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The page Presenting the Printable Version OF St Jude Novena Prayer
Has Moved


The Founder of this Group is in need of prayers
At this momnt - he is battleing cancer
Here is a page sharing the details of his fight



Click HERE
for the page with the printable prayer
you need to say if you join
our St Jude Novena Prayer Group


Once on the page
Look for the section "Now - Here is the link to the Printable Prayer"

End of Page = 30



This page is just one of many linked to the St Jude Prayer Group. The St Jude Novena Prayer Main Page


.Send Your Request and Thank You to St Jude HERE
Contact me with your prayer request
and you will be including in all our collective prayers

I will post it with the many others I receive DAILY
Read some of the other requests which have been submitted to me
many of which have been answered with Miracles
Some of The St Jude Novena Prayer Group Request
and Thank You Message Pages are seen HERE



Please don't forget to have me post your Thank You TO St Jude after your needs are met

Many of our members who have had their prayers answered
have attested to the fact: -- our group prayer works on


By request and from a suggestion of someone who is a member of the St Jude Prayer Group Pages
and received an answer to her prayers
for her relationship to be mended and her financial situation to improve
She me asked to post this next information before getting to the list of Prayer Requests

The Above Icon / Relic IS not hand made
But made by the hand of GOD in nature

It is said to provide protection and Good Fortune to anyone who posseses ONE
It is the Crucifix Fish Skull Bone with the Image of Jesus on the Cross
If you want to help keep our prayer group page on line
-- You can get one and
your Prayer Request OR Thank You Message will be placed
on most of the prayer groups pages
PLUS you will receive an email with the links to the pages which present your request or Thank You

Along with each Image Of Jesus On A Fishbone
you will get a Card With the Legend of the Crucifix Fish
More on this Mysterious Religious Item Below


. Here is the most recent page with the latest Prayer requests
and some Thank You Messages

We have been online for about 4 years and
( There are 7 pages for Our St Jude Novena Prayer Group in ALL )


I have received inquiries from members of The St Jude Prayer Group
trying to find out if they can send me money to keep this page on line

I will Not refuse anyone who wants to do that

I repeat - Those contributing will get special placement of their requests or Thank You Messages on most of our designated request pages

You can send any amount you want to the Pay Pal Link directly Below
Just Click and fill in the form

Those WHO LIVE IN THE LOWER 48 U.S. GIVING over $19.99 or more
to keep this page online
will receive an Image of Jesus Hanging on the Cross
on the Crucifix Fish Skull Bone
AND Bonus Card with the Legend of the Crucifix Fish
FREE with Free Shipping
Plus you get the quick posting of your requests / thank you messages

Use the above PayPal Link to send your contribution
You will get at least $5.99 off the price
at the site linked directly below


CLICK HERE To see the website selling the Image of JESUS --
Made by the Hand of God in Nature

AND READ more about the Image of Jesus on Fish Bone

The webmaster of that page is also the webmaster of this page
and he gives us ALL the proceeds from any one we send to him
a webmaster is the person who makes these pages appear online
to me that is quite an accomplishment too
I found Our Webmaster after I read a story he had on one of his pages about a miracle
and asked him if he could build and maintain the pages you see now for our prayers group
He said he could - Thank You Bill

Again You will have your request or Thank You Message
posted on most of the Prayer Group Pages
within hours of my receiving the notice of a contribution ~~~~~~

Those not contributing will be placed on
. the request page seen at this link
as we have time

Again -- Those contributing to keep these pages on the web
will have their Request posted on most of our Request Pages -


The novena prayer
is to be said a minimum of 9 times per day until your prayer is answered:
After your prayer is answered it is requested to post a Thank You TO ST JUDE
in a public media
I will post your message on the pages in Our Prayer Group
to fulfill that requirement
You can send prayer request and after your prayers are answered the Thank You to St Jude

.to this Email Link HERE

Read some of those Thank You Messages at the links seen on this page


Here is the Printable Prayer

St Jude Thadeus Worker of Miracles and Help of Hopeless causes,
Please join with YOUR Legions of Saints AND
My savior Jesus Christ
and grant me (( say your request HERE AND ADD )) "and grant the requests
of ALL who are seeking a spiritual intervention
now and in the future
I promise I will forever be grateful to you
and assist in helping others find you.
Follow that with a Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

say this at least 9 times per day Until your prayers are answered

Then Publish a public thank you to St Jude after your prayers are answered
By sending me your thank you message
I will post in one my pages for ALL to see that prayer works


rom: Rolandia M
Date: Sun Jan 22 201206:05:23
Subject: Re: The Prayer Page

I do NOT live in the U.S. but love the sea
A close friend of mine was very, very ill and devoutly Catholic.
She collects religious and nautical items .

I always find amazing curios.
I promised her something extra special and I came across
the Crucifix Fish Bone with the Image of Jesus on the Cross
The legend of this icon tells it brings God's Blessings and protection to ALL who posses one
I gave her one and asked you to pray for her recovery
the Prayers were answered

I found the Image Of Jesus on the web
It seemed like an interesting item and it was very appropriate timing
I would like to thank you and ALL the others WHO PRAYED WITH ME for her recovery
And I will continue to pray as requested and ask St Jude to grant Everyones prayers
and protect soldiers, and find the missing
She loves the Crucifix Fish and has it displayed in her sitting room

Please add a link to it on your page
I give you permission to include this email


This next request is from someone who bought two Crucifix Fish Images Of Jesus

June 11th 2013

. You know what they say, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of".
Dear Lord, please help Stephanie get through this health scare and be here for her husband and children.
If it is cancer, please let it be curable and treatable so she can live her life free of worry.
Thank you, dear Lord, from the bottom of my heart.



SHARE THIS URL On Face Book and Tweet it too


AND PLEASE get involved in helping others to show more thanks
If you have received the answer to your prayers
You should consider helping others
My Main Effort to pay back for favors granted to me is found At

the 'Find the Missing" web site HERE
Get involved and Pay Back for your Blessings


Here is an URGENY prayer requests
from Thousands of concerned cyber citizens on Face book,

Please Jesus and St Jude patron of hopeless causes and worker of Miracles
we pray that Amy Patterson, Susan Powell, Holly Bobo, AND ALL THE THOUSANDS OF missing children women and men are found,
they need to be returned to their families
Watch Nancy Grace for updates
AND PLEASE let Ms Grace know she is mentioned here
AND pray for her too to START to educate the public about the effort to
. Find Missing children women and men seen HERE




Return to .The St Jude Novena Prayer Group Main Page


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