
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hi my name is kevin bradley jr. today has been a troublesome day.
My father is battleing alcaholism and is in denial.he was in a car accident but is ok
hes faceing years of jail time hes a good father but battles his demons please pray for the best outcome in court for him
and pray to rid his alcahol addiction


From: Martha
Subject: From the Prayer page

My name is Martha Chapman and I say this prayer each day. I know it works
This week is a challenging week for me and II need a miracle and any
and everybody in the world to pray for me and my entire family.
I especially would like to ask specifically for prayer for Jamil, Tarik and Nasai chapman
and their individual needs.


From: Erik Lipt
Subject: St.Jude petition

Please pray to St.Jude for me I am in terrible debt and have no work
I sell thing but sales have been slow. Thank you Erik


From ajune_89
On Fiverr.vcom

I would appreciate it if you could add my prayer to the prayer list:
I pray that my eyesight (vision) heals and improves, so that I can see with high acuity and my
vision is clear as day. I pray that I won't go blind. I pray that I do not need to use
glasses/spectacles/contact lenses. I pray that my eyesight heals and gets cured so I may be able
to see naturally with perfection. Thank you.

Thank you so much for this..


From: Helen D / Nancy R
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Please print this request and thank you to St. Jude; thank you for keeping this website; I will continue to support it financially.
Thank you
Thank you St. Jude for the continued help you have given me for my request.
You have blessed me with so many answers and provided so much guidance, and I will always praise you and spread your word.

Helen Dembi

and now a request
St. Jude, Please intercede for Matt G. who has a terminal brain tumor and currently undergoing treatment.
He is a very good man, and his children need their father as they grow up.
Please ask our Lord to heal Matt. Thank you St. Jude for all of the blessings and gifts you have given to me and so many.

With love and graditude,
Helen Dembi



From: Helen Dembi / Nancy R
: Thank you Note which I have just donated for
I have just donated for this thank you.
My heartfelt thanks to St. Jude, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Our Dear Lord for quickly answering my request to have my health insurance crisis fixed so
I would not be without health insurance. I found out a mistake had been done at my bank while I was unexpectedly in the hospital for a month.
I had asked for several automatic payments to be stopped, but my bank stopped all of my automatic payments including my COBRA payment.
COBRA said no matter what the reason they would not reinstate my insurance even with a letter from the hospital, my surgeon, or bank.
I was hysterical and did not immediately know what to do so as always I prayed to St. Jude to please intervene and as our Lord for help.
This happened on a Thursday. and by Monday, my dear friends at the insurance company had saved the day for me.
I knew that St. Jude had intervened and asked God to send down his blessings upon me once again.

Thank you St. Jude and my Dear Lord for always being by my side.

Helen Dembi


From: Helen Dembi / Nancy R
St Jude,
I once again ask you to intervene to our Lord for this request that I continue to pray for that will affect my future and future of my two sons.
I ask that my former long-time employer not press charges against me for the wrong that I did.
They are aware I am making the wrong right and want to continue to change lives and make a difference in the community.
I ask that the employer and court look at all of the lives I have touched, the work I have done in the community,
the illness I was suffering from and have always sought help for and not make this public nor press charges.
The only ones who will be hurt from this going public are my two boys;
I punished myself for so many years that I just worry about my sons.
I am guilty and I was truly the only one who got hurt
so I ask that this be dealt with privately so I can get a new job where I can make a difference.
I am someone who has the ability to make a big difference in the community if I have the opportunity to do so.

Thank you St. Jude for always intervening, and thank you Dear Lord for helping me learn how to listen, pray, forgive, understand, praise, and worship.
Your loving child,
Helen / Nancy



Here is a plea from a very good friend of one this pages sponsors

Joe Loforte
Cape Coral FL:
To all my friends: My mother was recently diagnosed with many TYPES OF cancer and give 6 months to live
Please pray for her and our family
for those of my friends who are going through some issues right now--
Let's start an intention avalanche.
We all need positive intentions right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand.
May I ask my "FB Family," wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste,
and share this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all
those who have family problems; health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares.
Do it for all of us for nobody is immune.
I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support.
I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith,
love, and spiritual healing for all in need.


From: ibis pen

St. jude helper of the helpless. I have a desperate situation.
I am about to be eveictec from my home on friday. I need money to pay
before then. I dont know how to put the words toghter my heart is
heavy .Im scared for my children as i look at the baby i get more
desperate. I cry as i write this I know you can feel my despair.
I beg you St. Jude as I am at my lowest point. I ask you worker of miracles
to help my family. I dont know how to pray but I have always looked to
yu my St. Jude as my gramma looks to you. Amen

( I want to thank you for offering this help of prayer you are a light
in a very dim tunnel and I want to thank you for your help when I have
received none from anyone else not even my family.
These tears i shed as i thank you are as sincere as my words, thank you.)


From: dhr
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, we are in desperate need of a financial blessing in order to keep our home, This seems like an impossible task,

However I believe that Miracles do happen so please keep us in your prayers.



From: Jeanryd Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:13 AM Subject: From the Prayer page...The case. My name is Jean D. I am in deep legal trouble. Pray that St Jude intercedes in my favor and pulls me out of a mess that I have helped created. Only a miracle, only the hand of God can take


From: Veronica
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Hello my name is Veronica I prayed to St. Jude asking him to please let my best friend talk to me again she didn't talk to me for 5 days straight
we work together so it made me feel bad that she wouldn't talk to me she was mad at me for some reason
I didn't know why but I prayed to St Jude that she would talk to me before she went to her other job
because it was her last week there where we work together, she's talking to me now
and I thank St. Jude for that.

I will also like to ask for your prayers please I am pregnant and just last week they told me that
I have a single artery in my umbilical cord so the baby may not form right or have problems
I am naming him Santiago Jude
and my boyfriend are also struggling with money and we only have one car so I ask for rides home
all the time because he works later than I do he works a lot more than I do so I am praying to St. Jude everyday asking
him to please help us in this time of need.


From: Kim3178
To: ""

Subject: The Prayer Page TY

I am praying for reconciliation of a very special relationship if it's Gods continued will,
give me strength during this difficult time and faith we will see each other again and talk about everything soon.


From: R Vella
To: ""
Subject: R Vella
Hello, I do not know if i am emailing to the right area but i have a prayer i would like to be put up.
I read you story and it helped give me strength to continue praying.
Me and My girlfriend of two years broke up recently,
and i know it dose not sound like much but for the several years,
i have gone through homelessness, losing many friends and my family is in another continent.
I am trying to complete my school and try to get to my dreams of being an inventor.
Sean, my ex now, always had supported me and gave me strength, so much of that time.
She was an amazing girl who unfortunately fell ill mentally, and let me go.
Now i am running out of steam to push myself and life keeps going wrong except this time i don't have a helping hand,
one that loves me and is there for me. I am all alone.
My case is unique though in that of it was St Jude who brought us together.
2 years ago I said a simple prayer to him for me and her to go out and 2 minutes later she texted me telling me
that basically she is single and she is interested. A week later we were dating.
Ever since i started praying my butt off to St Jude he has shown me something that
she wrote about how lost she has been feeling.
I asked him to show me himself and his powers, and while at work i saw ten images of him in the compactor,
I feel like that is a sign. Than while saying the novena with my mom, who just found out about him from me,
3 physics came to her in a matter of 2 days which never happened before.
I later found out that his death was because of angry physics who were losing business due to his preaching.
I don't know if it means he is going to bring her back, i would like your opinion and if you can,
your prayers. I am in such a huge depression myself and lost with her,
I am basically begging him daily, I do not know what else to do. Thank you for listening.

Ronnie Vella


From a Fiverr Donator
Hi My prayer request is this:
I desperately want to continue on in my Third and final year of study but unable to do so
because of a failed resit paper.
I pray that the exam board, my tutors, coordinators open their hearts to me and reconsider my case favorably
and allow me to proceed to Level 3. I hope you can help me with this and pray for me..
God willing. Thank you.


From: Betty T
To: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page

I spent the last several years helping out my parents financially and with the tasks around the house.
They have both passed on now and I had to take on the burden of the bills they left behind in order for my daughter and I to keep the house we lived in.
I also had to take out a 401K loan to pay off my sisters who never even came to visit my parents.
Anyway my Daughter was raped when she was 16 and has since developed PTSD/Bipolar disorder. She is having many cycles of this right now and was recently hospitalized.
The Doctors are telling me this could take quite a while to bring her out of this, and she is unable to work at this point.
When she is manic I am unable to work because she needs 24 hour supervision.
This is really putting me in financial trouble, I can’t get a loan, the bills are piling up and I need to keep her treatments going.
I really need some spiritual healing for both Amanda and myself, a financial blessing so I can keep the bills paid,
and I could use some support from my “family” who does not even call to see if we are okay.
I feel alone and isolated. Please God I need your help right away, I can’t take much more.




From: "MTBrooks@"
Sent : Saturday, August 10, 2013 1:23 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page
Please pray for my friend Maybelle Mc Bride who was just diagnosed of breast cancer.

ANOTHER FROM the same MTBrooks
Pls pray for my up coming workshop., my business and my health.


From: Christine
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Please jus use my first name not email. Hi I feel like I have lost my soul mate.
His name is tim we both made mistakes in our friendship.
I would like for him to realize his faults for us to forgive each other and be in a real commited relationship.



There is a woman on Face Book Susan Milano who is in dire need of help
here is a plea from her for help
Lets get it for her

Message from Susan Murphy Milano
This is Susan- today they removed 23.1 POUNDS of fluid from my belly. I feel as though I've just returned from labor.
Please continue the prayers, emails and cards you've been sending they brighten my soul. This is the 1st day
in weeks where I am actually able to have enough energy to post this brief note



From: digitalldes

Subject: The Prayer Page TY

I made a donation with what I could afford at the moment, once my pray will be answered I will be able to make a bigger donation:
Confirmation number: 7S382430F
Purpose:Help Keep the Prayer Page Online Reference:Donation1Contributor:digital

Hi my name is Johnny and
I would be very grateful if your prayer group would include me in your prayers as well.
These are my desires and they mean a lot to me:
Please help me to be more positive and to see more good things on people, situations and places.
Please help me to achieve my goals from my list of goals
Please help me to heal my body and my life, to be more healthy and fit.
Please help me to open the flow of abundance of health, happiness, success, love and money in my life. Please Help me to increase my income and become a millionaire to be able to help my life, the life of my loved ones,
the life of my friends and all of those who are in need.
Please help me to sell my parents old house
Please help me to have more clarity in my life
Please help me to become an Australian Permanent Resident
Thank you

P.S.: Kindly don't include my email id on the page. Thanks!

D Have a great day.


From: Shima K
To: ""
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
I have religiously prayed St. Jude's novena for 9 days, and I am waiting for my prayers to be answered.
I would be very grateful if your prayer group would include me in your prayers as well.

St. Jude please help cure my mother and RP of their illness and help them get healthy and live a happy, medicine-free life.
Help my sister find true love and settle down and live a happy, long and blessed life.

Lord, also please help me and RP get back together with deeper love for each other.
Kindly help him feel and realize his forgotten love for me and come back to me soon.
Shower us with your blessings, Lord, so that we can marry each other and live a happy, loving, long and blessed married life together.
You know my intentions are pure and genuine and that I truly love RP and cherish all the moments we have been together.

I am praying to you with lots of hope and faith and know it in my heart that you wont let me go empty-handed.

St. Jude please help
P.S.: Kindly don't include my email id on the page. Thanks!


From: Marisol Rube
To: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page
I need prayer for my husband James A. Hearne. He suffered respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest soon after. It took 25 minutes to restart his heart.
He is now life support. There is minimal brain function left. He could end up in a permanent vegetative state, or he could slowly deteriorate and die by this weekend.
James is anywhere from hours to days away from being brain dead. James is only 35 years old.
He has a minuscule chance of surviving and even a smaller chance of waking up.
This is a truly impossible case.
I need for St Jude to intercede for me to cause the edema is James brain to go down.
And for his brain function to be restored to normal levels, for him to wake up, and to be fully restored to perfect health.
I want to take my husband home.
Thank You.


From: John Mann
Cc: Linda Joyce Mann
Subject: From the Prayer page
I need prayers to help me deal with my unstable daughter she needs help. I have to save my grandson so she must live with me but won't get help!!!
I need a miracle please pray for me so that God could let me find the answer!!! I am desperate!!! If not for me but for the welfare of my grandson!!!

Linda Mann


From: sandra johns
Subject: From the Prayer page

For the past three years I have had a tremendous struggle financially. I'm raising two sons on my own. Anything that has to do with money,
I am having a great deal of bad luck. The power went out in our neighborhood due to a storm.
Unfortunately, the power also went out at my place of employment which set me back on paying the rent for July. My landlords are very heartless to the situation.
I'm also backed up in bills as well. I am in dire need of a financial blessing. My boys love it here in our nice quiet neighborhood.
I don't want to have to move AGAIN. This is our home. I'm trying everything in my power to keep it.
There are even times that I cannot feed my family. Please pray to take this burden off of my shoulders.
I am also so afraid of losing my job. I need this job. I have so many problems in my life going on right now.
Then there's school coming soon. I want to be able to buy my sons the school clothes and shoes that he needs.
I am in desperate need of so much help. I am in such a need of a financial blessing.
Please. I even may have to return our washing machine which is a necessity when school starts.
Thank You Sincerely,



From: Eeyore
Subject: From the Prayer page
Please St. Jude, Help us. Tammy


From: Merv Dsou
To: ""
Subject: RE: St Jude Prayer Request
I am writing to ask for your prayers to st. Jude!
My family and myslef are going through hard times in my Job search and
in sickness and fear of our Finances!
Not much seems to be going well in our lives.
Please Pray for my family and myself!
Merv DSouza


From: Suse Su
Subject: Please help me
Dear St Jude,
I heard about your miracles. I have come to you for help. St Jude, one
woman has borrowed a large sum of my life savings to settle her debts
but is now not returning the money borrowed as promised. Her sister
borrowed another sum and is also avoiding me. Please St. Jude, make
these two women return my life savings to me. I know you can do
wonders. Thanks to you St. Jude
Best regards


Send Your Email HERE


From: "Donald D. Ramsey,
FROM: Donald D. Ramsey
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear Friends, I just made a donation (small) to fund the page.
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME, Donald D. Ramsey, that Saint Jude will obtain me, quickly,
the funds I need to REPLENISH MY CHECKING ACCOUNT for all my bills sake
and that he please, ensure in mercy, that my low wages be a thing of the past and that I take home weekly from now on a minimum, PLEASE, of $550 after taxes and
deductions due to aged parents, bills, need to support church, save for future expenses, support the poor, promote the rosary, promote St. Jude too.
Thank you, please pray fervently for me,

SAINT JUDE THADDEUS for these vital intentions and God love all of you.
Donald D. Ramsey,
Miami Florida


From: "Donald D. Ramsey,
Cc: Donald D. Ramsey,
Subject: Bill: re your refund to me

St. Jude Thaddeus, please obtain the complete healing of my dear mother's failing eyesight.
It is breaking her heart and catapulting her into nearly suicidal depression. Please, Saint Jude Thaddeus,
heal her, her name is Estelle Janet Ramsey.
She is 82. It is being caused by Macular Degeneration,
plus cataracts that the stubborn doctor won't remove and CAN.
Thank you Saint Jude, AMEN. Kind Regards Donald D. Ramsey, Miami, FL


From: Lori Si
Subject: From the Prayer page

My Daughter is Pregnant and her baby’s father is not a good fit. Please give her the strength and courage to realize she does not need to be with him.
She can do this on her own. She has been so unhappy for so long..please ask St Jude to intervene on her behalf and bring her the happiness she deserves.
Lori S


This next request is the kind I hope you add a special request for when saying your novena

It reminds me how blessed I am and how many people are in dire need of help from a higher power

From: Jeffrey C
Subject: St. Jude Prayer Request

Thank you so much for your St. Jude page.
I have a prayer request, and I would be most grateful if you could include it in your intentions.

I have been in a loving relationship for over two years and that is all now being complicated by severe illness.
I ask for the intercession of St. Jude to Almighty God in the Trinity to preserve this relationship from the stress and destructive power of terminal illness.
That, if we cannot be granted health, that at the least we have each other until we leave this world.

Please pray for the health of both PJF and JRC of Dublin, and that illness may not tear us apart. '

Thank you, I really do not know what else to do, and am trying desperately to hold on to hope.



From: Jordan Vira
I would like to request prayer on behalf of all the Poor Suffering Souls in Purgatory.
May their souls, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

********* To:
Subject: For missing
Pray that we find a missing love one who was last seen in 1991,family are worried here is pix of him


From: Ron S
Subject: From the Prayer page
I would like to request prayer to St. Jude for what now looks like an impossible financial miracle in my life.
I have a friend who wants to relocate to live with me,
but neither of us have the finances in the physical world to make this happen.
But I believe that the finances that are needed will be provided!


From: susan p
Subject: prayer request
I need lots of prayers urgently. My husband does not have a job, we are trying to sell our house, our family relationship has dwindled
and we have a lot of extended family problems. Please pray for me that St.Jude can help my family solve all these problems.
Thank You,


From: Jesse L
Subject: prayer request (Jessie Leal)
Prayer Page, (Please, may prayer partners pray for me, please!)
This is my prayer request:
St. Jude please heal me of
my acid reflux. Thank you,
Jessie L


From: Jeanine
To: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page
Hello,im in need of a financial blessing I lost my job ,I can't pay my mortgage,bill,
and I can't provide food to feed my children or get back and forth to school
I really need pray.thank you

Jeanine N G


From: Jordan Vi
Subject: Prayer Request
St. Jude, Please pray for my Girlfriends Grandmother Jennie Chong. Who is currently facing serious health problems.
May the cure of this person increase her faith and love for the Lord of Life, for the glory of our merciful God.
Through the powerful intercession of St. Jude, I would like to also request prayer on behalf of all the Holy Souls in Purgatory,
especially those farthest from Heaven. May their souls, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


From: Kami Whi
To: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page
Please pray for a miracle in this hopeless situation.
I currently have joint-custody of my children with my ex-husband. We have been divorced for nearly 5 years.
He had nothing to do with our children until he became involved in a relationship, with whom he is now married.
During the past three years, I've spent thousands of dollars in attorney fees and court costs.
He is fighting for sole custody of our children.
The past three years have been miserable for my children and for me.
They do not like visiting him and they are afraid of him. He has never been involved with them, even when we were married.
They now have a weekly visitation schedule and are supposed to spend nearly all summer with him.
I have tried to make the best of this schedule but my children are miserable and not properly cared for when they are visiting.
I could provide countless occurrences where my children were neglected but God knows.
I learned just today, he is taking me back to court to continue fighting for custody.
It is not the children he (and his wife) are concerned about, it is simply to control me.
I have a full-time job and devote my heart and energy to raising my children.
Although I work for a living, I am on a tight budget raising children as a single parent.
This continued battle is going to cost me a tremendous amount of money.
I pray for a miracle ..... to be able to pay for this as I'll do whatever it takes to ensure my children remain in their home
....with me. I pray for St. Jude to intercede with God to grant me sole custody of my children.
Thank you for your prayers and may you be richly blessed.
Kami J. W


From: paola s
Subject: St Jude please Help!!
Dear ST Jude can you please help my friend Nick. He is in deep financial problems and also
his business is not doing well. Can you please send him financial favors and most importantly
clients that are 100% reliable and will sign up with him to improve greatly his business.
He is in desperate need for clients and to build his business so he can pay all his bills and debts.
Please send him clients at the end of this novena I would be so grateful for all your help and so
would he because he has been working like crazy and he sees no results for all his work. Please help.
I am so thankful for this site and for the chance to pray to ST Jude who has answered so many of my
prayers in the past. Thank you with all my heart.


From: Danielle Redd
To: ""
Subject: From the Prayer page
I would like for you to post this prayer request on your website.
Saint Jude I ask for your intercession and help with returning my boyfriend Micheal back into my life.
It's been almost three weeks now since I've seen or heard from him,
he suddenly just stopped talking to me or having any contact with me whatsoever.
I don't know what went wrong or why he ended the relationship.
I love him very deeply, we have been together ten years and I would like to see our relationship continue.
Please help me I'm in despair and I feel hopeless I feel my situation is hopeless.
All that I ask is your help in returning him into my life.
Please bring him back to me, please reunite us back together again.
I humbly ask this of you and will publish your prayer and my thanks online if you help with this request.
I promise to spread your name to others in return for your help.
Saint Jude, please help, I'm so desperate. Please bring him back. Thank you.



From: Abina B
To: ""
Subject: From the Prayer p
I am really desperate I have tried everything and nothing worked for me .
I made friends with a very nice man when my life was none existence we got on very well .
The man name is chris and he is very unsure of himself and just stopped talking to me .
I tried everything to get him to respond to me and had no luck .
I have tried other novenas my request wasn’t answered yet. I did the nine day novena to ST Jude
for 9day’s leaving nine copies in the church each day
Saying the prayer 6times each day nothing has happened for me yet.
I just want Chris to make contact again so that we can talk and sort out what when wrong between us please.
Abina Barry


From: Christie N
Subject: Please pray for me
I need a miracle concerning my health and martial life.
I have this pain on my left side of my body,behind my left side of the neck and the pain will go to my brain making me loose balance and vision,
my heart will be beating fast as if it will jump out of me.
I For al most 6 years it has beem from one health problem to another,
from hospitals to hospitals,church to church,now
I don't have money and don't know where to run to.
I am not praying for storke or heart attack.
Over 40 years,no husband or kids
Pease pray for me.


From: Robert R
To: ""
Subject: The Prayer P TY
Please help us in our financial need ! We are not able to pay are mortgage due to both my wife and I have been out of work for such a long time !
And our other bills. They started filing for foreclosure this last week !
Please Pray for us not to lose our home and to put food on our table for my wife and son !
Bless you !


From: Al L
Subject: From the Prayer page
I lost my job in March 2012 and now myself and 2 sons are being evicted.
I pray Saint Jude that you intercede with the power of God to bring be speedy help in my situation.
My son's disappointment in me has been the greatest hurt I felt and I need your your help Saint Jude to make things "right" with him.
I am financially broke, I do have several job leads which I hope will lead to job offers
but I need quick help as we are going to be homeless in about 2 days. I pray to Saint Jude, God,
Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and holy Mary to please help me
find quick help and to give me the strength to live my life as God has intended me to live by.
I sincerely will be forever grateful.
(please do not post my email or last name - just my first name. Thank you.


From: Alexis Gom
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2012 4:21 PM
Subject: Asking God for Good health
My name is Rienee Alex Gomes
At a very early age I have lived a life of pure torture and hell.
I was molested by my father he took away all my trust and innocents in my life and
was sacrifice treated badly and was always bought up to believe that I wasn't good enough.
I had a lot of emotional issues been to many counselors and therapist for help and none of them work.
I am in a point of my life where I am scared and tired.
Don't know if god cares for me or believe I have the responsibility of taking are of my brothers and sisters
and wondering if there is any one there for me.
I have been raped.
I made a promise ro god asking him and telling him If i get the opportunity to do nursing
with good health and strength and no sickness and disease no STDs nothing I would make my body a living sacrament for him.
I really want to do nursing I no that I can be a good inspiration
to others and I want a chance at life to stand on my own have a family.
I am begging you to assist and intercede for me please,
Please am begging

Here is another request from Alexis
Hi My name is Alexis Gomes and I send a prayer request here already

but I just wanted to say that thank you for praying for me and the next thing is that they have my applications process so I want to say Thank you to god,
but I am also asking Thank you and your group keep praying for me
and allow me the opportunity to be a Nurse a practician and the opportunity to have good health and strength


From: Jabulani Nzilane To:
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2012 2:25 AM
Subject: request immediate miracle
Hi, i just stumbled upon your website now although i have been posting prayer requests on different sites with no results at all,
yours seemed like the miracle i had been searching for, for so long.
On the 4th of April 2012 my family & i were thrown out of the house that we had been for almost 4 years
because we could not afford to pay rent for 9 months.
I have been dismissed from work 2 years ago & suffer from illhealth.
My family & i spent sometime sleeping in the open after we were kicked out & thereafter, my wife & children left me.
I am feeling very ill now & need to be with my family. I have written 2 books & ebooks
. I request prayers that people should purchase my books by Jabulani Nzilane
as this will help me generate some income & be reunited with my family.
I also pray that i should get a job, a house & shelter & that my health should improve.
Believe me when i say i have tried more than 50 websites & no help has been forthcoming.
Thanking you in advance. Kind regards. Jabulani Nzilane.
Pretoria. Gauteng. South Africa.


From: Richard D
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2012 12:18 PM
Subject: Prayer
My Dear Lord
I pray to you for your help to bring back my partner and my love. I pray that your intervention will
make things good again and that we will both be more understanding and talk to each
other. With your help and guidance my Lord I know that we can do so much good together
not just for ourselves but for others as well. Please Heavenly Father help us to get back
together soon. You have helped and guided me throughout my life and I beg for your help
this time. I love you and thank you My Lord. Amen
Richard – St Charles Missouri


From: Beverly Rush
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2012 10:56 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
Good morning,
I am writing to request peace from a disturbing situation where I was employed and my job sabotaged by the person training me,
because she wanted the job. I have tried and tried to pray my way through all of this and,
I cannot believe the lies and hate that was associated with the incident, just for selfish gain.
I pray that my faith is restored, and that I am gainfully employed soon. I love people and I love to work.
I’ve taken care of my mother for over 30 years, and right now I am unable to.
Please pray for me that my life is restored, my home is safe, my son’s freedom, and health for all.
Thank you,


From: Cecil R
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 7:14 AM
Subject: Help needed

My wife and I both need to get Job`s urgently we both have lost our jobs and can loose our home if we dont get jobs & also we may have legal problems.
We have started saying the 9 day novena and hope that our requests are granted.
Please pray for us so that we may come out from all our problems.


From ( name withheld on request )
Posted: Monday April 16th, 2012 1:06 PM
Bill, I have multiple milanomas.
They took one out the other day and they will be taking more off on the 2nd of May.
I so appreciate the prayers...
I am kinda of a private person when it comes to things like that..Thanks,



From: edith b
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 12:17 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page Ty

When prayers go up blessings come down and I'm in need of a blessing.
My fiance' is looking for work and moving to the city I live in
so we can get married and build our life together.
It seems that everything we try doesn't come through
the way we are praying it will.
It's been two and a half years and we want to make it official
but he needs employment to take care of his bills and I know he wants to prove to me
what kind of man he is and that is taking care of his family.
Help me in prayer that the application he put in here where I live
will call/pick him for employment soon.
He really need this blessing.

Thank you




From: Jiten Bhardwaj To: ""
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 1:04 AM
Subject: Prayer request
I came across your website just now, morning time, Mumbai, India.
I came to know about St Jude yesterday when I read a thank you note in the newspaper and I got curious.
Will you be praying for me?
My prayer request as follows:
My job offer from McAfee company. Employment by May 15 2012.
Thank you very much for this help, while i know i came till here with the help of Jesus Christ.
Best regards



From: Jilian R
To: -----------------------------
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:50 AM
Subject: prayer request

Dear Pastors, Brothers &Sisters,
I AM STILL IN NEED OF YOUR PRAYERS. Again I humbly request you to kindly pray for my husband that GOD may deliver him from
the Devil’s bondage (affair with another woman) after 16 years of our marriage life.
He has never loved me but given only pain & sorrow throughout these years. I have one kid. I have hide my identity.
He has forsaken ( do not touch ) me as wife living under one roof since one year.
Kindly pray that GOD may open his blind eyes & show the reality of life & change his heart
& fill with plenty of love & affection for me as a wife.
Always I pray to GOD with tears. GOD is so kind & loving. GOD will definitely answer our prayers.

In Christ


From: "ksmith
Sent: Sunday, April 8, 2012 11:18 PM
Subject: Prayer for a Miracle

Please pray for James Francis Smith to experience a healing miracle. I ask that his lungs are restored to a healhy state and that he regains his strength to care for himself.
I also ask you to pray for his wife of 50+ years..Josephine Smith.
Thank you.



From: "ksMITH
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 12:36 AM
Subject: Thanks and continued prayers
Several days ago I asked for prayers for my father.
He is suffering from a horrible lung disease
and was experiencing severe respiratory difficulties.
I asked for a miracle and asked for his strength to return.
He is somewhat improved, although, he continues to have respiratory difficulties and weakness.
I ask for continued prayers.
thank you.


From: Shweta
Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2012 7:53 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear heavenly father in the name of jesus pls protect my husband vinod from all legal problems and
pls let him not face arrest or detention in these cases.
pls keep him safe from all harm and danger,
and pls keep him in your divine protection.thankyou.praise the lord.


From: Datalink
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 2:37 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
How are you am kwekwe from Kenya, Nairobi am in need of finances 20000kenya shillings to pay rent and to pay a debt that am owed,
I need to pay this money like today because my rent is suppose to be payed
on the 5th of every month really desperate please pray for me.

Thank you in advance.
God bless.


From: Hance B
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2012 8:19 PM
Subject: RE: From the Prayer page

It's me again HB, a couple days ago I experience a health issue and am yet to discover what the problem is (awaiting test results).
I'm requesting pray to eliminate whatever health issue I may be experiencing at this time.
Please pray for me as I seek to overcome this problem.


From: Hance B
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:59 PM
Subject: RE: From the Prayer page
Hi Bill
I experienced a health scare last week and I had numerous tests done. I've got back the results and they show that I'm in perfect health.
I want to say thanks to God and St. Jude and everyone for all the prayers.
I will now seek to eliminate my financial situation. I'm in debt and wish to become debt free and have money to be comfortable.
I ask for prayers in this instance.

Thank you


Thank You and God Bless You All



From: Sally
To: ""
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 6:05 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
Please help me st.jude to find a job .help those people in need .
Thank you ,


From Thomas B
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, april 1, 2012 9:43 AM
Subject: If you are praying for job
Your prayers may have Just been answered
MY step-son just found a job
Please post this so other looking for jobs might get one

Its steady work and above average pay
see this ad Click HERE


From: paola s
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 9:33 PM
Subject: Prayer request please!

Dear ST Jude please answer my prayer that my father will be healed.
PLease let it not be a serious problem and that it will disappear
and not return. He is really sick right now and needs your help.
Please help him I will always be greatful to you and love you
with all my heart because you have answered so many of my
prayers in the past. Please also help Nick he has a really bad
financial situation and needs your help desperately.
Thank you St Jude, the Immaculate Conception, the Infant Baby Jesus,
the Blessed Holy Spirit and my Lord. I love you with all my heart and



From: Maada T
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2012 4:33 AM
Subject: i need a miracle



From: Robert E.B.
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2012 10:02 PM
Subject: Prayer

Dear Friends,
These prayer requests are beautiful--
I would be most thankful for help getting back to SCHOOL
I applied to Geprgetown Thank You for your prayers


From: jisha j
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 4:23 AM
Subject: Prayer Help.

Dear Brother
I am jisha from India,I had previously seeked your prayer help.And i am gratefull for your support and prayer.
Today i request you to kindly pray for my husband's Business Success.This is our first attempt and we are not so financially sound.
God alone can bless and take us forward in life.
He had a office job earlier ,he left it this month he is starting the new one from april,
we have a lot of hope an dream on this ones success to prosper our life .
Request the kind intercession of our St.jude the apostle,and your prayer tower.I continue to pray for all the needy.
Your sincere prayer would be of great help for Us..I

St.Jude Please Inetercede for us.

In Love,


From: Jordan Vi
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 4:32 AM

Through the intercession of St. Jude. I would like to pray on behalf of all the most forgotten souls in Purgatory.
May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen


From: Cielo Visit
To: ""
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 7:45 AM
Subject: Please include me in your Prayers

I have been prayer to Saint Jude, but I would request that you include me to your prayers with him.
I am asking St. Jude to please intercede with the decision of the Immigration Officer
in Singapore to lift the ban
of not allowing me to enter Singapore, I want to go back there and the
Tanglin Club, to hire me and the Ministry of Manpower will approve my work permit.
I believe in miracles, and I believe that St. Jude and Lord Jesus are the only one who can hear me and help me in my situation.
St. Jude hear my prayers let the Immigration Officer lift the ban, Tanglin Club
to hire me and Ministry of Manpower to approve the permit.
This I ask St. Jude and Lord Jesus. Amen

Cielo Visit


From a Face Book Posting
by Gary D Buzz Workman
Click here to visit the page

For everyone who has someone going through some medical issues right now: Let's start a prayer avalanche:
We all need prayers right now...
If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "FB Family" wherever you may be to kindly copy,
paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems,
health, struggles ...and worries and just ...need... to know that someone cares.
Do it for all of us for no-one is immune.
I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support.


Gary D Buzz Workman
for Connie Butner Lawhun
To all my FB friends,I have a very special request to ask of y' son Donnie is back in hospital,
there is no hope for him here on this earth,but there is hope for him in the Lord Jesus Christ,
please pray for his salvation...One soul is more precious to the
Lord than the riches of the whole world.


From: "Joy J K
To: ""
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 2:22 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear sir in Christ,

Please Pray for me and my husband, as we are trying to buy a plot of land for ourselves. We do not have sufficient cash,we can’t let go of this property too.
Please pray for us that all the cash needed gets arranged.We seek St.Jude’s intercession on this matter.
Please pray for us as it’s a dream for us to get a land and home for ourselves.



From: "Gongwe, A
To: ""
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 4:53 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for me and my husband as we are facing financial difficulties and tough decision to make soon.
My husband is waiting for his work permit from immigration services and it has not been arrived since January.
We are desperate for money and our visa is expiring in May. Please pray for us.
I am also looking for permanent gainful employment, so far nothing has happened.
I have prayed and prayed and fasted. Please St Jude intercede for me.



From: James B
Sent: March 11, 2012 11:01 p.m.
Subject: Prayer request

I need a job Please help me find one


From: ""
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 12:26 AM
Subject: Prayer Request

My name is John, and I love the Lord. Recently in my life I have been blessed and managed to get
a sponsorship in trainning to be a pilot( this has always been my dream).
I would like you to pray for me since currently I'm not in a good position.
I am suppose to have gone solo in my flying but the instructor thinks I'm not ready.
The problem is my time is limited and my trainning might be terminated if I underperform.
I really don't want that to happen.
Let's all pray for this. God bless you,



From: jody w
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 8:49 AM
Subject: NEED A JOB!

Dear Lord,
Please help me find employment, me and my brother Michael we have nothing and have been living with our mother for the past year.
I applied for work at many companies but still haven't gain employment.
I really want this job that I applied for at a company named Rexam, and if I gain employment I'm more than sure
that I could get my brother a job there as well,
So please GOD help us please, thank you father.



From: Mary Na
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 6:25 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
I pray for full time work for my daughter, that she may find financially and emotionally fulfilling.
I pray to have the loneliness of my failed marriage to be filled with love and joy....
I would like a partner for companionship and someone to share this earthly life with- someone to fill that emotional void.
I pray to find the willpower to stay steadfast with achieving a new lifestyle in obtaining a healthy weight.


From: C W To:
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 9:02 PM
Subject: please pray to St. Jude for me

Dear St. Jude,
Please return my love to me. This person was the answer to years of prayer for a loving partner to join my life. I always cherished the gift of this person and his love.
I knew it was you, St. Jude who meant for us to be together by putting us in each others path over and over until we finally understood.
Please don't let the difficult and painful circumstances that have just separated us be permanent.
I had been praying faithfully and with devotion for all barriers between our being together to be removed.
I am trying so hard to trust that these unexpected circumstances now parting us are a part of that process and not an end.
I am just scared and hurt. Please hear my prayers, St. Jude. Please don't forget about me. Please help me.
I am broken hearted and barely hanging on through the pain .
I need your miraculous intercession, Blessed St. Jude. Please hear my prayers.

Thank you,


From: Gab
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 7:19 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hi, im sending a prayer request for my husband andI to find an affordable home/apartment due to.our lease ending in may.
Thanks gab


From: Jan Jord
To: ""
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 5:50 PM

Saint Jude,
Please hear my prayer to intercede in my relationship with Matt. Help us to get our relationship back to how it was in the beginning.
So much damage has been done and we need to forgive and just love each other for a life time.
I love this man and want to help make his life wonderful by taking care of him and loving him.
Please find it in your heart to help guide us and teach us to cherish what we can have.
I believe I your power and the power of prayers for others that this can be healed.
Thank you Saint Jude and all who pray for us.


From: H.B.
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:17 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I'm in debt and seeking financial stability and freedom. Please pray for relief of my financial burdens
that I may overcome this crisis and become debt free.
I also have health issues. Please pray that I may be relieve of my illnesses to become healthy and vibrant.
Thank you


From: S.L.
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 2:08 PM
Subject: re: returning Brutus Force

please prayer for the safe return of my beloved dog, brutus force, a chihauhau/golden lab mix that has been missing since president's day,
feb 20th, 2011...i have so little, no electric, no propane, no indoor plumbing, no amenities so to speak of..
.i cook and heat water on my wood stove...i live alone and have few friends as i am a hermitess..
.it is as if it is 1898 and this is in northeast arizona, usa.
i was content with this arrangement until my only joy, such a simple little dog, brought me contentment and happiness...
i believe in jesus and do not know why i should be tested in this way..
.i ask for so little to have a mean woodcutter may have taken my brutus...
please pray to turn his(their) hearts to give me back my little friend...
i read all of these requests from other people, and my heart aches in empathy for this world of strife and wickedness,
and know no other way but to humble ourselves in prayer


From: Carol T
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 7:08 PM
Subject: Prayer for my dad

My dad has been battling hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer) for two years and is now going to a research hospital for treatment.
Dear St Jude, please intercede on my Dad's behalf for a total and full cure of his cancer. I am so afraid

Thank you

-- Carol T


From: zine
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: to bill

My pray to St jude
St Jude I ask you to please pray for my dear wife zasha finances she has lots of debts and bills which has made her very ill I ask that her investments will pay her money.
So she can pay her bills amen


From: Mary B
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 6:28 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for the reconciliation of my Daughter and grandchildren back into my life... I love and Miss them so much

Grateful Thanks
Mary B


From: Maria F
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 3:17 AM
Subject: Prayer Petition

Good morning! Peace be with you.. May I ask you to please pray for the healing of my husband. He has been suffering from back pain,
neck pain and headache with numbness and tingling for over a year now. The pain is getting worst now almost everyday. Also please pray for his emotional
and mental healing that God will remove his hatred and anger inside him.
Thank you everyone. Thank you Lord! We lift and surrender to you the rest. God bless everyone.


From: Emm To: ""
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2012 11:40 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hello. I am a single mother of one child. We have been through so much including abuse, abandonment, homelessness, and so much more.
My daughter and I have a great relationship with each other and most importantly with God.
We are in need of financial help. I am disabled and cannot work.
I completed my BS in January, but unless I work from home, I will not be able to work.
I receive no child support and we have to move out of our apartment due to the landlord bullying me
because I cannot afford to pay for the electricity in the
common areas in our building and they are connected to my circuit breaker box.
I simply cannot afford a penny more, as I am on a very low and fixed income.
My ex-husband does not see our daughter and was very abusive
physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially.
I have always done all I can to help anyone who needs it.
I have prayed for financial stability for so long and I feel that I need to have some help with this.
Please pray for some financial help to come our way soon,
as I am afraid that we will be in a situation where we will not have a home once again.
I have said the St. Jude prayer for the last 8 days.
I have one more say and then I will post it and thank St. Jude for helping us.
I pray that believing and having faith will work for us.
I also request that as many of you can help us in praying for my daughter and I.

God Bless and thank you,
E.P. and M.P.


From: "Fria, Mari
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 11:28 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Good evening, my name is Maria. Since 2008, my brother and I have been requesting our mortgage bank for a mere, simple loan modification.
To this date, they have been refusing us this request. This is the only house we have that we purchased through the help of our parents.
Our father passed away last year, not knowing what has happened to our request.
We ask you to help us pray to the miraculous St. Jude to stop our mortgage bank from trying to foreclose us; and to help us find a legitimate agency
or person who can really help us with this issue.

We have been scammed two or three times and we haven’t learned our lesson. They are trying to foreclose us in June.
We need the help of St. Jude. We will continue to pray for your efforts and your wonderful help to those who need them.
Thank you and God Bless !


From: jish joy To: From The Prayer Page
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2012 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: From Prayer Request page.PRayer for job and financial security
Dear sir,
Many Thank you for your prayers.May salary has been hiked.Praise god.My job is not yet permanent.
Please continue to pray for this as this is possible by our gos.
I also thank St.Jude for the wonder full intercession.
And please post my thanks for all in the blog.

.Thanks a lot.


From: Helen Dembins
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 11:42 PM
Subject: Prayer request
Thank you for this page; I am a true believer in the miracles of St. Jude; I received a miracle when I was 25 - 26 and now must ask for another miracle.
Please pray that my former employer totally releases me from any legal action and takes no action against me or asks others to take action.
I truly am sorry for the wrongs I have done and desperately want to start my life over with God at the Center so I can help others and spread the word of God.
I have the ability to do great things for people and do a great deal of good.
Thank you to all and God Bless. St. Jude, please pray for us.


From: M H
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 2:47 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear Friends,
My family has been house searching for months and cannot seem to find one that we can call home.
Please pray for us that the one we have found will come through without any problems and the
inspection issues will be solved.
Thank you and God Bless.


From: Patty Mccart
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 9:47 AM

I am in desperate need of saving my home my husband passed and was unable to keep up with the bills.
I am praying for my prayers to be answered so that I can remain in my home that I have had for 30 Years.

God Be With You


From: Venecia Veronica
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 5:50 AM
Subject: Prayer request for Gift of Child and cure from Cancer pain

Dear Friends,

Please pray for me and my husband Sheldon Rebello so that we may conceive and be blessed with a child soon.

Please pray for my dad Victor Catul so that he may be cured from his pain and miseries due to bone cancer.
Thank you very much for your support
God bless you
Regards Venecia Catu


From: "anniebacon0@yahoo
To:; PrayerP
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 12:11 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear St Jude,
Please intercede my prayer request to our almighty Father, that I may get a good job soon. It doesn't even have to pay great....
but that I work with nice people. In the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior.


From: Altania Pierr
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 12:51 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

i need a prayer request from god to help me with my trouble i went to my doctor today
he say i have a not normal pregnancy but i know god answer prayer and do miracle
please pray for so my pregnancy come normal and that child thats growing inside for me is ok
in the name of jesus im desperte for prayer the took my blood i jjust
waiting for the result everything is on god hand please pray for me i ask god to forgive me
for all my sins and please bless me with that child i been asking you for.


From: Shikongo Vi
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 1:26 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Pray for VK to Jesus to remove the chain that prevents me to make a cross transfer for the post of Senior Private Secretary SP2.
Pray to Jesus to make a new rule in the OPM office that People should make a cross transfer where they want, including Senior Private Secretary.
I want to go back home but the old government policy is preventing me to go.
Jesus I trust you with my whole heart, make a new rule with your power to let me make a cross transfer to Oshakati, Ogwediva, Ondangwa.
Please pray for me brothers and sister.


From: "Mattingly, Mich
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 9:54 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Return of my daughter and grandchild and reconcile with my former wife.


From: Annie To:
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 12:55 AM
Subject: prayers for friend

A teacher of mine from high school HAS cancer and is only expected to have less than 6 months.
Please pray that he gets a miracle and is cured.
He has helped so many and has been such a wonderful teacher and friend-
Thank you


From: Anthony Kara
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 4:40 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for my financial stability. Am in dire need of cash and everything seems dark.
Am unable to even run my daily family life.
and pray that chris is financially stable to so we can begin out life together


From: Amy Hitchmoth
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6:57 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray that Chris gets the finances he needs to take our next steps. That it open the doors to our future.
In Christ's name I pray.


From: Renuka De Silv
Sent: Sunday, March 4, 2012 7:40 PM
Subject: Prayer Request

I am a st.jude devotee and mother of 2 sons. I am in difficult helpless situation now. I am struggling with Debt and lack of Money.
Day by day my situation becomes worst. I ask a financial help from my friend johann to buy Food and Medicine.
He has promice me to send me some Money. Please pray to St jude to get Money from Johann this Week.
I am sick and suffering with Heart trouble. diabetes, Asthma and Highblood pressure. Please send me a reply.thank you.
God bless you.


From: Gloria Kakur
To: "" Sent: Saturday, March 3, 2012 9:27 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Dear St Jude,
My friends Josephine and Dan are going through a tough financial time now. Debts are piling and the debtors are aggressive.
For this “impossible” situation to bear we implore you dear St. Jude together with the prayer of the Virgin mother Mary,
that the financial strain on Josephine and Dan turns around so that we continue giving praise and glory to God.

Thank you St Jude


From: Cristina Gomez
To: ""
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2012 6:24 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page


I need for you to pray for my children to be returned to me. I am going through a custody battle
and the judge gave their father temporary custody without hearing the case.

Thank you,


From: Mik Mergle
To: Subject: From the Prayer page
Please pray for the return to the faith of my friends and conversion to the faith by others
Thank You!



From the webmaster -- I was presented with a list of names to include in the above request
But I don't Post Full names in the requests on my pages


From: Le Family
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 9:34 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for my husband and children and our financial problems.

Thank you and god bless you,



From: jisha j
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:41 PM
Subject: From Prayer Request page.PRayer for job and financial security

Dear sir in Jesus Christ,

My name is Jisha, I live in bangalore.I am married.I need a Very urgent form prayer form u ,through intercession of St.jude.
My job i sn ot a permanent one.My husband is also notin a very good job.We have financial praoblems.
Now My job is in a state ,that i will lose it.THey are not making me permanent, they re just giving me reasons.
I dont have another job with me also.I am in deep trouble and worry.
Pls pls pls pls I would be very thankfull if my worries are taken away..:(



From: Shikongo Vi
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 2:48 AM
Subject: RE: Yahoo! Auto Response

Pray for Simon to pass the interview for the post of Cadent Sergeant to be held on the 5 March 2012 to be a policeman.
Please pray for him to be the successful candidate among the other and to be called to start the Police training


From: Estelle Morga
To: " "
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 6:29 PM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Please pray for me to have a good job. I'm unemployed since November 2011.
I'm a single parent of two kids. Also pray for my son to get that job in Dubai.

God bless.
I have applied to quiet a lot of. Companies. No one has come back to me.

Depressed mother


From: Daragh Flahert
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 7:34 PM
Subject: Please help

Dear St Jude...
friends of mine recently lost their mother to cancer... please help them get through this very hard and difficult time..
also watch over and protect my family and friends... thank you




From: BA Leck
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray that my business and my husbands business will begin to generate the income to pay our bills until we can sell our home with a proper plan.
I am trying to have Faith but it is quite difficult.

Thank you for this.


From: Brenda McGiv
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 2:57 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for my family we are having financial problems with our business and it has had an impact on the peace in our family.
Please pray that we can pay all our debts and that no one is not paid.
We do not want anyone to be hurt by us for not getting paid.

Pray that our faith in Jesus is strengthened and that we receive a financial miracle soon.




From: Srid Vasudev
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 8:47 PM
Subject: prayer request

Dear Freind
Please accept my sincere prayers and pray for me that this miracle should happen.
I am in deep financial debts and problems. My family is struggling financially and I am on the verge of bankruptcy and total collapse.
I beg and plead with Our Lord Jesus Christ, and St Jude, the worker of Miracles, to grant me a miracle.
Only a miracle can solve my problems and help me to come out of this mess I am in.
Nothing short of a lottery win or a huge miracle where I come into a lot of money through the Lords Grace can save me from
the dire situation I am in.

Please pray for me and please help me...Please thanks
K V Srid


From: Rolandia M
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 14 2012 06:45:04
A close friend of mine was very, very ill and a life long Catholic.
She collects sea related items
I promised her something extra special and I came across your prayer page
SUBMITTED MY REQUEST AND my request for her to return to health were met
I had also found and bought a few Crucifix Fish Bone Icons with the Image of Jesus on the Cross
The Legend of the Crucifix Fish tells: it
brings Gods Blessings and protection to ALL who posses one

I gave one to my friend during her illness
and she did recover and I feel all these things played a part in her becoming well again

I found the Icon on the web

It seemed like an interesting gift to give and it was very appropriate timing
I would like to ask that you post a link to the "Image of Jesus on A Fish Bone" on your website
And I will continue to pray as requested and ask St Jude Thadeus to grant Everyone's prayers
to protect soldiers, and find the missing
My friend loves the Crucifix Fish and has it mounted in a display case in her sitting room

Her health has improved immensely

Thank you St Jude and Thank All those who prayed together on the prayer page

((( Next is a Response I was sent about Rolandias Post:
Dear Bill, I saw Rolandias prayer request on your page, found the crucifix fish and I bought a few

I kept one and have seen amazing things happening in my life,
I was given an unexpected windfall from a friend who passed away
and now I am giving the CRUCIFIX FISH bone to other friends -
Each is thrilled to receive it AND one has recovered from a Life threatening injury
in what the doctors described as "A Miracle"
Thank You for sharing and posting the info on this miracle of nature
Terry )))

From the webmaster of the prayer page
To Terry, I will include your story on the prayer page and have posted a link to the Image of Jesus Icon.
Bill - Webmaster of the PRAYER PAGE



From: T Mohat
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 4:23 AM
Subject: Can you pray and light a candle for me?

Right now my life is so horrible. I know that my pain is not the only pain in the world and I understand this completely,
but I am really in love with a person who has left me after a 2.5 year old relationship.
I still love him,he loved me too until last year we had some problems.
Right now I am praying to St.Jude to help me.
My mother is very sick too,she has multiple disc displacement and she isn't able to do almost anything.I am her only support and I have to be with her 24x7.
All this is making me so miserable. I want God to forgive me for all my sins and return my love to me.
I will continue to pray to God.He is my only savior. Can you pray and light a candle for me?
Thank you


A request from someone in France
( both translations are found - French and English
I am sure language is no barrier to St Jude

From: Aimée
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 3:31 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Je viens remercier tous les saints et le seigneur Jésus notre sauveur car il est merveilleux.
Je veux demander à Saint Jude de m’aider dans ma relation avec JJ. Qu’il décide d’officialiser notre relation pour que je sois déclarée officiellement son épouse.
Saint Jude n’a qu’à faire pour que tous ceux qui sont jaloux de notre relation nous oublient.
St JUDE j’ai besoin d’être heureuse et je l’aime vraiment st JUDE. Que JJ m’aime davantage et décide d’officialiser notre relation parce que je l’aime tellement et je me sens très bien avec lui.
Que tout se passe dans de bonnes conditions si cela est conforme à ta volonté et la volonté du Seigneur Jésus. Ainsi soit-il!



If my memory serves me it says something like
I WANT to thank all the saints and our savior Lord Jesus they are wonderful.
And I want to ask St. Jude to help me in a relationship with DD.
He decided to formalize our relationship for me to be officially declared his wife.

St. Jude has only done so that all those who are jealous of our relationship we forget.
St. Jude I need to be happy and I really like St. Jude.
JJ loves me more and decided to formalize our relationship because I love him so much and I feel fine with it.
Let it be done in good conditions if consistent with your will and the will the Lord Jesus. So be it!



From: Elva
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 3:56 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

To help me with my business so I can pay my bills and be able to sleep at night.



From: florance jaco
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 10:27 AM
Subject: Sufering

Pray for me I want to work again.i am dibetic and taking injaction in my stomac now
I am fedup taking that in my stomac now I am not working i want to work again
but so much pain in my body my children are not Going to school my husband is muslim have no work

I want to marry him in church as I am roman catholic by birth and marry to him muslim rule



From: Shikongo Vick
To: ""
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 5:00 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Saint Jude pray for me to Jesus to remove the chain that prevents me to make
a cross transfer for the post of Senior Private Secretary SP2.
Saint Jude pray to Jesus to make a new rule in the OPM office that People should make a cross
transfer where they want, including Senior Private Secretary.
I want to go back home but the old government policy is preventing me to go.
Jesus I trust you with my whole heart, make a new rule with your power

to let me make a cross transfer to Oshakati, Ogwediva, Ondangwa.

Please pray for me brothers and sister.
Pray for Alina and Simon to pass the interview for the post of Cadent Sergeant on the 13/2/2012 to be a policewomen and a policeman.
Please pray for them to be the successful candidate among the other



From: Wiliana Tjandr
To: ""
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 1:53 AM
Subject: prayer request

My friend Ed is in a big financial problem.
I wish that his efforts will be fruitful, the sellers and the buyers he is involved in will settle their problems real soon
(within these days) so he will finally earn his commission and have the funds needed for his humanitarian work.



From: Mayanja Richar
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 7:27 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

My Prayer intentions are the following:
Gift of faith in God
The Lord to help find money to undertake a cultural introduction ceremony to my fiancée’s parents.
This is one the steps undertaken as we prepare for holy marriage. The lord to help me find money to complete my studies.
Good life for the whole family, parents, relatives and friend
Peace, protection and security at home and at all places
Better job
Acquisition of more land for chicken rearing projects
Completion of studies in M&E and enrolling for a Master’s degree
Success of UNASO’s project proposals
Opportunity to travel to the USA and other countries

Richar Maya



From: Adrian Gear
To: ""
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2012 4:33 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
For My Sister Caroline, So that she and her children will find a House to live in before 14 Feb 2012 and to help them in their financial difficulties .
May their move be successful and without stress I Pray Lord ,through Your Intersession Saint Jude Amen

Thank you for My Job And Healh Amen


From: James Grey
Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2012 1:13 PM
Subject: Request for Prayer to St Jude

To whom it may concern
I am 58 yeras old and stuck in a menial low paid job. I desperately need a higher paying job so I can pay my mortgage off before I get to retirement age.
I need financial assistance. I am also drinking too much. I need help cutting back on my consumption of alcohol

James Grey


From: "carlgome21
Sent: Saturday, February 4, 2012 6:13 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
Dear St. Jude:
I ask for help in my marriage. My wife Lisa Marie Gomez of 14 yrs. has decided to not continue our lifelong path together and I am needing your help.
Please pray for us and bring her home so we can start putting our family back together. I ask you to please pray for us and our family.

Carl A Gome


From: Carmella Dina
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2012 4:06 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear Saint Jude:
I petition you today and ask You to intercede to
Eliminate all pain and pressure from my eyes and protect
My optical nerve and vision.

I know that with your help I will Receive good news from my eye doctor in June.
I wish to express my eternal gratitude for your help,
St. Jude and I promise to always honor You!

Carmella DiNa



From: "Wooding, Beverl
To: ""
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 11:19 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page
Please St Jude help me to find a way out of this financial mess I am in and bring me peace.



From:Alpesh Patek
Jan 16th 2012
My full name is Alpesh ***** P**el I was born July, **st 1984 in Pahokee, Florida.
I have a court case on January 19th, 2012, so thats in three days.
The case is at 9:30 am and it is for a speeding ticket.
I need the office to not show up. Please make this happen,
or create away for me not to get charged with the ticket.

Additional Information:

I also asked for health, love and prosperity for the world that would be great.

Currently I live at 1511 Southern Springs Lane Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

I got the ticket in Stafford, Virginia which is about an hour away from Upper Marlboro.
Thank You


From: BB
To: ""
Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page- Prayer Request


From: Mercia Ram
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 3:31 AM
Please pray for my niece to have her divorce settlements go in a graceful manner and
get back whatever dues are hers without any arguments and fights -
let it end peacefully and please pray that Namita start a new life with a good partner
and live a peaceful happy catholic life in prayer and thanksgiving.


From: Aimee Esgue
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 11:36 PM
Subject: Special Intention of the Heart
Me and my partner had an argument last Christmas and we have sort of broken up.
She said she'll come back when the right time comes.
I pray that both of us will heal soon and that my partner, AC, will find her way back to me soon.
I am in dire need of a miracle...For my one and only love to come back.



From: Dragon Ro
To: ""
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 10:58 AM
Subject: Thank you to St. Jude

St. Jude, I thank you for your intercessions on my behalf and for providing strength when I felt I could no longer continue.
I humbly request your continued assistance until all aspects of my request are completed.
I am eternally grateful to you.



FROM: phil chav
Jan 21st 2011

Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially to be able to buy food,
pay bills and to be able to pay for and buy other stuff.
Pray this happens miraculously soon thay only GOD can do. We are having a hard time financially.


From: susan m
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 5:33 AM
Subject: prayer request

I am currently praying to St. Jude to intercede for me. My family is facing serious financial problems, and we are on the verge of losing our home.
Please, St. Jude intercede for me, and help us financially. Please provide opportunities for work to catch up on our bills and keep my family from living in the streets.

Susan M


From: shari rodrigu
To: ""
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 12:57 PM
Subject: please pray for me

please pray for me, for i feel so helpless and alone right now and my energy and strength is slowly dissolving.
please pray that my father's estate be settled and that all of his kids get their fair share.
its been almost 8 years since he has passed away and only my step mom and her kids are enjoying the benefits of my father's estate.
Also my husband has turned to drug addiction .
i don't know which rehab he is in please pray that we be reunited
again and he be delivered from this addiction.

Best Regards,

Shari Rodrigu


From: Jeanette A
To: ""
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 3:36 AM
Subject: Prayer request

St Jude,Miracle worker and patron saint of hopeless cases. I pray to you to grant, all the petitions and requests of all the people who need your help.
I know that many of us desperately need your help. You are the patron saint of hopeless cases, we believe in you,
we trust you, we put our faith in you that you will grant the petitions of our brothers and sisters who are buried in debt,
down with illness, and those who have lost their loved ones.

Saint Jude, I pray for for my family (biological parents,siblings and in-laws) and husband that they continue to hold on to their faith
as we face everyday challenges, especially my husband.
May his faith in God continue to flourish and may he eventually become a baptized Catholic. Saint Jude, I pray for the success of our business venture.
With faith in Almighty God and your prayers,
I believe that you will grant my request. May I,together with my business partners successfully launch our school the soonest possible time.
My business partners are in great financial need and I believe that this business will help them rise from their fall.
We will do our best to bring back the glory to God, who gave us the strength and knowledge
to put up a school that will hone students to become better invidividauls

This we ask through Christ , our Lord, Amen.


From: Anuja Rose
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 12:45 AM
Subject: important prayer request
Respected brother, I am jojo.G.Arickan from Bahrain.I am working as Electrical engineer in Eracleous company for 3years.
My Marriage dates are fixed ,April 9th and 12 th. I need a strong spiritual support through prayer from your side brother
;because,several quarrels and conflicts are going on in Bahrain
.Conflicts are going in between baharain localites and the existing iranians who lives in bahrain.
AM SO WORRIED OF THIS.The protests are occurring in the place named manama,which is an important city where most of the population abides.
Am staying in place named MUHARAQQ,1/2 n hour journey from manama.
I would like to continue my job over here in Bahrain peacefully with god's protection.
But recently one more news came,Iran warns of consequences if Arabs back oil sanctions
to european countries.Iran warned Gulf arab neighbours that they would suffer if they do so.
Iran is raising a threatening voice. Moreover the U.S military forces are based in bahrain,kuwait,oman and all.
Would you please intercede earnestly for this POSSIBLE ISSUE TO MOVE AWAY,
It would be of great help that, your intercessory prayer will save numerous souls of Bahrain
and other neighbouring countries.
The King of Bahrain is ,Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.
I hope brother will pray for mine and all others protection.

Thanking you


From: Kim317
To: ""
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 5:52 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I am praying for my friend Jason H. He has suddenly been transferred to Colorado for military work and will be deploying to Afghanistan in less than 1month.
I pray that he is not able to transfer now, at least not to this placement. I pray there is a hold on Afghanistan.
I pray that he decides against this decision. I believe in miracles.
I also pray for the ability to remain close to Jason and for our relationship to grow stronger.
In Jesus name.. Please pray that all of this will change.




From: Juana Top
To: ""
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 1:31 PM
Subject: Request Prayer

St. Jude please assist me in these difficult financial circumstances.
Please intercede with God and ask him to please grant me
a good paying job in order that I can help my son
and be able to help others as well.

It has been over 6 months and nothing is happening for me.

Thank you for Louis and school. As vowed I will make that thank you prayer public.

Jua Top


From: mitzi angel
Sent: Monday, January 2, 2012 10:27 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

My husband. is very abusive .I am living in a constant state of dread. Please I ask for prayer that he will see good in me and will treat me with respect.
We are seniors and I don't know how much more I can take of the way he treats me.

Thank you ,

M. ---------- I very seldom add a message to the requests I reveive BUT I think this one required a response
Here is what I wrote to Mitzi :
mitzi I will post your request,
I must add - You need to get some help - PLEASE talk to a clergy person - AND family Members
Somethings can NOT be fixed by prayers and those in need have to do more to assure their safety and well being
You CAN not expect Higher Powers to change things you have some control over
Your situation is one of those things

God Bless You

Bill Tomk



From: D Immanu
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 11:18 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

My parents are not well and please pray for them. Please pray for my son's marriage; he should select the girl according to the will of the God
and the decision should be correct. He is in the wrong direction now and he should understand.
I am having problem in the Office and with my sister and I should get a good job.
I am also depressed and I am yet to get the money from my previous employer
and pray that I should get my money.

My friend Mr. Bhaskar met with an accident – Head injury and please pray for him and he should regain his memory.

Immanuel D


From: Kibuuka Wassaaka A
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 1:57 PM

Dear Bill,

Thank you for the commendable work you are doing to promote the wonders and miracles through St. Jude.
I have come across your page on the internet as I was searching for a special prayer to petition the Almighty God for a miracle.
I implore you and the people who are using your page to join me in prayers for this miracle.
BY 17TH JANUARY 2012. Kindly join me in prayers.
I promise to promote St. Jude and also to post my THANKGIVING NOTE.

God bless you and a Happy New Year.
Yours sincerely


From: "Smith, Ros
To: ""
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 2:15 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page (UNCLASSIFIED)

I would like prayer for me and Tony. We have been together 17 years and there is a woman who is interfering in our relationship.
I would like to have prayer that she leave him alone forever. I want prayer for Tony to move back home.
I miss, need and love him so much. I am so sad and lonely without him at home with me.

St Jude, please answer my prayers and grant me my miracle. Thank You.




From: "Linda"
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 9:08 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

St Jude please help my husband get work soon he has been out of work for almost two years and
please help me get out of debt and that my job does not close down,
ST Jude also please help my husband get along with my son and his girlfriend,
and bring peace and love in this house,
that both of kids find happiness and better jobs soon.
Thank You and god bless,


From: "
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 2:21 AM
Subject: My Thank You to be posted on Prayer Page

Am HIV positive and am so sick that i cant even walk a distance. I have pains all over my body. I cant properly i dont have appetite.
I have lost so much weight. I pray to god to heal me. I know everything is possible with his name.
Please guys pray for me am dying with pain. I need a miracle.

Thank you

Regards, Siphokazi


From: Elmer E. Ra
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 9:57 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
please st jude pray for our mentally ill son that he may get a job. This past year has been so hard on our family.
We are asking that st jude will interced and give us this miracle.
We will be forever grateful and praise you,

thank you



From: Ami D
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:24 PM
Subject: Please intercede
St. Jude, i really need your help. I fell in love with a guy at the beginning of this year. We had sex which i know was wrong.
I lost contact with him just this year but he's been calling a friend and proposing to her. What should i do?
I know am not worthy to ask for an intercession but please help me cos i can't forget about this guy.


From: ade ga
To: ""
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 2:57 PM

Dear Sir
please pray to St Jude to heel the nerves in my sons eyes
that he will regain his full sight to his eyes he is such a good boy & would help anyone i pray to st jude myself to grant this miracle
thank you


From: Nicole Ch
To: " "
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 2:00 AM
Subject: Please Heal My Broken Relationship

Dearest St. Jude please intercede on my behalf. I have a broken heart & a broken relationship.
I love this man in a way I never knew was possible for me.
Please I ask my prayers be answered by opening John & I's hearts up to one another
so that we can fully love one another and no longer allow fear to control and manipulate us.
I pray that John & I will be reunited & restored by Christmas. I desperately want this miracle.
We have been broken for 3 months. I need to feel love from this man.
Please give me a sign. I so want to see this situation turn around.
I put all my trust in faith in You. I am powerless without You.
Thank You for answering my prayers. I will give You all the praise, glory, & honor for it! In Jesus name,
Thank You so much,



From: Conor F
To: ""
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 4:41 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear saint Jude I need your help I have suffered from depression and anxiety for over 20 years and also periods of alcoholism.
I recently split up with my wife who also suffers from the same symptoms including the alcohol abuse.
I am not handling the separation very well as my family really means a lot to me.
I am also in very poor financial circumstances.
I would be very grateful for your help in relation to all or some of these problems of mine and my wife's ,
as I am finding life very hard at the moment.
I forever grateful for your help. I really do need a miracle. Amen



From: Lighton Kanj
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 3:45 PM

Dear Almighty God the Creator of everything and owner evrything.
Iam unemployed for almost whole of my working life which is full of voluntary hospitality
work since 1977 when i started working with Chronically Ill ,Orphans and the Aged.
I have a very family comprising of my uwn children my late brothers' children
and my wife's late young sister's children and my clients
under care who need my support and feeding.
And to do that it has landed me in a debt of 1,500 US Dollars which i am unable to pay
i need your prayers very much please.

Would you pray for me , wife and children and the people i owe money

Thank you very much .
Lighton M. K




From: M M
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 2:26 AM
Subject: Prayer Request

Dear St Jude, I have been praying for a special health related favor.
Please grant me that favor.



From: philip vic
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 6:09 AM
Subject: Thank You To St Jude

I am not worthy but my son Phil Jr is in need of a job. Right now he needs all the prayers he can get to secure a job offer,
I'm despreate for him and scared for him.

He has three children and a lovely wife who need support from this job offer.
I pray he may have this job as soon as possible maybe before Christmas.
What a gift that would be!

Thank you St Jude for assiting me and helping my son.
I promise to publize my Thanks no matter what.
Thank you for your prayers.



From: Catyondia Bal
To: ""
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 12:53 PM
Subject: I need a miracle today!!!


From: Jose Bon
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 12:01 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page


Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 12:18 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray that my daughter gets a call from her old employer,
where she just completed her internship. The Lord should make a place
for her somewhere in the organization where she was very happy, she is right now without a job.
Her working was a great financial help to the family.
Lord in you alone I believe and trust. Please work a miracle O Lord.

Thank you.





From: Stephen S
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 8:21 AM
Subject: from the Prayer Page

Dear Almighty god and Mother Mary,

I am unemployed for past 8 years. I have family, I have to feed them. I have Rs. 6 lakhs debts. Now I am in edge of life.
I do not know whether to live or to die. Please help me for this poor sinner.
Give me a good job and also close my all debts by providing me Rs. 6 lakhs.

I thank you for hearing my prayer.

S. Stephen
81/29A, Kannapiran Koil Street
E. Pallavaram
Chennai - 600 043



Read More Thank You To St Jude Messages


Click Here for the
Printable version of the Novena Prayer
Print it and have it with you everywhere you go



I will post your prayer request and thank you ON THESE PAGES too
Send your email here



Here are more prayers requesting Help
from all over the world


From: "Mei**, Jan**
To: ""
Sent: Monday, November 7, 2011 11:20 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I try not to be a selfish person, and I do trust that my prayers will be answered, but feel guilty for asking, but anyway
I am still going to ask that I am watched over with my stomach issues, and they are nothing nothing nothing serious, and I am asking that he gives me patience with others,
and keep from yelling and jumping to conclusions… and that doug and I can work our problems out, I do love him, but no he has not always done the right thing,,
and I do know it takes two to make a relationship last, so I haven’t always done the right thing either. we have been together for 20 years,
we have been thru the good, the bad and the ugly,,,, right along with the happy and joyful…..
but now we are not together, I am still hoping there is a chance for us.…

and I would like to also ask that my family, finances, and there health and familes are all safe to..... and that they will always stand behind me,
I love them all so much, and I will also pray for everyone else to.

Thanks again for all your prayers, ( I know I am asking a lot)
Thank you for your time and your prayer.


From: anju dew
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:49 PM
Subject: prayer request

i had done my ibps exam on 18-9-2011 i am awaiting my result
i wish result declared very soon in this month and i will qualify pray for me.


From: "alexandra.a
Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 7:21 PM
Subject: My Thank You to be posted on Prayer Page

From: Alexandra
Dear Hold St. Jude, I pray that you help me and my family. We lost our home during the summer and now temporarily living with a friend who wants us out soon.
Please Oh bless St Jude, intercede with God so he may help us get a home, make sure we get our child support money, moddy's money, and for my mom
to be more responsible. This is my 7th day already that I have prayed the novena, I have 2 more days. I will not lose faith, trust or hope!!! I love you
God and Mary and St Jude and all the angels!!


From: Susan H
To: ""
Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 3:42 AM
Subject: From the prayer page

Dear God, please grant my brother good health and happiness. Pray that he does not have cancer
and that he will be restored to full health. St Jude, please intercede on my behalf to grant this
prayer. In Jesus' name. Amenp


From: Gilbert C
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 4:56 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for our family. We are in need of financial help and we just got the eviction notice today. I have talked to the broker who is on charge of the lease,
and looks like they are willing to help us. I have a job interview tomorrow morning and I have been praying to God and St. Jude daily to help us.
I put all my trust in God. We pray that we can just get caught up in our ring and all our debts. We have a son who is a senior in high school and a 10 year old daughter.

St. Jude pray and intercede for us.

Gilbert C


From: "Maureen T"
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 9:28 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Lord please pray for me. I’m having surgery done on Friday the 14th.
I’m very scared and hopeless please guide me in the right direction and get this Monster disease out of my body.
That I may leave a happy life and financial secure God I’m having so many Problems.

In the name of Lord Amen.



From: S. M. K
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 1:12 PM
Subject: prayer request for a job

Hello Bill,
I am grateful I visited your site, Angelfire.
I have been seeking a new better job for quite somewhile without
success. I got my current job four years ago, a factor that I am very
grateful for, but since then, I have sought to get a better paying one
without success. All the new jobs which I find, though not many, offer
to pay me very little hence reject them.

I would like to get a well paying job so that I can be able to
support myself, my studies, my siblings, my parents and be in a position to marry.

I am happy I have a job but I would be very happy to land a well
paying one soon, if possible before before end of the year and better
still before end of November.

Thank you and may God bless you for your generosity and willingness to help others.

S.M. Kiawa from Kenya


From: Anthony G
To: ""
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 6:13 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Prayer request for marriage restoration. Due to mistakes I've made, my spouse is asking for a divorce. We are currently separated. I have had a conversion of
heart and mind and spirit and do not want this divorce. I pray to the Lord my wife can see these changes. I know the Lord hates divorce.
I pray Jesus can work his miracle to soften her heart and break down the walls between us.
I pray the Lord can intervene and save this marriage and save my 3 children from the affects of divorce. Ease my anxiety and any anxiety of my children and wife.
I ask you, humbly, Jesus, to hear my prayers. Thank You for all your blessings, I love You.



From: Shweta
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 5:14 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear heavenly father, in the name of jesus pls take away all the problems from my husband vinods life and bless him with plenty and plenty of business work,
travel,finances and prosperity in abundance. pls pray that my daughter shweta gets sucess in the business project she has taken and that the project
takes off smoothly-this i ask in the name of lord jesus christ.amen.



Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 3:50 AM
Subject: prayer request

i would like you to pray for me to pass all my modules as im going to start with my exams so that nothing could ever destruct me.
for my mother to find better work. for my relationship with andrew to grow strong and be able to solve our problems as he has already losing the interest for me.
for him to come back and solve our issues and forget about other relationship outside


From: Jordan V To:
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 10:50 PM



From: S Figueira To:
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 11:55 AM
Subject: I need a miracle

Dear sir
I need a miracle I am a single mother with 2 kids I have been asking for aloan for over 3 months and I get no response I am about to losse my house
I do work full time but what i earn is not enaugh to pay bills pay child care feed my children and clothes.
If we becamo homeless what I am supposed to do my youngs child is 6 years old

Please pray for a miracle



From: Karla
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 9:43 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hello, please post this:

I have been praying to St. Jude fervently the past few days, and I am already starting to see positive, reassuring answers to my prayers.
I'll continue to pray to God and ask St. Jude to keep interceding for me, so that my prayers will be fully answered.
It is only through this prayer and intercession that these urgent prayers will be able to be granted, and I'm confident that they will be.
Thank you God, and thank you St. Jude for praying and interceding for us in this urgent need.



This request is URGENT I hope all who seek help remember to Include ALL others who need intersessions

From: "Peregrine, L
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 1:47 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

My name is Larry Peregrine. My beautiful wife Jayme has stage 4 lung cancer. I love her so much and I do not want to lose her.
I am asking for prayers that God watch over her and that He rid her of this terrible disease if it be His will.



From: Marianne Mc
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 1:24 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

St. Jude
Please help our family in our financial difficulties. It has been a struggle for over a year and getting harder and harder to make all ends meet.
Little work opportunities and home obligations are overwhelming our family.
It is funny how all this can stress relationships between husband and wife and reflect on our outside relationships.
Please assist us in our struggles and guide us to the right decisions, and opportunities we need.


From: martina gn
To: ""
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 9:42 AM
Subject: Prayer request

Please pray for Nicholas Cave and his wife ,two people that I love very dearly.
Their faith is so weak,I ask prayers for their conversion to Christ and their marriage.

Thank you so much


From: Karla
To: ""
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 2:13 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hi, please post this prayer and thanks to St. Jude.

I've prayed many times to St. Jude and he had always answered my prayers with miracles.
He's helped me through so much and I thank him now and always.

I need you to help me and Jon now especially, St. Jude. Please let what we are currently going through turn out in our favor,
and help put all of this past us very soon. Please, this is so important.

Thank you SO much I love you.



From: Robert R
To: ""
Sent: Sunday, October 2, 2011 9:47 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please help me and my family ,pray for Gods help in helping change our lives !
We are in financial troubles due to bring off of work for over a year !
We can't pay our bills and we are affaid of losing our home ! We need money to put food on our table !
Please pray for a financil windfall and for both of us get good jobs !
God Bless u !




This request is very disturbing and I wrote to the person who submitted it:
Her Sister needs to seek advice and help
from someone who can show her the danger she is placing herself and her son in


From: Catherine
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 3:08 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

My special request to Saint Jude is for my mother Sherry, that she never has another nervous breakdown
again and that she never attempts suicide again. And she
Can sleep at night,and is not depressed or anxious but can be
happy and live a long happy life

And for myself :
My prayer request as light my Saint Jude candle
and say my Saint Jude prayer on back of St. Jude prayer card for 9 days x 9
times is that I would like Scott to call me or text me and want to be with me forever
and not listen to untrue gossip or think it
and that I have been thru so much I would love some happiness in my life.
Thank- you Catherine




From: "Angelll5
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:09 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

God bless you for having a page that doesn't request money as I have none.
I am in very very serious financial trouble that the only way out of is if a miracle happens.
I have been praying to St. Jude for almost a week but as I ned all the help I can get
Im writing here too as I have no money to pay anyone to publish my prayer.
I am scared to death of losing my children's home.I am so afraid and have noone to turn to.
I have tried so many ways to climb out of this terrible hole Im in to no avail.
I am trying very hard to have fait but at the same time the miracle
I need is so large Im not sure it can happen. I also get afraid that it is perhaps God's will
that I go through this which I so hope is not the case.Ive never prayed for help so hard in my life as I am now
except for when my father was sick.God took him from me and I was so upset and someties feel he doesn't hear me.
Ive read youre supposed tohave faith and belive with all your heart that your prayers will be answered
but Im getting so afraid.
Please help me plead to St. Jude to help me.



Send Your Email HERE




From: Bethany M
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 5:49 AM
Subject: Prayer request

Thank you for making this p to help everyone in need. If you could, could you please post this for St Jude?
I appreciate it ever so much.

Saint Jude, my husband is very hard working and has lost his job.
Please send him a new job that will be a better fit for for him,
and one that he will both love and be able to support our family on.
Thank you, Saint Jude for praying for my family.

. Thank you,




From The Ponce Family


From: Mark H
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 8:05 PM
Subject: Prayer for publication

Hi Bill
Please can you pray for and publish the following.. -----------------------------------
St Jude

Please intercede in my prayers to reconcile me (Mark)with my ex partner (Catherine) -
please help to end the nastiness and hurt between us, and bring us back together so we can raise our daughter together.
St Jude, I know shes the one, but I know that her family are against our union.
St Jude, fill both our hearts with forgiveness and love, and bring us back together for eternity..
Please intercede for me St Jude,
Thank You


From: Heather K
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2011 4:05 PM
Subject: St Jude

St. Jude,
Please, I pray that you will help me with the many obstacles I am facing at my job and through my educational goals.
My goal is to help and alleviate the suffering of others through my career and I fear that the mistakes I
made during a very difficult time in my life where I was overwhelmed and grief stricken will prevent me from reaching my goals and helping those in need.
I am so happy for all that you have given me and I pray that you will
guide me and protect me and help me get on track with my job and graduate school career.

St. Jude hear our prayers.


From: Roderic R
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 10:04 AM
Subject: Request for Prayer for My Sister who has Hepatitis

I am asking your prayers for my sister Josie Paghasian who has hepatitis.
Please include her in your prayers.
Sincerely yours,


From: Jordan V
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:52 PM

Please assist me and my family in these difficult financial circumstances.
Please provide us with a financial blessing to help us pay our rent and electric.



From: Nancy L W
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2011 1:13 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for my granddaughter, Christina, that the cyst on her ovary will disappear and will not interfere with her pregnancy or require surgery.
AND PLEASE grant my other requests on this page.
Thank you.
Nancy L.W.


From: Cassie A
To: Sent: Monday, August 8, 2011 10:42 AM
Subject: Thank You To St Jude

St. Jude please help me with my 2 wishes, for Dale to ask me to marry him, I am in love with him and he is with me.
To accept each other for who we are and to respect each other as man and wife.
He is afraid, please let him know that I will always be with him.
We compliment each and treat each other with loving respect. Accept me with who I am and him for who he is.
For a better income so I can meet my needs and have a little extra,
I need to keep my house and get my payments up to date and bills paid.
To use my skills to teach others and help others.
For my kids to forgive me and accept life as it is now, and grow with me.
A ring on my finger.


From: Jayant D
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 9:17 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I am in deep financial problems and want st Jude to be ever kind and gebnerous to me and bail me out of each situation so
that I come out clean and start my life on a clean slate.
St Jude has already started helping me and I thank HIM and my Lord Jesus THE ALMIGHTY
for blessing me and not only making me conscious of my faults and follies
but helping me to overcome my current difficulties.

Jayant Dey


From: "kmeck000
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 6:54 PM
Subject: My Thank You to be posted on Prayer Page

I prayed to St. Jude and sent my prayer request. My dad has been sick and in pain since February.
8 doctors could not find what was wrong with him.
FINALLY, a doctor got all his cat scans and reports together and found out what was wrong with him
He has a tumor on his spine.
He has started radiation and after 1 day his pain is gone.
he cant walk yet but i have faith he will get stronger each day.
the tumor was found inn time because eventually it would have paralyzed him.

Thank You St Jude.


From: Tuyen
To: Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2011 11:07 PM
Subject: St Jude

Thank you dear St Jude for listening to and being with me in my prayers.
I feel more and more hopeful after completing a nine-day prayer.
I know deep in my heart that St Jude will eventually grant me my wish to conceive a biological child
and to purchase a beautiful home to raise our child.


From: Mordecai Mensah
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 8:42 AM
Subject: prayer Request

St Jude, please intercede for me to be selected for a job interview i attended.
Let me prosper financially and be restored to of what ever I have lost in this life.

Glory be to God for everything.
Thank you
Asare Kodwo


I From: Katherine P
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 12:06 AM
Subject: prayer for a job

Please pray for me so I can have a job now that I always want to have.
I believe that with your help my prayer will become stronger and be granted.
Please pray for me.

Thank you..


From: luci a
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 1:54 AM
Subject: re:prayer for autism

Hello, my beautiful son is 10 years old and is suffering from autism. He is having so much trouble at school and
with social skills as well as behavior and life in general. Please help me pray to St. Jude to make him whole again.
I firmly believe (Julian King) can and will be healed thru St. Judes intercession. Please also pray for me to find a job,
as I was laid off and am currently seeking a job. Being a single mother with an autistic son is difficult. someone that is wholehearted in matters of the heart.


From: anand K
To: Sent: Friday, August 5, 2011 4:16 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for my family and my well being. I am facing a lot of problems namely, financial, health and domestic problems.
i want to be ridden from all these problems as soon as possible.

please pray for me: Anand Kumar

Father; ganesh
mother: suseela
wife: vishalakshi

Praise the lord!!

thank you!!


From: Pepper M
To: ""
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2011 3:19 AM
Subject: Prayer Request

Please St. Jude intercede for me and help me with my skin problem. No doctor knows what it is or how to treat it.
I have tried creams and home remedies so far nothing has changed.
Please help me and heal my skin completely. I am embarrased and inscure of going anywhere because of it.
My name is Sally.

Thank You St. Jude


First some requests from the webmaster of this page
ASKING St Jude to help find ALL the missing children women and men,
whose families need to know what happened to them,

Here is one of the most pressing requests for a Miracle


Click Here
Amos Mortier is Missing
From Fitchburg (Madison) WI.

We need to Find this young man

Anyone with information regarding Amos Mortier
is urged to call his Family
at (608) 347-7363
Amos was last seen November 8, 2004
at his school Madison Area Technical College.
In Madison Wisconsin

His last cell phone record was at 1:20 p.m.
His dog Gnosis was located three doors down from his home
Here are more prayer requests to find a missing person

Please Pray so Gary Price,
60 Missing February 28, 2013, from Williams Lake, BC is Found

Info about GARY and over 200 others missing from British Columbia since 2000 is Here
Gary Price was reported missing on March 3 by a family member. Gary was last seen in Likely, BC and lives in a remote area past Yanks Peaks.


Here is an URGENT request
from Thousands of concerned cyber citizens on Face book,

Please St Jude patron of hopeless causes and worker of Miracles
we pray that Amy Patterson, Susan Powell, Holly Bobo and ALL missing children women and men are found,
they need to be returned to their families
Watch Nancy Grace for updates
AND PLEASE let Ms Grace know she is mentioned here
AND pray for her too to START to educate the public about the effort to


Before getting to the Prayer Requests
You can help the effort TO Find the Missing and
show you are willing to help others

I am a supporter of a very important effort which can help tens of millions of families
We have an online petition asking the media to Step Up because:
Many families have an empty seat at their Holiday Tables
because of a kidnapping, abduction, human trafficing or other causes
step up and Do Something
800,000 Americans are reported missing EACH YEAR

Pray that the media sees the light
and agrees to inform the public about the existing technology which could help
find the missing quickly and safe

Sign Our petition
Click HERE
and Educate yourself about the technology which exists
to find them quickly and safely

N.A.S.A. and our Military should be made to use technology they have developed
to assit police in finding these Abducted Children, Missing Women and men and solve other crimes
within minutes of them being reported

It is an effort which should be presented to the Public by the media
But is being kept quiet


Send Your Email HERE


From: Pepper M
To: ""
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2011 3:16 AM
Subject: Prayer Request

St. Jude please intercede for me and help C come back into my life and help us repair the mistakes we both made,
especially me. this is the man I love and I have changed so much in the past few months that I would like another chance with him.
I reached out to him but I heard nothing back, Please help this situation I am praying for this with a
sincere true honest heart I will not intentionally hurt him again please let him forgive me and get in contact with me
soon and give our relationship another chance.
My name is Sal and his is Kris.
Thank You


From: Elena A
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:47 PM
Subject: Thank You To St Jude

Please Saint Jude,
My my husband asked for divorce, I love hem, he want live because he cant take me and our children anymore ,
my children need hem I am the must provide in my family please bring hem back to us .
Please I need miracle please help I am and the and of the rope.


Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 9:00 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Pls pray that I msay be cured completely of this disease called Bleparospasm which does not allow me to keep m,y eyes open.
I lost m y job and now I am losing my spirit to live

Pls pray



From: Susy A
To: " "
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 6:39 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Praying for my parents who are in desperate need of money. My dad was just recently laid off and
now the bills are piling up and lord you know there is only so much I can help with as I have my own bills too.
Please help my father get a job so our bills can get paid and the depression in this house goes away.
Also praying for jasons mom who starts chemo tommorow, please lord let her cancer disappear.
Praying for everyones request on here. Lord hear these prayers amen


From: Shiela G
Sent: Monday, August 1, 2011 2:18 AM
prayer request to St Jude-Thank You Jesus Praise you Jesus
we need your urgent help for our financial burdens. please help me immediately .
aLLOW US TO FIND amount we are praying for a long time as we are not getting any salaries.
please finalise the deals of property of which i and anu are praying for regularly.
we surrender the pune uncle,buyer and seller into yur hands. St jude please obtain us the favours we have asked for .
I have taken a voluntary retirement ,pray for me that there be no obstacles in my way,
so that i can be released and can get all my dues to pay back my home loan .
St.Jude pray for me that i can join in Japan Embassy on 01st September 11 with a good salary and good postion.
for giving my son rahul scholarship to UK for MBA and a Part Time job in Uk Please bless him .
Thank you Jesus for healing my relationship with my husband and taking him out from a sinful life .
thankyou jesus for giving wisdom to my younger son wisdom to understand us and helping him
to understand maths and Science subjects bless him with a positive attitude.
Prayer of mercy for Charan and his family, for hemant, for mrs bajaj mother who is seriously ill .
for my brother shobu and his family, for my sister and her family , for my sister-in-law and her family.
For my father-in law and my mother-in-law who have not accepted me as their daughter-in-law till today
Please pray for eveyyone.

Shiela G who needs your deseperate help right now.


From: Nancy L W
Sent: Monday, August 1, 2011 7:51 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for my son as he finds out today whether or not he is losing his job.
I pray that he will be strong no matter what the outcome. And I also pray for my granddaughter, Christina,
for her medical problems and to be strong in her situation and that she will be happy again soon.
and Please pray that my granddaughter, Christina, will never ever return to the horrible situation she just came out of,
and that she will be strong to resist all temptations. Thank you.


From: Shiela G
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 7:32 AM



From: D Jacob
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:16 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear St Jude
I beg your intercession and help in restoring my niece’s marriage which took place 2 years ago, her husband wants a divorce,
please help them heal, love forgive each other for their shortcomings and come to a mutual understanding and
reconcile amicably and not break the sacred sacrament of marriage, please keep them together till the end of time
as husband and wife full of love and happiness according to the teachings of our Catholic Church and God’s commandment.
Bless and help my other niece and her marriage to be strong and may the love between them grow stronger
and let no one come their way and bring up their child in a very happy and loving atmosphere.
St Jude please help my daughter and her husband with a family, bless them with a healthy child, let my daughter be
able to conceive naturally and please let her not have any more cysts on her ovaries and fibroids as she has
recently had a surgery. Help her get her permanency at work soon, and bless and keep them safe whilst they are on a holiday.
St Jude bless our home and take away all our worries and miseries and grant me good health specially with my stomach problems.
Bless and protect all our families with good health, peace and happiness.
We thank you St Jude, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all the saints and angels.


From: Nancy L W
To: Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 8:22 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for my son not to lose his job, and please pray for my granddaughter, Christina, to never have to face the situation she has
just come out of recently (thank you to answered prayer to St. Jude


From: Sreenivasan B
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 10:07 AM
Subject: Please pray for my Mother with Advanced Cervical Cancer

Hello Sir/Madam,
My mother whose name is Padmavathy and is diagnosed with advanced stage of Cervical Cancer.

I want her healed through prayers to St. Jude Novena.
Please Pray to St. Jude for her. I promise to publish her story of recovery and miracle by St. Jude.

Thank you.

Kind regards
Son of Mrs. Padmavathy (The patient)


From: carole t
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 3:26 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I am in serious financial trouble, need money to pay bills. debts.


From: David R
To: ""
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 11:06 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for me and my husband to conceive a healthy baby naturally. Thank you, tuyen and David



From: Moriah
To: ""
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 12:45 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please St Jude bring happiness to my home and make sue's business a success. We need financial help and bring happiness to my daughter Moriah.
I will thank you with all my heart and you will always be with me.
Thank you,


From: Boni
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 3:56 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hi there,

Pleas pray for me for financial increase for my business. I desperately need at Least $10,000 to tie up.
Sp please lift up for me, thanks!

Boniface Lopez



From: "alelim1
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 1:19 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Hi my name is Al. I need a miracle prayer asap. I have no money, no job, every thing is not well.



From: Michael Alan B
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 8:53 PM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

Dear St. Jude, Please hear my desperate prayers for my girlfriend, Jane and I to reunite.. I know I made mistakes in the past to ruin her trust in me..
but I am taking steps to stop my sinful ways to show her I can be the man she needs me to be!!



From: Ralph P
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 1:02 AM
Subject: Thank You To St Jude

Please pray for us to ST. Jude. and I will say the novena too. I am depressed. On SocialSecurity and if they cancel it
then I dont know how we are going to keep our car, and hopefully not end up homeless.
Also, our children who are adults back to the faith, and get close to God in these terrible times.
I am almost to the point of despair but trust in God, its just so difficult.
And I will pray for all those who need help too.
Prayer is the key to Gods heart. Also for my cousin who has colon cancer,
and a friend to has it too, and that cancer will never return to my daughter.
Please pray for us. God Bless You.

Ralph sent me the prayer seen HERE

with a request that ALL who care about others join in and ask for change.


From: Pat Jenei
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 3:34 PM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

I have prayed to St. Jude on many occasions and he has always answered my prayers.
For the last ten years my husband has been faced with the threat of being laid off from his job.
This would be difficult for us since I am not employed.
Each time after I have said the novena, he has not been laid off. T
hank you St. Jude, you truly are my powerful protector and I will continue to spread my devotion to you.



From: Kelly Cruz
To: ""
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 9:39 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please heal my female part pain and infection and bless my marriage in Jesus name.



From: Liz Gr
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 8:27 PM
Subject: Prayer to St. Jude

Dear St. Jude, I come to you again as I have many times to intercede for me to the Father in these most dire needs.
I am severely depressed and can only feel despair. I long to go home to my Heavenly Father,
but I fear that I will go to Hell for getting angry at you for my situations.

My adult children care little for me. I see my older daughter only once a year because she lives in Chicago,
and I live in VA. She was to visit this past month, but she emailed me and told me she was too tired to come.
My son and his wife live only 4 hours away, but they only visit one day a year.
And my younger daughter and grandson Bridger whom I love more than anyone in the world
lives in Texas, and I have to pay for her to visit.
She is to come next week. I paid $1,000 for her plane ticket to come,
and she plans to visit other people and take my son with her while she is here.
I told her that I paid for the ticket so I could see my grandson. She hung up on me. When I visit, she tells me I am not wanted.
I am on disability. I have been teaching part time, but I don’t have enough students enrolled now to teach.
For the first time in 25 years, I got poor student evaluations because they objected to the work I assigned.
I have been taking classes at the community college free because I am an adjunct faculty member.
But if I don’t teach, I won’t be able to take classes. I desparately need to teach; I need the money.
It seems like my whole life has been one crisis after another. My parents and sister are dead.
I have no family nearby. My children never visit for holidays. I am tired of living.
Please intercede that the visit with my daughter and grandson will go well and that he will be able to stay with me during the visit.
Please, also, intercede with the Father that I will have enough students enroll in my 2 classes so I can teach this fall.

I pray that my children will want to see me. I went to my son’s when his wife and he had twins.
I bought groceries, took care of the babies, but all he did is criticize.
I want to visit my grandchildren when my daughter comes,
but he doesn’t want me to come.

Please intercede that I will be able to see them.
Thank you , St. Jude, for all of your intercessory prayers. I am lost and alone and desparate.


From: "octavianthab
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:59 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I humbly request a prayer,for a job and financial blessings to cover my debts,and good health,
and i pray for all who are in desperate situations of all kinds to dear St.Jude help us all hear our prayers.


From: aloyce ratemo
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 4:30 AM

I am a christain who is currently in a desperate situation.
I have had serious problems with CDF funds bordering misappropriation which
may lead to me losing my job and even be jailed.
I therefore sincerely ask St. Jude to pray for me and intercede on my behalf
so that I don't get into problems.
I am also apologizing for any wrong deeds and forgive those who might have put me in problems.
I have forgiven Patrick, CDF officials and MP for any wrong did they might have done on me. Dear St. Jude Please pray for me. I trust and beleive that
you shall pray for me as you have always done
especially when i was studying in Uganda.
Aloyce Marube.


From: vivian.r
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 8:16 AM
Subject: From the Prayer Page
GOD bless you…

My name is Viviane riad g------ from Egypt I am 32 years old I was engagement in august 2011 to someone called / milad youssef g----- and
we loved each other and suddenly in April 2012 he decided to leave me without talk
and he refused to talk with me and refused all attempts from the others to return again
I feel that what happened is from devil
Please still pray to open his heart again to me and except to listen
and talk each other My mom is died after our engagement
and I feel lonely without him I have breakdown since he left me
Iam still love him and I didn’t want anything but him I want him come back to me
again I am so tired without him

Please still praying for us to return back
And send to me if you want any information
My name is Viviane riad g-----
GOD bless you


From: bruce T
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 10:26 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

MY FAMILY NEEDS a permant home been trying for years but credit issues which have been fixed now all we need is our downpayment
but can’t seem to get it need a 20 thousand dollar miricle to get home fror family thank you

bruce t from alberta


From: Anne McP
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 10:36 AM

Please continue to pray for me. I am in a financial emergency and am all alone.


From: gerri w
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 6:55 PM
Subject: A prayer for a miracle

I am writing to you to ask you to pray also to St. Jude for me, ( Gerri Royster Ward)
I need a miracle one that will remove the burden that is stressing me every second.
My bills are overdue and are being threatened to be shut off,
I have no transportation to get around and I live in a dangerous city, Detroit Michigan.
My children who are exceptionally bright are about to enter into college and I pray
that they will get scholarships because they are achievers
Please pray for my daughter Paige Heather Frederick that she will be offered a full merit scholarship
to an ivy league school,
and my son Phillip Douglas Samuel Frederick will be successful with his film project
at Harvard this month and get into a top university for film,
for this is just a 1 week film program.
I am in need of major financial help, please St. Jude answer my prayer.
Thank you, God Bless you.

Gerri R. Ward



Subject: prayer request

please pray for my mother katrina to find better work or position as a cleaner at dihlabeng hospital for my cousin sizwe
to see life in a positive different way for him to stop using drugs for him to stop fighting with others and for him to find work


From: Emily J. C
Sent: Saturday, July 9, 2011 5:58 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for me and my husband. He's very angry at me for bringing up something we argued about a few weeks ago,
threatening my relationship with my sister and parents. I completely understand him now but he feels like he couldn't trust me.
I'm praying for his being confident in me again, and praying for his being fair about my relationship
with my sister and parents.
E. C


From: b.gray
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2011 9:21 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for my friend Caroline Bernard who is now in a nursing home being told by the doctor she has ALS and will die.
She also has been tested positive for Lyme Disease which can mimic ALS but the doctors will not do anything
to try to help her with that condition because they really don't understand how to treat such a severe case of Lyme.
Please pray for a miracle for her. she is only in her forties and a great person.

Thank You.


From: Robert L. E III
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2011 10:30 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for me, a special miracle prayer for physical healing, relief from some of the financial burden,
and an anointing blessing for the Emery household.

Please present the intended prayers to St. Jude and ask for a special miracle for all difficult situations the Emery household is facing today.
May St. Jude intercede and offer a timely answer to my request.

Thank you,
Bob Emery


From: Nancy L W
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 3:42 PM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

I also have a prayer request that my granddaughter will be strong and calm for the next couple weeks in the situation she is in,
and that she will come home on or before July 23, 2011.

Thank you.


From: shari r
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 1:32 PM
Subject: please pray for me

My name is shari Rodrigues, I am an american but grew up in guyana.
I am 25 years old and can say that I have went through so many challenges.
I lost my father suddenly when I was 18, now my step mother runs the business that my dad left
and doesn't give myself and siblings anything, I am in such need. I am praying for a settlement between us.
We have a property which we are trying to settle for. That's all I'm asking for. Please pray for me.
I'm really hoping for this to happen for me, before summer is out. I also just got out of a bad marriage.
My husband had turned to cocaine. He is a very angry person and calls and torments me a lot.
Guyana is a very small country with a population of 700,000 people.
His family goes around town scandalling my name and I don't know
why they are setting out to hurt me for I honestly haven't done anything to them.
Please pray for me, for peace. I feel I am so young and going through simply too much.
I am praying for love, happiness, financial stability and moreso peace!
Since then with my divorce I have been kicked out the house and embarrassed,
I now try to distribute spices and I am involved in real estate, please pray for me
that I be successful with this journey. Thank you for reading.
Also I would like to be relieved from depression.
Our family suffers frm it. God bless


From: enzo g
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2011 3:34 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for my father, he has severe dimentia and now unable to walk,
so asking that he will walk again and his mind will return.
This seems an impossibility but after reading you pages, maybe just maybe
I can get my prayer answered!

Pray also for me, Enzo G for health, wealth and happiness.

Enz G


Send Your Email HERE


From: "usps23464
Sent: Sunday, July 3, 2011 1:13 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

My wife and I have been going through tough times. We have been married 21 years and have a.19 yr old daughter and a 13 yr old son.
This past September I passed out at work.from pain. I was taken out in an ambulance and never returned.
We went 6 months without any pay from me. I was by far the bread winner.
I just got approved for.part federal employees disability.
We went from doing good to awful financially.

Even before this I got my wife in an extra marital affair.
I can't explain the hurt I feel. I stayed with her because I do love her.and I.don't believe in divorce.
I feel you made a commitment for life. I ask for prayers to bring us back together. It's going to take a miracle.
I appreciate the prayers especially since I can't tell anyone all this.
For obvious reasons and because I.don't want her to look bad however
I'm starting to feel like a floor mat.
Thank you - God bless.


From: Tammy Ward

Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2011 10:24 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

hi my name is tammy i am missing my boyfriend jake so much , im having his baby i would love if
we got back together please help me lord ..

thnk u bless u


from: Pamela E

Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2011 5:53 PM
Subject: Prayer Requests

My prayer requests is that my mother give me her complete durable power of attorney.
I take care of her and we need to get some legal things done since the death of my father,
and also if she has another stroke or serious illness,
I want to be able to carry out her wishes and give her the best care possible.
Also, I need a financial blessing through the deals
I have going and by getting paid by the people I am doing work for.
Thank you! --



I ask delieverance from stronghold of drugs and alchohol for the father of my son Allan
and for him to be addicted to Jesus and truth only.


From: Emmanuel
Sent: Friday, July 1, 2011 5:54 AM
Subject: Prayer Request
From: Health Provider
Sent: Friday, July 1, 2011 5:57 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear St Jude.

I need a Miracle and favour in my Life. Dear St. Jude
I am writting to you from Nigeria. I want Saint Jude to interceed for me and my Family.
I need a Comfortable job so that I can care for my Wife, my Children, my parent and my brother and Sister.
And also to pay my bills. I have head what St. jude has been doing for his people.
I want Him to OPEN FAVIOUR in my Life and my Familes.
Emmanuel Imorame


Emmanuel I


From: Michelle S
Sent: Friday, July 1, 2011 12:23 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I wanted to publish the prayer to Saint Jude. I just finished the ninth day and am certain St. Jude is by my side.

Thank you!


From: Lucy D Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 6:30 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I am in a dilemma. I am buying a house after couple of purchases that fell through but at the same time
I have already signed a year's rental agreement on a flat that I am currently living in.
I am unable to pay rent and mortgage at the same time, I also need financial help to renovate the house so that it will comfortable for living.
Please help me as I am doing it on my own but I know that God is beside me and will never let me down.
St Jude please intervene and help me too.

I have also another request that I may meet my soulmate soon.
It is a very lonely life and it will be very nice to share and experience happiness again.

I also pray that Hasan repays my loan.
I helped him in good faith and feel so let down that he has not fulfil his promise to repay me in 3 months. It has been 4 years.
I can't afford to lose that hard earned money.

With all the above, please St Jude hear my prayers. I will be ever so grateful.

Thank you so much.

God Bless You.


From: Anne Mc

Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:34 AM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

I pray for all the children of St Jude’s Hospital that they receive their health back soon.
I also pray for my wonderful love of my life Richard to come back home after a very long 8 months of a business trip.
I also pray for financial help until he comes back home to me.
I thank you St Jude for prays answered years ago and that is why I am praying now for your help again
for I know your power and love for me.


From: Jesse K
To: ""
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 11:47 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear St. Jude,

Thank you for your many blessings! Please continue to intercede for my family, friends & myself!
Please hear all of our prayers!!!! May God please watch over the people on this prayer list! God Bless!

Jesse K


From: Pat
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 12:25 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

my name is Pat, last night I found your website. I wanted to give thanks to St Jude Thaddeus Worker of Miracles and Help of Hopeless causes,
and My savior Jesus Christ, the Divine Mother and Father and St. Maximilian Kolbe,
with other saints and with my room mate for the release of my son.
my son is mentally challenged and was arrested, even though
I told the detective that he was mentally challenged, he was still arrested. this morning, my son called me,
he was physically released at 9:30 a.m but the detective didn’t physically let him out of the building
until 10:40 am as he continued to question my son.

Divine Intervention was desperately needed. I did use the prayers on your site. I want to take this time to say,
“Thank you to St. Jude, St. Maximilian, the Divine Mother, Jesus Christ and the GOD of all creation.’
We continue on in prayer as the detective has stated to my son that they will be issuing a warrant for his arrest.
My son is in the process of getting help, as a matter of fact, as the detective rang the door bell,
I was in the process of attempting to set him an appointment that can only be made on Tues/Thurs a
s this is a free clinic. “Thank you to St. Jude, St. Maximilian, the Divine Mother, Jesus Christ
and the GOD of all creation


my son is 20 years old but has the mind of a 16 year old.


From: "Devanay, C
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 3:09 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear St Jude,

I need a miracle with Antonio today. Please grant me this miracle. I will be ever grateful. Thank you.



From: Sindey R To:
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 2:22 AMSubject: Thank You To St Jude

I'm writing to you because I came across your website as I searched for help. I need a miracle from St. Jude.
I have been struggling for 9 nine years. My whole life has been a big battle,
it has been a constant battle that seems to have no end. My husband and I are in such a financial mess.
We need a Miracle. We have so many pay-day loans that we can't afford to pay our daily bills...
But, today those same loans that helped me at that time need is now taking almost all our pay checks
not leaving us with any type of money to pay our house payment or any other bills for that matter.
I will be making a phone call to a finance company tomorrow to see if they will approve me with bad credit for a 5000.dollar LOAN.
That's how much it would take to take care of most of our bills.

And also need you to pray for my son and his wife. She doesn't want to work.
They want to move in with me. Please pray that they decide not to move in with me,but find an apartment for their two kids.

And pray for my youngest son that the lord will have the bank call him to work for them.
And grant the requests of ALL who are seeking a spiritual intervention especially"
Grant all those seeking missing loved ones now and in the future that they are found and protect all soldiers everywhere they are in danger.



From: Richard McB
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2011 1:40 AM
Subject: Thank You To St Jude

Our Son Andrew is drug addicted and we are being prepared to loose him. Our 25 year old son has been saved and does know Jesus.
He is filled with shame and guilt and cannot get past this. Having been 8 rehab settings we are running out of hope as is the facility.
Please pray for his earnest call for Jesus to come into his life and that Andrew will give his life up to Jesus.
I know Jesus does not want to see his children in pain and I know our son is in his hands.
Please intercede for spiritual healing and to conquer his addiction so that he can become the person he is meant to be.
Thank You


From: Australia Nina
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 8:25 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

A Cosmetic Surgeon was working on my nose and he probably should have never touched it because it was fine.
He destroyed and took out a lot of bone in places he should have not touched.
I am now left with a very disfigured nose, sunken and twisted areas, and it ruined my facial features.
I am maimed, any more surgery to fix it is too risky and will not work. I am devastated.
This is my face, not another part that I could cover up. I am asking for a miracle where my body is a super
healing machine and it grows the bone in my nose back permanently on its own without outside intervention
and it grows back to the exact same way it used to be and I have my facial features back.
Please grant this to me and have it done as soon as possible because I cannot go on much longer like this.
Please give this to me and then I will share my story to the world and show everyone to have faith
because there is something bigger than us.
Thank you and God bless.


From: Cindy
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 9:57 PM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

I have a legal issue pending with the state of texas,a dwi felony.
I have had a terrible past with alcohol for almost all my life
,i have changed because of god and have be honest I am facing time in prison and it weighs on me heavy.
i ask for my dwi to be dissimissed with all my heart,
thank u jaime,pray for me


From: Samantha F
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 9:38 AM
Subject: Please Pray For Me

Hello Bill
I recently read your story and wanted to say that it is truly amazing and it just shows that if you have faith anything can happen.
I am asking you to pray for me because I am currently going through a rough patch in my life.
My boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago and the reasons were because he wasn't sure if he was in love with me,
he said he was sure of me but wasn't sure if this was love. I started dating my boyfriend under unusual circumstances
I met him when he was living with his ex girlfriend. In the beginning I honestly thought her and I were going to become friends
but when she started to be disrespectful to me I realized that probably wasn't going to happen.
Everybody told me I shouldn't of dated a guy who was very close with his ex but I didn't listen and somehow
I just believed that I could do it and I did for a year.

Him and I have only fought about one thing and that was his ex girlfriend and the things shes did to me.
Even though it has been more than a month since we broke up I am still very much in love with him
and I have been saying that St. Jude prayer in hopes of him realizing what a big mistake he made by letting me go.
I don't know why but when I look at him I just have this feeling that he is the one and no matter what we go through
in life we can get through it together. I am asking you to pray that he realizes what a big mistake he made
and that he is still in love with me.
I don't know what else to do Bill. It is very heartbreaking to know that because of someone else actions
and ignorance I lost the person who I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.
I keep saying the St. Jude prayer and hoping things will change and that they will both realize what they have done to me.
I also keep hoping that he will realize what a terrible mistake he has made. I have made a promise to God that
I will keep saying the novena to St Jude everyday no matter how long it takes to get my prayer answered and I am
also promising that I will make his name known and now I am asking you to pray for me because I am so desperate
and don't know what else to do.
Please help me Bill.



From: karen k
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:33 AM
Subject: need a prayer for employment
I have been praying to St. Jude for many years, and have yet to have him answer one of my prayers.
I have reached a point of desperation, and still, he has not answered my prayer.
I ask you to pray for that I get a job as quickly as possible. My life has disintegrated to almost nothing.
And, if it were not for the kindness of a very few people, I would now be homeless.

Thank you.


From: Annah K
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:16 AM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

Please pray for me. I am in debts. My name was garnished and I cannot open any account.
I need a car to go to church. I am swimming in debt. Please help me

Annah K


From: "Kopchik,
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:43 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please pray for GOD to put me in my wife’s heart and help to reconcile our marriage .
She has left me about 2 months ago.

Sincerely, Jack


From: cassidy
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2011 12:44 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

My son in college made a very bad decision to try an illegal drug at a party that got raided.
He has never been in trouble before and has always been a good kid.
He is facing a felony charge now and he knows he made a terrible mistake and
he has already been paying for it in many ways: kicked off his college team,
kicked out of school, lost his scholarship and most of his friends.
He needs a miracle intercession tomorrow to help him with his court case and to get his life back on track. He has learned so much from his mistake and he needs another chance.
Please pray that the court case will go well and he can find a brighter tomorrow.
Thank you.

A mom


From: "S, Lisa -To: "''"
Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2011 9:50 AM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

I recently found out that my husband had an affair. He is still torn between me (his wife) and the other woman.
I desperately want him to bring me back into his heart and do whatever it takes to make our marriage stronger and better.
Lisa S


From: catherine c
To: ""
Sent: June 7, 2011 12:59 AM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

Hi Bill,

I was browsing the net till i came across your page..
Please help me Pray that i will be hired to the company i was applying for in china or in some other countires
and i hope it will be a good job and has a good salary..Please include also in your Prayers that Me
and my Family will have a good fortune and Good health.. PLease help me pray also that someday il find the
person i will spend the rest of my life with. Someone who will love, respect and accept me and my family..
Someone who is a God Fearing person.St. Jude please help me. More power and Godbless us all.

Many Thanks.


From: Dominique Couturier
Sent: Sunday, June 5, 2011 7:34 PM
Subject: Prayer Request

I have a hard time at work these days. I took that call center job because I had little choice and I just hate it.
I hate it so much that it`s making me depressed. I cry often because of that job.
I really want to get a job where I'll be happier, one that`s more suitable to me,
but there are little opportunities where I am.
I want to stay in my hometown so I can be near my family.
I pray to Jesus, God and St-Jude hoping that things will be better soon, please
pray for me.


From: "BettyLinds
Sent: June 7, 2011 12:46 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

I want to thank St. Jude for healing my angina.
The doctor had found two blockages in my heart and I had almost constant angina.
I went to the St. Jude Shrine in Chicago and from the moment I touched the relic of St. Jude glass,
I have not had any more angina pains



From: "BettyLin
Sent: June 7, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page I have been praying to St. Jude to find a good husband for my daughter for over 15 years.
I continue to pray and believe that my prayer will be answered



From: Harwood K
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2011 9:27 AM
Subject: st jude thank you

I would like you to publish my thankyou to st jude. Thank you.
St Jude, I would like to thank you for my prayers ansered. I have been waiting for such a long time, and I will continue to pray to you.

Many thanks


From: david D
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2011 11:42 AM
Subject: Hi, please give me a great prayer that works

Hi, im not sure what to say. Im lost hurt and very alone no one to turn to my heart bleeds so deeply for my wife
and kids that I'v not heard of or seen, I've been praying for the ST.RITA Novena every hour for 9 hours strait,
and also been paying every day to ST.RITA but ive not got any reauslts, im even going to church in the middle
of the night im hoping that i can get a sign or a response of some kind that i was going to be going back home after 7 weeks .
Please help give my strenght and hope that everything will be ok GOD and my wife will come back to me.
I need a good prayer that will be answered, if miracles happen, please make me belive!
Thanks, and GOD BLESS in every one that believes!


From: calmart1
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2011 10:58 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

ST. Jude , My family and I are in financial ruin , Please help us out of this horrendous situation we are in .


From: Diamond
Sent: Sunday, June 5, 2011 8:14 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear Bill,
I would like to ask you and everyone to please pray for my husband and I. We are separated at this time.
There is no infidelity or anything of that nature. It is all do to medical problems on both sides.
These problems can be rectified. I ask you and the people who pray to St. Jude to pray for my intention.
Please pray to St. Jude for a reconciliation for both of us. Our last child is off to college in the Fall.
Now, it is the time we thought about for years. We had so many wonderful plans together.
Just even simple things like going to breakfast and groceries.
We always greatly enjoyed each other’s company.
God bless all of you. I will keep you in my prayers.


Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 5:06 AM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

Dear Bill,
I have been out of work since 2008 and have not been able to get permanent emplyment since then.
I have reached a point wher I don't know what to do anymore.
So I am turning to St Jude in the hope and belief that he can intercede for me
so that I can find a job that will give me the financial freedom that I need. Please publish my prayer request.

Thank you

From: Rose D
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2011 4:22 PM
Subject: prayer requestion

Dear Bill, i was browsing so i come accros u site so i send the prayer requestion.
I am HIV Positive i know with him all things are possiable pls praye for me for a healing.


From: Jesse Ki
To: ""
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2011 8:51 PM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Dear St. Jude,

My father prayed to you 45 years ago that my mother would marry him & they are still married.
You helped save my father & brother from a near death experience, you helped intercede when my mother was ill.
I now beg you oh most holy St. Jude for you to please help me find TRUE LOVE & happiness.
May my family & friends be blessed with health, happiness & the finances to care for their families.
Thank you dear St. Jude & please me with my requests.
God Bless!!!


From: Mz.
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2011 8:50 PM
Subject: Prayer to St. Jude
I hope you are doing great today.
I came across your site while looking for a prayer to help me find a job. I am currently looking for a job here in Dubai.
I am extremely worried and badly need a miracle. My visa will expire on June 22 and I will have to exit out of the country if I cannot find work.
I was interviewed by a very good company that offers great pay and having a job role that fits my experience.
I was told that they will call me one or two weeks if I will be shortlisted for a final interview. I really like the company
and I am praying that I will get the job.
I know that there are a lot of people who have big problems than I,
and I am asking the Lord and St. Jude to help first those who really are in need more than I do.
I am asking for patience and assistance that if I will not get the job from the company that I like,
I hope I can get a job that's meant for me before my visa will expire.
I pray that my son back in the Philippines will be provided with the best care.
I was asking the Lord and St.Jude and all the saints that if possible,
I will be hired with that company so I can already get my son here and be together.
There were already times when I questioned the Lord and I was sorry I did that.
I understand that He wants what's best for me.
I pray my request and all those who ask for your help, especially those who need the impossible things, will be granted.
I would also like to thank you for making this site so people will continue to have faith and believe in miracles.
God bless you and everyone!



From: Gerard
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 8:23 AM
Subject: Prayer of intercession to St Jude

Dear St Jude,

I am in love with a woman who I was engaged to.
She broke off the relationship because I did not immediately sell my apartment and buy another house and put her on the title.
To me it seemed entirely materialist. She accuses me of being selfish and not wanting to share.
I am being cautious because she is an ex bankrupt and seeming controlled by her mother who constantly makes unfair
and abusive demands of her, including for her to cross subsidise her married sister.
I feel all of this is exploitive of her and I did not want to be part of this situation.
After her rejection, I am heartbroken. Every one tells me she was an opportunist and a gold digger that I am better without.
I am struggling to understand why this happened. Can God soften her heart and open her eyes to the reality she faces?
How can I move on? I am shattered and lost all faith in human nature.
Can God heal this situation for the good of all concerned.
I am finding it very hard to move on from this awful situation.
Please St Jude ask God to intervene and help me.



From: Corliss
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:00 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

Please Saint Jude help my missing cat, Black Kitty find her way back home.
Seventeen years ago I prayed to you to help bring back another cat who had disappeared.
After being gone for three months, a miracle occurred and he came back home safe and alive for which I thank you.
Please help Black Kitty find her way back home.
She has been gone for a week today.


From: Anne M
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 1:06 PM Subject: From the Prayer Page
I am Anne M. I ask God everyday and every day and night and every moment
for a Miracle to work in our lives in my life
now is I need a job on Mon-Fri.@ 9 am to 3 or 4 pm. job.
I have no job since I move here in a village outside New York City.
Please God Grant me this Miracle as I have no job or income for the last 10 months
and approaching a year!
I am sad at certain moments but I have to be strong for my two young girls.. Help me God.
I am going through a rough time of my life financially and economically.
I know God is with us and love us... but I have to get a job....I tried almost everywhere...
I wish a Miracle beholds upon me like a Good Luck and fortune but is there one as in the Bible...
I need a miracle and move on with my life happy with my girls and....
a comfortable place to live as God knows I am not in the best place in the world right now..
though I know the Kingdom is up there in Heaven.
In meantime I need to get an income God and to be loved again...
Now I have my husband Robert who is separated will come and helped and rescue us only another 36 days from now
.... I need aMiracle God - for that and until then I need a job....
just enough time before my girls come out from school. I need to survive with my two precious girls.....
love I know and wish I can get that Miracle from God and I wish I can talk and see God tonight and every night~!
best regards
Anne M.
what's the best Prayer I can say every minute for this? So Help me God! Amen


From: rebecca
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 3:10 AM
Subject: prayer request
I am in financial trouble, I need a breakthrough.
I have a child in the university and her fees is
extremely high 89,000/= Kenya Shillings per semester and my brother has refused to stay with her so I pay hostel fees 6,500/= per month.
I have a girl in secondary school paying 65,000 Kshs per term and she is due to complete form four next term,
her father has not paid fees and she might be chessed.
I have asked for help from my brothers and no one is willing to help me. Its as though they are waiting for her to be chessed.
I do not have any money end of this month to pay.
My kind request is to ask the Lord to request the dad to pay.
I took care of my brothers children with all my strength, finance, patience but as for mine,


From: Louise J
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 7:22 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page
Dear Bill.

I was browsing around on the net looking for what to do if my prayer to St. Jude was not answered, then i got to your page.
I realised and saw that you prayed for 2 and a half years!!!
I have read through your site, and realised that my case is not so bad compared to others.
But still I feel devastated.
My fiancé left me for another woman 5 months ago. I recently decided to convert to Catholic.
I started looking around for prayers to help me, and I came across St. Jude.
I have been praying a Novena for 8 days now 9times a day. It is said that this Novena has never failed, and your prayer is answered on the 8th day.
I have been praying to St\. Jude to heal my relationship with my ex fiancé, so that we can forget the past and continue our marriage plans.
Today my ex phoned me and said he needs to speak to me, he needs to discuss something with me,
he thinks that I am over this subject and he feels that he needs to play open cards with me.
I am so scared that i will hear what i don’t want to hear tonight!!!! What if he says he and the new girlfriend is serious??
I don’t know what i will do. This brings me back to the Novena, why will something happen exactly opposite that i have asked for?
He hasn’t spoken to me yet, but i am so scared this is what he is going to say.
Bill i ask you and the rest of the readers to pray to St. Jude to hear our relationship
so that we can get married like we planned last year this time.
This is a really hard time for me:
The 19th of may we would have been going out for 4 yrs, the 25th of May is his birthday and the 29th of May we would have been engaged for a year! I love this man so much.
Louise J


From: Vivienne F
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 9:09 AM
Subject: prayer request
please can you pray for me, my life is so troubled right now, i am in university and i have no money to pay my fees.
I also a in debt and financial difficulty, i need a good job.
I am depressed and getting feelings of suicide and i just feel so hopeless.
Please would you pray for me. thank you


From: Cathy V
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 4:46 PM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

I come to you with a heavy burdened heart. I love my husband Chuck. We have been living apart for just over a year...
I miss and love him even more today. Please I need your prayers and will be prayine St Jude Novena for the next 9 days.
I do very much want my marriage and my husband. Please, I beg.....

Love and God Bless,


From: Lisa S
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2011 7:51 PM

Dear Bill,
May St. Jude, Patron of Miracles and Hopeless Causes, allow my friend to know I am searching for him.
May my friend find my postings for him and may he contact me.

Thank you.


From: anil g
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:15 AM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

I have lost my job and at now finding it difficult, please would request St Jude prayers and intervention in getting a job immediately.
As i need one to even live here with my family.

Anil George


From: S. E
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2011 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: From the Prayer page

Hi my name is Sophia. I went for job interview on 19 April 2011 and the panel will sit for final decision on the 19 May 2011.
Please pray for my that the decision of the panel should be in my favour. I need this job as it is inline with my studies


Sophia Namibia/Africa


From: artdawn
Subject: prayer request
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 10:28 AM

hello ,
just ran across your prayer novena yesterday . My prayers are health related and Im supposed to get my test results tomarrow ,
Im asking to please pray for me as there isnt much time
my name is Dawn and I live un Rhode Island .
Thank you and God blesss


Follow up to first request:

From: artdawn64
Subject: Re: prayer request
To: Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 3:52 PM

Hi Bill ,

Thank you so very much your prayers , unfortunately ..... My tests came back positive ,
I didn't give you much time for prayer I'm afraid , It's something that I will have to learn to live with ,
all thou I thought I would die if I heard that it was true I had a feeling of strenght when the doctor gave me the news
, if you could add for the symptoms not to get any worst
and most of all if It cold not destroy my relationship with my boyfriend
would be greatly appreciated ,
thanks Dawn Dlugosz
, Rhode Island


From: Ma. soledena R
Subject: re: prayer request
To: ""
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2011, 6:33 PM

St Jude, please help my sister. She was diagnosed with a spine tumor.
The said there's no chance to go on operations. She is in trouble walking and she easily fall sleep .
We don't know the outcome yet, or what the future holds. Anyone reading this please pray for her.
Only Miracle can cure my sister illness. Thank you so much and God Bless you..



From D.P.

Thank you Saint Jude
I have prayed for many things and for a desperate situation to be solved.
I have complete faith that though the answer has not come yet,
that in time it will be revealed and help will be on the way.
Thank you in advance for comfort and love.
I will continue to pray for your intercession.

D.P. july 2nd 2012


From Joleen

Hi Bill,

I am very inspired by your story. I was wondering, would you mind saying the novena with me?

I am in a rough spot. I lost my job, had been interviewing all over the place,
and didn't get a single job offer. And then, just as I was moving cross-country to be near my boyfriend,
Beau--with whom I'm very much in love and who initiated conversations about marriage and children
and even discussed such events as recently as a week prior to the break up--suddenly
and very unexpectedly broke up with me.

I will say this novena to St. Jude, requesting his intercession for
our reconciliation and reunion.

My heart is broken. My life has been turned upside-down. I love this man with all my
heart and our relationship was the one thing I had been sure of up until the night
of June 10th. :( Please pray with me. )

I will post my gratitude to St. Jude on your web page.

Thank you very much.
Joleen ~~~ june 3rd 2012


Please Include Stephen in Your prayer request too -
And I am sure he will include you in his.......The more voices heard the better....

BILL, Im going through a very ruff patch in my life ,from all that has happened ,
im 37 yrs old married i was addicited to pain meds ref back surgury,i became so addicited
that i was going to two diffrnt drs to get those and eventually got arrested ,im
hoping for a miracle myself that my harsh charges will be reduced or dropped with no
prison time,ive read your story adn it gives me inspiration that god can and will do
anything ,hes our father ,god bless you for your miracle and hopefully mine will be
posted really soon ,please if you will also pray for me on june 17 2012 thats my court date
and i need all the prayers and support i can get ,
god bless you ,

stephen ~ from north carolina JUNE 3RD 2012


I say the novena regularly in faith for financial help.
Wud u say it with me please. Sori to ask but I dont know wot else to do.

I should say thank you to St jude for all his intercessions before..
and I think I didn’t do it properly ..and the mistake I did was after the wish was granted
I didn’t keep praying his prayer but just kept it in case I needed..
i was not a good devoter..I feel bad and that’s y he didn’t grant me any other wish..
And today I am in a very very bad situation and I am hoping he will help me..
My problem only God can help one else.
Thank you for sharing your stories with us..i will do the prayer as requested,,
Because I always knew that God is the key to my problem and I am hoping he wil help me..
Thank you again..and I hope you are okay..
I joined your page on facebook and I want to help to pay it forward too..
God bless you and I pray for all those who are parying to have their prayers answered,
I know god is good and great and without our Jesus we will not be reconciled with God.
Thank you again..and St jude I will leave this matter in your hand.
I need your help. Please help me…
Pascaline --- JULY 5th 2012

Hi Bill,

Thank you for inspiring me with your story .. for letting me know that nothing is
impossible if you just believe in Him and trust Him. Please include me in your prayers.

I am now on the lowest part of my life...I recently had a break up with my 10 years
realationship with my bf. I was already prepared for a wedding with him.
I leave everything in my country went to other country just to be with him.
but after almost 2 mos he just broke up our relationship.

I love him so much and I chose him to be my husband .. I'm asking for a miracle that he
will realize and feel that I am the one He loves and comeback to me ..
hope it isn't too late because He already have a girlfriend now.

I will say this novena to St. Jude, requesting his intercession for our reconciliation
and reunion. Iam begging to please help me pray too. Thank you and I truly believe
in the miracle He will give to me and has given to others.

Dona JUNE 14th 2012

My son was in an accident in 1980 which esulted in a Brain stem injury
He is confined to a wheel chair,uses a communtcation device to help him to converse with people,
We had himin the best Hospitals in Texas and in a rehab in Arkansas,but he still can.t
stand up with out falling. ,We have taken him to The grotto of our Lady of Lourdes in
France 10 times on Pilgrimages their, He seems to be content now with his deliema,
But I always wish he could walk again, Only God knows and I put my complete
confidence in God and his Blessed Mother ,So keep in your prayers also.His name is Ronnie. JUNE 16th 2012


Date: Thursday, JUNE 26, 2012, 8:14 AM

Dear Sir,

I accidentally visited your site and it was interesting. May God bless you to keep the good work.

I need your prayers and also I want an opportunity to post my thanks to St Jude. I am from India

My son is a doctor and wanting to pursue his Post Graduation i.e he wants to be a
Surgeon, he is appearing for many entrance tests and just missing admissions by few
marks/percentage. Please pray that he is a success in the coming entrance exams.
Also pray that our we all have good health in the family, our court matter of the
house be ended with judgment in our favour or out of court settlement.

Thanks and Regards


please pray for my relationship with Jim. Jim has been suffering a lot from his past and
feel he cannot move forward until his past is clear. I care for him deeply and
would like us to be happy together. Please pray that the blockages will be removed
and that he can make the right decisions.pray for our love, finances, faith, and relationships as a whole
Cheryl Barber Tuesday, August 24, 11:09 PM



Tuesday, August 24, 6:35 PM

I came across your website when I was doing a search on the power of the St. Jude Novena.
I'm on Day 2 of doing mine.

I'm in need of a big miracle. I'm so scared and worried...and anxiety is overtaking me.

Please ask St. Jude to help me!

Thanks so much and God Bless You for your website!

~anna Tuesday, August 24, 6:35 PM


Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2:49 PM

Dear St. Jude,

I am out on disability, due to severe eye problems. I pray that my workman's
compensation case will fall in my favor, for this will help us with a lot of our
bills, and will get our lives back on track, please dear God grant my request.




From: JoAnn V
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 11:40 AM


I was laidoff from my job (Merck & Co. Inc.) in Dec. 2003. I was called back to the
company in Sept. 2005. I was in a very emotionally abusive relationship with
someone. The other person in the relationship interfered with my returning to my job
and I did not make the return date. I have been devestated all these years.

To Saint Jude,
I beg you St. Jude to get me back into this company that I so long to go back to. St.
Jude you made it possible for me the first time I was hired to the company. Please
make it possible again.
My prayers have gone unanswered for all these years. Please let my prayers not be in
vain any longer. Helpless, hopeless, and full of despair, please St. Jude I beg and
plead for your intercession. I promise to encourage others to pray to you for your
intercession. Amen. Joann V.


I will post your prayer request and thank you ON THESE PAGES too
Send your email here


Contact me with your prayer request
And I will post it here
And don't forget to have me post your thank you too
Send email here


Hi Bill

Thank you St.Jude Thadeus for all your miracles

I prayed the Novena for 9 days or more and am patiently waiting for my miracle to happen
I am a firm Believer when it comes to St.Jude. I am praying for another chance with
my boyfriend, I miss him terribly. We broke up about a month ago.

I need your prayers and I also want an opportunity to post my thanks to St.Jude.
I will continue to pray the Novena for all who are seeking a spiritual intervention
in the name of Jesus.
Please help us all.
deb d
Date Friday September 17,


From Micheal Daves - Sept 20th

I want to honor someone that i have known since I was a kid and I consider a great
friend Howard Hornsby he has been battling lung cancer that has spread, he breathed
in something bad when he was in a forign country spreading his goodness to those in

God please help Howard Hornsby fight this.



From: Marita G
Subject: From the Prayer Page/PRAYER REQUEST
To: ""
Date: Monday, September 27, 5:19 AM

Dear Bill,

It is indeed a miracle, just coming across your site among billions of sites as I was
looking for St. Jude’s prayer! Praise the Lord for thatJ

I’m actually in desperate need of help for my present financial dilemma. Please help me
pray to St. Jude that my petition be granted, to solve my financial problem already. I’m
really, really in a very deep situation wherein I don’t know how to get out of… The only
thing that can help me now is a miracle, that a solution to my immediate problem will
arrive very soon.

Please St. Jude, hear my prayers that my financial burdens will be solve already…, this
month or I may face legal woes! I ask this in Jesus name, through you St. Jude. I
promise to publish your prayers & let your miracles be known to others. Please St. Jude,
help and grant the prayer requests of others too.


Marita E. B.


From: valerie s Subject: prayers
Date: Sunday, September 26, 9:36 PM

Dear Bill,

Please post my prayer to St. Jude. My partner and I recently have fought and she wants
a divorce. I know down deep there is still love within us for each other. But,
there is lots of anger, distance, resentment that has muddied the situation. I pray
to st. Jude out of desperation so that he may heal our love, our hearts, our
spirits. For together, we can do lots of good in the world.



On Fri, 10/1/10, > From: Edith P.
> Subject: My prayer request.
> To:
> > Date: Friday, October 1, 10:31 AM

> Hallo in the name of Jesus.I have
> come to you with a prayer request,i have been praying to
> Lord to give me a life partner,so would you please be
> with me in prayer,Am a lady from malawi.sometimes i feel
> stress of loneliness.I Believe God is going to give a good
> man who fears and obey God's commandments.please pray for me
> and i promise to pray for others.thank you.



From: Lawrence W
Subject: Thank yous
Date: Saturday, October 2, 2010, 7:13 PM

I have grown up being taught about the power of St Jude's Payer by my mother who passed almost 2 years ago.

My family has been going through very difficult financial situation, as are many in the world today.
We have always managed through ups and down before.
But it is different now because we have adopted 2 BEAUTIFUL ! children from birth 5 years ago.
This is not the life we had planned for them when we asked to have them as our children.
My spouse has been unemployed for almost 2 years and it is all we can do to now to make it on just my paycheck now.
We are grateful to have made it this long.
None of the Job interviews have turned into Job offers.
Really that would be enough to get us stable again.
So the job offer is the piece that keeps my families future hanging?
We have our nice house up for sale with no offers for 5 mos.
And I have a chance at a promotion at work.
So there are a lot of what ifs and maybes out there.
Just one or all will change our lives in a split second.
On my Mothers Birthday it came to me about the St jude Payer.
I would like to add my "Thank you" for the blessings I know I and my family are about to receive




Wednesday Oct 6th 2010 Dear Bill,

Thank you for suggesting this site to me as I am a firm believer in the power of prayer & paying forward.
I will add this to my prayers each day.
We are in need of financial help as we spent most of our retirement money helping our daughter who is a
single parent so now we are at risk.

My husband has taken on a job that requires a lot of physical labor and he has had 3 heart surgeries and
numerous health issue and has not business doing this job and now I fear for his health!!
When I pray to St. Jude I always tell him that this is out of need and not greed and many will benefit
from any help we get as we have always helped everyone in the past and still do.
Again thank you so much for telling me about this page.
God bless,



From: peter
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Friday, October 8, 2010, 4:29 AM

i have cancer it was a day then i was coming home from the hospital and i
was out in the middle of the road and a lorry comes on the other side i try to go back into the
roadside to give him
room but it was to late i damaged my car and hit his today is the last day of novena to st jude i
sayed him to help that my car is fixed i do not mind if i have to wait a day or two longer
it may not seem to be imported but to me it is i have said this novena many a time and know that
there will be results thank you so much



From: Jessica
Subject: please help me
Date: Friday, October 15, 2010, 10:25 PM

hello, my name is jessica, i was reaidng on your site of st. judes novea prayer, I have
been going through a very hard time in life at the moment, I need help, im at a
point where i feel lost, desperate and internally destroyed, all my life i have
witnessed death after death and suffering as well as bad luck, in my heart i
know i am not a bad person, as i believe in god and want to do right and get
closer to him, its just so much negativity happened to me this past month, it
sheilds me from all the 'good'. The father or my baby recently left me cause he
said he wasnt ready for a 'family' and i know in his heart he loves us and wants
to be with us, but he lets a lot of his 'influences' and 'temptations' of ungodly
things of the world take over his ability to follow his heart and be with his
family (me and the kids). He isnt a bad person he just has a lot to work on and i
just wanted to know how i could say the st. judas novea properly...cause this
has destroyed so much of my heart, and has weakened me, not a day goes by
that i dont shed a tear and pray to the lord he open his eyes and see that the
things he 'wants' arent the things hes looking for, that he needs to be with god
and that way he can be with his us in the right way, I wish God would clear his
mind of all these temptations and addictions so that we could be happy and live
the way The Lord wants us to live. My question is, I wanted to know how
exactly to do it? I know i have to pray and say the st jude prayer with 3 our fathers,
3 hail marys, 3 glory be's....and do them 9 times a day...can i light a
st. jude candle, virgin mary mother of god candle, and a jesus christ candle?
when your prayer is answered post a public thank you? is that all? or would i
have to do more? i just really want to get this right and do it the right way
before i start. if there is anyway you could help me with this i would GREATLY
appreciate it, as i so desperatly want to get my life back, in the right way, with
the one i love and who i know loves me but has astrayed, please help me. thank
you very much,
God Bless.
Stockton california

( ed. - from Bill )
I REPSONDED to Jessica and suggested She should follow the instructions given on the webpage
and to seek advice from a CLERGYPERSON.



Special help is needed for the family which the following web page is about
Jeremy and Maryne Baylis are trying to rescue their children


Now a request from me for: Clinton Jarrell - West Virginia
St Jude please give Clinton a miracle
He is very confused and bitter about his situation
Let him open his heart and soul and use your powers to give him peace and health
Allow him to overcome his addictions
and accept whatever answers you have for him


From: Allison C Dalessandro
Subject: Thank You To St Jude
Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 12:42 PM

Bill, my name is Tim and I am asking you to think of me in your prayers. I am trying to get a job as a truck driver in Afghanistan,
so I can take care of those I love. I believe in Prayer, and I believe the
Prayer of a righteous man is powerful and avails much.

Please call me at 201-925-4340 and let me know that
you will lift me up in Prayer. I do believe
that Saint Jude will intercede on my
behalf. God Bless You!

Tim Carney


From: AnIrishLassieC
Subject: From the Prayer Page
: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 6:13 PM


Thank you St, Jude for hearing my prayer

I'm saying the prayer to St Jude because I believe in him and the power of prayer..I
am praying to have a special man named Brian C to come back into my life and
for us to fall in love and have the relationship that I have been praying for .I am
asking for it to now be my time for happiness with him and have a life together ..I
believe my prayers will be answered because I believe in St Jude and god with all
my heart and soul..I have always trusted in prayer and I will always continue
too ..Thanks you St Jude and I am continuing to say the Novena until my prayer is
answered ...I am eternally grateful always ....

Colleen Shyanne My response was: Please keep saying the prayer and ask that those who seek
intervention be granted their requests too - Bill


From: Lawrence R
Subject: Prayer to St Jude
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 11:40 PM

Dear ST. Jude,
Please help me with my career to find a new job that will relieve me of my financial distress, provide
financial security for my family and advancement in my career. Please help me with my spiritual and
physical health and finally that the case be concluded in my favor. I promise to help make your name and
good works known, through this site and other means in return for the favors I seek.
Thank you with all my heart,



From: mlb4065
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Friday, October 22, 2010, 10:43 AM
Please pray for my son to find his soul mate i would be ever so thankful



From: Joshua & Lisa
Subject: Thank You To St Jude
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 5:17 PM

Dear Bill,

I am requesting a miracle prayer from St. Jude. I ask St. Jude to remove all
negative thoughts and actions from all the parties involved in my request to change
my practicum placement. I am requesting a miracle in 3 days time from St. Jude, I
ask that I be placed in the most perfect practicum to complete the remainder of
my master's in social work degree which I will finish in May 2011. As God is my
witness, I will make a donation and publish that my miracle was granted by St.
Jude, in a newspaper.
Thank you

Lisa R


From: Lori S
Sent: Mon, October 25, 2010 6:20:40 AM
Subject: From the Prayer Page

St Jude, please help my husband. He was diagnosed with a cancerous spine tumor. We are flying to Sloan
Kettering today to meet with the doctors. He is in pain and has trouble walking. We don't know the
outcome yet, or what the future holds. Anyone reading this please pray for him. Thank you so much and

God bless you.


From: Hugo G
Subject: Re: From the Prayer Page
To: "Bill Cape Coral FL"
Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 6:46 PM

I do want to ask a request,
I'm currently working but it not a very good flexible schedule, of course money also is a factor too.
So, my request is simply For a Better Job, salary and Benefit wise.and flexible schedule.

Please send me instructions if you don mind on the prayer so I can start Tonight.

Thank you


From: Hugo Gonzalez
Subject: Re: From the Prayer Page
To: "Bill Cape Coral FL"
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 1:28 AM

I had my interview today. It went well overall, I have the same qualifications I used to have
for my previous job. The only thing is, I was invited for a second interview, I don't know when that will be yet,
hopefully soon.



From: Esther F
Subject: pray for us please
To: ""
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 6:34 AM

Good morning,

My husband and me are in a very difficult situation. After 18 blissful years together
and two wonderful daughters, my husband has told me he doesn't love me anymore.
I have been trying to cope and need your prayers to repair my mariage. I
love my husband so much, I'm begging St Jude to show him the way to love me again as he did before.
Thanks for the novena prayer I'm keeping it with me at all times and praying it
gives me the courage and the strength to carry on and I hope to come out of this crisis as a stronger couple.
I truly hope to be posting a thank you on your website very soon, wouldn't that be wonderful.

St Jude, I'm begging you to intercede



From: Mark T
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Thursday, November 4, 2010, 5:35 PM

Dear Bill,

I am not a good prayer but i believe in Miracles and found this website.
I hope you will post this and I thank you in advance.
Please help me pray that the Love of my life returns to me
. That she find the love back that we shared and that we can fulfill what she was
talking about to her sister in January.
Please St.Jude, grant me the returning of my Hearts Desire,
My one and only special love of my life.

I will post a thank You on this page too.
Thank You in advance for granting me my request.
There is nothing I would wish for more than to be with her again.
And live together.

Thank You Amen



From: Penny T
Subject: please pray for me
Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2010, 7:57 PM




From: liskole@
Subject: read your Mickey Mantle story
Date: Sunday, November 14, 2010, 6:18 PM

You are a brave man. I feel like you will not appreciate my prayer
request, because I did not have a similar accident, but need
prayer just the same and need all the prayer partners I can get.
My prayer is from a broken heart. I am a divorced single
mom. My son Zach is 13 this December, and My daughter is
19, she is an unwed mother, with a 5 month old daughter, living
in her boyfriends parents home. I met someone a year and a
half ago, whom is a single father. He has been divorced a long
time and his ex-wife is not involved in his or their daughter's life.

It has just been the two of them. his name is Ross and her name
is Paige. When Ross and I (Lisa) met, if you believe in love at
first sight ( I do ) It happened to us. We were crazy about each
other from the beginning. We met each others kids, went to
each of each others kids sporting events. We have a lot in
common. To make a long story short. Ross' daughter Paige
grew jealous of his eventual love for me and felt threatened.
Today 11/14, Ross turns 42. I am 45. Last year on
his birthday was the last day I was at their house with Paige
home. I could only go when she was gone. Or he would come
over to see me. Her mom had moved to Alabama, and last
year she announced she was moving back. Since then, Paige
has tried to drive a huge wedge between her dad and I, and
definitely has. We agreed to give her space, and I would stay
away. One year later I am putting on the pressure of him telling
his daughter the truth. He don't like it, and is getting very distant
with me. I love him. He say's he loves me every day, but won't
do anything to change. I moved into a townhouse last
December and Ross asked me to only sign a 6 month lease
because he wanted to marry me and be with him always. I did
do that and when he helped me move in he said we would go
shopping for rings. One year later and no change. I am asking
for prayer in that Ross will marry me and that Paige will accept
it. I love Ross and Paige as one of my children and want to be a
good influence in her life. My son Zach needs a father as much
as Paige needs a mom figure in her life.. I will pray for you and
all others on your web page, missing people, and our soldiers
who fight for our freedom every day. I ask that you pray for me
and Ross and Paige, and Zach to become one family. We are
meant to be together. Help me to not ride Ross and Pressure
him so much, but I have been waiting long on his promise. I
pray for you to get stronger, and not give up hope. I started my
St. Jude novena today. Thank you for you letter of
inspiration and hope. Mine should be easy..I just want to marry Ross.

I hope this is where I was suppose to post my prayer request.

Thank you, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you always.



From: Linda S
Subject: From the page of the prayer To:, capecoralbill
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 4:33 AM

I had been at my job for 13 years i was well liked and helped everyone i always shared the word of God
and did my best to shine with God's love, we had got a new boss she was okay until i got really sick i have
lupus and had to go into the hospital when i returned to work after 6 months of being on sick leave she started
treating me very different i was a good and hard worker every day i went to work came home crying everyday
afraid to walk back into the office the next day not knowing what would happen, each day it got worse and worse
she down grated me belittled me and than one day gave me a bad review after being there 13 years i was
always only given the best reviews. i did not agree with it there were many lies as i wrote a e-mail
letting her know this i got no response granted it i received a rise of 60 cents 2 days after they received
my response they called me into the office on a Tuesday and i was told they were eliminating my job and
keeping the new girl i trained she had only been there a year they told me because her review was better than
mine they were keeping her i filed a lawsuit for discrimination against my disability wrongful termination a
year later my position opened up again i applied for the job but never even got a interview i was a good worker despite my illness.

Now i am in the middle of doing the deposition and have been there 2 times already waiting for the 3rd deposition
to be scheduled so we can complete it and it can go to court; the other party is trying to get my case dismissed,
i am telling the truth i have a good heart one that belongs to god i pray that God will reveal this to the lawyer
that i am telling the truth and with the documents i have given them they will see this and just say they
want to settle and not continue with this deposition. they are tearing me up inside out and bringing me down
i know that is what they want to happen but for a boss that treated me and other people so unfairly and put them
down always a boss that hated her job and wanted to see good people gone, she was not there to do her job
but was there for the pay check, i pray this will all end soon and since i typed 8 hours a day
and got carpal tunnel they are deining this as a worker comp case, i did repetition work for 13 years but they are saying i got it from my Lupus...

I have now been with out a job for over a year and money is tight i have not received one single penny
from them in my civil case nor my worker's comp... i pray everyday that God;s will will be done.
I do not not know what to do any longer i cannot find a job and so afraid i am going to be living
in the street my husband works but does not make a enough to support us and our family.
Please pray that God will put a end to this soon and it will be speedy and fair and soon my boss will be out
of there so that she can stop belittling people so much and making them feel like they are nothing...
I pray for my family and for all families suffering from this economy, and pray that with all the documents
and reviews and e-mails i gave as documentation that they shall see that this is proof enough that
i am telling the truth and just want to settle this Case right a away and go no further with this deposition...

i also have a brother in jail he has a beautiful family was addicted to drugs cleaned up his life to serve God
and take care of his son and step children 3 years later he had a melt down and in jail fighting to get out
and crying out for God to show him where he is going wrong he has a hearing Tuesday and
we are hoping there will be no jail time but that they will send him to rehab where he can get to the root of his illness
and what brought him back to this point of doing the drugs and almost losing his family;
may God be with him God needs to free his sould and be able to help him get better so he can keep his job
and continue to take care of his family. My Brother has a heart for God he reaches people with that word God has used him in mighty ways...
Please pray for all the above and for much more for the children missing and all the families suffering.
I lit the candle of Saint Jude and will pry to him everyday so that he can ask God to please answer this
miracle that this family need and miracles of many other families.

Amen Linda


From: linda S
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Monday, November 15, 2:47 PM

I have just recently been lucky enough to find your website. I was wondering Bill
if i might be abel to have a prayer said for myself and 3 other people we
all have cancer and I am in remission.
I have said more than one novena to St.
Jude through God part of my prayers have come true, I feel that we are very lucky to
have such a good friend in Jesus and St. Jude, and I thank him for favors already
received. I hope to hear back from you Bill, and i thank you for the priveledge of
being a member of your webside. Thankyou

Sincrely Linda S


From: Jill R
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Saturday, November 20, 3:12 PM

Please pray for my Mother Jill A. B. who was a victim of abduction at 17 yr. old.
I thank Jesus for making a home in her heart and soul that helped her survive all
these years after. Please pray for healing of her alcoholisim.

Jill R


From: lakshmi
Subject: Miracle Prayer request
To: ""
Date: Friday, November 19, 3:25 AM

My husband left me a month ago for his parents since they doesn't like this marriage.
I am deeply in love withmy husbandand cannot live without him. i love my in-laws too.
Oh God! theres nothing you cannot change in this world.
Please do some miracle to change my inlaw's and my husbands mind.
Please God help me to bring him back to me with everyones love.

Please God, bring my husband back to me and let us all live happily. Please God help me.
I don't have anybody else to ask help except you. Please God, help me.
Please transform my husband and bring him back to me.

Please include me in your prayers. may God Bless you all.


From: Rosy Di
Subject: Prayer Request
Date: Monday, November 22, 3:11 AM

Kindly I would like to petition St Jude for a job by Dec of which am expecting to be
called for as per my request to that company.

I have earlier done a nine day novena but no results and hope to start another soon.

Thanks Rosi

I also want to publish thanks for the earlier prayer to st jude hoping that he will grant my petition soon.


From: alexandra.
Subject: RE: From the Prayer page
To: "Bill Cape Coral FL"
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 10:05 AM

My name is Alexandra I actually prayed for everyone individually on the page and a little after midnight some of the things fell into place.

I would like to know if it is possible to pray for
Keeping my lines of communication open with David to resolve any conflicts that
arise in our relationship, for my son that he does not lose hope and continues
to not lose faith and turn to drugs, for a solution to my situation regarding
work, my health, and being able to take care of my parents all at once and for
our youth and everyone who goes without may they be blessed with people
who will be able to help and provide for them. Thank you St Jude.

Thank you for your page and being an instrument to everyone that St Jude has helped through your page.


BR> From: Dick E
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Thursday, November 25, 4:15 PM

Please join with me in prayer to St.
Jude for my youngest son. He seeks a good Christian
girl to share his life. I will naturally join in
prayer with you and have ask my son to join us.

Thank you.


From: mary thompson
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Thursday, November 25, 12:58 PM

Hi, I saw your prayer page.
I was wondering if you could pray to St. Jude for me and my ex boyfriend.
We were perfect togher, so happy and everything else that could qualify as perfect.
About a month ago our relationship abruptly ended in the course of a few hours.
He's been making excuses and we are at a point that we do not talk anymore.
He has low self esteem because of his looks and is easily influenced.
I have a feeling his friends were the cause of the breakup because they did not like me.

I also fear that he might go back to another girl who dated him that hurt him before.
I love him so much and would do anything to get him back.
Sounds cliche and cheesy but I'm in love with him and I know it is true love.
I am praying to St Jude to make my ex realize his feeling for me again and come back to me.
But I know prayer is more affective when a lot of people pray together.
So, please pray for me. Pray to St. Jude that my ex will realize his feelings for me again and come back to me.
Right now I don't know what else to do.

Thank you.


From: hemaliz
Subject: Prayer Request
Date: Friday, November 26, 7:07 PM

Hi Bill,
I've glanced at your website a few times over the past year. I truly do believe in St.Jude's intercession.
I have been at a crossroads in my life about 5 years ago and now looking back, have realized how many blessings I have truly received since then.
I am again now in turmoil about my Board exam. The results should be coming out soon. And I plan to begin a Novena to St.Jude on 11/28/10.
I do believe in the power of prayer in numbers.
Would you be able to pray with me and other viewers to pray with me also?
I am so in need. I really would appreciate your help.

God bless. St. Jude hear our prayers Thank you,



From: V G
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 6:20 PM

Dear Bill,

Thankyou for your wonderful work with promoting the intercession of St. Jude, who has such a special place amoung God's elect in Heaven.

Please put my request down and I will pray the novena and aftre it is granted I will
thank St. Jude with all my heart and thank our Lord Jesus and the Blessed Mother
for allowing St. Jude to intercede on our behalf.

St. Jude,

My ex Shona, desparately needs your help in finding a good full time job that gives
her stability and esteem. She has been looking for so long without success,
except for a difficult small part time job that makes it difficult to make ends meet.
I try to help with what I can, but she really needs some blessings in her life. She
went to school and worked very had while taking care of her two children. Please
grant this petition and let the right work come to her to help her family. Please
keep Dejana away away from peer pressure and let her to make the right choices
as Jesus wants.
St. Jude bring the family into a personal relationship with Jesus, Mary and you. I will tell them of your great love and care, please help.
Bring the whole family closer to the Lord Jesus so they know him and feel his presence in there lives.

This I pray to you St. Jude in the might name of Jesus.

Vince G.


From: Renuka De Silva
Subject: From the Prayer page
> To:
> Date: Sunday, November 28, 7:13 PM
> Renuka De Silva
> > Dear Brother,
> I am Devotee St.jude since many years. I am praying daily
> and going every thursdays to St.jude Church Idigolla Gampha
> Sri lanka. > Brother i am a Mother 2 sons. Since many years i am
> struggling with Debt and Financial Difficulies. Every Month
> i have to pay a big intrest to the Money lenders.Some days i
> havent any Money to buy Food. Day by day my situation
> becomes worst. I am steping to poverty. I have lost
> everything. Our Kitchen and Fridge are allways empty. Since
> many years i havent any Blessings in my life.
> My life is full of struggles, Tears, Unhappyniss, Debt
> ,Lack of Money and Sickniss.
> I am sick now. I have a Heart trouble, Diabetes, Highblood
> Pressure and Athsma. Some times i have lot of Difficulties
> to breath than i have to go for a Hospital to get Oxygan.
> Please Pray to end my Difficult Situation. Please Brother
> Pray for me to St. Jude to recive a Help. Please send me a
> reply.Thank you.
God bless you.


Hello Bill,

Bless your heart for having the St Jude website. I am in need of a miracle desperately.
I have prayed the Novena to St Jude many times a day continuously, for my miracle.
On the fourth day of the Novena, I was blessed with the miracle I payed for. Thank you blessed St Jude,
I will praise your name always!!!!

I am continuing to pray for my other needs. I know and have faith, that St Jude will grant all my needs when it is time.
For those of you out there, who need miracles, you are not alone! Please remember St Jude!
Pray to him and he will intercede for you. Praise the almighty Father!
This Novena really works! God's blessings to you all!


G. V.


From: Pat W
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Saturday, December 4, 2010, 9:41 AM

I would like to post a thank you:

Dear St. Jude,

I want to thank you for answering my prayers, you have made it possible for a close
friend's husband to find a job and second you let my son in-law come home from Afghanistan safe and sound.

With all my love,


St Jude please help find the missing and bring them home
Also please inspire those who Use face book to help with the effort to use existing
technology to help find those who are sought see 2findthemissing on Face book



Because of space restraints I have HAD TO Move
the Thank You Meaasges
to St Jude to

This Link

visit and read some of the Prayers that have worked


From: Robert B
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 12:06 AM

Dear God,
I ask that my financial burdens will be lifted from me, that I am blessed with
economic financial security. Also right now I am facing a difficult time with a
workman's compensation case, and please intercede for me as
well that I will win this case. We as a family have been struggling for a
long time now, since I lost my job due to this work injury, and want our
lives to be better,
Thank you and Bless you for all you do.

Robert Jamison, Pa



From: Diane P.
Subject: Please pray for us
To: ""
Date: Monday, December 13, 2010, 1:55 AM

Hello, please pray for me and my girlfriend of almost 3 years. We broke up because she says she does not love me anymore.
It's been more than a month since I last saw her. It seems to me like a hopeless case for she says she doesn't have feelings for me.
Although she treated my badly, I think that we can still salvage our relationship.
I really hope that she comes back because we really endured a lot of challenges during our relationship.
I do hope that she comes to appreciate my efforts. May our love for each other be replenished.
I believe St Jude can answer my prayers. Please pray for us.
Thank you.


From: Steven C
Date: Monday, December 13, 2010, 9:43 PM

Dear My Lord Jesus,

Please Pray that my14 old son,Joel, be released from incarceration next year or earlier,
watch over him and keep him safe, help him to turn his life around and get back on the right track
and help him to learn from his mistake.
Stop playing around with game & encourage to go to school & studying hard

Also pray for wife to cure & heal his health to rid off her Paranoia Schizophrenia.
Lord grant blessing & protecting my family & Home may the peace,Love & understanding come alive

In Jesus name, AMEN


From: gerald X
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 1:51 PM

please i needso much prayers for myself and my ex girlfriend claire, please pay for us to be reunited together with her,
i was wronged in so many ways, i forgive all wrongs please help me in my prayers, help me,
may God hear my endless prayers.i need this miracle in my life,
God reunite us, i have been praying and praying please see the attached prayer - keep to yourself and open with speakers...



From: Author Sandra R
Subject: Prayer
Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 8:45 AM

We need prayer please. My husband is a disabled Veteran. He has cancer, hep c and dementia among many other illnesses.
I am bipolar and have chronic arthritis.
We have 2 children at home who need us to have more money to take care of them.
We need to be physically fit and mentally and emotionally healed.
We need financial relief, we are looking at losing so many things, our vehicle, our home.
Please pray for us!

God Bless!
Think before you speak, pay attention to how you act and react. And always give more than you receive...


Here is one of the most touching requests I HAVE ever receiverd :

From: Joe Carroll
Subject: From the Prayer Page
To: ""
Date: Sunday, December 26, 2010, 3:23 AM


I am at the lowest point in my entire life.
Three days ago, my 28 year old son was diagnosed with a brain tumor that has already spread significantly.
We have already visited a neurosurgeon and the news is not very good. Our son, Michael will need to have surgery in the next seven days,
followed by extensive radiation and chemotherapy. It looks like this is a grade 4 mass and unfortunately,
it appears as if this tumor is the Glioblastoma multiforme Monster!
Bill, 25 years ago, St. Jude answered my prayers for Michael’s brother that was very sick as an infant.
He had a full recovery and St. Jude is my very special hero.
I need to call upon St. Jude again for his help to ask our Lord Jesus Christ to spare the life of my son.
If Michael has Glioblastoma, there is just a 4% survival rate. Bill, would you please join in with me
and pray to St. Jude and ask him to spare Michael’s life? If you truly knew Michael,
you would understand very quickly that he has a lot to offer others and
I am begging God to please spare his life.

I am medically trained and I know that the only way Michael will survive is through the power of prayer.
I am into the third day of the Novena for Michael. I am truly desperate and hopeless due to Michael’s condition.
Thank you for your website. I am so glad that St. Jude answered your prayers and reversed your paralysis.
I am happy for the other prayers that were answered by St. Jude for people on your website.
I will keep you posted on Michael’s surgery and progress.

I ask St. Jude to please help me during the most difficult time for my son Michael.
I ask him to give him comfort during this time of need, suffering and pain.

The Danny Thomas and my personal story of intervention 25 years ago for Michael’s brother is giving me hope for my son Michael.
As with Danny Thomas, if St. Jude could show us a sign of hope and comfort and spare Michael’s precious life,
I will dedicate the rest of my life doing everything I possibly can to support St. Jude’s Research Hospital.
I will also dedicate the rest of my life to spread the word of the power of St. Jude.
May God bless everyone that visits your website during their own special time of need. I will keep you posted.

Thank you- Michael’s Dad, Joe


From: Claude T
Subject: Prayer request for St Jude
Date: Sunday, December 26, 2010, 8:45 PM

Dear Bill,

I came across your website on St Jude and found it very inspiring. I need a miracle for my father from St Jude.
Please would you help me to pray for one for my father and any others that may need help.
My father has suffered a massive stroke which has left him paralysed, brain damaged and in a coma.
I have not given up on him but the doctors say there is no hope.
Please would you help me to pray to St Jude for the following ;
that my father's life be spared, that he will come out of his coma,
that the damaged brain cells and curcuits will be made whole again
and that the brain will send the correct signals to the different parts of the body,
Finally that his paralysis will go.

Thank you for your help and the good work that you are doing regarding St Jude.

Yours sincerely
Claudette Taylor


Amy S
December 18 at 11:13am

Hello Bill,

I came across your website by accident. I am truly inspired by your story.
it has given me much hope in my desperate situation.
I have been praying humbly to St. Jude for his intercession and I hope he hears my cry for help and mercy.
He had granted me favours before that I had taken for granted.
I am ashamed to admitt to this.
However i have strong faith that he will help again.
Could you please say a prayer for me and my boyfriend in our desperate situation?
I am so sorry to ask. Power is in numbers however.
I will never disappoint St. Jude again.

I tried to email you from your website but unfortunatly,
i do not have outlook and i had difficulty downloading the program.

You're website and your helping of others is truly wonderful.
God Bless you and your family.


From: johnpaulb

Subject: Prayer
Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2010, 12:22 PM

Please help me in this time of need St. Jude. I have been
out of work for two months. Interview after interview
without any success. I
have been barely able to pay my bills and counting changeto
get by. I liquidated everything and scared to lose the rest.
I have been praying but need help in finding a rewarding
career to help me balance work/life/family. I need to get
back on track to find happiness. I have tried to help people
in my job and enjoy doing so but the hours and pay made me

Please help.

John Paul

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


From: Deborah L.
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2010, 4:20 PM

Please pray for the repair of my 22 year marriage.
We have filed for divorce and my husband does not wish to come home and work on our problems.
I love this man with all my heart and know we can repair this marriage.
I am desperate as I have been trying for 14 months to get him to come home.
He kept changing his mind and now is dating and states he is no longer in love with me.
I think he is but is hiding from his emotions. I pray that St Jude will come to my rescue.

Thank you and God Bless. Thank you so much for your site.

Debbie L


Subject: Prayer Request
Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2010, 5:47 PM

God bless you Bill,

I am trusting God to show up and grant my heart needs.
I have an job interview on Jan 7th and believe I will get it.
I also looking for husband and favor on my kids and household.
I printed the prayer of Saint Judes and promised will come on line and
give praise report when my prayer has been answer.
I will also pray for other.

Please do not display my last name or even full name just Int. when posting my request.

Thank you and God bless



From: pappai
Subject: To: ""
Date: Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 1:45 AM

Thank st.jude you for gving me a miracle,regarding my exam.
The only reason why I could manage to pass the exam was because of your help.
I want you to know that I will forever be greatfull to you for this great miracle
and you will be my patron saint and i will make others know you.

now I am again in a difficult sitation. I missed to register to one of my exams
,but it is very important to me to take this exam in this term,otherwise i will have lot of difficulties.
so please pray for me ,so that the examination office at college will help me to register to the exam again.
St.jude please help me in this desperate situation, i will allways thankful to your help.



From: Caroline C
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 6:11 PM

Dear St Jude
please intercede for my family and friends intentions. Pray for both Jason and Alec who are in Prison.
Please intercede that this maybe my year and I will get another Job that will be
what I like and and am good at and that I will find a life partner.

Please intercede for Ann who is bitter and resentful and that peace is restored.
Please intercede for all the Holy souls in purgatory esp. my family
and friends and those who have no one to pray for them.

At Jude intercede for us and protect us.

Caroline C


From: Leslie A. C.
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2012, 12:17 PM

Dear Bill:

I think you are right. There is no mistake in anyone being directed to your web page,
especially if they are truly seeking help for an impossible situation.

I believe in God and I especially believe in St. Jude.
I have witnessed numerous miracles in my life but have never felt anything
I said or did was worth anything so I am now writing down everything.
Alot of what I have done in life has never been championed or supported so I never felt i was special.
Just recently I have begun to see how wrong that all is.
It's sad that alot of people want to keep us down or put us down and I have suffered too long from all that nonsense!!
God has granted me miracles--how can I be so worthless??

Right now I am in severe need of a miracle.
Three years ago I moved to seek an opportunity to use all the gifts and talents God has given me to make
a better life for myself and those around me. I sold what I had and followed the Lord, not looking down.
2011 was great but 2012 has put me at the poverty level.

My boss has also been unfair with me and
I am not getting everything that is due me. I have found that I really don't need so much to be happy
but a really need a financial miracle to stay alive. I have incurred awful debts and have been reduced to having nothing.
My credit rating is destroyed. I can't pay my rent yet this month and while
I have a wonderful landlady who is also my friend, she has to get paid.

I am beginning to think that maybe this was not the opportunity of a lifetime and have a chance to start in a new
position back home. It would cost me less to live and wouldn't be so risky.
I don't want the material, superficial life I had sought after at one time, even though my intentions were good.

I have been praying and praying but sometimes it feels like my prayers just bounce back at me though
I know God hears every one.

I am now asking you to pray to St. Jude for me and I will pray also. I am in desperate need of a financial miracle.
I have no money and am praying the things I have worked so hard for at my present job will materialize--
or something--so I can make a decision about the job at home. I really need money,
I am desperate.

I have said it before and will say it again. I will do all in my power to support organizations that St. Jude is the center of.
I have already made up with lost family members and strive every day to do good deeds and be of assistance
to others even if I don't feel like it. I am trying. Please help me.
Thank you and thank you St. Jude.

Leslie A. C.


From: isela k
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2011, 1:26 AM

On September 1st, 2010 I lost my baby
girl Adalyn when I was a day shy of 21 weeks pregnant. I
went into pre-term labor and had a placental abruption due
to an infection. We still don't know exactly how I got
this rare infection. I am still a mess over her loss
because I miss her so much. I feel so sad when I see
other babies or pregnant women who are having a perfect
pregnancy and I wonder if I will ever have that too.
My husband and I are in the process of trying to
conceive. I hope St. Jude will intercede so that a
miracle will occur again so that I may become pregnant again
with a happier outcome at the end. I am so scared and
I at times feel that there is no hope left but I pray that I
may have faith and believe always.
I will pray for everyone and hope that St. Jude is busy at
work performing miracles.



From: Dave G
Subject: From the Prayer page
To: ""
Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 10:44 AM

Thank you for this page Bill - my significant other and I have gone through many
ups and downs throughout our time together. And I want to reach out to St. Jude to please heal our relationship!
I love this Wonderful Lady and would do anything to be with her!
I ask St. Jude to please intercede on my behalf and ask God to heal our relationship and assist us in getting back together and loving each other
"Saint Jude, we have problems in our relationship. Beg Almighty God to give us the light to see ourselves and each other as we really are.
Help us to grow daily in self-knowledge and mutual love, while at the same time developing our potential to love and be loved.
Help us, Saint Jude, to see and root out every manifestation of selfishness, vanity, and childish self-seeking --
those hidden enemies of love and maturity.
Show us that by learning to love and being filled with love, we may complement and nurture
each other as we share our lives together."

Thank you for hearing my prayer!



From: Ann T
Subject: From the Prayer page
To: ""
Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 1:28 PM

Would you consider our prayer request? Please we
still pray Dear God will heal my little child, ST, completely of this terrible affliction/illness.
Please guide us to do what is right and best for her and will provide speedy and complete healing.
Please we are so scared for her and things have gotten harder and more scary;
and I am so depressed and anxious about my little child.
Please protect her vision and heal her eyes and body so they work perfectly again.
Please let there not be more serious problems going on.
Please protect and heal her in mind, body and spirit.
Please we still pray for a healing miracle cure for our baby.

Thank you. Sincerely, Ann


From: ananya d
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Monday, January 10, 2011, 8:59 AM

It has been more than a months since I lost my beloved pet dog Lalee. I have done everything I could to find her. I know lalee is not a person,
and lot of people think losing a pet is no big deal. But to me losing Lalee has been as traumatic as losing a child.
I believe I stumbled upon your website for some reason. Please help me pray to St Jude to help me find Lalee or help her find her way back to me.

With lots of hope,


From: Joanna W
Subject: Prayer Request
To: ""
Date: Monday, January 10, 2011, 11:26 AM

Please pray for me to get out of my financial problem. I really needed usd2,500.00 urgently, I needed a miracles from Jesus.

-- Joanna Wong


On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Gianni Lamboy
Dear Bill
I recently lost my job.I was wrongfuly accused of things I didn't do and the genareal manager fierd me.
I love the place I work.I need this job I want to go to school and I have dept to pay off.I want him to give me the chance to
speak to him and give me the chance to work there again.I tryed E-mailing you through your web but it didn't work.So I e-mailed you
thrugh my face book aswell I reaaly need help with this.
Ive never prayed to st. jude thaddeus before but Im willing to accept him as my savour and I will pray for the lost people and soilders.
Pray for me please I want to start work next weekend.
Thank you.


From: bella_bebe
Subject: My prayer to St. Jude
Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 2:25 PM
Dear Bill,

At a very low point in my life, I am in need of a prayer and I came across your website.
A month ago my soon-to-be husband walked out on our relationship.
He left with very little explanation other than that he lost faith in me and this relationship.
We have briefly spoken since and he said that he really wished thing were different.
I pray to St. Jude to soften his heart and fill it with the unconditional love we had for each other.
I pray to St. Jude that he gives us the miracle of reconcilliation and a loving reunion.
I know we both love each other and had big dreams together, we simply derailed and I pray that we get back on the right track together.
I pray to St. Jude to go to him and make him realize that
I committed to him and have chosen him to be my husband and he shall not fear the future.

I pray to St. Jude for a reconcilliation.



From: Lucrezia M. J
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 9:12 AM

Hi Bill-

I came across your website today seeking a St. Jude Novena. At this point, we really need a miracle.
We just found out yesterday that our home went into foreclosure, after trying to modify our mortgage for over 15 months…..
Anyhow, we have an executive that is currently re-looking over our paperwork, because we feel it’s an error on their part…
.I am praying to St. Jude to save our home and help us get the modification we need to stay in our home.
I am a little hopeful, because now it’s in the hands of someone that we are in contact with.
Please put us on your pray list in hopes that we can save our home…..
Thank You and God Bless,

Lu J


We are asking everyone to say a prayer for "Darkhorse" 3rd Battalion 5th Marines and their families.
They are fighting it out in Afghanistan & they have lost 9 marines in 4 days.
IT WOULD BE NICE TO SEE the message spread if more could pass it on.
God Bless America and God Bless the United States Marine Corps...
Semper Fi, Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever.
Lindsay Lohan, 24, gets her name and face all over the news because she went to jail.
Now she's getting it all over again for failing her drug test.
But: Nothing in the media about these guys because no one seems to care:
Well We care.
Justin Allen, 23, Brett Linley, 29, Matthew Weikert, 29, Justus Bartett, 27,
Dave Santos, 21, Chase Stanley, 21, Jesse Reed, 26, ; Matthew Johnson, 21,
Zachary Fisher, 24, Brandon King, 23,
Christopher Goeke, 23, Sheldon Tate, 27 All are Marines that gave their lives for YOU

Honor THEM by forwarding this. I just did. Thanks!


A thank you and continued prayer rerquest.
From: Jen A
Subject: Thank You
To: Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 7:20 PM

I just want to thank Saint Jude for granting the first half of my prayer and intercession.
I am very hopeful that the second half will come true over time, as everything in my life progresses.
I need a lot of help in my life, I have been suffering inside for years.
It was a miracle when I ran into this site,
I had tried everything else, and decided to give this a try as well.
I am so thankful, I finally feel like I'm on the right track again.

Thank you Saint Jude,

Jen A


From: "MTBrooks@"
Sent : Saturday, August 10, 2013 1:23 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page
Please pray for my friend Maybelle Mc Bride who was just diagnosed of breast cancer.

ANOTHER FROM the same MTBrooks
Pls pray for my up coming workshop., my business and my health.


From: Chris H
Subject: please pray for me
Date: Sunday, January 16, 2011, 2:09 AM

Please pray that St. Jude would intercede for me that I get this very significant job offer overseas.
Please, I would be much obliged.

Thank you and God Bless You



From: Kristine J
Subject: Thank You To St Jude
To: "''"
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 9:50 AM

Thank you for the prayer. Please pray for my daughters recovery from drug addiction.
My grandson her son from mental and diabetes he is 6 yrs old.myself I take care of them and also work.
I would like to also be married again hopefully to Ralph. Thank you please help and pray for me.there is a long story here prayer is needed.

Kristine J


From: Udeogba, U
Subject: From the Prayer Page To:
Date: Friday, January 21, 2011, 7:53 AM

I pray to St. Jude to come to my aid especially in my marriage which is on the collapsing stage now.

Also to intercede for me in the case of Fruit of the womb. Also for Divine favour for my upliftment in all my endeavours.



From Robert B
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 10:19 AM

Dear Bill,

Please post this prayer request, thank you.

Dear Heavenly Father and St Jude,
Please intercede for me and my family, that our financial problems will be resolved.
Right now I am in the middle of a very complicated workman’s compensation case and things do not look good.
Even though I was injured on the job, they claim it was pre-existing, and my attorney is having a tough time with the defense attorney and the judge.
If this comes thru, we will be able to pay down most of our debts, so I ask God with a heavy heart to grant my request.
Robert Ball
Jamison, PA


From: jane nair
Subject: Prayer request
Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 5:12 AM

Dear Bill,
I've always had a tremendous amount of faith in St Jude but have never got down to saying the novena.
I was engaged a few months ago to an amazing mand and things could not have been better.
But a few months ago things suddenly took a turn for the worse and my fiance was diagnosed with Bipolar.
He has been struggling to overcome it and is in the midst of finding himself.
I trust that God is with him through this trying time and pray that through St Jude's
intercession he will be healed of this disorder and overcome the grief and depression that he may have gone through,
is likely to be going through or will go through.
This I pray to you St. Jude in the might name of Jesus.

A little something for Mary Thompson.
Thank you Bill and everybody else for sharing. Do keep him in your prayer.



From: Penelope
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Friday, January 28, 2011, 8:28 AM

I pray to you St Jude to help my husband get better again as he suffered a spinal injury on the 1st Jan 2011 and was told that he will never walk again.
Also he has complications like blood clots on his lung and bleeding from the bowel which is caused by blood thinning agents.
I will pray for him through you St Jude to make him well again.



From: micheline m
Subject: Re: From the Prayer page
To: "Bill Cape Coral FL "
Date: Sunday, January 30, 2011, 4:12 PM

Its been almost two years my child
father and I have been separated, we still meet from time to
time but the relationship is not like before .he says that
he loves me and wants to come back but don't know what's
keeping him back, some people say there is a curse between
the two of us I tried not to believe but according to what
I've been through with the sister and I know she is capable
of doing it but u must never I'm asking u please

st.jude to help me throughout the situation no matter what
the case may be,want u to lead his heart back to me to be
the way we use to be and want god to bless his sister as I
have forgiven her if she has a part to play and also Bill I
want u to pray with me.

I believe that only prayers can
solve our problems.

Thank you



From: alexandra g

Subject: From the Prayer page

Date: Monday, January 31, 2011, 6:04 PM

Dear Bill I pray to St Jude to please grant me a miracle. I truly believe that God answered my prayers and placed Manuel in my path.
I am not really sure what has happened but I need a miracle. Please St Jude reconcile the relationship between Manuel and myself.
Please put him back on speaking terms with me very soon so that we can resolve any
issues that are causing him to shut me out and push me away.

Please reconcile and bless our relationship.

Thank you,
Alexandra G.


From: enzo g
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2011, 12:41 AM

Please pray from my father for his memory to return and that his legs will walk again.
This maybe an impossibility but after reading your page, I HAVE hope.
So please help if you can.




From: Maribel M
Subject: Fw: From the Prayer page
To: ""
Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011, 1:32 PM

Dear Bill
I am a firm believer in St Jude as I have always felt his protection when I have called upon him to help me.
I now ask that he help give me strength to be a good single mother.
When I became pregnant I asked St Jude and the Virgin Mary to care for me and my child.
The father of my child is with someone else and he refuses to even acknowledge her as his own.
I truly loved this man but do not ask that he be with me since he has made his decision.
I only ask that I be granted peace in my mind and heart.
I do not want to dwell in what can never be since it will only prolong the pain.
I need to clear what feels like fog in my head and the heaviness I carry in my heart. That I may forgive and forget and move on.
I ask that St Jude help guide me through life so I may be a good mother.
So that I can set a good example to my little girl and
for the protection of my job so I can keep a roof over our heads.

I ask St Jude give me strength to face the hardships that are to come and the challenges of being a single parent.
St Jude please help me in this desperate time of need.
I know that if someone joins me in prayer it will surely help me.

Thank you sincerely


From: Lizette.P
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011, 3:52 PM

I read your story and its very moving. St Jude is awesome!!! He has helped me in the past with so many things.
But once again im on his feet asking again for his help. Please St Jude help me reconcile with my boyfriend we were together for a year and all of sudden on 1/12/11
he just changed and stopped talking to me. We have spoken some but I don't know . Please help me pray for Jesus (aka Rocky) and me to get back together.
I love him with all my heart . Also he has some issues he is going thru that he doesn't share with me but with the help of St Jude
I know he can solve it and have a positive outcome which might bring us together once they are solved..

thank you
May God and St Jude bless everyone and grant everyone's requests


From: micheline m
Subject: Prayer
To: "Bill T Cape Coral FL "
Date: Friday, February 4, 2011, 6:15 PM

Need someone to pray with me right now


From: Lindy A
Subject: prayers
Date: Sunday, February 6, 2011, 7:56 AM

i came accross ur website .my name is urania a******** and i left school in1997 and i haven't work since .
i have tried all kind of novena but nothing work . i really need help because i am depress.please help me


From: micheline M
Subject: From the Prayer page
To: "

Date: Monday, February 7, 2011, 7:28 PM

HEllo St. Jude and God
ts me again this time its concerning a three year old child From: micheline M
Subject: From the Prayer page
To: "

Date: Monday, February 7, 2011, 7:28 PM

HEllo St. Jude and God
ts me again this time its concerning a three year old child
named Darnelle Jadie Gomelle who was diagnosed with leukemia four ys ago.
I'm asking you please to watch over her and her
family throughout the situation especially her father who is taking it very hard.
If u will not cure her completely can you please give her strength so she can live a long life with less suffering

would also like you to watch over everyone with cancer
I would like everyone who reads this to pray for her and anyone who does novenas do one for her please.

God and St. Jude I call upon you to pour blessings on this child.
I want u to hear OUR prayers and grant them their wish and also hear the cries of other families.
Thank you.

I'm gonna pray for you also my girl, get well soon.
We all Love you.


From: Philomena K
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2011, 1:24 AM

Hallo Dear?

My name is Philomena Kiarie. I am desperately in need of a good Job.
I applied for one last Friday, February 3, 2012 and am looking forward for the intercession of St. Jude to get the Job.
I believe that I did not get this page in vain and God is going to open doors for me.

Thank you and God bless you



jim d
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011, 1:19 PM

May I humbly ask for prayers for all those requesting prayers and for my own needs?
I pray that God will hear my prayers to make a good decision regarding my mother's return
to our home from the nursing facility-that it will be a good decision;
to locate excellent in home caregivers to assist me; for the financial resources to meet costs;
to preserve family property; to have better relationships with sibling and his family;
for my own despair and depression. Thank you.



From: abigail
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011, 3:38 PM

Dear Bill,
I have great faith in St. Jude and ask that you please publish my prayer.
My daughter was recently caught by me smoking pot and drinking.
Afterward, I've discovered secret after secret. I was open with her,
but firm in that it was not acceptable behavior.
She has decided to live with her more laid back father instead of me, her mother.
I have always had a great relationship with her and it literally changed overnight following her 18th birthday.
I have not spoken to her and she has refused to see me.
She wrote me a three page letter telling me that she is tired of me and
that I would prevent her from enjoying her senior year of high school and that she now prefers her father and stepmother.
I am heartbroken, and want to let her know that I love her, and want to remain in her life.

I pray that St. Jude intervenes in the life of my daughter Dorothy and that along with God
he helps her to realize that she needs her mother, and that I have always been there
for her and have never let her down. I ask that St. Jude protects her and helps her to
make better choices and that he sends her home to me, or at least allows me to have
input in her life to make sure that she is cared for and on the right track.

I pray that ST. Jude grants me this prayer along with the other parents that are
suffering because their children are ill or on the wrong path-may their hearts be
healed from this incredible pain. I pray for the parents of our soldiers, may their
hearts be healed with St. Jude's help. I promise to encourage devotion to St. Jude
and create a little shrine for him in my new home's garden, so that when people ask,
I can tell them of my devotion. I also vow to help teenage girls with their problems
so that they can find some refuge, and I hope to encourage openness with their
mothers. I will work with the girls in my family, and any girls that seem alone and
afraid that I may encounter along my path as my other daughter grows up.

Please publish my prayer, Bill, and thank you for your work. Sincerely, A.V, NY



Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Monday, February 21, 2011, 10:40 AM

Please pray for me and my family that the Lord God almighty, will answer our prayers for a financial miracle to get the money we need to pay our bills
and make a way out of no where to get the money we need to get our home out of foreclosure,
and for others all over the world who are in the same predicament we are in.
Pray for us here in Miami, Florida seems like the polices is trying to kill off a lots of our young men both black and white.
We need peace here and all over the world. Pray to stop all senseless killing, even of the young children and babies
. Thank you God Bless all and all who helps us to pray.
Thank you Dear God. Help this ministry, in Jesus name.
Thank you God! Doris and family.


From: r cast_
Subject: RE: Prayer requests
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 00:49:29 +0000
Dear Bill,

I would like to thank St Jude for praying for me as there have been positive changes happening in my kids, physical and emotional.
There is still a lot of work to be done but I ask that St Jude (and you and your readers) to continue to pray for us.
Years of pain and hopelessness and anger have rooted themselves but may God honour my desire for my children to truly truly forgive ma,
their father and one another (I have 3). I esp ask that my eldest daughter and son and youngest daughter forgive
one another and really build love.

But St Jude has truly answered esp in physical relief for my eldest as she was on presciption drugs.
May God help her through the last two months of university life. Saint Jude pls pray for me.



From: monica.
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 9:05 AM

Please join with me in a prayer to my fiance so that, God can break all the curses he is carrying because of sin life he is living,
he is taking alcohol and having adultery relationship. Please pray for him so that he can be saved and turn to Jesus.
May Holy Spirit talk to him and change his mind by showing him true love and divine love i have for him
and rescue him from the bondage which hold him in that relationship which is out of God will.
May spirit of anger,adultery,drunkerdness and hatreth towards me destroyed by God.
May God rescue him and allow us to get married soon, I love him so much.when Hanna was praying for a child,
she promised God that she will give the child to God,
i promise to God that the family which he will give me with Sadick,
we will serve God with love and commitment. Regards,



From: Jeanette B
Subject: From the Prayer page To:
Date: Friday, February 25, 2011, 3:47 PM


Please pray for me. I’m not getting paid right on my job this job have put me in a real bind please pray that I will get paid in time.
Also I was in a house fire I really needs money to buy furniture and other items for my
home please help me to pray for a financial blessing thanks for praying for me.

Jeanette B



From: Lydia C
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2011, 6:30 AM

I would like to help the effort to find missing children, women and men even if my prayer is not answered.
My son just lost his license due to a dui. He has a cdl lic. and does not drink and drive, except for one night last week.
He was stopped at a bar after work.
He was pulled over after he left and was given a breathalyzer test.
He tried to blow six times, but it did not register. they charged him with refusing a breathalyzer test.
He asked if he could try another one he was told no. His lic was suspended on the spot.
He lost his job and is in danger of loosing his home.
He needs his lic to support his home and family.
My miracle is that he can get his CDL lic back so he can work.



From: Melanie S
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Thursday, March 3, 2011, 2:22 PM

I believe whole heartedly that St. Jude will grant my intercession.
I will persevere in prayer and with confidence ask him to please send Earl back to me.
The desperation and anxiety fills my heart.
St. Jude please hear my urgent cry.


Posted BY Sara on Face Book

Mar 4, 2011 12:48pm
Please pray for a dear friend who is quickly approaching the one year anniversary of the murder of her five year old daughter.
Six days prior to Lauren's passing, this Mother was notified of little Lauren's condition and sat by her bedside until Lauren
went to be with her Heavenly Father.
I pray for Amber a peace that passes all understanding, that she will be surrounded by love unseen,
and Father God will wrap her gently in his compassion.
I love you, Amber.


From: Matthias Barry
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Friday, March 4, 2011, 9:48 PM

Please pray and help my son he has a 3 day trial coming up I do not want him going to jail
please pray for him his name is Matthias he needs your prays I do not want to loose my son
.thank u


From: McKinnon
Subject: From the Prayer page
To: ""
Date: Saturday, March 5, 2011, 9:17 PM

My husband is trying to get a promotion to a general manger because we help to support his parents and sister
who was downsized from her company.
I pray for my very shy daughter who is often bullied by her peers.
Pray that her personality blossoms and that she will be able to make friends.
I pray she speaks up for herself and that self esteem and confidence increase.
I pray for wisdom and favor for my children.
I pray for my health and my finances.


From: Melanie
Subject: From the Prayer Page To:
Date: Monday, March 7, 2011, 9:14 AM

St. Jude please intercede for me. My heart is desperate. Please send Earl back to me.
I am confident that you will grant my request
but I grow so weary with impatience please hear my desperate plea.
Please send Earl back to me.
I will continue to encourage others to evoke your aide.



From: anonymous
Subject: Prayer requests
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 23:56

Dear Bill

I would like to ask for your and your readers' prayers. Please pray that my husband agrees to the terms that
I am asking for regarding the education and medical needs of my children.
It has been years of so much pain and sacrifice for me as a single mother and for my children as well.
May God soften my husband's heart and may God be with my children during this time
as it is not easy for them to deal with so much uncertainty.
May God guide the legal proceedings as well to my children's favour.

May God also heal my children and give them hope.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
R P.s: Bill,may I request that my first name and last name not be published
(not even my email address as it shows my surname). THank you so much and for for all your encouragement.


From: mary q
Subject: From The Prayer Page
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 2:32 AM

Please pray in Jesus name for John and I to find work, our finances, our marriage and relationship together

Also pray for my degree
God bless
Mary - UK


From: Debbie.H
Subject: From the Prayer page
To: "''"
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 11:11 AM

Dear Saints:
Please pray for me and my family, I want prayer for my children to finish their education, get jobs and become more self-sufficient.
Also, I have debt of $250,000.00 from student loans with 7.5% interest and principle
mortgage payments, and car payment more than I have ever had.
I need prayer for my renters to get their finances together to purchase my rental and take the stress off of me this year.
a miracle to pay down my mortgage and car payments so I can feel more relieved and stress free.

Finally, I want to pray for everyone’s situations to improve with this bad economy
so that we can all feel better in Jesus Name.
When these prayers get answered, I will give back to your organization with thanks and praise.from

Thanks for your support, and have a blessed day!

Debbie M H


From: Marie J
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 10:18 AM

My husband has been unemployed since 2008, we can no longer afford to pay some of our bills.
My 24 year old son is in prison because a friend gave him a fire arm .
I need your help in sending a prayer request to St. Jude in honor of my family. I heart is bleeding,
I need prayers.




From: r
Subject: Prayer request
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 23:03

Dear Bill,

Thank you for posting my prayer request. Pls bear with me as I ask you to post another one. Pls pray for my relationships with my three children.
(they are all above 18 now) I feel unappreciated sometimes. I also pray that they will have better relationships among themselves.
They have deep resentments and bitterness. Pls pray for a deep conversion and forgiveness for one another.

Thank you,



From: Patricia W
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Monday, March 14, 2011, 6:47 PM

dear friend:
we are praying to st. jude for a miracle of recovery for Orlando Otey, a very dear family member who has congestive heart failure.
we love him very much. he has had medical care but needs more and especially he needs a healing touch from dear st. jude.

please add your voice to our prayers. he is a loving and very special grandfather. thank you and may god bless you richly.



From: anne c
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Thursday, March 17, 2011, 5:48 AM

Dear Bill,

Requesting a miracle for my dear friend Lianne who is fighting for her life, like so many others who we remember in prayer.

I pray that Lianne is granted the miracle and like yourself I believe will help many people.

Thanking you,
St Jude thru your intercession you and those you are praying will intercede for the miracle for lianne.


From: Susanne
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 11:39 PM


I do not believe in coincidences.....I was supposed to find your website.
I would like to add my prayer request to your list and I too will pray for all the others in need of intercessory prayer.
I have 3-4 very serious matters I need help with. My 10 year old daughter Stephanie
is being bullied by a group of girls and they are relentlessly tormenting her.
She is down, dejected, lonely, afraid to go to school and hurting so badly.
Please pray that the children who are hurting her would have their eyes opened and their hearts softened and would stop their hurtful behavior.
Pray that Stephanie makes new friends and is given the grace and strength to persevere, believe in herself, obtain courage,
peace of mind and heart and pray for her tormentors.
Also, that her parents/family be given the grace to truly assist her and help her through this painful trial.

My husband was just told that he would be losing his job in the next 6 months.
If it be God's will....I would like to relocate to a warmer, friendlier city/state where we could start
over and make new Godly, Christian friends and live in or near a nice Catholic community.
If this cannot be, then I pray God would change my heart and my mind as I have had
so many disappointing and hurtful experiences since moving to my present, very small hometown 10 years ago.
Truth be told....I lost friendships when I tried to help my kids when
I thought they were being mistreated or ganged up on in the past,and have suffered a loss of reputation
by a few angry parents who spread hurtful gossip around
about me and my family in a very small town.

Please pray for my oldest daughter Christina who is very shy and anxious
and has a hard time speaking up for herself and joining groups.
Then there is my precious son James with Down Syndrome
who has been hurt by harsh discipline in a former classroom.
He is safely relocated now, but suffers greatly at present from medical procedures that have gone
awry and have frightened him.
He is not able to communicate and tell us when he is in pain
or being mistreated and we are presently grieving for injuries caused him by insensitive
and selfish people in a hurry to get their job done ( a teacher and a dentist to be specific).

Thank for allowing me to add my prayer petitions and for any and all prayers offered for me and my family.
I will start my St.Jude Novena tonight and let you know how
and when St. Jude intercedes for me and my family.

God bless you and your apostolate,


From: Betsy L
Subject: Prayer Page
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 2:48 AM

Dear Bill,
Thank you for making this page.
I think I came upon it just when I needed it most. My husband and I are hardworking, honest people and we always try to do the right thing.
We are going through a really rough time financially right now. It seems no matter how hard we work we just can't get ahead.
I'm desperate right now and we need some help.
I dont know what else to do besides try this prayer because nothing else seems to work.
I would like to ask for assistance on my husband finding a better job (with good benefits for our kids)
that will pay enough that we don't have to struggle anymore.
If possible I would like this new job to relocate us somewhere more affordable so we can have an easier life.
We need to get some money together to pay overdue bills and just to pay for the necessities.
I promise to publish my thanks and to keep St Jude as my special saint from here on out. Funny enough,
I just mailed a (small) donation to St Judes Hospital this morning in an envelope that came in the mail.
Even though we don't have a lot, at least wr have our health so I wanted to help those who don't.
Thank you for publishing this and I will pray that all of the prayers of the hopeless be answered.

Betsy L


From: Marika
Subject: From the Prayer page/I need god help my difficult times
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011, 3:35 AM

Dear prayers

I am going through too much saddness, as I feel something not normal,
I have a very bad financial and legal matter, as all those problem has attacking and have frighten,
what will be happenning tomorrow, unsecuritu with my rewlationship,
I can not share anything with him Like a storm created by him,
and I do not know what path sould I choose very soon,
no time to think of the action, I had a anxiety attack feel restless, frighten and not peaseful,
please God releave my pain and help me to solve this unpleasent situation ,
it is emergency and miracle healing rescue,
please God look after me, I do not deserve this sufferring..

Thank you and God bless you


From: Steve nitep
Subject: Prayer Request for a miracle
To: ""
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011, 12:09 PM
May I please have a prayer request. I need a miracle.
My fiancee has some anger and blaming/fighting issues.
She drinks and is mean. As a miracle I would like her and I to be good together again.
I don't want to break up or leave. I just want her to be good to me again.
Steve nitep


From: Marie
Subject: need a mircale
Date: Friday, March 25, 2011, 2:44 AM

my name marie, need a mircale on my health...and financial help. I have someone who is to come to my financial help..
Help him find justice. I want to make the difference in people'S LIVES
, need the funding to make it work.
Prayers for all whom is sick, lonely, abandon, the elders,
the shut in..all who have no help or no where to turn to,



The Thank You Page To St Jude for answering prayers is HERE



Click Here for the Printable version of the prayer
So you can have it with you and say it any time


From: castaneda
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 23:08:03 +0000

Dear Bill,

Pls I request your and your readers' prayers for my eldest daughter.
She is taking more prescribed drugs than usual bec of the stress of her final year in uuniversity and intense worries about her future.
Pls ask St Jude for a mriacle that she may stop and that she may stop worrying about her partner...about the past..etc.
May she spend more time studying than worrying . May she pass as thisis her final exam then she graduates.That God may give me ,
my two other children and other people around her the grace to support her. May St Jude most of all pray for a CONVERSION of my daughter
...that she may finally turn her life to the Lord and trust in His love and care for her. That He may HEAL her.
Thank you very much Bill. Saint Jude is indeed a powerful intercessor as he has answered some of my requests.


PS: Again, may I ask for anonymity. Pls do not also publish my email address. GOD BLESS YOU A HUNDREDFOLD.


From: Melanie S
Subject: Thank You To St Jude
Date: Friday, April 1, 2011, 1:50 PM

I request again, my prayer is constant and never changing.
Please send Earl back to me. He is so close yet I grow so desperate.
I humbly implore St. Jude to hear my plea.
I believe truly that he will intercede on my behalf and Earls return will be soon.



From: Minshall
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Friday, April 1, 2011, 4:10 PM

A Few of us have been praying for the healing of our friend with brain cancer.
His name is gil. Any extra prayers would be welcome.

Thank you,


From: lisa morgan
Subject: From the Prayer page
To: ""
Date: Friday, April 8, 2011, 7:14 PM

Please I need help I have been on work mans comp since Sept 2009
I had a major operation on my neck and hip due to the fall at work
I was just released on Feb 12 2011
I have tried to get on unemployment and they denied me.
My husband works only 30 hours a week he is looking for more work and so am I.
I am about to lose the roof over my head are only car have my eletric turned off and soon
I will not be able to use the computer anymore and I sure need it to apply for jobs.
I am at my wits end please say a prayer for me




From: Merle
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Sunday, April 10, 2011, 9:54 AM




From: Novy, Debbie
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Date: Monday, April 11, 2011, 10:11 AM

Prayer Request:

Please pray that we can understand what God has planned for our daughter.
She has recently tried to be part of 2 different activities for school
and neither have worked out.
I know there must be a reason but it is difficult to see through all of the disappointment.
This is causing me stress and anxiety and I know it worries her as well.
Please send us a sign very soon so that this anxiety and worry can be relieved.
Also, if by some way, one of the 2 situations could be changed, it would be such a relief.

Also, I ask you to listen to the intentions of the others praying to you now in their time of need.
Please look upon us all favorably and intercede with God on our behalf.
Thank you.


From: Ethelyn
Subject: From the Prayer page
To: ""
Date: Monday, April 11, 2011, 9:52 AM

I pray that Jim and I discern God's
will for our relationship.
Are we to remain just friends or are we to be joined in Holy Matrimony?
Best regards,


From: gloria george
Subject: prayer request
Date: Friday, April 15, 2011, 5:09 PM

i was searching the internet for a saint prayer that can help me with my problems and i found you.
These are my prayer request,

1.i am going for an audition of hollywood acting to be done here in ghana and i want you to assist me in prayer so i can be picked as the winner.
2.i want to go back to school and i dont have the money to continue my education. husband need buisness direction,wisdom,and for God to help us love each other more.
4.we need financial breakthrough,
5.pray for all my unmarried friends,and evlyn my friend need intervention
pls pray for us and if my prayers are answered i will let u know.

God bless u


From: Savannah Grant
Subject: Saint Jude Novena
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 6:55 PM


Saint Jude, I would like to ask for your help in healing my broken marriage.
My husband and I have been through a lot and I am looking to you to help put the pieces back together.
My children and I miss him very much but because of how difficult the situation is,
it seems impossible for us to work it out on our own.
I am asking for this miracle in bringing my husband back home to me and the children
and for us to live a peaceful and happy life.
To me this might seem impossible but to you I know it's far from impossible.
Posting this message is a sign on my faithfulness and also my devotion to you.
I would like to thank you in advance knowing that it is already been done.
Thank you


--- On Thu, 4/21/11, Bernard
From: Bernard
Subject: prayer
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 4:09 AM
Please help me pray, include me in your prayers.
I want to find a source of income that cater for my needs,
i want to have a good health and be able to relate well with other.
to have the best helping heart. the ability to forgive my enemies and to pray for peace in
the world, help me pray for all those who are suffering,


From: Maria
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 6:42 AM

If I send you a request for a prayer, do you put my name on the website?
I would not like to have my name on the website,
but I am writing to request prayer to help me to find another job. Thank you kindly,


From: Curtis
Subject: From the Prayer page
Cc: "curtis mclauchlin"
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 1:45 PM

I am in need of a miracle of a temporary financial nature
and then an inner healing for what got me in this situation in the first place.
My phone is being turned off tomorrow due
to non payment of bill and my electricity is being turned off Monday
I have some serious emotional issues due to past trauma as a child which I seem unable to unlock
and and release.
I pray that God, thru his son Jesus
will heal the inner part of me that has haunted me for most of my 68 years.
I have prayed and prayed but unsuccessfully.

Please help me.
Curtis M


From: Marlene L
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2011 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: From the Prayer page
Pray for me, as I am desparate for financial help to pay my bills.
Thank you


From: mashrya

Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2011 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: From the Prayer Page
BR> Please pray for me, I need a request for some who has made an allegation against me.
Please grant that I will be freed. I am old . And never hurt anyone.
Please pray this for me that this will end and I can enjoy the last years of my life.
I promise to help others in need by donation of my free time to the needy.



From: RA S
Sent: Saturday, May 7, 2011 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: Please pray for me--St. Jude aid me in my distress

Hi Bill, My boyfriend and I were living together for almost 5 years, we love each other so much that we already laid out our plans for the future. We are also to be married this year, and we already found a priest who is willing to give us the sacrament. Late last year and early this year, some of his friends frequently visited him and kept on influencing him to go out to bars, and strip clubs. They've used my boyfriend's money and connections because most of them are free loaders. Then I found out that these men have introduced him to a girl who seduced him and did everything to take him away from me. These men are using illegal drugs and have been influencing my boyfriend to do the same (he told me once, before he left, that he was taking drugs with his friends that's why he wasn't home for days). Just last February, he left our home without any reason at all. For weeks he did not talk to me, nor answered my calls. He did not apologize. I was so devastated, locked my self in my room for weeks, and did not eat my meals. My work and finances was so affected because I was so unproductive, my mind was always elsewhere, and I was at the verge of committing suicide. Just recently, I found out that she was living with this girl that was introduced by his drug addicted friends. According to the news, she is pregnant which I doubted because of the exposure that she's been into and the activities that she is doing. This girl and her family are also connected with some illegal activities to which he is using my boyfriend because of political connections. Please pray for my boyfriend. That he will eventually have a clear heart and mind, that he will turn away from vices and drugs, leave those people that have been using him, and leave the girl who who stole him away from me. He is a good man. I know that this is just happening because of the bad influences, and pretensions. Please pray for me that I will have more courage and patience to hang-on and realize that my life is still worth keeping. Please pray that he will return to me the soonest time possible so I can help him. I love him so much, I can't stand seeing him having a miserable life with those people . Please pray that he will come back to me feeling much more in love than before, so we can continue building our lives together with God as the center of our future marriage, have children, take care of each other, and grow old together peacefully. Thank you and praying for others as well. RA

From: "CCUMM
Sent: Saturday, May 7, 2011 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: From the Prayer page

I am praying for financial blessings. My husband and I would like to be able to find some relief from debt, and to be able to see our son who lives in another state. I also pray for my son, that he find God and that he remembers the importance of leading and living a productive life. I pray for Wendy, a woman who caused me hurt and pain and I ask that she and I be able to repair the damage caused and that we unite as good friends in the future. I pray for the healing of my family. My siblings



From: Natasha Mackie
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:54 AM
Subject: From the Prayer Page
Vivien Mackie
Dear Saint Jude, please pray for my children Jacqui, Natasha, Brendan and his wife Libby to return
to the catholic faith and to Mass and the Sacraments.
I also pray for my grandchildren (Jacqui's children) Lauren, Samantha, Natasha, Jane, Nathaniel, (Libby"s daughter)
Sarah, (Brendan and Libby's twins) James and Emily to want to follow the catholic faith
and welcome God into their hearts, lives and homes and be baptized in the catholic faith
and make their First Confession, Holy Communion and Confirmation.
I pray to you also Saint Jude so that my daughter Natasha who is 34 years old,
will meet and marry a God loving, law abiding, decent catholic man
and they will have a loving healthy family and live in God's love and peace. Please Saint Jude hear
and answer my prayers in Our Lord Jesus Christ's name Amen. I have been praying to you Saint Jude,
please answer my prayers and please do not abandon me I make this prayer in Christ Jesus Amen.


From: joward m To: Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 5:06 AM Subject: From the Prayer Page Dear Bill, I have been out of work since 2008 and have not been able to get permanent emplyment since then. I have reached a point wher I don't know what to do anymore. So I am turning to St Jude in the hope and belief that he can intercede for me so that I can find a job that will give me the financial freedom that I need. Please publish my prayer request. Thank you Joe


From: Malou S
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:11 AM
Subject: Thank You To St Jude

Please Helped me through prayers. I am a single Mom for 2 kids and I chooses to be away from home.
With ambitions to support them and pay my debts and support my mothers needs.
I came across with this problem just recently, I am jobless, I lost the job that I am taking care of.

Saint Jude, I am praying that I could find another company for job.
These job is intended for my kids, My Mom , family and other who are in need. Saint Jude,
I have gone for interview, Company Name LINKS GROUP of COMPANIES. Mr. Rolf and Stephanie Handled.
It is 5 days now from interview. I am still waiting for the feed back. Saint Jude the job qualification suits me
and I know I can do it better because of the same filed of work I worked before.

Saint Jude, I prayed I will get the job offer from LINKS Group of Company this week, this month June 25, 2011.
Saint Jude I need this Job, This job will change everything for my kids, Mom Family
and others whom I can helped through my hard works and who seeks my helped.
Saint Jude touched the heart of Ms Stephanie - LINKS Operation Dept Manager and Mr Rolf - Business Developer Manager.
As well as Mr Stuart the owner and the Manager of LINKS Group of companies.
That These people will gave me a chance to fill in the job position as Assistant staff for Ms Stephanie.
Let them NOT forget my Name, Malou Ybarbia Sola.
Let them remind that they need for the job position their company required

Saint Jude, I am helpless and I don't want to gave up, my kids needs me. My mom needs me.
I don't know exactly how to pray but I know I am needing you, God and Mama Mary.
I am a sinner , I have my weakness and I am so sorry.

Please helped this the only source that came into my mind,,,I need your helped Saint Jude. Amen.

Prayer request from MALOU YBARBIA SOLA - OFW DUBAI


From: Jivan S
sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 9:36 AM
Subject: Prayer request

Dear god,thanks for blessing nd protecting me uptill now,please
forgive me for the sins which i might have done knowingly or
unknowingly.i m asking with a sincere nd pure heart, as i m 6 months
pregnant,i request you to grant me a healthy baby boy this time as i
already have a lovely nd wonderful daughter.all the family members are
eagerly awaiting for the arrival of a son. Please Please grant me this
one wish,i promise to spend the rest of my life in your service.kindly
please pray for me.many thanks.


From: codunna
Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2011 8:41 PM Subject: From the Prayer Page

My son Sheldon suffers with a severe form of ADHD.
I am unable to put him on medications because of heart problem and
the opposition of my estranged husband I have tried therapy
as well as alternative therapy with no avail. I'm still planning to pursue medical therapy.
I beg you to ask God to heal my son and /or
direct me to right doctor and medication therapy.
He is in great trouble in school and I ask you to beg God to grant us
a favorable outcome.


From: "Kirby, Renee
Sent: Friday, June 3, 2011 3:05 AM
Subject: From the Prayer page

St Jude, me and my husband needs your help urgently! My husband more so than me!
Please help with their business that they will get the big auction that will get them out of financial trouble.
At the moment he is so stressed and emotionally drained by all the worries,
it breaks my heart to see him like this.
St Jude please help them to get their business back on it's feet in these difficult times.
Please help them and me to pay off the debt we have as soon as possible.
Thank you St Jude for hearing my request, thank you for everything.

Ms R Kirby


Frem Delgado
Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2011 11:20 PM
Subject: prayer for my wife

Dear Lord God,
Please me us to pray my wife's pregnancy of 14 weeksand 3days that when the ultrasound result
the fetal's neck they found there is a small extra thick skin they called cystic hygroma but they will
check again on the next appoinment on June 22,2011,hoping that it will go away and the unborn child
will normal, active and very healthy as well as the mother will be healthy.And also that I can find my job
soon as medical assistant, I recently graduate last april 26,2011.All of this my problem I offer to you
God my savior help us our family success and healthy in the name of Jesus Christ.Amen

Gerry and Marites


From: cathy b
Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2011 9:01 PM

Dear Bill,
I wanna ask for help with my financial problem. I'm running out of time. My husband is comig home this June 27, 2011.
i really don't know what to do..I mismanaged the money he is sending us and it is really a huge amount
i don't know where to get. I'm afraid of loosing my family because of this problem,
i have a child of 2 yrs old only..
I beg pardon for mismanaging the money but rest assured i have not used it in a bad way..
i just can't take it when my parents are in need and seeking for financial assistance
that's why i gave and gave without realizing i
have already drown in this financial problem..
Please help me pray..Miracle is my only hope!
Thank you so much!
Cathy F. Bernal


From: rosa c
Subject: Prayer requests
Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 8:23 PM

Dear Bill,
I am from Singapore and i came across your page , yes looking for asurance that miracles do happen.
I have been making three novenas but
I would also like to ask for you and your readers'
help as our family really really needs it.
I am a single mother and am deeply concerned and troubled about my children.
Pls pray for my son (21 to be delivered from the sins of the flesh;
from hatred of his older sister; from weakness;
from self-graitification; from hopelessness.
It has been so bad that he in one of his quarrels has thrown things around and almost wanted to hit his older sister.
He goes to counselling now. May God put that deep desire to continue counselling.
But most of all, pls ask that God renew him; change him; and make him know God's fatherly love for him.
He does not knwo what it is to have a father (altho his father is alive but they do not have a good relationship).
Only God can truly change him. May God also lead him to a deep repentance and confession (to a priest).

May God deliver my eldest daughter (24) from mental anixety (negativity) and poor health.
She has been on rpescitption drugs for 4 years and they do not seem to be helping.
May God also encourage her to seek counselling.
May God help her forgive my son for all his sins and that they may be reconciled.
May daughetr not hate singapore and singaporeans who have hurt her.
May she and her brother and younger sister be reconciled
and may joy, laughter love, respect peace truly reign in our house.
It has been 7 years of pain, tears, anger that have previaled here.
May God remove the emptiness and hurts
that my youngest daughter (18) has experienced all thrroughout.
She doesn't speak much. May God lead her too to be a renewed spitit.
May she too know God;'s love for her.

May God lead me to be abetter mother if I have spoiled them or nto been able to take care of their needs.
Pay that they may love and forgive mee too.

Please ask God to deliver my children from the generational sins of lust and mental sickness
and emotional wekaness that I feel are mainfest in me and my children.
St Jude, please bring my family to the Lord.
May they also forgive theri father and that he may agree to educate tehm and give medical help.

Thank you so much for your page. It is truly encouraging and hope giving
May I have en email reply from you? It would really enocurage me and make me feel I am not alone.
and that my requests shall be inlcuded.
I have already started praying to St Jude and have incuded the part for other requests as well.

Another request from rosa

Dear Saint Jude,
Pls pls pls ask the Lord to pour His spirit of reconcilation between my eldest daughter (24)
and the youngest one (18). Also between the eldest and my sn (21). Sometimes I do not know what to do anymore.
Make God change them---bring them to a conversion---it is only He who can do it. I have done so much to be a
peacemaker but still they fight. They do not respect one another, they misinterpret one another, call each other names, etc.
Pls esp my eldest--altho she means well, the other two misunderstand. But the other two also have their own faults.
Someitmes when I think fo coming home from work, it makes my spirit sag when I think I am coming home to a house filled
with strife and tension. This is more difficult then working all day. May God also pls pls pls
let the legal proceedings end with a meeting and cn agreement between my husband and me---one that will
put the interests of our children first--their education and medical needs. Pls it has been dragging long and this
also contributes to the gloom of the future.Pls may my husband be geneorus in providing us---let him see that iit
is not for me. may the Holy Spirit enlighten him .
Thank you



From: rosa
Subject: Daughter
To: "Bill" ,
Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 9:59

Dear Bill Thank you for your reply and your willingness to post my request. Please, I beg for your patience as
I ask for one more favour--that you and your readers pray for an additional request:
Pls pray for my eldest daughter - (the one who needs surgery ) -
that she may pass her final semester in her final year in university.
She has been delayed for almost two years because of the effects of our family break-up.
She is almost at the finish line but her modules have become extremely difficult.
She worries that she won't pass.

Pls ask St Jude for a miracle that she passes.
May God give her the skills to understand and do her final exams..
that she may not be weighed down by past problems and the divorce which is ongoing now
(after seven years of hardship on me and my children).
May God strengthen her.

Another request from Rosa

I am also in despair over my son (21) who sees nothing wrong with pre-marital sex.
Saint Jude pls pray that God will help him 'see' his sins and come to a genuine repentance
and conversion.I am helpless and feel down. Prayed for so long but he has worsened
. Thank you

One more request from Rosa



Kristi Merrill and Kristen Alcorn --
Three of the missing listed here have been found alive
Keep Praying FOR all the other missing to be found


16 year Old Antoinette Garrison was Missing
From Fort Collins Colorado
Thank You for praying for her safe recovery
Click Here for details


Kristi Merrill Has Been Found
Petition For Kristi Merrill Case
Kristi Merrill Was Fond AliveThere is More to do

Here is a request from Kristi's Mom Bryn Barton:

Another Missing Person Found
- Kristen Alcorn

From: Kendra W
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
Thank you St. Jude, thank you Holy Trinity, thank you prayer warriors for praying for my special request.
The prayer for Kristen Alcorn to be found safely was answered.
She was found along side the road near her home. Here is the news channel 2 article:
An Amber Alert issued for a 15-year-old Cookeville girl was cancelled after
the girl was found lying alongside a road about a mile from her home.
Maj. David Dukes with the Cookeville Police Department said Kirsten Alcorn was conscious
when she was found around 3:30 a.m.

Officers said evidence found at the residence suggested a possible abduction, and an Amber Alert was issued.
Maj. Dukes said a passing motorist observed the girl on the side of the road.
She was taken to Cookeville Regional Medical Center to be examined although police said she had no noticeable injuries.
Detectives said they have conducted an initial interview with Alcorn and are not ruling anything out.
The investigation is ongoing.


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Bill Helps others

Prayer Requests to St JUDE FOR Miracles get a miracle for saying novena to st juda
help of hopeless causes and worker of miracles ContinuedI need a miracle I need help please pray for me