Nancy Grace once again topped herself --
within minutes of interviewing Michelle's mother
on Monday Nov 28th GRACE was telling her viewers, over and over again, there was
" a body being fished out of a lake near where Michelle Parkers Car was found at this very moment" the body had been found in a Lake near Millennium Mall
which was also near where Michelle Parker's Hummer was found
Very Compassionate Ms Grace, I am sure the mother was listening
and felt good hearing that her daughters body
might be being treated like a dead bass
It is being reported Grace knew earlier the body was NOT Michelle's
but she chose NOT to mention that fact.
The next night Grace did not mention the body until a caller
asked her about it 40 minutes into her show
Another example of Grace 's questionable 'bed side' manner
is an interview she did with the brother of the Girl Murdered
By Juran Van Der Sloot
She Actually asked him "Now that you have seen your sister's BODY IN THE MORGUE with her eye hanging out
from the beating she received
Again, Ms Grace had NO compassion for the feeling of her guest.
I am sure we all remember Grace's interview with Melinda Duckett
the mother of Missing Trenton Duckett, she committed suicide within hours
after the interview with Grace ended, The Mothers family SUED Grace
and they settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.