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Would using Satellite picture taking technology help find missing persons and reduce other crimes ?
Read about that possibility on this page


Antoinette "ANNIE" Garrison
Has Been Found Alive

Details are below
in the UPDATE Section

But The Work Is NOT Over
Now You can Help assure many of the missing are found
Within Minutes of them Being reported _ YES MINUTES
Not Only Abduction Victims BUT runaways and other missing too
using existing satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
PLEASE visit the Link to our petition to learn about this technology and then sign to help put in place
THEN share the info you find on the PETITION Page
( HERE - ) with everyone

All missing persons deserve the attention of police But
as we have seen in other cases
( like Kristi Merrill 's Human Trafficking case is a good example see below )
AND the police do not put runaways and those that may have left
on their own accord at the top of the list

If the system presented in the PETITION were in Place
Police could easily and with little effort find ALL the Missing

Share This Page on Facebook - Click HERE


The architech and web master of this page is "Finding Missing"
and "Find the Missing" on Face Book
and @2findthemissing on Twitter

Need a page for your case ?

See pages we have built at NO Cost

Its What I do


CLICK HERE to Contact US


PLEASE see the Link to the petition on this page
YOU can help find the missing WITHIN MINUTES of them being reported
Educate yourself about the proposed solution at the petition links
IF one of your loved ones goes Missing - We are sure you would want every tool used to find them
The goal of the petition is to assure that is done


AS of

You are the

Visitor to this page since it was Placed online at 3:30 a.m. Aug 7th 2012


Antoinette Garrison

Her mother has told the media she has been found in Laredo Texas by a Mall Security Guard
who saw her picture on a web site - This one ????

It is reported the mother also has said police were not putting an effort into finding
Antoinette Because she was a runaway

In our opinion - a runaway 16 year old is in danger just as If they been abducted
Antoinette is reported to have tried to cash checks
before she left BUT was not able to
because she needed a parent to co sign
and she did NOT have any credit cards or cash

The technology presented in the petition ( HERE - )
could help police find ALL the missing
with far less use of man power and expense
And assure EACH case gets quick attention


Antoinette Garrison was Missing From Fort Collins, Colorado Since July 21, 2012

She left a note saying she was running away
Was she given complete attention by Law Enforcement because she was a runaway ?

More details to come soon hopefully

Use "ctrl" and "d" on your keyboard to book mark this page
to be kept up to date


The use of satellite picture taking technology which we propose elsewhere on this page
could quickly find runaways and most missing persons
within minutes of them being reported
and at at very little expense and many many fewer man hours compared to searches

Many online are saying Antoinette needs to suffer some consequences for her actions

The average amount spent on a search without special equipment
( dogs helicopters boats etc ) is about $30,000.00 PER DAY
( SHE WAS MISSING just under 30 days 30 x $30,000 = $900,000.00 -- almost 1 million dollars )

Are her parents at all responsible for failing to control their daughter ?

Were the Police justified in NOT giving full attention to Antoinette's missing status ?

Antoinette "Annie" Garrison


This is the info presented before she was found

Antoinette is Possibly En Route to Charlottesville, Virginia

Please Help Find Antoinette Garrison

Antoinette Marie Garrison, also known as Annie, was last seen on July 21, 2012.
She has a birthmark on her arm and a mole on her neck.

She is originally from Charlottesville, Virginia and may be en route to there now.

She is 5’2” tall, weighs 130 pounds, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

If you have any information on her whereabouts, please contact the Firestone Police Department through Weld County
dispatch at (720) 652-4222.

IF you are Antoinette Garrison
and for some reason
Don't want to be found
Please Contact the builder of this page
I will help you tell your side of the story

Annie, Send a message HERE
And Please leave the the Subject line as is so I don't over look it


The Find Antoinette Garrison FACE BOOK Page IS HERE
YOU CAN FIND THE details of her recovery there

We ask you to Please tag your friends to the flyer to spread the word quickly

about Antoinette (you must "Like" the page it's seen on before it will let you tag it).

Retweet on Twitter - and Please share this page on all Online sites you visit

With today's technology it can be viewed literally anywhere, computers, Ipads,
Cell phones, forwarded, downloaded and printed, etc.


Now here is our proposed solution

Requesting our elected officials to change any laws that might infringe on the ability of Police to use such technology
then for them to move forward to adapt the existing technology for Police

The online petition to get that done is below

Please stop and sign it

It also asks the media to inform the public about the solution and elected officials to
Start the process to get it put into place

Click HERE


We have other web sites with more info -

Click HERE for a Larger Picture

If you want to read scenarios on how the system would work

Visit this link


For a long page with ALL the benefits, drawbacks, and other pertinent info

Visit This Link


And now until we can get our proposal put into use we must
continue to post notices about the missing
I do that

Need a page for your case ?

See pages we have built at NO Cost

ALL These Cases seen below need more exposure too


For Details On Dylan Redwine

Missing From 11/19/2012 Bayfield CO

If you have pages for the missing, you have my permission to cut and paste the html codes
for any of the notices you see on my missing person pages
from the "view page source" right click option
you will need to save the images to your PC
all we ask is that you post credit for where you found it


Morgan has been found but her killer has not been caught
Morgan Harrington's Case Need to be solved
Universtiy Of Virginia Area
Click HERE

Help the Family AND Police Solve this crime


Transgender teen
Dashad Smith Is Missing

Please help Find Him
Charlottesville, Va


The Amy Charron Case
Houston Texas - Click HERE

This case is strange -- Click Above


Find Lindsey Baum

and PLEASE PLEASE look at the Lindsey Baum FACE BOOK PAGE AT
This link


Found - Kristi Merrill Carmichael CA
Kirsti Merrill Has Been Found

Michaela 'Mickey' Shunick
Mickey Shunick ( Michaela )


Click here to read the 2 scenarios on How satellites can work


Susan Powell is still missing in Utah - is Steven Powell a Suspect or Not - Cox Family wants to know SUSAN Cox Powell found

Susan Powell is still missing in Utah - is Steven Powell a Suspect or Not - the Cox Family wants to know
James Joseph Martin Hit and Run Apopka FL., Florida

The issues of "Invasion of Privacy" and "Big Brother" fears are dealt with in more detail on our main web page


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Found - Kristi Merrill Carmichael CA

16 year Old Antoinette Garrison is Missing
From Fort Collins Colorado
Please Help Find Her
Click Here for details

She has been found in Laredo Texas by a security guard who saw this page and recognized her picture


details to come Kristi Merrill human trafficking lindsey baum is missing use every
tool we have to find the missing satellite pictures technology