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This page offers instructions on How to take Full Advantage of a Major Bank Promotion
I personally have received $1,250.00 in Matched Money from the Bank -
They Really give you money
You can get yours and YOU CAN share the info I supply
with everyone you know
Its like giving them $1,250.00 too
You'll be the hit of your circle of friends

This is NOT for those in deep financial straights
IF you want some extra money - This can help you get it
It is NOT a quick fix to your money problems

The Bank MATCHES money - For Real -
Their TV commercials have boasted - "We have given our customers tens of millions in the past year


We have modified Our Offer -
I am not insane BUT I am, for a limited time, I am allowing you to pay what you think it is worth
for the info to get your $1250.00
Sounds Impossible - we know and that is what we are up against

You CAN PAY me whatever you think this is worth and I will send you the info within hours
It will be delivered by email

Think !!!! Would I have been able to sell this info
for over 3 years online on Ebay AND other online sales sites
IF it was NOT on the level ?


Ebay and the other online sites I have sold it on WOULD NOT ALLOW an item if it were not legal or on the up and up

If you are

Tom Paters

my emails to you are getting bounced back to me and I am being told by PAYPAL
Your email address is not valid
Please contact me regarding your order
Check and correct the email address and contact info
you have on file with Pay Pal
PLEASE contact me HERE with an active email address

I want to keep my promise
to get the info to my buyers as quickly as possible


I reserve the right to refuse to accept ANY offer IF I feel it is no enough


You are the

Visitor to this page since it was put on the web
Aug 18th 2008
it has lasted that long Because it is a legitimate offer


I know fully well many will think this is some type of a scheme
BUT Don't be lured into false conclusions until you read EVERYTHING On This page
I offer as much proof as I can and I have been told - too much proof


IF you think = this is a scheme
You must ask yourself - Why would this person risk his online reputation
as an author and successful inventor and marketer of his book and his inventions
by offering something that does not work ??

The answer is simple -- I would Not

AND I Challenge anyone to prove my information / method DOES NOT work
I'll give anyone triple their money back if you can

I stake my inventions, my EBAY / iOffer, Fiverr, Military Online Classified Ads 100% customer ratings and reputations on it -
Even HLN's / CNN Money experts Clark Howard and Ali Velshi can Not dispute this works


This offer has changed and may be different than what you saw elsewhere
This page is the latest most up to date page


You can pay Whatever you think the info is worth
Just put the amount in the PayPal Payment Page Amount Box
You get Pay Pal's Protection
If you are still skeptical - TOO Bad
I am sure we can answer your questions


You'll get your money back ( whatever you decide you will pay ) after you use our info one time

I am offering this info MORE to have an impact on the Major Bank's Funds
than to make money by offering the info
the Bank running the promo needs to be taught a lesson
It's same the bank that Uses "B - O - A" as a short name
They have Advertised an d announced on TV -
"We have given away tens of millions of dollars with our promo"
they do give the money away - THAT IS NOT DISPUTED
they don't tell you how to best take advantage of their offer
I will share that info with you
Lets keep taking THEIR money


I spent a year researching and developing this method
and my time preparing the email to send to those who do buy it
But I am will to trust others to be fair. So you must ask yourself - "What is too much to get $1250.00 ?"

IF you pass up this chance - You will have dreams about this AND WONDER
"Did I PASS UP $1250.00 because I am skeptical and paranoid" ?
If you decide NOT to get the info --

then yes you did

I am the ONLY ONE selling my copyrighted info online

We usually offer an Honor System Military, Veterans and Wives Discount
But for a Limited EVERYONE can pay whatever they think the info is worth

After this offer ends Non Military buyers will pay $19.99

Our Military, Veterans And Wives Honor Discount will be $8.99 and require No Proof of service
We Know Nobody would say they were Military, Veterans or Wives of those
Just to beat us out of a few dollars

I extended the offer to everyone
because My PayPal Button was Not working correctly
If you want the info - use the Pay Pal or Google Check Out Buttons Below
The Military Discount stays in effect indefinitely ( Military Vets and their families will Always pay $8.99 - total )
Again: and after the Limited Time Special Offer ends
ALL Non Military, Veterans and their families will have to Pay $19.99
that's still 50 % off the price of $39.99 I sold it for online FROM THE MAJOR selling sites at first
to check to see IF it would sell --
IT DID AND a few have paid the $39.99 elsewhere online

PLEASE REPORT this Offer TO all the major news networks and TV Shows
and your local stations and media too and have them investigate

I welcome - NO, I BEG FOR - the chance to show this works


NO RISK with PayPal OR Google Check Out Protection
If you know anything about PayPal, Google Check Out, EBAY OR,
you know those sites do NOT allow
ANY questionable items to be sold using their services

We have been selling this info for over 4 years using those venues
If there were complaints those selling and Payment systems would have stopped
me from using their services for selling and collecting payments for this info

I spend way to much time ON THIS PAGE trying to convince those who visit HERE
that this offer is valid and really DOES WHAT I CLAIM
Please be open minded
or you will be throwing away $1250.00
BUT IF you want to take advantage of this offer YOU WILL BE THE WINNER

For a limited time every one can send whatever they think the info is worth and tHE
info will be delivered within hours by email
Share this on Face Book just paste into your WALL text box
Tweet it too
Its like giving everyone you know up to $1250.00


All the info you will get and
that found on this and my connected pages is copyrighted 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012©
This info is my own and there should be NO OTHER pages offering it
If you see any OTHER PAGES offering it
please notify me HERE and include the URL you saw it offered at

I am the developer and sole distributor of the info offered on this page

One way I can show my
"Pay Less for Gas and get Money From a Bank Promotion" info
offer is valid is:
My Info is offered In My Ebay charity Auctions


the designated portion of the final value of ALL of my Charity Auctions
goes Directly to the eBay Designated Charity
I AS THE SELLER NEVER see their part of the money
when sold through the Ebay Charities venue

I have been selling this info on ebay for over three 1/2 years
and have a 100% sales rating ON EBAY - That should say something
Ebay Does NOT allow any schemes
I must say again -- My selling record is impeccable @ 100% with
Over 1300 various items Sold online
And ONLY one refund has been requested and was issued to someone who was on a check block list
and could not open a bank account
I gave the buyer his money back even though I did NOT have to issue the refund



Remember: Some people have paid up to $29.99 on
I Offer.COM
Click HERE and view the five star ( * * * * * ) buyer rating for my one of my sales on


30 day MONEY Back Guarantee IF YOU ASKED questions and can show me this does NOT Work
and You have checked on the availability in your area

email me your AREA AND ZIP code to keep the guarantee in place
ONLY 30 per area will be sold

email me here HERE
with your questions and area and zip code

Don't Hesitate


Either you are willing to see if this works OR Your not and will lose out
Hundreds have taken the chance and NO Complaints
See the links to the testimonial page below

No Risk Money Back as outlined

Read and Ask questions and contact me and to
Check on the availability of the item from the email links on this page
to keep the guarantee in place
PLUS triple your money back if you can show this does NOT work
With Pay Pal's protection too - You can't lose

Limited Time and Limted Numbers

If you don't have a few minutes to get $1250.00 for little effort - Then MORE POWER TO YOU

If you are like 95% of other Americans you are
always looking for a way to get great deals and save money

MY Info simply tells you how to take full advantage of a MAJOR BANKS Promotion
Through the Banks Promo They Match Money you spend
YES THEY GIVE YOU the amount of money you spend BACK - Up to $1250.00
if YOU Follow my instructions and you will get Up to $1250.00 in matched money -
Its the same as paying .06 per gallon for gas with gas at $3.00
- .08 With gas at $4.00.
after the bank gives you the matched money
.99 for each dollar $1.01 spent

You can share the info with everyone you know --
-- Its just like giving them $1250.00 FREE too --

I am not going to make Millions off selling my instructions
But I did spend considerable time perfecting the method and the compiling the instructions
And for the Piddling Amount I am charging for my effort and JUST my time
to send the info though email to buyers is worth FAR more than the cost
compared to the return YOU will get
I am sure you will agree this is like giving it away

You'll wonder why YOU didn't think of this


Read the proof I offer - then ACT


The only requirement is that you be able to open a bank account AT THE Bank offering the Promo
You can Open one online as I DID
I HAVE never even been inside a branch of the Bank offering this promo

PAY PAL and GOOGLE CHECK OUT Protection assurane

You need to edit the text to 140 characters
Just leave the fist line in and cut the rest


Share on Facebook



If the PayPal or Google Check Out link is not working contact me

Plus you need to follow the instruction on this page to keep the guarantee in place contact email is


AGAIN: Place in your safe senders list and
and look for an email from that ADDRESS with "Your Info is HERE" in the subject line
within hours after sending your payment

EVERYONE Should use the
Pay Pal
button Below




I repeat: Within Hours After paying WITH Pay Pal - Look for an email with
"Your Info is HERE" in the subject line
look in ALL your email folders for the email
Google Check Out Payment need to clear before the info will be sent
This could take UP TO 7 DAYS

The Bank may change their rules at times and I have no Control over that


I Got this email recently


I received and have used your info. For $19.99
it was worth 60 times more to find this info.
Thank you so much for offering this to others.

Thank you
Bill Simi Valley CA.


First, Before getting to the info you came for
There is a more important cause that needs public awareness

Join The Effort Found on my FaceBook group 2findthemissing
to Get N.A.S.A., the Military and its affiliates to cooperate with Law Enforcement
to assist police and Find Abducted children, Missing Women and solve Other Crimes
by providing real time and archived satellite photos and videos of the crime scenes


Now back to the reason you came to this page
To Get the info I Offer


There are some available for MOST areas
But to make sure your area has not reached it limit,
you must inquire as to the availability of the info in your area by sending your AREA Code AND ZIP code
and to keep the guarantee in force ask questions


I offer information which I developed, tested, compiled and copyrighted
on how to best use and take FULL Advantage of a major bank's Matched Money Promotion and while doing so you end up
paying .06 per gallon for gas ( IF gas is at $3.00 )
( .08 PER Gallon with gas at $4.00 )
and save like amounts on other purchases - UP TO $1250.00

So you wind up paying less than 1940 prices
While getting Up to $1250.00 in matched money from the Major Banks Promotion
They actually do you give up to $1250.00

IF You Do not get the FULL $1250.00 - THEN YOU DID NOT FOLLOW My Instructions


The following info is taken directly from the Banks site 

"We MATCH 100% of the amount you accumulate during the first three months after you enroll,
and we will match 5% thereafter.

We match up to five checking accounts per
depositor (including joint depositors) or up to five checking accounts per
household, whichever is less. You can Earn a promotional match up to $250 per account
for each checking account up to 5 for a Total of $1250.00

Earn a promotional match up to $250 per anniversary period for each checking account up to 5
You will not receive the matching funds
for: a.) purchases of cash-like items, such as traveler’s checks, foreign currency,
cashier’s checks, gaming chips, and other similar instruments and things of value;
and b.) account funding transactions including transfers to open or fund deposit,
escrow, or brokerage accounts and purchases of stored value cards. We may terminate
the matching promotion at any time without notice.

The promotional matching funds will be reported to the IRS on Form 1099."

End of Banks statement

To Read what those who have bought and used it say

and listen to the interview I did
If that does Not show you this offer on the level then you must
be too skeptical of a person and nothing I can say, do or show you
will you convince you to get this info - Too Bad


So now you see what the bank offers -
BUT THEY Don't tell you how to use this to full advantage to get ALL the money - I DO


This page also offers other items as described at deep Military, Vets and Wives Honor System Discounts
as well as discounts of up to 40% for EVERYONE ELSE TOO

again, some are my own inventions


There are now over nearly 1/2 billion pages on the internet
What brought you to this particular one ???

Was it Fate ???

It was NO mistake ~ There IS a reason
and you MUST take the time to find it

I assure you there is a reason for you finding MY PAGE
And your faith in others will be restored if you spend some time here

Maybe it is NOT the opportunity to
pay .06 per gallon for gas which is less than 1940 prices
and save on groceries and other purchases
while you get $1250.00 from a bank promo
it could be it's the Link to the Proposed solution to get NASA to assist police
and find the Abducted Children Missing Women
OR possibly You have been looking for an inspirational story - this page has that
or you were searching for a gift for any soldiers to support the troops
or were you trying to find a gift for a mom to be or senior citizen
or more Military / Veterans Wives Honor System Discounts --
those too are presented in other links on this page


For the Special Limited Time Offer Price of $8.99
Remember: -
When the Special ends the Non Military Price will go back to
$19.99 ( 50% off ) of the selling price of $39.99 on other online sites

The Military Honor System Discount price will ALWAYS BE NO MORE THAN $8.99
No proof of service is required

To repeat: If you qualify for the Honor System Military Vets and Wives Discount
Again for a Limited Tome EVERYONE Pays $8.99 -


You don't need to be a member of PayPal to pay through those systems
with a debit or credit card

Info will be delivered by email within hours
of my receiving your payment
then Just look in ALL your email folders for an email With
"Your info is HERE" in the subject line

For the Military Discount No proof of service is required
Again: We don't think anyone would say they were in the service JUST to beat us out of some money

You don't need to be a member of PayPal to pay through that system with a debit or credit card

Info will be delivered by email within hours
of my receiving your payment
You must put in your safe and allowed senders list in your email program
then Just look in ALL your email folders for an email With "Your info is HERE" in the subject line

If the PayPal or Google Check Out link is not working contact me



then place in your safe senders list and
Within Hours After paying Look for an email with
"Your Info is HERE" in the subject line
look in ALL your email folders for the email


The reason I offer Military Discounts

is revealed if you visit
My Page dedicated to friends Lost in Viet Nam



Now -- the info to pay less than
1940 prices for gas
( .06 PER Gallon with gas at $3.00 - .08 per gallon with gas at $4.00 )
and save on groceries and other purchases too while
getting THE MATCHED money from a bank promotion

Remember the Military Veterans and Wives discount = is $8.99 is ongoing and will never end

Special Limited Time Discount Offer is found on this page for the
"Pay LESS THAN 1940 prices for gas and groceries" info

Don't hesitate
Limited to 30 per area code so as not to overload any one area
There are a few left for most areas
BUT to keep the guarantee in place
YOU NEED TO email us your AREA AND ZIP codes to check on for sure on availability

or ASK Questions

--Heisitate and You'll be passing up getting $1250.00 in Matched Money


Order now and get THE INFO
within Hours by email

The Military Honor System Discount of $8.99 is on going
This Special Offer will end soon
for ALL but Military Buyers
you'll save $37.00 off our regular Price of $39.99


Until the limited time offer expires
Then The price for Non - military buyers goes back to $19.99


Don't let the Special Run Out


There will be no Expiration for a Military Discount


To Take Advantage of this Offer

For either Military or Non Military Payments
EVERYONE PAYS $8.99 until the Special offer ends
then Just the Military discount will be in effect and
I repeat after this offers ends Everyone else will pay the still discounted price of $19.99


I fully Understand this offer sounds too good to be true

30 per area code

why Limit it ? - so as not to overload any one area and assure the Bank does not cancel the promotion
I have sold hundred sets of these instruction so far for as much as $39.99
and if everyone who bought them
followed ny directions and got their full $1250.00
Then I AND my info are responsible for the buyers getting approx $750,000.00 of the Banks Matched Money -- I am proud to say that....


I offer proof it is true ALL you need to do is read - then Act

Again, Another great thing about this info is: you can share it with others
Its like giving each of them $1250.00 too
You'll be more popular than Santa Claus

You can start your own Pay It Forward String -
Doing something nice for someone else ( giving them this info )
then asking them to do something nice for another -
so on and so forth until everyone is doing nice things for everyone else !!!!
Sounds Impossible But lets try it
I challenge you to join in


Again, How can I prove this is on the level ??

To Read what those who have bought and used it say

and listen to the interview I did
If that does Not show you this offer on the level then you must
be too skeptical of a person and nothing I can say, do or show you
will you convince you to get this info - Too Bad !!!! You Lose


Some areas are very rural
and some states have no branches of the Bank Offering this promotion
BUT IF you have no aversion to online banking
this IS available and WILL work Anywhere
So Ask Questions

email me here HERE with questions and to check on availability



I use PayPal and Google Check Out
If you know anything about those payment systems you know they do NOT allow
ANY questionable items to be sold using their services

Another way to show my
"Pay Less for Gas and get Money From a Bank"
offer is valid is:
it is also offered on charity auctions at
My EBAY items sales page HERE
My selling record is impeccable @ 100%

UP TO 100% of MANY OF MY AUCTIONS final value goes automatically and directly
to the causes designated - I never see the money
there are usually a few different auctions running
For Various on profits groups
Or the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 'Find a Cure' effort

If you want your money to go to
a different charity I can arrange that too
Just contact me at one of the emails links on this page

You Must know eBay
and ESPECIALLY their Charity Affiliate ( Mission Fish )
do NOT ALLOW Items that are questionable
They check out ALL the items
So add that to the testimonials
from those who already have the info say
and the interview I did found HERE

and it should be enough Proof
for ANY skeptical person

If you choose to go through Ebay
You get eBay's Buyer Protection in addition to PayPal's OR Google Check Out's protection
You are 100% Protected against schemes
Bid high and Often

AND I repeat: 100% of the final value of an eBay purchase goes to Charity



Plus PayPal and Google Check Out Protection




Various other Honor System Military / Veterans Discount Items
are presented on this page
the Military, Veterans and wives Discounts are ongoing and do not end
Some are 2 for 1 - Buy One get one free
other discounts range from 50% TO 80% off
and some have donations connected with a purchase
No proof of service is required
We don't think anyone would say they were in the service JUST to beat us out of some money
and doing so is against Federal Law

* You will see my goal is to Pay It Forward
and help others through my various innovations and ideas
It is my hope you will do the same
and post notices of this offer in various online venues which accept such posts


I admit this page is long and may be confusing
But I am not a professional marketeer
I am just an ordinary guy who happens to be disabled and an inventor and author of the Book "I Shoulda Thought of That"
who discovered then developed this approach
to take advantage of a Major Banks Promotion
resulting in those who use my info paying less than 1940 prices
for gas, groceries and other purchases
and getting up to $1250.00 in matched funds from the bank

Because of my limited disability income income
I have become an expert at saving money and stretching the money I do have to its limits

I implore you to read this page and ask questions
so there are no misunderstandings as to what you are getting



I could charge much much more than what I ask
But I am not out to gouge anyone
And am just attempting to Pay It Forward for a miracle I received
as well as accomplish what I referred to earlier

Remember: Some people have paid up to $39.99 on
I Offer.COM
Click HERE and view the buyer rating for my one of my sales on


Getting back to the offer on this page

It's Limited Time - Limited Numbers

Read and Ask questions - email me for availability !!!

Again - I am not a marketer - bear with me


Limited to 30 per area code
some are close to selling out
When They're Gone - They're Gone for Good
NO amount of money could make me sell
one more than the limit in ANY one area

Some areas are very rural
and some states have no branches of the Bank Offering this promotion
BUT IF you have no aversion to online banking
this IS available and WILL work Anywhere as long as you can open a bank account


Again: after the special ends the Military, Vets, and Wives
pay no more than $8.99
but the price goes back up to $19.99 for all others

Email Delivery within Hours of receiving your payment

Money Back - Pay Pal AND Google Check Out protection


You too will be saying "This is ingenious" - I guarantee that too
You must inquire as to the availability of the info in your area
and ask questions to keep the guarantee in force




No proof of service is required
Again: We don't think anyone would say they were in the service JUST to beat us out of some money

* Just choose the payment option which you want from the PayPal or Google check out Buttons Below *

Various other Honor System Military / Veterans Discounts
are presented on this page
the Military, Veterans and wives Discounts are ongoing and do not end
Some are 2 for 1 - Buy One get one free
other discounts range from 50% TO 80% off
and some have donations connected with a purchase
No proof of service is required
We don't think anyone would say they were in the service JUST to beat us out of some money
and doing so is against Federal Law

* You will see my goal is to Pay It Forward
and help others through my various innovations and ideas
It is my hope you will do the same
and post notices of this offer in various online venues which accept such posts


You may have seen a video on YouTube or CNN I-Report
In MARCH of 2008 - I first posted vids on those sites
announcing this offer = "Pay less than 1940 prices for gas and groceries, while getting money from a major bank, Impossible, NO" -
So this offer has been on the net for almost 36 months
which should say something for its validity

It has been checked out by many of the
overseeing community and its still here -- so it is on the level

Again, We all know that there are internet governing sites which monitor net activity
and investigates reports of web pages offering schemes and seemingly trying to con the public
and we ALL know there are people who just surf the net looking for such web pages
I know for a fact that this web page has been reported as such
because I have received emails from certain of the governing sites requesting proof or my claims
I have complied with their requests, sent them the info and passed their tests
therefore this site is STILL on the net and Offering the info


This is better than finding money on the sidewalk
You don't have to worry about someone having lost it

I am responsible for those who have trusted me and bought my info
getting approx $500,000.00 by using my info

100% Money Back
IF you can show the info does NOT work
and request your refund within 14 days of you receiving the info
* No Exceptions *
Send your AREA and ZIP code and ask questions to keep the Money Back Guarantee in place before buying


Get the info within Hours by email


This offer is Not only for Military and Vets and their wives
But EVERYONE gets a discount for a limited time

You will Get my comprehensive instructions on how to use a major banks promotion to Pay less than 1940 prices for gas and groceries
AND learn how to get up to $1250.00 from that bank
I spent over a year perfecting and testing my methods before offering this info on the internet - It Works

The bank does not tell you how to use their promotion
BUT I DO ---- and I assure you can get every penny of the $1250.00 they offer
If you follow my instructions+0&0+



Above is another one of the small ways I can help others
I post this Amber Alert Notice Runner to help
Find lost, missing or abducted children

If the Banner is Yellow there is an active alert


I am also spearheading a movement to get N.A.S.A. to assist police and help find abducted children and Missing Persons and solve other crimes

Go HERE to see what you can do to help


The Special price for the 'Pay less than 1940 prices for gas" info ends soon
for all but the Military Discount

I am ALL about helping others
as you will see if you take the time to read the links on this page

It is my hope that all the skeptics and nay Sayers will at least do some research
- You'll be paid back many time over if you do


As the developer of this info to pay less for gas and groceries and get the
Money from a bank Promotion

You can help Support Our Troops
and Send Any Soldiers, Moms to be / Seniors / Disabled Person /
OR ANYONE who has ever said "My Feet are Killing Me"
great gifts by stopping @

This Link
It also offers an Honor System Military and Veterans Discount
consider what it has to offer
The Buy One Get One FREE personal care item
was invented by me -- the developer of the Info sold on this page )

My innovation - seen there is Packaged By Adult Handicapped
By Participating you provide jobs for them TOO


Special Price - Limited Time AND an Honor System Military & Vets and Wives Discounts Too
No Proof of service is asked for or required there either
Again: You wouldn't say you were in the service just to beat us out of some money - would you ?


I have the info on how you can pay much less than 1940 Prices for gas and groceries
while getting money from a Major Bank's promotion -
The bank running the promo actually Matches Money you spend and Gives it back to you
as impossible as that sounds -- it is True
Their TV commercials boast:
'We have given over $1 billion in matched money back to our customers through our promo"
and you know by FCC law they can NOT SAY THAT IF THEY DON'T DO IT
But they don't tell you how to take full advantage of their offer

That is where I come in

I am offering information which is made up of instructions on how to get
every penny of the money( Up To $1250.00 ) the bank offers

I came up with the ways to get the money by trial and error over a years time
If you do as I instruct You will get every penny of the money the Bank offers too

Its as simple as this:

You buy my info - follow my instructions on how to buy things
and you will be paying less than 1940 prices for gasoline and other purchases -- while getting up to $1250.00 in matched money from the banks promotion
You'll pay as low as .04 per gallon with gas at $2.00 / .06 per gallon with gas at $3.00 and .08 per gallon If gas reaches $4.00 - Impossible ? No

I stake my online reputation on it

Limited time and Numbers

It's not a MLM or a scheme
Its Not gifting or gift certificates
Its just Good Ol' American Ingenuity and know how"


Read what those who have the info say

My copyrighted method is responsible for those who have it getting up to $1250.00 each if they followed my instructions
You can add to that figure

Its not a "quick money" scheme - Its not a trick - Just Good Ol American Ingenuity and Know How
By following the instructions you WILL get every Penny of the $1250.00
in matched money from the bank sponsoring the promotion

You get your money after a year - BUT YOU DO GET IT -

And getting $1250.00 for a few minutes a week is like finding money in my opinion


Don't go to bed tonight without thinking
"what if I get up tomorrow and the
get $1250.00 from a bank offer while paying low prices for gas offer
is sold out in my area"
You'd really feel bad
Don't let that happen
Take a few minutes to investigate this offer and my proof -- THEN ACT
It will be the most productive time you have EVER spent on the Computer
Bar None !!!!!

This offer is Limited in Time and numbers
and a few states have no banks which offer the promo
Buyers in those states can still use online banking and many are - Utah, Colorado, Alaska and Hawaii are sold out and other areas are close to selling out

If this were a scheme would I say that ????

I think I would say "Everyone can get and use this info" - IF it were a scheme ---

When They're Gone - They're gone for good
No amount of bribery or persuasion
could convince me to sell one more than the limit I have set

ASK Questions // Check with us BEFORE buying for availability and
to make sure you understand what you are getting
No Refunds other than if you show The info does NOT WORK


I point out:
If you think this is some type of scheme
Your wrong But don't take my word for it
either read what those who have the info say at the link below OR
have one of your local media check it out
I welcome their inquiry -- that's what a prudent - intelligent person would do
thinking this is not on the level is YOUR MISTAKE


I have been selling this info for over 3 years and I spent a year
perfecting my info and making sure this works
before selling it on the net

It Does Work

Limited Time Offer OF $8.99 and I repeat its Limited to 30 per area code
SO AS not to over load the program in any one area

ask questions AND SEND ZIP - AREA CODES



My claims are hard to believe BUT
They are all true

I leave it to You to Decide

Read what those who have my info say - listen to the interview I did


Please read this page carefully
so you understand exactly what I am offering


What you will get for your Money

The Detailed step by step, instructions to take full advantage of a promotion
a major Bank has been offering

My info which I tested and developed over 1 year before offering it
will instruct you on how to buy items anf get back up to .99 per $1.01 Spent

It will result in your paying less than 1940 prices for gas and groceries
while the bank matches your money
They Actually Give you up to $1250.00 for spending money
As hard as that is to believe - it is true

I used and tested my approach for over a year
before I decided others could really benefit and be helped
by using my info
I compiled the instructions and began offering them online
I have it down to an easy to implement, smoothly operating, minimally time consuming procedure

You will have to spend about 20 minutes per week to reap the benefits

But 20 minutes per week is NOT excessive To get $1250.00
in matched money in a year



If the amount I am asking is too much to get $1250.00

then you can make me an offer for the Info

Don't go to bed tonight wondering if you passed up on a something that could have helped you out
You did, if you don't get this


I am not a professional marketer

I have been living off a disability Income of under $12,000 for over 20 years

I consider myself to be an expert at saving money
and stretching the money I do have

I am just someone who saw a way to take full advantage
of the promotion
and am trying to help others by sharing my find and



Please watch the following video and Visit the site to get items
to send to our soldiers to show your support

It offers one of my inventions the Foot EZE

Stop at Perry Bett's Page
He has more to say
check it out


Again: By using my info
You WILL Get $1250.00 per household from a Major Bank
WHILE Paying less than 1940 prices for gas
and other purchases


Limited Time and Limited Numbers


Here is an email I received: Hi, I was very skeptical of your offer but after I received your email with the info my fears were erased.
I have no aversion to online banking. The info arrived within minutes after I paid just as you promised.
I must say that your method is pretty ingenious and I see
why the bank does not give out this info freely.
I also was very impressed with your story about your recovery from the spinal injury

I also ordered some of your inventions - The Foot Eze and those look great too
I am going to send 6 of them to the son of a friend in Iraq
and have him distribute them to his fellow soldiers

I will post notices of your offer on various sites such as Craigs List and Frugal Forums to help Pay It Forward
Thanks, Wayne, Alabama

Return to top of page


Now to my other Military Discount Offers for one of my own inventions - The FootEze
There are some FREE Bonuses if you purchase

ALL of my innovations are 100% made in the U.S.A.
The Foot Eze is ideal to include in a care package for any soldiers
male or female OR to give to anyone who has ever said
"My Feet are Killing Me" or "Oh, My Aching Feet"
That would include EVERYONE who is on their feet a lot --
Moms to be, Senior Citizens, waitresses, bank tellers, Policemen, Firemen etc


I used Adult Handicapped Workshops to package this Invention

Just click here to see that 2 for 1 and FREE Bonuses offer


My second Honor System Military Discounts is for those of you who have pontoon boats
Again it is an invention of mine with a Military Vets Discounts

Go Here for that Offer

View this montage created at One True Media
HERE is a short interview about my book
"I Shoulda Thought of That"

Please help Keep this page on the internet By Using these Sponsors Services and products

I ask for NO MONEY




Please help Keep this page on the internet By Using these Sponsors Services and products
If you need your computer fixed
Or want to learn the tricks to keep your PC running at top efficiency

Alliance Computer Services is for you
You MUST EMAILS US AND Mention you saw the ad here
and were referred by this page TO GET YOUR discounts
YOU get 50% OFF YOUR FIRST service
and then the LOWEST PRICED Computer repairs YOU WILL find
we can do remote repairs anywhere in the World.

ALL work is 100% Guaranteed
PayPal and credit cards accepted
email James for more info and MORE discounts at



THE Info I send will be an email link to a Web Page
I will give you three days to print the page
THEN I will remove it from my server
That gives you ample time to print the info

It will be removed from the web to save costly bandwidth on my server

I remove the info from my server after you have had time to print the page
IF you need extra time PLEASE notify me IMMEDIATELY
or you will have to pay extra for me to repost YOUR PAGE.
Each Page is Individualized so I need to remove the page to save costly bandwidth
IF I left every page of info on my server it would cost me more
than the piddling amount I charge for the info.

Get your Wunder IP Tracker now.

Get FINANCIAL HELP BY PRAYING FOR A miracle ?????Read This too

Get a cool web address!
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Get a cool web address!
Free SubDomains from

Get a cool web address!
Free SubDomains from

Get a cool web address!
Free SubDomains from



Free JavaScripts provided by The JavaScript Source

 End of Page 
30 End of Page
30 End of Page
30 End of Page
30 End of Page
30 End of Page
30 End of Page
30 End of Page
30 End of Page
30 End of Page
30 End of Page
30 End of Page

Remember: You can share the info with others
That's like YOU are giving EACH of them $1250.00


Limited Numbers =

look for our reply In ALL your folders
Junk, Inbox, Bulk Mail

send the email inquiry into the availability
it part of the requirements for the Money Back Guarantee too

We do NOT sell email addresses nor do we share any info

I want to thank you for stopping at this page

You took the time to visit
NOW you must take the time to read it and the links I provide
and decide like hundreds of others who have this info
If this is something you can use
If your at all on the ball you will see it is something you can use and share with others

Again to repeat: "Sounds Too Good To Be True" DOES NOT ALWAYS mean

I beleive in "Paying It Forward" and "Random Acts Of Kindness"
Doing something nice for someone else randomly
and asking that person to do something nice for someone else
so on and so forth until everyone is doing nice things for everyone else

I doubt that is ever going to happen BUT
I am starting my own string of Random Acts and "PIF" with this No Cost Offer

The bank Running this promotion boasts in their TV commercial
"We have given away over $1 billion to our customers"

Again: the bank DOES give away money -
that is understood and proven by the fact
BY FCC laws they could NOT say that in a commercial
if they did not give the money away
they DON'T tell you how to get their money
That is where I come In

I have devised a method and compiled the instructions
on how to take full advantage of their promotion
by following my info you WILL get every penny of the $1250.00 per household they offer
while paying unbelievable low prices for gas, groceries and other purchases

PayPal / Google CheckOut buyer protection

Or Buy it on Ebay and get the Ebay Buyer protection too

Get this info and share it with others

It's like giving them EACH $1250.00
Thus you will be propagating your own 'Pay It Forward' effort

The Info is guaranteed to work or your Money Back ( see requirements )
and you have PayPal / Google Check Out or Ebay's Buyer Protection
There's No Risk

Email Delivery within Hours Of Paying


We also accept MONEY ORDERS, CHECKS - NO Cash CASH

Ask Questions or send AREA HERE


Email me to get my mailing address for check money order

and after reading this whole page and the links to my background
you will see I am worthy of your trust
don't let pre-conceived or ill-based notions stop you

I am sure if you keep an open mind and
Look closely at the entire page
and at the background info on me which I present here
you will buy the info

To those who have bought it
getting a minimum of $1250.00 was a "Duh" - "no brainer
You can join them in the savings


100% 14 day Money Back
IF you can show the info does NOT work
have sent your area code to check on availability
then request your refund within 14 days of you receiving the info
* No Exceptions *

Ask questions before buying


I have spent over a year and 1/2
perfecting my info and making sure this works
before selling it on the net

It Does

Limited Time and Limited to 30 per area code
some are nearly sold out


IF Your Military, a Veteran or Wife of one

Honor System Veterans and Military Discount
no proof of service is required -
Get $1250.00 - It's a No Brainer

Thank you for your interest and rersponse to my Denny's Free Grand Slam Giveaway notice
Hundreds of you emailed me for details and hope fully got the free meal on Aug 9TH
from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Everyone who stopped in got a FREE Grand Slam
No Coupon Needed
ALL U.S. locations gave a way the Free Grand Slam Meal
Check back here for more Dates


Read this page carefully and fully and Ask Questions

Would you feel silly IF you thought this was a scheme
then found out it wasn't ?

Be Prepared to feel silly

You can get my info for NO MONEY UP FRONT GO HERE
So where is the scheme ????

IF you see something referring to this offer as a "Scheme"
I hope you have enough intelligence to ask me
I can surely disprove any such accusations
Most come from damaged people who have no trust of others
or are jealous of anyone who has a brain
and can think out solutions


Remember, you can opt to get an up to $50.00 BONUS from the bank
over and above the $1250.00 per household you get from using my info
thus my claim "No Cost to You" is valid

and you get Google Check Out / PayPal / protection
But you can pay with Check / Money Order too

You don't have to join Pay Pal to pay
As long as I am a member they will process
Credit card, debit card and echeck payments FREE to you
once on the check out page
Look for "Don't have PayPal Account"
Ask questions before buying


There are testimonials linked below
as well as an interview I did
and my award winning story on why I have a need to help others
It is to pay back a higher power for a miracle He granted me
I am simply "Paying It Forward" and hope those who get this info will do the same
Goolge "Paying it Forward Miracle Spinal Injury Score" -- if you don't know what "Paying It Forward" is

I am hoping CNN Headline News Show Host Clark Howard
will do a segment on this offer in the near future
Please send an email to him and ask it of him so found below is a link to one of my other Inventions
Look for the Gifts for Soldiers Banner
My device is not only for soldiers
BUT it is great for anyone who has ever said
"My Feet are Killing Me"
which is everyone I have ever met

Getting back to my info on How to get $1250.00 while paying less than 1940 prices for gas
My method takes advantage of a promotion a major bank offers

I am sure you are smart enough
and could have thought
of this if you were familiar with the promotion
BUT I have saved you the trouble of burning your brain cells

and It's ONLY $8.99
to get $1250.00 !!!!

Bottom Line = It Simply Works and all my claims are valid

It is NOT A quick fix - it takes time to get the money
I have received every penny of the $1250.00 Which they offer
and I started over a year ago
If you can turn down $1250.00 -- More power to you


PLUS a Money Back - Guaranteed and PayPal / Google Check Out Protection


My method is just basic American Ingenuity

I have taken Saving Money to a "whole 'notha' level"


I suggest you get this info and share it with others
It's Like giving EACH of them $1250.00 too
You'll undoubtedly be the Big Man
in your office or at your church


If you don't order this NOW -- the next person who visits this site might and they are limited in number

But Please email ONLY your AREA code to us to check on AVAILABILITY IN your area

I would not put my name on NOR risk jeopardizing my, PayPal, Ebay, Google Check-Out, MSN Sales, Yahoo Sales, Amazon accounts,
& my online reputation
on anything that was illegal OR did not work


To repeat: With my info You Can Pay Unbelievable low prices for gas, groceries and other purchases
while getting $1250.00 from a promotion a Major Bank is running
Get Yours Before it ends


Once More - If, after you read what I offer as proof
of the validity of my offer
you still think this is some type of scheme
I encourage you to send this site
to any and ALL TV, radio stations, newspapers or TV Network ( CNN PrimeNews ) Programs
and have them investigate the veracity of my claims

I don't fear what they will find
and I welcome the exposure
way to show my
"Pay Less for Gas and get Money From a Bank"
offer is valid is:
it is offered on charity auctions at various times

My selling record is impeccable @ 100%

100% of the final value goes automatically and directly
to the causes designated - I never see the money
there are usaully a few different auctions running

You Must know eBay
and ESPECIALLY their Charity Affiliate ( Mission Fish )
do NOT ALLOW Items that are questionable
They check out ALL the items
So add that to the testimonials
I have given you the link to a site with testimonails from those who already have the info
and the interview I did
and it should be enough Proof
for ANY skeptical person

If you choose to go through Ebay
You get eBay's Buyer Protection in addition to PayPal's OR Google Check Out's protection
You are 100% Protected against schemes
Bid high and Often

AND I repeat: 100% of the final value of an eBay purchase goes to Charity

You MAY also get a Rebate of up to $50.00 so the info is actually - No Cost to YOU

Don't hesitate


By finding this page you can NOW tell your spouse / partner to
stop complaining and be quiet
about your hours of time spent
sitting in front of your computer
-- your surfing the net just paid Off BIG TIME !!!

You have just found a minimum of $1250.00 laying on your Keyboard
FOR an investment of the piddling amount of $8.99
with the Honor System Miliatary Discount

You can Thank Me Later

I am also an inventor of two successful innovations
One of which I sell to those who want to
Support Our Troops ( See Below )
and I am the author of a book about inventing
see that info below too
I stake my reputation on my inventions and anything I offer

By sharing this info
I am keeping a promise made to HELP OTHERS
because I received a 'miracle'

Read these links and you'll have no doubts about the truth of my claims, my character and this offer

If you don't CHOOSE TO GET THIS INFO -- then You will be a loser
and you will have passed up
A one in a million offer

Hundreds have this info and
NOT ONE has asked for a refund because it does NOT work

I don't want any misunderstandings

14 Day Money Back Guarantee as outlined on this page


Don't hesitate
when the 20 per area is reached - they are gone for good

Contact your local tv stations /newspapers
and have their investigative reporters contact me
I have NO worries as to what they will find

Ask your favorite radio or TV host
to contact me and
Set up an interview


PayPal Protection assures you of a risk free Purchase

Get the info within hours by email

"NO MONEY UP FRONT" Here is MY offer
to see how many honest people are out there !!!!
I'll send my info with
No Up Front Money

Limited time and Numbers

If you are one of the first 2 people who email me each day
and IF YOU Agree to send me whatever YOU think
the info was worth to YOU
within two weeks
AFTER you see it is working

To see if you can get it with No Up Front Money
Email me from the link above and
include JUST your AREA AND zip code and the statement saying
"I agree to send you money within two weeks after I find this is working"
You Must include THAT PHRASE IN THE BODY OF YOUR email
and ONLY your AREA code to check on availability in your area
OR the info will be NOT be sent to you
You will get a response within Hours
Telling you if you were one of the first 2
and IF the Info is still available in your State

I change the start time for accepting emails
each day so as not to give anyone an advantage
Why do I need your area code ? -
We are selling ONLY 20 per area
we check it against the States that are sold out
IF there are fewer than 3 available
BUT YOU CAN still buy it here

So Again, where is the Scheme ?

We DO NOT sell any information

What a gift this is
Buy one set of instructions ~ copy them and give them to people you know

The feeling you'll get knowing
you were responsible for them getting
$1250.00 for nothing will be amazing

To Recap:
our on going Special Military ~ Veterans and Wives Discount Price

But again you will get what you pay in the matched Money the first few times you use the info

14 Day Money Back Guarantee
Pay Pal and Google Check Out OR eBay Protection Too ASK QUESTIONS
IF you are confused

You have found the Vehicle to savings
which you never thought possible

I WILL show you how to pay Less than 1940 prices for gas and groceries
and tell you how to get a minimum of $1250.00
from a major bank while doing so
and at NO COST to you

Again: If you're saying "This can't be real" - You're dead wrong
Read what those who have this info say about it
and listen to the interview I have done
Then Decide

No Cost - No Risk Money Back Guarantee with PayPal / Google Check Out Protection

Limited Time / Limited Numbers
But you can get your initial payment back
so its actually NO COST to you
you actually pay nothing

By using my info and implementing my instructions
You will get $1250.00 PER HOUSEHOLD from the bank sponsoring the promotion
while you pay unbelievable low prices for gas and groceries
As low as .05 per gallon with gas @ $2.50 per gallon

Thats right - And again ~ I know it sounds TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE - But if you have ANY smarts
you will get my No Cost - No Risk - info
take the time to make your self familiar with it
YOU WILL SEE THIS works and it is True

Watch the video with the interview at the designated links

because you get up to a $50.00 rebate
over and above the $1250.00 per household

You will have the info by email within hours of sending your payment

Limited Numbers
Most areas have no more than two left

Too show you I am bent on helping others save --
I have also added a few other money saving ideas
To help YOU save money
look for "ADDED Money Saving BONUSES" below
Because of the "If something sounds Too good to be true" mentality
I feel I need to offer more than the usual documentation
about me to decide if you if you want to get my info

After reading this page and the links
I leave the decision to you

If you are serious about saving BIG money
ALL you need do is spend a few minutes
watch the video of a interview I did
and read what those who have my info say
look over the links I present below :
and IF you do - you will find I am truthful
and you WILL BUY my Info -- I am sure

In addition to the Massive Savings ( $1250.00 ) you get back while buying Gas, Groceries and other purchases
The Bank offering the promotion my method is based on
Gives you an initial rebate up to $50.00
which covers the cost
of my info
SO You actually pay Nothing for this info
You get your investment back - PLUS some

No Cost after you get your rebate

Limited Numbers - ONLY 30 sets of instructions per area CODE will be sold
It would be a shame if you hesitated then decided to buy
and they were sold out in your area
Don't let that happen

Don't Hesitate

You will understand why I am limiting the numbers after you see the info


I am disabled and have been for over 21 years
living off a fixed income and
consider myself to be an expert
at stretching my available money

I doubt very much that you
could have come up with this approach
I save you the time and brain cells and I guarantee it works



We offer the Vehicle For you to save tons of money on everyday purchases
And get $1250.00 from a bank

Again, If you're saying "This can't be real" - you're wrong
Read what those who have this say about it
AND contact them HERE

Then Decide

Buy and Follow my instructions and you will be saving money in just days

If you can't afford 5 minutes to read this page then You are not serious about Saving Money

With my help YOU CAN Pay much much less for gas
and groceries and other purchases than you ever thought Possible
Less than 1940's prices and get money from the bank

That's right, follow my instructions and the bank
offering the promotion my method is based on
ACTUALLY GIVES YOU UP TO $1250.00 per household in matched spending -

IF you have no aversion to online banking you can use this EVERYWHERE -
IF that is the case = ( You don't mind online banking )
I suggest all participants use online banking
as it is much easier to track the money the bank is giving you

What you will Get for your $8.99

As stated above the bank IS Giving away Money But they do NOT tell you how to get it -- I DO

I have honed and tested my unique method for two years to make sure
it was effective and worked before starting to sell it on the net
Bottom Line - It's proven and it does work

I offer a detailed instructions to take advantage of the aforementioned promotion

The BANK will give YOU back up to .99 per $1.01 spent
IF you follow my instructions - up to $1250.00 per household

IF you can figure my method out
more power to you
My instructions tell you how to easily implement my smoothly operating, minimally time consuming approach

You will have to spend about 30 minutes per week to reap the benefits

But to get $1250.00 IN a year - 30 minutes per week is NOT excessive

Limited Numbers

Some areas are close to selling out already
and when they're gone they are gone for good

I don't know how long the bank will offer this promotion
with the state of the economy AS IT IS
so don't hesitate
We can make an adjustment if it ends
within a short time after you buy

Since it is my own copyrighted info - I am the ONLY one offering this on the internet
Please - Just read what those who have it say
their comments are offered at links through out this page


Vets - Soldiers & Their wives
The Military Discount has no expiration


To facilitate delivery of the instructions through email
and assure you get them in a timely manner ( within hours after paying )
place in your
safe or allowed senders list
then Look in ALL your email folders - Junk, Deleted, OR Bulk Mail folders
within hours after your payment is made
AOL and Some other buyers email programs use filters which block my emails
and Automatic Responder Notifications
and redirtect them to Junk, Deleted, OR Bulk Mail folders
If you have AOL please send another email address for delivery
ALL buyers should look for emails with "Your Info is Here" in the subject line
If you don't get the info within hours
YOUR FILTERS have blocked my emails
And I may have to send the info USPS

Click HERE to return to the section you came from
and continue reading


Can you Afford NOT to take a closer look at my offer

No Snake Oil - No Smoke Up Your A**

Separate Honor System Military Discount too
We ask for no proof of service
ALL Vets and Active duty armed services members
and their immediate wives qualify

Also available in a 100% to Ebay Charity Auction ( see below )
with all Ebay's protections


Read what others who have it say say & Listen to the interview linked below

Can you afford NOT TO take the chance ?

If you can't pay that to save BIG MONEY
then you should sell your computer
The Info IS ONLY $8.99 For a limited time

What have you got to lose ?

Money Back and PayPal Google Check Out Protection

Its a No Brainer -- To find out how to save tons


We are the ONLY WEBSITE offering our
instructions on how to implement
this unique method
to get and save tons of money on your gasoline & grocery expenditures
in the next few months

Many Others Are Saving because they bought the Info - Why Not You ???
This may be your last chance

You can also pay by Check / Money Order

If you came to this page hoping to find an internet scheme to expose
You will be sorely disappointed.

No Risk - No Cost
There is the PayPal / Google Check Out Buyers Protection and Money Back Guarantee

YOU CAN Pay Less then 1940 prices for gas, groceries
and other purchases
AND GET Money from the Bank running the promotion

You'll get up to a $50.00 extra BONUS from the bank JUST for signing up
so actually this will NOT COST YOU A CENT
PLUS YOU'll save up to $1250.00
in the next few months on All you other purchases

The offer is "Limited in time and numbers" so don't hesisitate

If you wait - they will all be gone and you'll lose out
Most areas have less than three left
Some area are nearly sold out
read how to check on availablity below

I don't expect you to take my word
for the fact my method works
If you are serious about saving money
the links on this page should convince you


I am not a "slick professional marketer"

I am a man of my word AND interested in helping others
as you will read if you take the time

I am just an inventor and author

that's my Blue and Gold Macaw Gilligan
We live in Ft Myers / Cape Coral Fl
from Cleveland Ohio

I stake my reputation on ALL My inventions

I am disabled and have been for over 21 years
living off a fixed income and
consider myself to be an expert at saving money
and stretching my available money

I doubt very much that you
could have come up with this approach


Money Back
If you show me this does not work

Pay Pal * Google Check Out Protected

Visit the links I offer so you can judge for yourself
if I am honest and if you want to trust me

That is fair - I leave it to you to decide

Start a Pay It Forward string yourself

Post notices of this offer on any site which allows such posts
or on in ALL cities
in "Community - General"

You'll be $aving within day$

Retrun to the section you were reading .**.

Seen On CNN's "I-Report .com"


I show you how to get EVERY penny ( $1250.00 ) they offer in their promotion


Again: Go here for more on What you are Getting

t equates to paying .08 per gallon for gas
Thats right I said .08 per gallon
Why am I charging so little for this limited time special ) ?
I am NOT out to gouge anyone

When you get my info - You will say "It just makes too much sense
-- Why didn't I think of this?"

You have killed two birds with one stone

Finding a site that offers the info on how to pay less than 1940's prices for Gas Groceries and other purchases
A Major Financial Institution Offers an on going promotion
If gas is at $2.50 per gallon - your savings equate to paying .05 per gallon
as you will be shown in the info
If gas is at $4.00 ( you pay .08 )

Be patient - read this page carefully and


Ask Questions HERE

I am the ONLY one offering this on the internet
The material is copyrighted by me

I have honed and tested my unique method to make sure
it worked before starting to sell it on the net
Bottom Line - It does work
Can you Afford NOT to take a closer look at my offer

Click Here
To Return to the section
you came from

I will email you the complete instructions
on how to implement this proven money saving method
and show you how TO GET
Your $1250.00 from them
in the next few months
I will include that info and how to do it, quickly and easily, with all your options
and lead you through the process
I will include tips to assure
you will be able take FULL advantage with my method
Once you do it a time or two you'll have no problems
If you do have a problem -
You can just contact me
You will get other money saving info links as well

In addition to the unbelievable saving on gas and grocery purchases
My instructions will save you time and effort


I have not had one request for a refund
because the info did NOT work


Spending 10 minutes on this site will save you BIG TIME

Money Back and PayPal Protected

You can pay less than 1940 prices
for your gas and groceries
and other purchases IF you implement my instructions


Jump HERE To See the Interviews I have done on TV
and read my award winning story
in regard to my various efforts and
why I have the need to help others

I developed, perfected and honed this method to pay less than 1940's prices
for gas and groceries
I was interviewed
on The JB Cloud's Radio Show
99.7 KBCY FM
Abilene, Texas
JB is the 2008 Texas DJ of the Year


You can hear the interview
and JB's evaluation of this Pay 1940's Prices
For your Gas Program
JB has the info and says "It Works, It's Possible"
Click HERE
To hear the interview


Besides the Military Discount - we are offering to EVERYONE - a Special Limited Time Discount

You will be paying below 1940's prices for gas


Money Back Guarantee and PayPal Protected
You can't Lose 5


I assure You'll have this info within hours by email


Send this Page to ALL your friends


If you came here to save some money
Then you will not be disappointed


I know what my YouTube Vids say
BUT Because of abuse and an abundance of dishonest people
who actually robbed me
after I gave away these instructions with No Money Up Front
and asking those who got it to pay afterwards
I was forced to
discontinue the "FREE" promotion for a time But I have brought it back

The decision to suspend that offer was not by choice but forced by the actions / inactions of others
the "No Money Up Front" offer is again being offered



You've got to email this page to everyone you know

I dare you to
contact TV SHOWS
CNN - Dateline - 20/20
or newspapers
OR your
local tv stations investigative reporters
& have them investigate
the truth of my claims



An added benefit over and above the unbelievably BIG savings on gas is
You can save on food & ALL other purchases too


This is NOT A Gas Card Promotion Nor is it Coupons
Its NOT a gizmo or gadget to increase milage
NOR is it info on how to covert your car to be water, hydrogen or air powered
Those things usually DON'T work or require a substantail investment

It is a unique way to pay less for GAS - LEGALLY
It has been referred to as * Ingenious * by many


ALL my inventions & offerings work just as claimed
For those of you who are genuinely interested in saving money
You will be rewarded many times over

I have spent over a year making sure this approach works
It does
I think I deserve some renumeration
for the time spent gathering, testing, refining, & preparing
this information

I would not put my name on NOR risk jeopardising my, -- PayPal, Ebay, Google Check-Out, MSN Sales, Yahoo Sales, Amazon accounts,
& my online reputation
on anything that was illegal OR did not work


I just want to do my part to help others
get some relief from the skyrocketing Fuel prices


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If you don't have time
It would benefit you to pay someone to fill your tank for you

How many people do you know who make / save $100.00 an hour

I can tell you no more than that right now
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You can get the instructions a number of ways -- some FREE

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If you paid $1,100.00 for this information
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All info is copyrighted © 2008 Will M Ft Myers FL.

Don't wait to get this information



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My invention seen there is Packaged By Adult Handicapped
By Participating you provide jobs for them TOO


Many tv shows feature missing children stories such as the case every night ON Ny Grace

Here are Some of My Interviews

And now some TV interviews
In this first one I receive the Great American Award
for my efforts to help others from Mike Jerrick
Who was the Host
OF Fox Network's Morning Show

Click Here to view me
Receiving the Great American Award

on a National Cable TV Show

Also seen there
My "Have a Heart" Interview ON National Cable tv
during which I offer help to a blind Inventor


To see even more Interviews I have done ON TV
Visit This link


Now a Memorial page for
three of my friends
who died in Viet Nam a life time ago is found


by visiting it, you may see I am not interested in sccamming others
but helping others

Are you an inventor ? Get the book "I Shoulda' Thought Of That"
it has sold out in paperback
and will be available as a read file on the net soon
Contact me at the Following Email Link ONLY
to reserve your copy
and to get an email notice when
it is available

Click Here to return to the section you came from
Purchase other innovations
with the Veterans and Miliartary and wives Discount
Buy One get one
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It's part of an Effort to Support the Troops
with one of 2 other inventions
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To Return to the section you came from
Click Here

I reserve the right to refuse to send this info to anyone
for any reason without explanation or giving reason or cause

Here are some
These are NOT revenue producing ads
and by placing them here - FREE - I am merely
attempting to help visitors to this page save money
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Now the Legal Stuff


All info on this & certain connected pages
is copyrighted
© 2008 Ft Myers / Cape Coral FL

You shall NOT post, distribute, copy, email or otherwise make available any material protected by copyright,
trademark or other proprietary right without the express written permission of the owner of the
copyright, trademark or other proprietary right. You shall be solely liable for any damage resulting
from any infringement of copyrights, proprietary rights, or any other harm resulting from such action

You may post a notice of this page
on any site you consider worthy and which allows such posts

Now, please participate in the online petition

A friend of mine
Patrolman Fred Vacha was murdered while on duty in Cleveland Ohio in 1973
His killer is coming up for parole and we are trying to stop that
Help me, help Fred Vacha's Family Get Justice
Fred Vacha we will not forget you

Click HERE
and look for the online Petition to keep Fred Vacha 's murderer in prison
Go Here
to see if you have any Money Owed to You

You have seen this on Oprah and Dteline NBC
There are Billions being held by states
these funds can be old bank accounts, utility deposits,
insurance policies, stocks left by family member
5 minutes can get you thousands
One man was recently given $1,000.000 from stocks his father held
Or if you want to go through a proven website --- Go to my
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Click HERE
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wait until you pay it
before preparing the info to email to you
you can JUST use the
Go to the PayPal Button to pay and get this info with in hours

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Click Here To Return to the Section you just came from

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This works as shown above by some of those who have it already - anyone who has not seen it can NOT possibly make a
judgement as to its viability

Bottom Line It WORKS and it is guaranteed. All you who cry "foul" or "Scaaamm" are dead wrong just plain and simple.
I would like the chance to make a believer out of you, but you are just too damaged to see
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can ACTUALLY BE TRUE - This one of those things That are True
What a shame for you -- You are a loser was a proven scheme This is not
Read the background I offer - but you will find something wrong with that too I am sure.
It's just your untrusting nature --- I cry and pray for you

I have won every bet I ever made with people
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.06 to .10 per gallon for gas and get groceries for pennies
After I tell them how I do it. They MUST pay up -- Why Because IT WORKS

Need More Proof about my claimsFirst here is an email I received April 18th from Ken Cooper

Dear Bill,
I looked up the comments on You Tube and I, like you, cannot believe how many idiots talk or write just
to hear their own voices or post irrelevant opinions.
I wanted to post a comment for you on the site
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I have had far too many problems with my PC getting infected with spyware or viruses regardless of how much protection
software I buy so I do not join such sites.
I would be very pleased if you could post my words or this entire e-mail if you can from
your profile and include my full name if you like.

“I think your method is quite clever and definitely will work.
You are a man of your word and that is very refreshing
these days when there are so many people
that just try to screw other folks over for whatever twisted pleasure they get from that.
I truly appreciate your honesty AND your imagination!

Thanks again. Positive thoughts.
Ken Cooper in Kansas City

No, Thank You Ken, You just helped keep my promise one more time

And finally from someone who got this info with no upfront money and does not want his email address on the a web site
But agreed that I could give his name and address out if asked
I think this is a pretty strong endorsement:
"I understand how this method works, and I'm glad you've been kind enough to put it out
there for everyone.

I am in college and don't have a lot of money
I graduate in a month you can expect a payment from me shortly thereafter
I'm happy to know there are people in this world Like you who aren't bunco artists.
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