We Can Help put YOUR Cause ON It's FEET You Offer Our unique item the "Foot Eze" as a premium in return for donations It Has been seen on TV for up to $19.99 plus $5.95 shipping With little effort You can Put Your Cause ON Solid Footing in no time
We have found people are more likely to donate if they get something in return Offer OUR item Online and keep the net proceeds Or I CAN BUILD YOU A WEBSITE WITH Pay Pal Donation Buttons OR You can collect donations at various benefits which you hold OR which are sponsored by others
through one of our many programs
~ We're Happy ~
If you have a website for your cause you can set up PayPal donation buttons
where you get the money directly
You just need to Send me the donators shipping info
along with the payment for the item and my drop shipping costs
and I will drop ship the items to your donators
and split the amount you take in with them
Sporting Events -- set up a table at a store entrance
Any Event or place where crowds gather
The connection to benefit walks and runs IS OBVIOUS
Most cities hold one or two runs or walks or other charity benefits each month
You can keep busy if you have the drive
You will get from $14.52 to $15.82 NET from each donation
Simply contact the sponsors of Benefits, events or operator of the Location you would like to use
and ask if you can set up a kiosk display and solicit donations during their event - and take orders
Tell the sponsors / proprietor of the venue, you will split the money you collect with them
75/25 ( totally up to you to set the split - after your expenses
YOU CAN ASK for any donation amount
( I have used $20.00 as an example in this presentation and the split % is up to you to agree on with the other party )
Afterwards you take out YOUR expenses for the items and the administration fees for YOUR time and gas
I remind you, The amount of the split is up to you to agree on
I have done this and raised money for other charities
and have some tips on setting up a kiosk
The events were not my own
you just show up / set up / take the donations / give each donator a Foot Eze
get orders
get the donators shipping and INFO AND we can DROP ship the Foot Eze to them
to keep them in "good standing"
Again, you can split the profits with the cause holding the events, AFTER you take out your fees and costs
You'll help the cause you are working with to be get on "solid footing" and EVERYONE WINS
A FREE BONUS comes with each Foot Eze
a reflexology foot massage schematic is included
We have a few ways we can do this
You can buy some Of the Foot Eze to have on hand IF you are going to use the "Event" method
to have an inventory to give the donators a Foot Eze immediately
OR to have them ready to ship to donators IF you DON'T want us to ship for you
If you don't want us to drop ship
Use the Pay Pal Payment Area Below to place your order
You Pay me just $2.79 per unit ( which is marginally above cost ) and add $1.39 Shipping ( total $4.18 ) per unit in your order
That leaves you a NET $15.82 per Donation received for your cause
after you take out your cost of each item
( $20.00 minus $4.18 = $15.82 )
YOU can then Give the sponsor of the event or operator of the location or event his part of the NET
Once more, The above breakdown is totally up to you to agree on with the event sponsor
You collect a $20.00 donation ( arbitrary ) and give the donator a Foot Eze
or you take an order with their donation
IF you want us to DROP ship - WHERE You get the order online or at an event,
you send me the shipping info and we ship the units to the donator
( $2.79 for each unit plus $2.69 for the drop shipping )
- YOUR net will be $14.52 IF we drop ship (
KEEP it all for your your cause
No out of U.S. Lower 48 shipping
Contact us
More ways we have used these in other venues to help others:
we have sold the Foot Eze
To those wishing to show Support for the Troops
And donated part of the proceeds to the cause the buyer designated
Send these to any soldiers in care packages
You can ask for donations and OFFER them as a premium with ANY Donation
Again I will drop ship for an additional $2.69 ( Total = $5.48 to me if you want me to drop ship )
I can even set up a website with PayPal buttons for you to take orders
Great for : Gifts to Any Soldiers to show support, Moms to be for baby shower gifts / party favors
Offer them to Working Women and seniors citizens you know
Take some to old age homes
Handicapped People will also benefit from this Hands FREE Device
Any one who has ever said
~ What this Device Does
The Foot-Eze is better than anything seen on TV lately Because it is And
No Metal Grate to cause irritation The Hands Free FootEze
* Eliminates the need for Bending & Stretching *
Use it while working or relaxing
The Foot EZE Mounts with suction cups to any smooth surface
Remember the premise and basis of Reflexology Foot Massage is =
This unique innovation may provide a more stress free life for the user
Podiatrist Approved
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR DIABETICS Here is the TV commericial we ran $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *************
The Foot Eze was packaged by Adult Handicapped Workshops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No Out of U.S. Lower 48 shipping Click IN THE Appropriate Pay Pay box below This first button is for orders with NO DROP SHIPPING - The units get sent to you ******* This next Button is for orders with DROP SHIPPING Podiatrist Approved ******* ***** Why am I so intent on helping other is told ************ ******* It is an important cause that needs public awareness ~*~ moms to be seniors my feet are killing me free stuff free offers foot care care packages for soldiers calluses foot oder smelly feet sore tired achy feet soothes them releives pain and discomfort of feet working women moms to be makes a great baby shower gift pedicures do it yourself foot care Removes calluses soothes achy tired sore feet for any soldiers male or female Help raise money for any cause Raise money get donations for using these devices at various events Like Benefit walsk and runds for breast cancer, or missing children funds, Any cause you choose or designate an get money and operation funds this way secretaries waitresses nurses bank tellers beauticians beauty salon owners Christopher reeves Dana Reeve
"My feet are Killing me"
"I'm Stressed Out"
will love using this innovation
Place it on wall at foot of tub
Demo Vid for the Hands Free Foot Care Device
~ The Foot Eze ~
Ignore the price in the video
~ We're Happy Feet ~
* We've been using Foot Eze for over 15 years *
an Easier to use NO Bending / No Strecthing / Hands Free Personal Care Device:
The abrasive Pad is made from Safe Silica Graphite
Removes odor causing dead skin & unsightly painful callouses
Stimulates Circulation to feet and legs
Invigorates Sore Tired Achy Feet
Exfoliates Dry Itchy skin
Leaves Feet Fresh - Attractive and Tingling
* Relaxes muscles & relieves STRESS and tension *
the user feels better ALL OVER !!!
through the fundemantals of Reflexology Foot Massage
Any Tile floor - Barracks, Shower
Office ~ Rec Room
Wall @ foot of tub
use it as a Hand held held pumice stone / foot massager
"If YOUR Feet Feel Good ~ YOU Feel Good ALL OVER !!!
By participating in this offer and buying these
You provided jobs for them
There is one for No drop shipping and one for drop shipping included
to order
Each unit comes with a Reflexology Foot Schematic
Mickey Mantle Is Involved
The following cause was also partly funded by the sale of The Foot Eze
Join The Effort Founded By Bill Tomsick Cape Coral FL
to Get N.A.S.A. to cooperate with Law Enforcement
to assist police and Find Abducted children, Missing Women and drastically reduce Other Crimes
by providing real time and archived satellite photos and videos of the crime scenes
support our troops anysoldiers male and female Care packages free items free offers
Do it your self pedicures