The Printable Prayer Page
This Prayer Group was formed online in 2006
Members pray as one
and choose which diety to direct their request to
Many more pages have been added since
as the Group has grown to over 10,000
You are the
Visitor to THIS page
Since It was placed here to provide the Prayer Group members
with a printable copy of our prayer Found HERE
ALL are welcome to submit a prayer request
NO reason is too insignificant
and all reasonable requests will be posted
From prayers to cure cancer
to finding a missing loved one
or mend a broken relationship
10,000 others are praying for and with you
This prayer group was formed in 2006 for people of all religions
to band together seeking help through prayer
to GOD Our Heavenly Father, Our Savior Jesus Christ
any Higher Power our members choose
and St Jude Thaddeus The Catholic patron Saint of Miracles
There is nothing to do to join
except say the prayer
there is a printable copy of prayer below
Join us in saying it
Print the prayer found below
or Bookmark this page
to have the prayer with you at all times
Send an email
by Tapping
and it will be added to some of my
most visited Prayer Group pages
One is Found HERE
You need not be Religious to pray
or submit a request for an intersession
this group is non denominational
and open to anyone in need
Please Follow Me ( @ifindthemissing ) on Twitter
and share the word about Missing Persons
by clicking the Twitter Button below
Follow @Ifindthemissing
I am The Founder of this Group
Will Tomsick from Florida a 73 year old grandfather
I began it to Pay it Forward for a Blessing I received Years ago
and in 2018 I found myself in need
and ask fellow Group members to pray for another miracle
I fought ureter cancer and miraculously we won
Touch HERE
and read the story sharing the details of my fight
I still Thank ALL who prayed each day
I am convinced your prayers helped me
and assure you I still pray everyday for ALL of YOU
Say the following
prayer 9 times per day until your request is answered
to get a page with Just the prayer text
Now The Prayer:
Oh GOD Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Christ,
(now add your choice to direct your prayers to
- the Higher Powers you rely on for blessings
St Jude Thaddeus Worker of Miracles
and Help of Hopeless causes,
hear and grant we beseech you
(( say your request HERE AND ADD ))
"and Bestow the requests
of ALL of our Prayer Group members
who are seeking a spiritual intervention
for miracle medical cures
or personal needs now and in the future"
We promise to be forever grateful for your intersessions
and assist others in finding your solace and help
Once Again after your prayers are granted
Please send me an email
with a Thank You message
TAP Email button below
To send your prayer request
and it will be posted
on some of our
most visited Prayer Group Pages
Tap Here to
Return to The Prayer Group Page
Papa bit.ly/FallenHeroestoo pp -- bit.ly/2M1Wcj52 Cancer bit.ly/2VLm02l7 heroin bit.ly/Isisfunds