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Barry and the Boomers - Lead Singer - Barry David Butler
Sebring, Florida

EMAIL Barry Directly


Get some background on Barry ( WHO IS 67 and a WWII "Baby Boomer")
Singer - Songwriter - Entertainer

I think his voice is akin to Sgt Barry Sadler
who took "The Ballad Of The Green Berets," to #1 for five weeks in 1966

And you may also remember Barry McGuire's #1 hit - 'Eve of Destruction" from 1965
I guess the name Barry - carries with it some instilled talent


Read this Article About BARRY



send the webmaster an email HERE

Barry is 67 Years old and thus qualify as a Baby "Boomer"

The rest of the "BOOMERS" are ALL the people who set off fireworks in his mind
who gave him the inspiration to create his music
most are people he has never met
But he has heard about their stories
and they moved him to create
But each person is a part of his life
He dedicates his music to them ALL


HERE is a Signature song for Barry and the Boomers -


AND Now a link to 156 of Barry David Butlers
Songs on You Tube
CLICK HERE to hear some great music

Most of the lyrics for were written by me, Barry David Butler
See the 'Show More" on each video for the lyrics to each song
collaboration names and copyright info


* Here is a Playlist of Barry's Newest Album Picks *


Click Here to read the Dream

( A comment from the Web master of this page )
--- Please help Barry Get the exposure he deserves



Now To a very serious matter

Over 2000 women children and men go missing EVERY DAY
We have real time satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
which - IF adapted for use by Law Enforcement could drastically reduce the number of cases
AND Find missing women children and men and

To all friends of Barry David Butler
--- Please - IF you want to do MORE than Most do to find missing persons
educate your self about our solution and share the info you find
Click HERE to sign the Petition

We believe this is what is needed to be done to stop
the scourge of Missing loved ones and other crimes which is sweeping our nation

Posting notices online about the missing and crimes helps
BUT we can drastically reduce the number of missing persons and other crimes
- Isn't that the bottom line

--- Drastic Yes - Effective Yes - Expensive NO -
who would not want a system like this in PLACE ? -- only paranoid people and Criminals -

Click HERE for another page you can share with your friends online ---
It has links to ALL the details you need
to decide if this is something you would embrace

Thank You Bill Tomsk ( found as "Finding Missing" on Face Book )


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Visitor to this page since it was Put Online Tuesday - OCT 16th 2012

Barry and the Boomers - Barry D Butler Sebring Florida - Singer Songwriter Entertainer the second Sixto Sugar Man Rodriguez Detroit South Africa