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I am Barry David Butler

This is my signature song for an Ad Campaign for the Mythical Band (as of now anyway)
Click here to listen


I have had this dream Forever

Its about MY entrance into the Big Time.. and stardom
I am TOO old to make it the customary way.
I need an Angle == I’m going to try to find one


My dream includes:
We’re going to be on the SOCIAL SECURITY RECORD Label.. the tour is sponsored by AARP and POLIDENT ..
I think you get my drift.

I have the ideas in my head and they have been formulating.
But I see this as sure as I’m sitting here

Here is what appears in my dream:

I see an AP article with critique written after our inaugural show which read:
18,000 expectant fans sat restlessly at the famous Madison Square Garden in NYC....
to see the new Music SensationS called “BARRY & THE BOOMERS”....
Apparently the band are a bunch of old guys trying to make it in today’s
youth driven world of Rock n Roll and Pop Music...

Before this night - nobody had ever seen them live before
a few have seen their Video and heard their Song - “WE’RE BARRY & THE BOOMERS & WE’RE HERE TO ROCK”....
Only a few pictures of Barry are seen in the video - He is a Mystery Man

The hype has now been ongoing for the for 3 months
since their song has been # 1 on Billboard top 100

Some old guy who looks like a 1960’s hippie slowly walks on stage with a Fender Stratocaster
slung over his shoulder like a gunslinger.....
He has long unruly gray hair and the required red and blue head band
and looks like he should be a spokesman for Hemorrhoid Creme .
He is kind of hunched over and slowly walks over to 8 Marshal Stack Amps
piled 20 feet in the air on either side of the stage.
The drummer walks up 30 steps to his perch which oversees the stage.
He actually has one of those oxygen things in his nostrils
and is helped up to the platform by two rather large guys.
He looks like he should be playing shuffle board at Nate’s Retirement Home.

Then a guy clearly in his early 70’s comes out in a wheel chair.
He has an old Hofner Bass like the one Paul played a hundred years ago know, the one that looks like a violin.
He is sitting there now tuning his bass and looking a little disheveled.

Next 3 gray haired hippies come out with some horns....
They are wearing Hawaiian Shirts and are hilarious looking...
Some on in the crowd yells "Hey where’s the Baby Boomer Cruise" .....what a hoot...
These guys will be lucky to make it to intermission.

The keyboard player comes out and is actually using one of those walkers....
He has hair down to his waste with a huge Peace sign around his neck....
A sign behind his Rack of Keyboards says...MAKE LOVE NOT WAR....haha
...I feel I’m in a time warp - back in the 60's again ......

Parked behind the stage is an Ambulance and two para medics at the ready....
Never know when one of these guys will go into complete coronary collapse...
Still no Barry...

The crowd is now all a twitter and laughing hysterically. Is this some kind of joke.
People are screaming that they want their Money back...

All of a sudden ALL the lights go down and the audience quiets down.
Couldn’t see right in front of your face.

The drum starts pounding and a red light shines down on him...
He is kicking in their Huge Hit
Next the guy on bass starts the bass line.
The volume is massive and pulsating and just these two are making the atmosphere in the Garden actaully move
All you can see is these two guys now with lights on them.
All over a sudden -- they don’t look or sound that old.....

Then as if a space ship just landed.....
that little gray haired hippy with the 50 year old Fender Guitar
hits ONE power chord that rattled the rafters
and the entirety of The Garden was vibrating... A 9.0 on the Richter Scale at Madison Square Garden

He just fell into the groove and it was incredible....
The sax, trumpet and trombone start to wail...

Now the light comes on the guy who came in with a walker as he walked to his keyboards...
His keyboards looked like the inside of a space ship and the sounds were ethereal.......
Still no Barry.

Then the lights go down again and the Music keeps playing.
All of a sudden these Old men of the 1960’s don’t sound old anymore...
You’re just caught up in all the power and excitement.
People are on their feet swaying and stomping their feet
The audience is made up of ALL ages, but the older ones seem to be mesmerized by this incredible spectacle.
It seems all the hype was legitimate.

After a few minutes all the lights come back on and Barry is out front and he is singing the song.....
The Oxygen is gone from the drummers nose, no wheel chairs in sight,
the ambulance is gone and its incredible.

They talked about LIFE DEATH AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN in their songs...
Told their and Our stories...Incredible.........I can’t stop crying.

J T para medics are no place to be found.

All I see and hear is One Incredible Rock Band that was turned down by EVERY single record company.

They were told to go home and play golf.
Too old they said...nobody would be interested....HUH???

Well.... History is being made this night.
These guys have changed the paradigm.

Their Transformation from "Old Fogies" to Rock Stars was complete

I must a Music Critic and Journalist, who is up there in age ....
"I was very excited and proud.
And the 16 original songs were Fantastic…..

GO Boomers!!

A 9.0 on the Richter scale at Madison Square Garden


Click Here to go to Our Main Web Site


Read this Article About BARRY




Now To a very serious matter

Over 2000 women children and men go missing EVERY DAY
We have real time satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
which - IF adapted for use by Law Enforcement could drastically reduce the number of cases
AND Find missing women children and men and

To all friends of Barry David Butler
--- Please - IF you want to do MORE than Most do to find missing persons
educate your self about our solution and share the info you find
Click HERE to sign the Petition

We believe this is what is needed to be done to stop
the scourge of Missing loved ones and other crimes which is sweeping our nation

Posting notices online about the missing and crimes helps
BUT we can drastically reduce the number of missing persons and other crimes
- Isn't that the bottom line

--- Drastic Yes - Effective Yes - Expensive NO -
who would not want a system like this in PLACE ? -- only paranoid people and Criminals -

Click HERE for another page you can share with your friends online ---
It has links to ALL the details you need
to decide if this is something you would embrace

Thank You Bill Tomsk ( found as "Finding Missing" on Face Book )


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