This page presents the latest This one of the strangest cases I have ever reported on It's a case which could have be solved within MINUTES - YES Minutes Would using unmanned drone surveillance technology When are we going to see that we need to take drastic actions to end these atrocities This page also offers a solution to the scourge of these crimes which sweep our nation daily It's up to you to STEP UP and take the time to educate yourself about the solution
Tap Here
to read more on this possiblity
Breaking News
from my sources on the Adam Mayes Case
help solve Missing person cases and other crimes
We know it would
== IF == you want to help spare millions of families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one
OR of being a crime victim
It is likely you will be one of those victims in the future
Do Something before its too late
Here is another of our pages with more missing persons - you might know one
Click HERE to Share this Page on Facebook ****** it has been reported Adam Mayes, his wife, Teresa Mayes and mother Mary Mayes are reported to ALL suffer
Our Face Book IDs are "Finding the Missing" or "Finding Missing"
from Mental and Developmental Disabilities
Which is no surprise
Adam Mayes failed to respond to our plea
If you are Adam Mayes -- You will be caught --- Don't let this end badly --
PLEASE contact us and we will help you tell your side of the story
All emails are confidential
Adam Mayes (left), is charged with killing Jo Ann Bain (top left) and her daughter, Adrienne Bain, 14 (top right)
and kidnapping her other two daughters, Alexandria Bain , 12, (bottom left) and Kyliyah Bain 8. ( bottom right )
UPDATE - Breaking NEWS Adam Mayes and his captives have been found - It is reported that Mayes shot himself in the head as police approached There will be an autopsy performed on Mayes Three other as yet unidentified people, have been arrested -- One for filing a false police report More below It was related to me -- the father of the girls -- Gary Bain found out the girls were safe During the first press conference after the rescue one of the officials kept referring to Mayes as Mr Hayes ( at least 7 times ) - **************** You are the
Visitors to this page since Before getting to the details on The Mayes Kidnapping / Murder case I need you to set aside a few minutes to help end these tragedies *~* PLEASE Get Involved - Share the info you find with EVERYONE The action you take RIGHT NOW, could be the one which ends these crimes Be informed about our effort to accomplish this Leave comments on Face Book Posts and include the URL Again the url to share is http://sign.1sta.com ****** TV Hosts Sitting in front of cameras and speculating about these cases for rating We present a possible solution which can end these atrocities The way to stop and solve these crimes is presented in the petition *****
******* **** Once again HLN's "Crack Research Team" has dropped the ball This is not the first time They have made errors - I believe in researching and presented the facts as they really are Background on the case There was a $177,000.00 reward for his capture
Adam Mayes is suspected of killing a Tennessee woman and her teenage daughter in order to kidnap the woman's two younger daughters It was disclosed that the woman's husband, Gary Bain, was in the house when the murders and abductions took place Mayes was considered a friend of the Bain family and was with them at their rural western Tennessee home on the The dynamics of the relationships between the parties involved is strange to say the least, Gary Bains, who adopted the girls after marrying Jo Ann
Adam Mayes, 35, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder for the deaths of Jo Ann Bain, 31, and her
The two younger childrens, Alexandria Bain, 12, and Kyliyah Bain, 8, were missing as of may 10th 2012, and authorities believe they are being The Girls have NOT been seen at all
Mayes' wife, Teresa Mayes, 30, was also charged with first-degree murder in the case, court records show.
According to my sources Mayes strangled both Jo Ann Bain and Adrienne Bain in a garage on their property, and he and Teresa Mayes then
He buried the bodies in a shallow grave behind his mother's house, where they were discovered the First of May
According to the court affidavits released on Wednesday, May 9th 2012 Teresa Mayes, who was arrested on Sunday May 6th told investigators Investigators declined to elaborate. Mary Mayes, Adam Mayes' mother was arrested along with Teresa They could face the death penalty as accomplices in 1st degree murder
The two younger Bain girls are believed to be still alive, which also limits how much police can say about
"We must be cautious not to release any information that could put the lives of these young girls in jeopardy,"
The FBI has placed Adam Mayes at the top of its "Ten Most Wanted Fugitive List," partly to draw more resources There is A total of $175,000 in reward money now offered for his capture.
Mayes was last seen in Guntown on May 1, and while authorities focus the search on northern Mississippi,
"He could be en route to any of those states," He is thought to possibly be driving an older White Oldsmobile Alero with an "Ole Miss" plate on the front
The fugitive and his two kidnapped victims were found in dense woods near the Zion Baptist Church and Cemetary
about 12 miles from his home in Guntown MS
His two captives were found alive suffering from dehydration, exposure, and poison ivy
And the others, for gun related offenses -- It is believed they supplied Mayes the weapon he used to kill himself
after a friend saw it posted on the Sheriffs Face Book Page and the friend called Bain ??????
You'd think they'd know the name of the man they were looking for
it was put online at 1:30 p.m. May, 10th 2012
First educate yourself by READING the Petition Seen HERE to get our elected officials to adapt existing
Military Satellite Surveillance technology for use by Law Enforcement
These types of cases could be solved WITHIN MINUTES
And most other crimes could be solved as quickly while sparing tens of millions of families the pain of dealing
with a missing loved one or of being a crime victim
YOU can see to it these crimes are drastically reduced, Victims are rescued and other crimes solved
We beg you, read the petition AND THE PAGES LINKED, then share the info
by cutting and pasting the URL ( http://sign.1sta.com )
On all online sites you use and with ALL you come in contact with
Contact your favorite TV shows and ask why they are not telling the public about this petition
Yet each night those same hosts cry 'We mUst Do Something" while ignoring telling their viewers about the solution
and allowing those viewers to decide if it is something they would support
To sign the petition to help get the proposed solution in Place
are ignoring telling their viewers about this solution
DOES NOTHING to prevent them and very seldom solves them
The exposure is welcomed by the families of the missing but at what costs
Many times the hosts bully the family members
and sometimes even accuse them without actually saying so
and reduce the need for the shows which use tabloid journalistic tactics for ratings
seen linked above -- our military has used the technology for decades.
If you have any info please email us
During a show on Friday MAY 11TH they showed the wrong satellite pictures and
also said Mayes was found within 1.8 miles of his home in Guntown
This has changed since Mayes has been found and his captives rescued
but he was not harmed Nor was he aware anything had happened - Gary Bains, 63 the dead woman's husband
and adopted father of the murdered girl has been in poor health and he probably caused no threat to Adam Mayes
who was the most-wanted fugitive in the country.
morning of the murder and kidnappings supposedly helping them pack for a planned move to Arizona
was once married to Adam Mayes' sister, Mayes is said to have stayed at the Bains house often babysitting for the girls
He has told others he believes he is the bio father of the girls, Investigators are looking for more info on his claims.
oldest daughter, Adrienne Bain, 14, on April 27, the same day the other two children were kidnapped, according to court records in
Hardeman County, Tennessee.
held by Mayes, who is considered armed and dangerous.
But Adam Mayes is seen on a store video near Guntown three days after crime buying cigarettes and a Soda
He did not buy anything else which raises questions
and it was reported he was not in a vehicle BUT he MOST LIKELY parked it away from the store so it could not be identified or connected to him
drove the bodies and two younger girls to Mayes' mother's home near the very small northern Mississippi town of Guntown
Adam Mayes' intent was to take the two younger girls from their home and keep them with him after their parents moved to Arizona
when the mother intervened she was killed.
the investigation and manhunt.
Daniel McMullen, FBI special agent in charge, Mississippi, said at a news conference in Guntown.
into the manhunt
Mayes is said to have connections in several other states, including North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Texas and Arizona.
But he could be driving anything as he is an excellent mechanic and has the skills to steal Any CAR
The police ask all citizens to watch for Adam Mayes and be alert - he may not have the girls with him at all times
Mayes' mother is charged with four counts of conspiracy to commit especially aggravated kidnapping and could possible be included in the Murder charges
Mayes' wife and mother are in Hardeman County Jail. A preliminary hearing for both is scheduled for May 22.
The Adam his wife and mother are reported to suffer from Developmental Disabilities
It has been reported the SHERIFFS office for Guntown, Mississippi Interviewed Mayes and let him go
He then dropped out of site
What is that ALL About ?
********* I hope it builds a fire under you to join our effort We are doing everything we can We present info on the real time, satellite surveillance and picture taking capabilities and technology We have a page with Scenarios of how the system would work at ******* All the details can be found at Karen Swifts, Michelle Parkers, Jennifer Kesse And many more cases are also listed in the "More Missing Persons Cases" Section there
Step Up AND see to it the BUT the media and our elected officials are ignoring attempts to Please READ the linked pages to educate yourself about this proposed solution Share the info you find with ALL others and HELP the effort We can spare families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one Again: Please See and sign our petition at We need to use the real time Satellite Surveillance Technology we have developed ++++++ ********
You may become angry after reading the next link
to assure these crimes are stopped
and the missing are found quickly and safe
OUR military has been developed, perfected and used for decades to protect our troops and provide vital information on our adversaries
This Technology should be adapted for use by Law Enforcement to find Missing Children, women and men QUICKLY and SAFE
and drastically reduce ALL other crimes
This Link Here HERE
THE Main page for our effort to get our leaders to adapt the existing real time satellite surveillance
picture taking technology
proposed solution is adapted by Law Enforcement to help them
Do their jobs more effectively and to better ends
wE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY to find the Missing WITHIN Minutes of them being reported
and solve MOST OTHER crimes also within MINUTES - YES MINUTES
Adapt the existing system of real time satellite picture capturing capabilities for use by Law Enforcement
AND ADD your voice to the petition
HERE http://sign.1sta.com
to implement the solution to the scourge of crime and Missing Children, Women and Men cases
which sweeps our nation
Plus all the other benefits this would provide to everyone
This link here for more on the possible solution to Finding The Missing
WITHIN Minutes of them being reported
for our military since the 1970's and adapt it for use by Law Enforcement
to Bring Missing children women and men home Quickly and Safe
and spare millions of families the pain of dealing
with a missing loved one
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details
Pray for Missing Persons
Join Our Prayer Group
a Page for Your
Missing Person CaseHERE are more pages we have built
Please take a look at the Jennifer Kesse case too
Just Tap Here
Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Solomon or Solomen
The webmaster's Face Book Group ID IS
" Finding Missing " Please like us for more on the Missing
We fully understand the usefulness of HLN hosts Grace and Jane Mitchell putting the face of the missing on TV
and thank them as they are among the very few that give
exposure to the missing in the mainstream media We can NOT understand why they refuse to tell their viewers about the petition and allow those viwers to decide
if it is something they would like to see in place
We would hope they would consider at least mentioning the petition
And why don't they show Picture in Picture during their broadcasts which would show the missing
We have seen enough of Nancy 's Darling Children
I repeat, Please Please Sign the Petition
to ask the media to educated the public about the technology
and help get the System put in place
Contact HLN AND CNN shows through this link
Contact Nancy Grace - Jane Mitchell - ALL THE OTHER SHows
ask them to help