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Would using unmanned drones and Satellite image picture taking technology help find missing persons and reduce other crimes ?
Read about that possibility on this page
Some of the info on the page was taken from an article on Joseph Giacalone's blog
BY guest writer Gina Schuster
"Mystery on the Mountain: The Disappearance of Joseph Helt"
The Disappearance of Joseph Helt
Ellenville New York Case Still Haunts Town:
Some of the links may have been disabled because POI's ( Persons of Interest ) in this case
have been trying to undermine the effort to get Joes Case the exposure it is SCREAMING FOR
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Joe Helt is missing Face Book Donation Page
On January 16, 1987 Joseph David Helt, age 17, who lived in Ellenville NY, left a party with
3 young men he had an altercation with earlier that night
and mysteriously and disappeared. For 25 years, no trace of him has ever been found
But Someone knows what happened to him
On that cold night in 1987, just like many other Friday nights, Joe and other teenagers and friends of his were
at their "hang out" - The Mount Cathalia Ski Lodge, Which was in Cragsmoor, NY just 3 miles outside of Ellenville NY
The Lodge had been long ago abandoned, having had a fire in the late 1970s. But the building next to the lodge,
which served as a full bar with a fire pit when the lodge was in operation, remained intact.
It was this building the kids used as their party spot.
That evening, witnesses have told police, Joe spent time at Mt. Cathalia talking with different people and at one
point he got into a fight with three particular individuals:
The fight got so heated people started to move away,
for fear it was about to get more violent. After the fight Joe nervously asked someone for a ride home,
but this person already had a car full of people and could not take Joe.
About an hour later, Joe left the party with these three individuals one of their cars car.
Little did Joe's friends know, it was the last time anyone would see him.
From the time Joe left the Lodge, the only people to see him were the three in the car with him.
They claim they went for a ride down a road not far from the party called Sam's Point Road,
about 2 1/2 miles away. They claim the car got stuck in a ditch about 1 mile from the Sam's Point Preserve gatehouse
Near Lake Martanza
and also said after several failed attempts to get the car out, Joe got upset and decided to walk the 5+ miles back
to Ellenville alone. By this time it was around 3:30am in the middle of January. It was well below freezing and Joe was NOT wearing a winter coat
all witnesses said he wore a camouflage jacket and sweatshirt that night and he did not have gloves or a hat.
He was wearing high top sneakers. BUT had No winter gear at all.
Two of the boys with Joe, claim to have left 20 minutes after Joe and walked the 2+ miles to one of their houses
The third claims to have walked alone to his home
What really happened that night ? The three Joe Fought with earlier made it safely back home,
but Joe was never seen again.
In a Times Herald Record article dated Jan. 20th, entitled "Buddies Join in Search on Ridge", one of those with Joe
told the reporter, another of the three called him at 3:30pm on Sat. Jan 17th to tell him, Joe was missing
http://tinyurl.com/7kzbdxs here is a link to That INFO ABOUT jOE story:
However, there is a timeline discrepancy as - no one knew Joe was actually missing
until after 5pm on Sat. Jan 17th.
One of the boys who fought with Joe is quoted in the article stating he and another of them had knowledge Joe was missing
a full two hours before it was known he was actually missing.
Joe's mother, Lee Ann, had expected Joe to stay with friends the night of the 16th and
then go to work the night of the 17th at the Napanoch Auction Barn. When Joe failed to show up for his shift,
his boss, Vic, called Joe's mother, who then checked around for Joe and when it became apparent Joe was
nowhere to be found, she contacted Ellenville Police.
Searchers got up to the mountain late afternoon, Sat. Jan. 17th to start looking for Joe.
It started to snow that night, and over the next few days a heavy snow storm moved into the area
dumping over 2 feet of snow on the area. The search was called off after just 6 days.
Even through the storm, search and rescue teams scoured the mountain for 6 days,
searching near Sam's Point and the surrounding area. The search teams included NY State Forest Rangers,
State Police helicopters, tracking dogs, local police, numerous friends,
relatives and neighbors.
But no trace of Joe, no evidence he had even been on the mountain. Joe simply disappeared without a trace.
In fact, one of the NYS DEC rangers stated in newspaper articles "no tracks were ever found where the three claimed the car got stuck"
The ranger also voiced his belief "there was more to this story than was told".
see article in Times Herald Record, 4/1/1990 "Mystery on Mountain Goes Unsolved" HERE
Spring came and the snow thawed, additional search efforts commenced, but again, no trace of Joe was found.
Within weeks of Joe's disappearance, one of the boys he fought with was mysteriously packed up by his father and
sent to Tennessee to live with his mother. After many years in Tennessee (Hamilton County),
and a brief return to New York, the boy then moved to Vermont where he still lives to this day.
Witnesses have come forward, each of whom had direct conversation with the three boys Joe fought with on that fateful night.
According to the witnesses, the three each made different statements, which indicating their initial account
of the night's events were inaccurate THEY TOLD POLICE there was no altercation between them and Joe
BUT One of the three made statements of questionable behavior on the part of one of the three and it led to something happening to Joe.
Joe's case was assigned in 2010 to a State Police Detective, Thomas Fortuna, and a missing persons flier was put together.
It was at that time, 23 years after Joe disappeared, he was first registered with the
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Joe's case was added to the NYS Police Missing Person's site in April 2011.
Why he was never added to these sites earlier remains a mystery. Curiously, in an NBC interview in February 2011,
a NYS Police spokesperson stated "the three have never and are not considered persons of interest or suspects"
Who is looking the other way ??????
New evidence has recently come to light which has given a couple of new leads to investigators.
The investigators are in the process of following these leads right now. If things are followed up on,
these leads could very well lead to answers in Joe's case.
Please get more info on Joe's case on facebook bY Googling 'Joe Helt is Missing"
You will find news articles, watch news videos and take a look at photos of Joe on the sites in the return of the search
Joe's family is currently raising a reward for information in his case.
To donate, please go to
If you have any information, we urge you to call the lead investigator in Joe's case, Mr. Thomas Fortuna of the NYS Police.
His direct phone number is 845-626-2863. You can also reach the private investigator working with Joe's family,
Mr. Robert Rahn, at 1-800-490-2267.
Additional news accounts on Joe's case from 1987 to current:
Cold case feature articles on Joe's case:
Video news footage and blog talk radio episodes on Joe's case:
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The builder of this Page is Found ON Face Book as "Finding Missing" AND our Group is "Find the Missing" ********* With over 2000 Americans Reported missing EACH DAY, The time would be well spent, If those who post those notices would take a few extra minutes a day By adapting the technology for use by Law Enforcement the Until then we must continue to post the notices and Pages like this one Please sign the petition seen on this page and ADD YOUR VOICE to the cause ******** Please Help And ****** ********* Please READ the linked pages to educate yourself about this proposed solution You may become angry after reading the following info I hope it builds a fire under you to join our effort We are doing everything we can We present info on the real time, satellite surveillance and picture taking capabilities and technology We have a page with Scenarios of how the system would work at ******* We beg you: Sign the Petition ********** More details about the technology can also be found at The picture taking technology Step Up AND see to it the BUT the media and our elected officials are ignoring attempts to Share the info you find with ALL others and HELP the effort We can spare families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one We need to use the real time Satellite Surveillance Technology we have developed The webmaster's Face Book Group ID IS ~~~~~~~ ********** ******* ******* Would using satellite picture technology help find MOST missing persons Like David Cisneros and Jessica Ridgeway Please Read the info found on this page David and Jessica Ridgeway a 10 year old girl from Westminster CO., Colorado are both from Colorado
***** ***** ****** *********
*************** ********
Here is a Link to Mickey Shunick's Face Book Page Found - Kristi Merrill Carmichael CA Two missing COUSINS in Evansdale Iowa ****** Joe Helt Is Missing ********
Linnea Lomax We fully understand the usefulness of HLN hosts Grace and Mitchell putting the face of the missing on TV We would hope they would reconsider at least mentioning the petition We have also been ignored after asking, why don't they show Picture in Picture during their broadcasts which would show the missing I repeat, Please Please Sign the Petition **********
********* Would using unmanned drones and Satellite image picture taking technology help find missing persons and reduce other crimes ? ********* https://cruci34.angelfire.com/kristimerrill.html Free JavaScripts provided Would using unmanned drones and Satellite image picture taking technology help find missing persons and reduce other crimes ?
PLEASE Friend ME and join the group
I am determined to stop the need for NEW missing person notices in the future seen online and on Face Book
helping educate others about the online petition
to get our elected officials to adapt existing real time military satellite picture taking and transmitting technology to Help find the Missing
and drastically reduce other crimes within MINUTES of the crime being reported
Existing REAL TIME satellite picture taking and transmitting technology our military has developed and used for decades to protect our troops
WE Can save victims and spare tens of millions of families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one in the future
AND SAVE billions of dollars on the over 800,000 searches done for the missing EACH year
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IF you want to continue hearing about missing persons and other crime every day
BUT IF you want to help stop these atrocities, you can by joining our effort and signing the petition seen below
AND ADD your voice to the petition seen below
to assure these crimes are stopped
and the missing are found quickly and safe
OUR military has been developed, perfected and used for decades to protect our troops and provide vital information on our adversaries
This Technology should be adapted for use by Law Enforcement to find Missing Children, women and men QUICKLY and SAFE
and drastically reduce ALL other crimes
This Link Here HERE
to ask the media to educated the public about the technology
and help get the System put in place
THE Main page for our effort to get our leaders to adapt the existing real time satellite surveillance
is a solution to Finding The Missing
WITHIN Minutes - YES MINUTES of them being reported
proposed solution presented on the Petition Page is adapted by Law Enforcement to help them
Do their jobs more effectively and to better ends
WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY to find the Missing WITHIN Minutes of them being reported
and solve MOST OTHER crimes also within MINUTES
Adapt the existing system of real time satellite picture capturing capabilities for use by Law Enforcement
to implement the solution to the scourge of crime and Missing Children, Women and Men cases
which sweeps our nation
Plus all the other benefits this would provide to everyone
for our military since the 1970's and adapt it for use by Law Enforcement
to Bring Missing children women and men home Quickly and Safe
and spare millions of families the pain of dealing
with a missing loved one
" Finding Missing " Please like us for more on the Missing
July 2nd 2015
Click HERE for more Details
David Cisneros
Missing From Colorado Springs CO.
and solve other crimes ?
We believe it can Save Lives while sparing families the paid of dealing with a missing loved one
Jessica Ridgeway 's Body was found on Oct 10th
by Westminster Colorao Police, who are not revealing much info in order to protect the investigation
Dylan Redwine missing since Nov 19th 2012
near 2300 County Road 500 Bayfield Colorado
Please help find him
Michaela 'Mickey' Shunick
Mickey Shunick ( Michaela )
Please Like it
Lyric Cook, Elisabeth Collins
Missing Evansdale Iowa Cousins
Our Main Website
Read How Technology Would Work Our Efforts Main Web Page How the system Would Work
40% of Missing are Minorities
ADD Your Voice
Read & Sign Our PetitionFind Missing Minorities Sign The Petition HERE
Kristi Merrill Carmichael CA
Petition For Kristi Merrill Case
Kirsti Merrill Petition To Find Kristi
Lauren Spierer Is still missing
See this page
Help solve this cold case
Joe Helt needs to be found
Carmichael CA.
and thank them as they are among the very few that give
any exposure to the missing in the mainstream media
BUT We can NOT understand why they refuse to tell their viewers about the petition and allow those viewers to decide
if it is something they would like to see in place
We have seen enough of Nancy 's Darling Children
to ask the media to educated the public about the technology
and help get the System put in place
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by The JavaScript Source